def correct_zero(data, header, prefix, zero_file): """ Subtract zero from data. Args: data (numpy.ndarray) : A 2D numpy array that contains the data. header ( : A header that will be updated. prefix (str) : File prefix that is added after each reduce. zero_file (str | None) : Master Bias filename. If None is given, nothing is done. """ from os.path import abspath if zero_file is not None: zero =[0] data = data - header['BIASFILE'] = zero_file prefix = 'z' + prefix return data, header, prefix
def correct_flat(data, header, prefix, flat_file): """ Divide the image by the master flat file and add HISTORY to header. Args: data (numpy.ndarray) : A 2D numpy array that contains the data. header ( : A header that will be updated. prefix (str) : File prefix that is added after each reduce. flat_file (str or None) : Master flat filename. If None is given, nothing is done. """ if not isinstance(prefix, str): raise (TypeError, 'Expected string but found %s instead.' % prefix.__class__) if flat_file is not None: flat =[0] data /= header['FLATFILE'] = flat_file prefix = 'f' + prefix return data, header, prefix
def correct_dark(data, header, prefix, dark_file=None): """ Subtract the dark file from data and add HISTORY to header. Args: data (numpy.ndarray) : A 2D numpy array that contains the data. header ( : A header that will be updated. prefix : str File prefix that is added after each reduce. dark_file: str | None Master Dark filename. If None is given, nothing is done. """ if not isinstance(prefix, str): raise (TypeError, 'Expected string but found %s instead.' % prefix.__class__) if dark_file is not None: dark =[0] = / float(dark.header['EXPTIME']) data = data - * header['EXPTIME'] header['DARKFILE'] = dark_file prefix = 'd' + prefix return data, header, prefix
def build_table(list_of_files): """ Return a pandas.DataFrame used to organize the pipeline. Args: list_of_files (list) : list of files to be included in the dataframe. Returns: table (pandas.Dataframe) : a dataframe with information needed for the pipeline. """'Reading raw files') table = pd.DataFrame( columns=[ 'filename', 'instrume', 'obstype', 'filters', 'filter1', 'filter2', 'binning', 'dark_file', 'flat_file', 'zero_file', ] ) list_of_files.sort() for _file in list_of_files: try: hdu = except OSError: log.warning("Could not read file: {}".format(_file)) continue if numpy.std(hdu[1].data.ravel()) == 0: log.warning("Bad data found on file: {}".format(_file)) continue row = pd.Series(data={ 'filename': _file, 'obstype': hdu[0].header['obstype'], 'instrume': hdu[0].header['instrume'].strip().upper(), 'filters': hdu[0].header['filters'], 'filter1': hdu[0].header['filter1'], 'filter2': hdu[0].header['filter2'], 'binning': hdu[1].header['ccdsum'].strip(), 'dark_file': None, 'flat_file': None, 'zero_file': None, }) table = table.append(row, ignore_index=True, sort=True) return table
def get_header(self, hdu_source): """ Return the header of the primary HDU extension of a FITS file. Args: hdu_source (str or : HDUList or name of the file which contains a HDUList. """ from os.path import exists if isinstance(hdu_source, str): if not exists(hdu_source): raise (IOError, '%s file not found.' % hdu_source) hdu_source = h0 = hdu_source[0].header h1 = hdu_source[1].header h0.append('UNITS') h0.set('UNITS', value='ADU', comment='Pixel intensity units.') # Save the CCD binning in the main header h0['CCDSUM'] = h1['CCDSUM'] h0['DETSEC'] = h1['DETSEC'] # Save the area that corresponds to each amplifier bin_size = _np.array(h0['CCDSUM'].split(' '), dtype=int) dx, dy = slices.iraf2python(h0['DETSEC']) dx, dy = dx // bin_size[0], dy // bin_size[1] h0['AMP_SEC1'] = slices.python2iraf(dx[0], dx[1], dy[0], dy[1]) h0['AMP_SEC2'] = slices.python2iraf(dx[0] + dx[1], dx[1] + dx[1], dy[0], dy[1]) h0['AMP_SEC3'] = slices.python2iraf(dx[0], dx[1], dy[0] + dy[1], dy[1] + dy[1]) h0['AMP_SEC4'] = slices.python2iraf(dx[0] + dx[1], dx[1] + dx[1], dy[0] + dy[1], dy[1] + dy[1]) return h0
def process_object_files(df, red_path): """ Args: df (pandas.DataFrame) : a data-frame containing the all the data being processed. red_path (str) : the path where the reduced data is stored. Returns: updated_table (pandas.DataFrame) : an updated data-frame where each file now is attached to the corresponding master Zero file. """ sami_pipeline = reduce.SamiReducer() sami_pipeline.cosmic_rays = True'Processing OBJECT files.') object_df = df.loc[df.obstype.values == 'OBJECT'] for index, row in object_df.iterrows(): sami_pipeline.zero_file = row.zero_file sami_pipeline.dark_file = row.dark_file sami_pipeline.flat_file = row.flat_file obj_file = row.filename path, fname = os.path.split(obj_file) prefix = sami_pipeline.get_prefix() output_obj_file = os.path.join(red_path, prefix + fname) if os.path.exists(output_obj_file): log.warning( 'Skipping existing OBJECT file: {}'.format(output_obj_file)) continue'Processing OBJECT file: {}'.format(obj_file)) hdul = data, header, prefix = sami_pipeline.reduce(hdul) pyfits.writeto(output_obj_file, data, header) return df
