Пример #1
 def test_load_as_matrix_hopper(self):
     Test loading valid data Grace Hopper image data element (native RGB
     inst = PilImageReader()
     mat = inst.load_as_matrix(self.gh_file_element)
     assert isinstance(mat, numpy.ndarray)
     assert mat.dtype == numpy.uint8
     assert mat.shape == (600, 512, 3)
Пример #2
 def test_load_as_matrix_no_bytes(self):
     Test that a data element with no bytes fails to load.
     d = DataMemoryElement(content_type='image/png')
     # Not initializing any bytes
     inst = PilImageReader()
     with pytest.raises(IOError,
                        match="Failed to identify image from bytes "
                        "provided by DataMemoryElement"):
Пример #3
    def test_load_as_matrix_invalid_bytes(self):
        Test that data element with invalid data bytes fails to load.
        d = DataMemoryElement(content_type='image/png')
        d.set_bytes(b"not valid bytes")

        inst = PilImageReader()
        with pytest.raises(IOError,
                           match="Failed to identify image from bytes "
                           "provided by DataMemoryElement"):
Пример #4
 def test_load_as_matrix_explicit_grayscale(self):
     Test loading valid Grace Hopper image with an explicit conversion
     type to grayscale. Should result in a single channel image (only 2
     # 8-bit grayscale
     inst = PilImageReader(explicit_mode="L")
     mat = inst.load_as_matrix(self.gh_file_element)
     assert isinstance(mat, numpy.ndarray)
     assert mat.dtype == numpy.uint8
     assert mat.shape == (600, 512)
Пример #5
    def test_load_as_matrix_other_io_exception(self, m_pil_open):
        Test that an IOError that does match conditions for alternate raise
        is raised as-is.
        expected_exception = IOError("some other exception message content")
        m_pil_open.side_effect = expected_exception

        inst = PilImageReader()

        with pytest.raises(IOError, match=str(expected_exception)):
Пример #6
    def test_load_as_matrix_other_exception(self, m_pil_open):
        Test that some other exception raised from ``PIL.Image.open`` is
        passed through.
        expected_exception = RuntimeError("Some other exception")
        m_pil_open.side_effect = expected_exception

        inst = PilImageReader()

        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=str(expected_exception)):
Пример #7
    def test_load_as_matrix_with_crop_not_integer(self):
        Test passing a bounding box that is not integer aligned, which should
        raise an error in the super call.
        inst = PilImageReader()
        bb = AxisAlignedBoundingBox([100, 100.6], [200, 200.2])

        with pytest.raises(ValueError,
                           match=r"Crop bounding box must be "
                           r"composed of integer "
            inst.load_as_matrix(self.gh_file_element, pixel_crop=bb)
Пример #8
    def test_load_as_matrix_with_crop(self):
        Test that passing valid crop bounding box results in the expected area.

        We load two images: the original with a crop specified, and a
        pre-cropped image. The results of each load should be the same,
        indicating the correct region from the source image is extracted.
        inst = PilImageReader()
        mat_expected = inst.load_as_matrix(self.gh_cropped_file_element)
        mat_actual = inst.load_as_matrix(self.gh_file_element,
        numpy.testing.assert_allclose(mat_actual, mat_expected)
Пример #9
 def test_init_valid_mode(self):
     Test construction with a valid image mode.
     expected_mode = "RGB"
     i = PilImageReader(explicit_mode=expected_mode)
     assert i._explicit_mode == expected_mode
Пример #10
 def test_init_no_mode(self):
     Test construction with default no-explicit image mode.
     expected_mode = None
     i = PilImageReader()
     assert i._explicit_mode == expected_mode
Пример #11
 def test_configuration(self):
     Test getting and constructing from configuration.
     expected_exmode = 'L'
     i = PilImageReader(explicit_mode=expected_exmode)
     for inst in configuration_test_helper(i):  # type: PilImageReader
         assert inst._explicit_mode == expected_exmode
Пример #12
 def test_valid_content_types(self):
     Test that the set of valid content types is not empty.
     inst = PilImageReader()
     assert len(inst.valid_content_types()) > 0
Пример #13
 def test_init_invalid_mode(self):
     Test that construction fails when a given ``explicit_mode``.
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         PilImageReader(explicit_mode="not really a mode")
Пример #14
    def test_load_as_matrix_with_crop_not_in_bounds(self):
        Test that error is raised when crop bbox is not fully within the image
        inst = PilImageReader()

        # Nowhere close
        bb = AxisAlignedBoundingBox([5000, 6000], [7000, 8000])
        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError,
                           match=r"Crop provided not within input image\. "
                           r"Image shape: \(512, 600\), crop: "):
            inst.load_as_matrix(self.gh_file_element, pixel_crop=bb)

        # Outside left side
        bb = AxisAlignedBoundingBox([-1, 1], [2, 2])
        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError,
                           match=r"Crop provided not within input image\. "
                           r"Image shape: \(512, 600\), crop: "):
            inst.load_as_matrix(self.gh_file_element, pixel_crop=bb)

        # Outside top side
        bb = AxisAlignedBoundingBox([1, -1], [2, 2])
        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError,
                           match=r"Crop provided not within input image\. "
                           r"Image shape: \(512, 600\), crop: "):
            inst.load_as_matrix(self.gh_file_element, pixel_crop=bb)

        # Outside right side
        bb = AxisAlignedBoundingBox([400, 400], [513, 600])
        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError,
                           match=r"Crop provided not within input image\. "
                           r"Image shape: \(512, 600\), crop: "):
            inst.load_as_matrix(self.gh_file_element, pixel_crop=bb)

        # Outside bottom side
        bb = AxisAlignedBoundingBox([400, 400], [512, 601])
        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError,
                           match=r"Crop provided not within input image\. "
                           r"Image shape: \(512, 600\), crop: "):
            inst.load_as_matrix(self.gh_file_element, pixel_crop=bb)
Пример #15
import unittest

import unittest.mock as mock
import numpy
import pytest

from smqtk_image_io.impls.image_reader.pil_io import PilImageReader
from smqtk_image_io.bbox import AxisAlignedBoundingBox
from smqtk_dataprovider.impls.data_element.file import DataFileElement
from smqtk_dataprovider.impls.data_element.memory import DataMemoryElement
from smqtk_core.configuration import configuration_test_helper

from tests import TEST_DATA_DIR

@pytest.mark.skipif(not PilImageReader.is_usable(),
                    reason="PilImageReader is not usable in current "
class TestPilImageReader(unittest.TestCase):
    Test PIL based implementation of ImageReader interface.
    def setUpClass(cls):
        cls.gh_image_fp = os.path.join(TEST_DATA_DIR, "grace_hopper.png")
        cls.gh_file_element = DataFileElement(cls.gh_image_fp)
        assert cls.gh_file_element.content_type() == 'image/png'

        cls.gh_cropped_image_fp = \
            os.path.join(TEST_DATA_DIR, 'grace_hopper.100x100+100+100.png')
        cls.gh_cropped_file_element = DataFileElement(cls.gh_cropped_image_fp)