Пример #1
def edit(me, group, name, access, desc, displayPic):
    """update group meta info.
    Only group-admin can edit group meta info.

    Keyword params:
    @name: name of the group.
    @access: group access type (open/closed).
    @desc: description of the group.
    @displayPic: profile pic of the group.

    if me.id not in group.admins:
        raise errors.PermissionDenied('Only administrator can edit group meta data')
    if name:
        start = name.lower() + ':'
        cols = yield db.get_slice(me.basic['org'], "entityGroupsMap",
                                  start=start, count=1)
        for col in cols:
            name_, groupId_ = col.column.name.split(':')
            if name_ == name.lower() and groupId_ != group.id:
                raise errors.InvalidGroupName(name)

    meta = {'basic': {}}
    if name and name != group.basic['name']:
        meta['basic']['name'] = name
    if desc and desc != group.basic.get('desc', ''):
        meta['basic']['desc'] = desc
    if access in ['closed', 'open'] and access != group.basic['access']:
        meta['basic']['access'] = access
    if displayPic:
        avatar = yield saveAvatarItem(group.id, me.basic['org'], displayPic)
        meta['basic']['avatar'] = avatar
    if name and name != group.basic["name"]:
        members = yield db.get_slice(group.id, "groupMembers")
        members = utils.columnsToDict(members).keys()
        entities = members + [me.basic['org']]
        oldColName = "%s:%s" % (group.basic["name"].lower(), group.id)
        colname = '%s:%s' % (name.lower(), group.id)
        mutations = {}
        for entity in entities:
            mutations[entity] = {'entityGroupsMap': {colname: '',
                                                     oldColName: None}}
        #XXX:notify group-members about the change in name
        yield db.batch_mutate(mutations)

    if meta['basic']:
        yield db.batch_insert(group.id, 'entities', meta)
    if not desc and group.basic.get('desc', ''):
        yield db.remove(group.id, "entities", 'desc', 'basic')
    if (not desc and group.basic.get('desc', '')) or meta['basic']:
Пример #2
    def _updateOrgInfo(self, request):
        (appchange, script, args, myId) = yield self._getBasicArgs(request)
        orgId = args["orgId"]
        org = args['org']

        name = utils.getRequestArg(request, "name")
        dp = utils.getRequestArg(request, "dp", sanitize=False)

        orgInfo, orgDetails = {}, {}
        if dp:
            avatar = yield saveAvatarItem(orgId, orgId, dp, isLogo=True)
            orgInfo["basic"] = {}
            orgInfo["basic"]["logo"] = avatar
            org.basic['logo'] = avatar
            orgDetails["logo"] = utils.companyLogo(org)
        if name:
            if "basic" not in orgInfo:
                orgInfo["basic"] = {}
            orgInfo["basic"]["name"] = name
            args['org'].basic['name'] = name
            orgDetails["name"] = name
        if orgInfo:
            yield db.batch_insert(orgId, "entities", orgInfo)

        response = """
                        var data = %s;
                        if (data.logo){
                          var imageUrl = data.logo;
                          parent.$('#sitelogo-img').attr('src', imageUrl);
                        if (data.name){
                          parent.$('#sitelogo-link').attr('title', data.name);
                          parent.$('#sitelogo-img').attr('alt', data.name);
                    """ % (json.dumps(orgDetails),
                            _("Company details updated"))
Пример #3
def create(request, me, name, access, description, displayPic):
    """create a new group.
    add creator to the group members. make create administrator of the group.
    Note: No two groups in an organization should have same name.

    Keyword params:
    @name: name of the group.
    @access: group access type (open/closed).
    @description: description of the group.
    @displayPic: profile pic of the group.
    if not name:
        raise errors.MissingParams([_("Group name")])

    cols = yield db.get_slice(me.basic['org'], "entityGroupsMap",
                              start=name.lower(), count=2)
    for col in cols:
        if col.column.name.split(':')[0] == name.lower():
            raise errors.InvalidGroupName(name)

    groupId = utils.getUniqueKey()
    group = base.Entity(groupId)
    meta = {"name": name, "type": "group",
            "access": access, "org": me.basic['org']}
    admins = {me.id: ''}
    if description:
        meta["desc"] = description

    if displayPic:
        avatar = yield saveAvatarItem(group.id, me.basic['org'], displayPic)
        meta["avatar"] = avatar

    group.update({'basic': meta, 'admins': admins})
    yield group.save()
    colname = _entityGroupMapColName(group)
    yield db.insert(me.id, "entities", name, group.id, 'adminOfGroups')
    yield db.insert(me.basic['org'], "entityGroupsMap", '', colname)
    yield _addMember(request, group, me)