def process_zero_files(df, red_path): """ Args: df (pandas.DataFrame) : a data-frame containing the all the data being processed. red_path (str) : the path where the reduced data is stored. Returns: updated_table (pandas.DataFrame) : an updated data-frame where each file now is attached to the corresponding master Zero file. """ sami_pipeline = reduce.SamiReducer() sami_pipeline.cosmic_rays = True binning = df.binning.unique() log.debug('Binning formats found in data: ') for b in binning: log.debug(' {:s}'.format(b)) for b in binning: bx, by = b.split(' ')'Processing ZERO files with binning: {} x {}'.format(bx, by)) mask1 = df.obstype.values == 'ZERO' mask2 = df.binning.values == b zero_table = df.loc[mask1 & mask2] zero_table = zero_table.sort_values('filename') zero_list = [] for index, row in zero_table.iterrows(): sami_pipeline.zero_file = None sami_pipeline.flat_file = None zero_file = row.filename path, fname = os.path.split(zero_file) prefix = sami_pipeline.get_prefix() output_zero_file = os.path.join(red_path, prefix + fname) zero_list.append(prefix + fname) if os.path.exists(output_zero_file): log.warning('Skipping existing file: {}'.format( output_zero_file)) continue'Processing ZERO file: {}'.format(zero_file)) hdul = data, header, prefix = sami_pipeline.reduce(hdul) pyfits.writeto(output_zero_file, data, header) if len(zero_list) == 0: continue zero_list_name = os.path.join(red_path, "0Zero{}x{}".format(bx, by)) with open(zero_list_name, 'w') as zero_list_buffer: for zero_file in zero_list: zero_list_buffer.write('{:s}\n'.format(zero_file))'Combining ZERO files.') master_zero = zero_list_name + '.fits' if os.path.exists(master_zero): log.warning( 'Skipping existing MASTER ZERO: {:s}'.format(master_zero)) else:"Writing master zero to: {}".format(master_zero)) zero_combine_files = [os.path.join(red_path, f) for f in zero_list] zero_combine = combine.ZeroCombine(input_list=zero_combine_files, output_file=master_zero)'Done.') mask1 = df['obstype'].values != 'ZERO' mask2 = df['binning'].values == b df.loc[mask1 & mask2, 'zero_file'] = master_zero return df
def process_flat_files(df, red_path): """ Args: df (pandas.DataFrame) : a data-frame containing the all the data being processed. red_path (str) : the path where the reduced data is stored. Returns: updated_table (pandas.DataFrame) : an updated data-frame where each file now is attached to the corresponding master Zero file. """'Processing FLAT files (SFLAT + DFLAT)') sami_pipeline = reduce.SamiReducer() binning = df.binning.unique() for b in binning: bx, by = b.split(' ')'Processing FLAT files with binning: {} x {}'.format(bx, by)) mask1 = (df.obstype.values == 'SFLAT') | (df.obstype.values == 'DFLAT') mask2 = df.binning.values == b flat_df = df.loc[mask1 & mask2] filters_used = flat_df.filters.unique() for _filter in filters_used:'Processing FLATs for filter: {}'.format(_filter)) filter_flat_df = flat_df.loc[flat_df.filters.values == _filter] filter_flat_df.sort_values('filename') 'Filter Wheel 1: {}'.format(filter_flat_df.filter1.unique()[0])) 'Filter Wheel 2: {}'.format(filter_flat_df.filter2.unique()[0])) flat_list = [] for index, row in filter_flat_df.iterrows(): sami_pipeline.zero_file = row.zero_file sami_pipeline.dark_file = row.dark_file sami_pipeline.flat_file = None flat_file = row.filename prefix = sami_pipeline.get_prefix() path, fname = os.path.split(flat_file) output_flat = os.path.join(red_path, prefix + fname) flat_list.append(prefix + fname) if os.path.exists(output_flat): log.warning( 'Skipping existing FLAT file: {}'.format(output_flat)) continue'Processing FLAT file: {}'.format(flat_file)) hdul = data, header, prefix = sami_pipeline.reduce(hdul) pyfits.writeto(output_flat, data, header) if len(flat_list) == 0: continue flat_list_name = os.path.join( red_path, "1FLAT_{}x{}_{}".format(bx, by, _filter)) with open(flat_list_name, 'w') as flat_list_buffer: for flat_file in flat_list: flat_list_buffer.write('{:s}\n'.format(flat_file)) master_flat = flat_list_name + '.fits' if os.path.exists(master_flat): log.warning( 'Skipping existing MASTER FLAT: {:s}'.format(master_flat)) else:'Writing master FLAT to file: {}'.format(master_flat)) flat_combine_files = [os.path.join(red_path, f) for f in flat_list] flat_combine = combine.FlatCombine( input_list=flat_combine_files, output_file=master_flat) mask1 = df['obstype'].values == 'OBJECT' mask2 = df['binning'].values == b mask3 = df['filters'].values == _filter df.loc[mask1 & mask2 & mask3, 'flat_file'] = master_flat return df