def test_shutdown(tmpworkdir, httpserver): # pylint: disable=unused-argument,redefined-outer-name """test no-work, continuous job assignment and shutdown signal handling""" sserver = SimpleServer(httpserver) proc_agent = multiprocessing.Process( target=agent_main, args=(['--server', sserver.url, '--apikey', 'dummy', '--debug'], )) proc_agent.start() sleep(1) assert proc_agent.is_alive() agent_main(['--shutdown', str(]) proc_agent.join(1) assert not proc_agent.is_alive()
def test_basic(tmpworkdir, test_dummy_a): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """dummy module execution test""" result = agent_main(['--assignment', json.dumps(test_dummy_a), '--debug']) assert result == 0 assert test_dummy_a['targets'][0] in file_from_zip( '' % test_dummy_a['id'], 'assignment.json').decode('utf-8')
def test_fail_server_communication(tmpworkdir, httpserver): # pylint: disable=unused-argument,redefined-outer-name """tests failure handling while retrieving assignment or uploading output""" # oneshot will abort upon first get_assignment error, coverage for external # processes is not working yet. to test the agent's communication error # handling: the agent will run in-thread, will be breaked by # signal/exception and fail_server internals will be checked manualy sserver = FailServer(httpserver) with terminate_after(1): agent_main([ '--server', sserver.url, '--apikey', 'dummy', '--debug', '--backofftime', '0.1' ]) assert sserver.cnt_assign > 1 assert sserver.cnt_output > 1
def test_terminate_with_assignment(tmpworkdir, cleanup_markedprocess, test_longrun_a): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Agent external process handling test. Even thou the test uses nmap module, the point is to test sner.agent.modules.Base _terminate helper. """ proc_agent = multiprocessing.Process( target=agent_main, args=(['--assignment', json.dumps(test_longrun_a), '--debug'], )) proc_agent.start() sleep(1) assert assert proc_agent.is_alive() agent_main(['--terminate', str(]) proc_agent.join(3) assert not proc_agent.is_alive() assert 'MARKEDPROCESS' not in os.popen('ps -f').read()
def test_empty_server_communication(tmpworkdir, live_server, apikey): # pylint: disable=unused-argument,redefined-outer-name """tests oneshot vs wait on assignment on empty server""" result = agent_main([ '--server', live_server.url(), '--apikey', apikey, '--debug', '--oneshot' ]) assert result == 0 proc_agent = multiprocessing.Process( target=agent_main, args=(['--server', live_server.url(), '--apikey', apikey, '--debug'], )) proc_agent.start() sleep(2) assert assert proc_agent.is_alive() agent_main(['--terminate', str(]) proc_agent.join(4) assert not proc_agent.is_alive()
def test_exception_in_module(tmpworkdir): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """test exception handling during agent module execution""" test_a = { 'id': str(uuid4()), 'module': 'notexist', 'params': '', 'targets': [] } result = agent_main(['--assignment', json.dumps(test_a)]) assert result == 1 assert os.path.exists('' % test_a['id'])
def test_run_with_liveserver(tmpworkdir, live_server, apikey, test_dummy_target): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """test basic agent's networking codepath; fetch, execute, pack and upload assignment""" result = agent_main([ '--server', live_server.url(), '--apikey', apikey, '--debug', '--queue', str(test_dummy_target.queue_id), '--oneshot' ]) assert result == 0 job = Job.query.filter(Job.queue_id == test_dummy_target.queue_id).one() assert in file_from_zip( job.output_abspath, 'assignment.json').decode('utf-8')
def test_basic(tmpworkdir): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """nmap module execution test""" test_a = { 'id': str(uuid4()), 'module': 'nmap', 'params': '-sL', 'targets': [''] } result = agent_main(['--assignment', json.dumps(test_a), '--debug']) assert result == 0 assert 'Host: (localhost)' in file_from_zip( '' % test_a['id'], 'output.gnmap').decode('utf-8')
def test_terminate_with_liveserver(tmpworkdir, live_server, apikey, cleanup_markedprocess, test_longrun_target): # noqa: ignore=E501 pylint: disable=unused-argument,redefined-outer-name """ Agent external process handling test. Even thou the test uses nmap module, the point is to test sner.agent.modules.Base _terminate helper. """ proc_agent = multiprocessing.Process(target=agent_main, args=([ '--server', live_server.url(), '--apikey', apikey, '--debug', '--queue', str(test_longrun_target.queue_id), '--oneshot' ], )) proc_agent.start() sleep(1) assert assert proc_agent.is_alive() agent_main(['--terminate', str(]) proc_agent.join(3) assert not proc_agent.is_alive() assert 'MARKEDPROCESS' not in os.popen('ps -f').read()
def test_basic(tmpworkdir): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """manymap module execution test""" test_a = { 'id': str(uuid4()), 'module': 'manymap', 'params': '-sV', 'targets': ['invalid', 'tcp://', 'udp://[::1]:2'] } result = agent_main(['--assignment', json.dumps(test_a), '--debug']) assert result == 0 assert 'Host: (localhost)' in file_from_zip( '' % test_a['id'], 'output-1.gnmap').decode('utf-8') assert '# Nmap done at' in file_from_zip('' % test_a['id'], 'output-2.gnmap').decode('utf-8')
def test_commandline_assignment(tmpworkdir, test_dummy_a): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """test custom assignment passed from command line""" result = agent_main(['--assignment', json.dumps(test_dummy_a)]) assert result == 0 assert os.path.exists('' % test_dummy_a['id'])
def test_version(tmpworkdir): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """test print version""" result = agent_main(['--version']) assert result == 0
def test_invalid_server_oneshot(tmpworkdir): # pylint: disable=unused-argument,redefined-outer-name """test to raise exception in oneshot""" result = agent_main( ['--server', 'http://localhost:0', '--debug', '--oneshot']) assert result == 1