def createUser(emailId, displayName, jobTitle, timezone, passwd): localpart, domain = emailId.split("@") existingUser = yield db.get_count(emailId, "userAuth") if not existingUser: orgId = yield getOrgKey(domain) if not orgId: orgId = utils.getUniqueKey() domains = {domain:''} basic = {"name":domain, "type":"org"} yield db.batch_insert(orgId, "entities", {"basic":basic,"domains":domains}) yield db.insert(domain, "domainOrgMap", '', orgId) userId = yield utils.addUser(emailId, displayName, passwd, orgId, jobTitle, timezone) else: raise Exception("User already exists for " + emailId)
def _addUser(self, request): emailId = utils.getRequestArg(request, 'email') existingUser = db.get_count(emailId, "userAuth") localpart, domain = emailId.split("@") displayName = utils.getRequestArg(request, 'name') jobTitle = utils.getRequestArg(request, 'jobTitle') timezone = utils.getRequestArg(request, 'timezone') passwd = utils.getRequestArg(request, 'password', sanitize=False) pwdrepeat = utils.getRequestArg(request, 'pwdrepeat', sanitize=False) if not displayName or not jobTitle or not timezone or not passwd: raise errors.MissingParams([_("All fields are required to create the user")]) if passwd != pwdrepeat: raise PasswordsNoMatch() args = {'emailId': emailId, 'view': 'invite'} existingUser = yield existingUser if not existingUser: authinfo = yield defer.maybeDeferred(request.getSession, IAuthInfo) orgId = yield getOrgId(domain) if not orgId: orgId = utils.getUniqueKey() domains = {domain: ''} basic = {"name": domain, "type": "org"} yield db.batch_insert(orgId, "entities", {"basic": basic, "domains": domains}) yield db.insert(domain, "domainOrgMap", '', orgId) userId = yield utils.addUser(emailId, displayName, passwd, orgId, jobTitle, timezone) authinfo.username = userId authinfo.organization = orgId authinfo.isAdmin = False yield request._saveSessionToDB() cols = yield db.get_slice(domain, "invitations", [emailId]) cols = utils.supercolumnsToDict(cols) userIds = cols.get(emailId, {}).values() if userIds: db.batch_remove({'invitationsSent': userIds}, names=[emailId]) yield db.remove(domain, "invitations", super_column=emailId) t.render(request, "signup.mako", **args) # Notify all invitees about this user. token = utils.getRequestArg(request, "token") acceptedInvitationSender = cols.get(emailId, {}).get(token) otherInvitees = [x for x in userIds if x not in (acceptedInvitationSender, emailId)] entities = base.EntitySet(userIds + [orgId, userId]) yield entities.fetchData() data = {"entities": entities, 'orgId': orgId} yield notifications.notify([acceptedInvitationSender], ":IA", userId, **data) yield notifications.notify(otherInvitees, ":NU", userId, **data) else: raise InvalidRegistration("A user with this e-mail already exists! Already registered?")
def _addUsers(self, request): authInfo = request.getSession(IAuthInfo) myId = authInfo.username orgId = authInfo.organization org = base.Entity(orgId) yield org.fetchData(['basic', 'domains']) # File upload dataFmt = utils.getRequestArg(request, 'format') data = utils.getRequestArg(request, "data", sanitize=False) # Form submit - single user addtion name = utils.getRequestArg(request, "name") emailId = utils.getRequestArg(request, "email", sanitize=False) passwd = utils.getRequestArg(request, "passwd", sanitize=False) jobTitle = utils.getRequestArg(request, "jobTitle") timezone = utils.getRequestArg(request, "timezone") existingUsers = set() fileUpload = True if (dataFmt or data) else False if fileUpload and not (dataFmt and data): raise errors.MissingParams([_("File")]) if fileUpload and dataFmt not in ('csv', 'tsv'): raise errors.InvalidRequest("New user details are invalid") if not fileUpload and not all([name, emailId, passwd, jobTitle, timezone]): raise errors.MissingParams([_("All fields are required to create the user")]) if dataFmt in ("csv", "tsv"): dialect = csv.excel_tab if dataFmt == "tsv" else csv.excel data = csv.reader(data.split("\n"), dialect=dialect) data = [row for row in data] invalidLines = self._validateData(data, orgId, org) if invalidLines: if len(invalidLines) == 1: msg = "Invalid data found in line %s." % (invalidLines[0]) elif len(invalidLines) <= 3: msg = "Invalid data found in lines %s." % (",".join(invalidLines[:3])) else: msg = "Invalid data found in lines %s and others." % (",".join(invalidLines[:3])) request.write("<script>parent.$$.alerts.error('%s');</script>" % (msg)) raise errors.InvalidRequest("New user details are invalid") if all([name, emailId, passwd, jobTitle, timezone]): data = [[name, emailId, jobTitle, timezone, passwd]] errorFields = [] try: domain = emailId.split("@")[1] if domain not in errorFields = ['Email'] except IndexError: errorFields = ['Email'] if not validTimezone(timezone): errorFields.append('Timezone') if errorFields: raise errors.InvalidRequest("Invalid %s " % (','.join(errorFields))) for row in data: if row: displayName, email, jobTitle, timezone, passwd = row existingUser = yield utils.existingUser(email) if existingUser:"%s is already a member of the network." "not adding it again" % (email)) existingUsers.add(email) continue yield utils.addUser(email, displayName, passwd, orgId, jobTitle, timezone) if not fileUpload: if existingUsers: response = """ $$.alerts.error('User is already in the network.'); $$.dialog.close('addpeople-dlg', true); """ else: response = """ $$'User Added'); $$.dialog.close('addpeople-dlg', true); $$.fetchUri('/admin/people?type=all'); """ else: response = """ <script> parent.$$'Users Added'); parent.$$.fetchUri('/admin/people?type=all'); parent.$$.dialog.close('addpeople-dlg', true); </script> """ request.write(response)