Пример #1
def getBoundingBoxScene(product):
    logger = logging.getLogger('root')
    gc = product.getSceneGeoCoding()
    rsize = product.getSceneRasterSize()
    h = rsize.getHeight()
    w = rsize.getWidth()

    p1 = gc.getGeoPos(PixelPos(0, 0), None)
    p2 = gc.getGeoPos(PixelPos(0, h), None)
    p3 = gc.getGeoPos(PixelPos(w, h), None)
    p4 = gc.getGeoPos(PixelPos(w, 0), None)

    rect = Polygon([(p1.getLon(), p1.getLat()), (p2.getLon(), p2.getLat()),
                    (p3.getLon(), p3.getLat()), (p4.getLon(), p4.getLat())])
    rect_utm = utils.wgs2utm(rect)
    return (rect_utm)
Пример #2
def findProductCornerInAuxData(product):
    width = product.getSceneRasterWidth()
    height = product.getSceneRasterHeight()

    cornerX = [0 + 0.5, 0 + 0.5, width - 0.5, width - 0.5]
    cornerY = [0 + 0.5, height - 0.5, 0 + 0.5, height - 0.5]
    cornerLat = []
    cornerLon = []
    for x, y in zip(cornerX, cornerY):
        pixelPos = PixelPos(x + 0.5, y + 0.5)
        geoPos = product.getSceneGeoCoding().getGeoPos(pixelPos, None)
        cornerLat.append(geoPos.getLat() + 90.)  # only positive indeces!
        cornerLon.append(geoPos.getLon() + 180.)  # only positive indeces!
        # if geoPos.getLon() < 0:
        #     cornerLon.append(360 - geoPos.getLon())
        # else:
        #     cornerLon.append(geoPos.getLon())

    minLat = np.min(cornerLat)
    maxLat = np.max(cornerLat)
    minLon = np.min(cornerLon)
    maxLon = np.max(cornerLon)

    coordXmin = np.floor(minLon)
    coordXmax = np.round(maxLon)
    if coordXmax < maxLon:
        coordXmax += 1

    coordYmin = np.floor(minLat)
    coordYmax = np.round(maxLat)
    if coordYmax < maxLat:
        coordYmax += 1

    return coordXmin.astype(np.int32), coordXmax.astype(np.int32), coordYmin.astype(np.int32), coordYmax.astype(np.int32)
Пример #3
def getGeoPositionsForS2Product(product, reshape=True, subset=None):

    if subset is None:
        height = product.getSceneRasterHeight()
        width = product.getSceneRasterWidth()
        sline, eline, scol, ecol = 0, height-1, 0, width -1
        sline,eline,scol,ecol = subset
        height = eline - sline + 1
        width = ecol - scol + 1

    latitude = np.zeros((height, width))
    longitude = np.zeros((height, width))

    for ix, x in enumerate(range(scol, ecol+1)):
        for iy, y in enumerate(range(sline, eline+1)):
            pixelPos = PixelPos(x + 0.5, y + 0.5)
            geoPos = product.getSceneGeoCoding().getGeoPos(pixelPos, None)
            latitude[iy,ix] = geoPos.getLat()
            longitude[iy, ix] = geoPos.getLon()

    if not reshape:
        latitude.shape = (height*width)
        longitude.shape = (height*width)

    return latitude, longitude
Пример #4
def get_subset(files1, files2):
    files1_geocoding = files1.getSceneRasterGeoCoding()
    files2_geocoding = files2.getSceneRasterGeoCoding()
    height = files1.getSceneRasterHeight()
    width =files1.getSceneRasterWidth()
    for h in range(1, height):
        for w in range(1, width):
            g = files1_geocoding.getGeoPos(PixelPos(w, h), None)
            p = files2_geocoding.getPixelPos(g, None)
            if files2.containsPixel(p):
Пример #5
def pixel_position(inprod, inlat, inlon):
    """Get pixel position in a product.

    Extract the pixel position from a product, based on lat / lon coordinates.

        inprod (java.lang.Object): SNAP image product
        inlat (float): latitude of the coordinate in degrees EPSG:4326
        inlon (float): longitude of the coordinate in degrees EPSG:4326

        (tuple): pixel coordinates xx: (int), yy: (int). Returns "None" if\
                 pixel is out of bounds.

    # Read lat/lon position into a GeoPos item
    gpos = GeoPos(inlat, inlon)

    # Retrieve pixel position of lat/lon values
    pixpos = inprod.getSceneGeoCoding().getPixelPos(gpos, PixelPos())

    # If the pixpos coordinates are NaN, the queried position is outside of the
    # image bands
    if math.isnan(pixpos.getX()) or math.isnan(pixpos.getY()):
        xx = None
        yy = None

    # Set coordinates to None if pixpos X/Y is larger than scene width/height
    # (or smaller than zero)
    elif pixpos.getX() <= 0 or pixpos.getY() <= 0  \
    or pixpos.getX() >= inprod.getSceneRasterWidth() \
    or pixpos.getY() >= inprod.getSceneRasterHeight():
        xx = None
        yy = None


        # Get pixel position in the product and retrieve pixel position of
        # lat/lon values.
        xx = int(pixpos.getX())
        yy = int(pixpos.getY())

    return (xx, yy)
Пример #6
def xyToLatLonDim(dataset, x, y):
    pos = dataset.getSceneGeoCoding().getGeoPos(PixelPos(x, y), None)
    return pos.getLon(), pos.getLat()
Пример #7
print("Wind vector created and added to image!")
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

################### MAKING KMZ AND KML FILES ####################
print ("Making KML/KMZ files...")

band_lat = target_2.getBand('latitude')
band_long = target_2.getBand('longitude')

group = PixelGeoCoding(band_lat, band_long, None, 5)  # TODO: Check last parameter (is 5 optimal?)

imHeight = band_lat.getRasterHeight()
imWidth = band_lat.getRasterWidth()

boundNorth = group.getGeoPos(PixelPos(imWidth, 0), GeoPos()).getLat()
boundWest = group.getGeoPos(PixelPos(0, imHeight), GeoPos()).getLon()
boundEast = group.getGeoPos(PixelPos(imWidth, imHeight), GeoPos()).getLon()
boundSouth = group.getGeoPos(PixelPos(imWidth, imHeight), GeoPos()).getLat()

print boundNorth, boundWest, boundEast, boundSouth

# TODO: KMZ generating on hold since I dont know how to show them directly
dirName = fileName
os.makedirs('kmzfiles/' + dirName)
kmz_saveName = 'kmzfiles/' + dirName + '/' + fileName + '.png'
cv2.imwrite(kmz_saveName, img)
print "Writing KML file..."  # TODO: Make legend (bar that shows backscatter color scale)
txt_file = open('kmzfiles/' + dirName + "/doc.kml", "w")