Пример #1
 def integrate(self,x,d):
     w = [d[0],d[4],d[8]]
     return so3.mul(x,so3.from_moment(w))
Пример #2
 def integrate(self,x,d):
     w = [d[0],d[4],d[8]]
     v = d[9:]
     return se3.mul(x,(so3.from_moment(w),v))
Пример #3
def fromJson(jsonobj,type='auto'):
    """Converts from a JSON object (e.g., from json.loads()) to a Klamp't
    object of the appropriate type.  If 'type' is not provided, this attempts
    to infer the object type automatically."""
    if type == 'auto':
        if isinstance(jsonobj,(list,tuple)):
            return jsonobj
        elif isinstance(jsonobj,(bool,int,float,str,unicode)):
            return jsonobj
        elif isinstance(jsonobj,dict):
            if 'type' in jsonobj:
                type = jsonobj["type"]
            elif 'times' in jsonobj and 'milestones' in jsonobj:
                type = 'Trajectory'
            elif 'x' in jsonobj and 'n' in jsonobj and 'kFriction' in jsonobj:
                type = 'ContactPoint'
            raise RuntimeError("Unknown JSON object of type "+jsonobj.__class__.__name)

    if type in ['Config','Configs','Vector','Matrix','Matrix3','RotationMatrix','Value','IntArray','StringArray']:
        return jsonobj
    elif type == 'RigidTransform':
        return jsonobj
    elif type == 'ContactPoint':
        return ContactPoint(jsonobj['x'],jsonobj['n'],jsonobj['kFriction'])
    elif type == 'Trajectory':
        return Trajectory(jsonobj['times'],jsonobj['milestones'])
    elif type == 'IKObjective':
        link = jsonobj['link']
        destlink = jsonobj['destLink'] if 'destLink' in jsonobj else -1
        posConstraint = 'free'
        rotConstraint = 'free'
        localPosition = endPosition = None
        direction = None
        endRotation = None
        localAxis = None
        if 'posConstraint' in jsonobj:
            posConstraint = jsonobj['posConstraint']
        if 'rotConstraint' in jsonobj:
            rotConstraint = jsonobj['rotConstraint']
        if posConstraint == 'planar' or posConstraint == 'linear':
            direction = jsonobj['direction']
        if posConstraint != 'free':
            localPosition = jsonobj['localPosition']
            endPosition = jsonobj['endPosition']
        if rotConstraint != 'free':
            endRotation = jsonobj['endRotation']
        if rotConstraint == 'axis' or rotConstraint == 'twoaxis':
            localAxis = jsonobj['localAxis']
        if posConstraint == 'free' and rotConstraint == 'free':
            return IKObjective()
        elif posConstraint != 'fixed':
            raise NotImplementedError("Can't do non-fixed position constraints yet in Python API")
        if rotConstraint == 'twoaxis':
            raise NotImplementedError("twoaxis constraints are not implemented in Klampt")
        if rotConstraint == 'free':
            obj = IKObjective()
            if destlink >= 0:
            return obj
        elif rotConstraint == 'axis':
            obj = IKObjective()
            h = 0.1
            lpts = [localPosition,vectorops.madd(localPosition,localAxis,h)]
            wpts = [endPosition,vectorops.madd(endPosition,endRotation,h)]
            if destlink >= 0:
            return obj
        elif rotConstraint == 'fixed':
            obj = IKObjective()
            R = so3.from_moment(endRotation)
            t = vectorops.sub(endPosition,so3.apply(R,localPosition))
            return obj
            raise RuntimeError("Invalid IK rotation constraint "+rotConstraint)
    elif type in readers:
        return read(type,jsonobj["data"])
        raise RuntimeError("Unknown or unsupported type "+type)
Пример #4
def readIKObjective(text):
    """Reads an IKObjective from a string in the Klamp't native format
    'link destLink posConstraintType [pos constraint items] ...
    rotConstraintType [rot constraint items]'
    where link and destLink are integers, posConstraintType is one of
    - N: no constraint
    - P: position constrained to a plane
    - L: position constrained to a line
    - F: position constrained to a point
    and rotConstraintType is one of
    - N: no constraint
    - T: two-axis constraint (not supported)
    - A: rotation constrained about axis 
    - F: fixed rotation

    The [pos constraint items] contain a variable number of whitespace-
    separated items, dependending on posConstraintType:
    - N: 0 items
    - P: the local position xl yl zl, world position x y z on the plane, and
      plane normal nx,ny,nz
    - L: the local position xl yl zl, world position x y z on the line, and
      line axis direction nx,ny,nz
    - F: the local position xl yl zl and world position x y z

    The [rot constraint items] contain a variable number of whitespace-
    separated items, dependending on rotConstraintType:
    - N: 0 items
    - T: not supported
    - A: the local axis xl yl zl and the world axis x y z
    - F: the world rotation matrix, in moment (aka exponential map) form
      mx my mz (see so3.from_moment()
    items = text.split()
    if len(items) < 4:
        raise ValueError("Not enough items to unpack")
    link = int(items[0])
    destlink = int(items[1])
    ind = 2
    posType = None
    posLocal = None
    posWorld = None
    posDirection = None
    rotType = None
    rotWorld = None
    rotAxis = None
    #read pos constraint
    posType = items[ind]
    ind += 1
    if posType=='N':
        #no constraint
    elif posType=='P' or posType=='L':
        posLocal = items[ind:ind+3]
        ind += 3
        posWorld = items[ind:ind+3]
        ind += 3
        posDirection = items[ind:ind+3]
        ind += 3
    elif posType=='F':
        posLocal = items[ind:ind+3]
        ind += 3
        posWorld = items[ind:ind+3]
        ind += 3
        raise ValueError("Invalid pos type "+posType+", must be N,P,L or F")
    rotType = items[ind]
    ind += 1
    if rotType=='N':
        #no constraint
    elif rotType=='T' or rotType=='A':
        rotAxis = items[ind:ind+3]
        ind += 3
        rotWorld = items[ind:ind+3]
        ind += 3
    elif rotType=='F':
        rotWorld = items[ind:ind+3]
        ind += 3
        raise ValueError("Invalid rot type "+rotType+", must be N,T,A or F")

    if posLocal: posLocal = [float(v) for v in posLocal]
    if posWorld: posWorld = [float(v) for v in posWorld]
    if posDirection: posDirection = [float(v) for v in posDirection]
    if rotLocal: rotLocal = [float(v) for v in rotLocal]
    if rotWorld: rotWorld = [float(v) for v in rotWorld]
    obj = IKObjective()
    if posType=='N':
    elif posType=='F':
    elif posType=='P':
    if rotType == 'N':
    elif rotType == 'F':
        #fixed constraint
        R = so3.from_moment(rotWorld)
    elif rotType == 'A':
        raise NotImplementedError("Two-axis rotational constraints not supported")
    return obj
Пример #5
 def integrate(self, x, d):
     w = [d[0], d[4], d[8]]
     v = d[9:]
     return se3.mul(x, (so3.from_moment(w), v))
Пример #6
 def integrate(self, x, d):
     w = [d[0], d[4], d[8]]
     return so3.mul(x, so3.from_moment(w))
Пример #7
def readIKObjective(text):
    """Reads an IKObjective from text"""
    items = text.split()
    if len(items) < 4:
        raise ValueError("Not enough items to unpack")
    link = int(items[0])
    destlink = int(items[1])
    ind = 2
    posType = None
    posLocal = None
    posWorld = None
    posDirection = None
    rotType = None
    rotWorld = None
    rotAxis = None
    #read pos constraint
    posType = items[ind]
    ind += 1
    if posType=='N':
        #no constraint
    elif posType=='P' or posType=='L':
        posLocal = items[ind:ind+3]
        ind += 3
        posWorld = items[ind:ind+3]
        ind += 3
        posDirection = items[ind:ind+3]
        ind += 3
    elif posType=='F':
        posLocal = items[ind:ind+3]
        ind += 3
        posWorld = items[ind:ind+3]
        ind += 3
        raise ValueError("Invalid pos type "+posType+", must be N,P,L or F")
    rotType = items[ind]
    ind += 1
    if rotType=='N':
        #no constraint
    elif rotType=='T' or rotType=='A':
        rotAxis = items[ind:ind+3]
        ind += 3
        rotWorld = items[ind:ind+3]
        ind += 3
    elif rotType=='F':
        rotWorld = items[ind:ind+3]
        ind += 3
        raise ValueError("Invalid rot type "+rotType+", must be N,T,A or F")
    if posType != 'F':
        raise NotImplementedError("Python API can only do point and fixed IK goals")
    obj = IKObjective()
    if rotType == 'N':
        #point constraint
        obj.setRelativePoint(link,destlink,[float(v) for v in posLocal],[float(v) for v in posWorld])
    elif rotType == 'F':
        #fixed constraint
        R = so3.from_moment([float(v) for v in rotWorld])
        t = vectorops.sub([float(v) for v in posWorld],so3.apply(R,[float(v) for v in posLocal]))
    elif rotType == 'A':
        #TODO: rotational axis constraints actually can be set in the python API
        raise NotImplementedError("Axis rotations not yet implemented")
        raise NotImplementedError("Two-axis rotational constraints not supported")
    return obj