def on_load_ptm(self, event): file_choices = "PTM NetCDF (*.nc)|*.nc|PTM Binary (*_bin.out)|*_bin.out|All Files (*.*)|*.*" dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, message="Open PTM file...", defaultDir=os.getcwd(), defaultFile="", wildcard=file_choices, style=wx.FD_MULTIPLE) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.plot_type = 'particles' path = dlg.GetPath() # Initialise the class if dlg.GetFilterIndex() == 0: #SUNTANS self.flash_status_message("Opening PTM netcdf file: %s" % path) self.PTM = PtmNC(path) elif dlg.GetFilterIndex() == 1: #PTM self.flash_status_message("Opening PTM binary file: %s" % path) self.PTM = PtmBin(path) self.Nt = self.PTM.nt # Update the time drop down list self.timestr = [ datetime.strftime(tt, '%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S') for tt in self.PTM.time ] self.time_list.SetItems(self.timestr) # Plot the first time step if 'xlims' in self.__dict__: self.PTM.plot(self.PTM.nt-1,ax=self.axes,xlims=self.xlims,\ ylims=self.ylims,color=self.particlecolor,\ fontcolor='w',markersize=self.particlesize) else: self.PTM.plot(self.PTM.nt-1,ax=self.axes,fontcolor='w',\ color=self.particlecolor,markersize=self.particlesize) # redraw the figure self.canvas.draw()
def on_load_ptm(self, event): file_choices = "PTM NetCDF (*.nc)|*.nc|PTM Binary (*_bin.out)|*_bin.out|All Files (*.*)|*.*" dlg = wx.FileDialog( self, message="Open PTM file...", defaultDir=os.getcwd(), defaultFile="", wildcard=file_choices, style= wx.FD_MULTIPLE) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.plot_type = 'particles' path = dlg.GetPath() # Initialise the class if dlg.GetFilterIndex() == 0: #SUNTANS self.flash_status_message("Opening PTM netcdf file: %s" % path) self.PTM = PtmNC(path) elif dlg.GetFilterIndex() == 1: #PTM self.flash_status_message("Opening PTM binary file: %s" % path) self.PTM = PtmBin(path) self.Nt = self.PTM.nt # Update the time drop down list self.timestr = [datetime.strftime(tt,'%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S') for tt in self.PTM.time] self.time_list.SetItems(self.timestr) # Plot the first time step if self.__dict__.has_key('xlims'): self.PTM.plot(self.PTM.nt-1,ax=self.axes,xlims=self.xlims,\ ylims=self.ylims,color=self.particlecolor,\ fontcolor='w',markersize=self.particlesize) else: self.PTM.plot(self.PTM.nt-1,ax=self.axes,fontcolor='w',\ color=self.particlecolor,markersize=self.particlesize) # redraw the figure self.canvas.draw()
class SunPlotPy(wx.Frame, Spatial, Grid): """ The main frame of the application """ title = 'sunplot(py)' # Plotting options autoclim = True showedges = False bgcolor = 'k' textcolor = 'w' cmap = 'RdBu' particlesize = 1.8 particlecolor = 'm' # other flags collectiontype = 'cells' oldcollectiontype = 'cells' # tindex = 0 depthlevs = [0., 10., 100., 200., 300., 400., 500.,\ 1000.,2000.,3000.,4000.,5000] _FillValue = 999999 def __init__(self): wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, -1, self.title) self.create_menu() self.create_status_bar() self.create_main_panel() #self.draw_figure() def create_menu(self): self.menubar = wx.MenuBar() ### # File Menu ### menu_file = wx.Menu() # Load a hydro output file m_expt = menu_file.Append(-1, "&Open file\tCtrl-O", "Open netcdf file") self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_open_file, m_expt) # Load a grid file m_grid = menu_file.Append(-1, "&Load grid\tCtrl-G", "Load SUNTANS grid from folder") self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_load_grid, m_grid) # Load a particle file m_part = menu_file.Append(-1, "&Load PTM file\tCtrl-Shift-P", "Load a PTM file") self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_load_ptm, m_part) # Save current scene as an animation m_anim = menu_file.Append(-1, "&Save animation of current scene\tCtrl-S", "Save animation") self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_save_anim, m_anim) # Save the current figure m_prin = menu_file.Append(-1, "&Print current scene\tCtrl-P", "Save figure") self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_save_fig, m_prin) menu_file.AppendSeparator() # Exit m_exit = menu_file.Append(-1, "E&xit\tCtrl-X", "Exit") self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_exit, m_exit) ### # Tools menu ### menu_tools = wx.Menu() m_gridstat = menu_tools.Append(-1, "&Plot grid size statistics", "SUNTANS grid size") self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_plot_gridstat, m_gridstat) m_countcells = menu_tools.Append(-1, "&Count # grid cells", "Grid cell count") self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_count_cells, m_countcells) m_overlaybathy = menu_tools.Append(-1, "&Overlay depth contours", "Depth overlay") self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_overlay_bathy, m_overlaybathy) ### # Help Menu ### menu_help = wx.Menu() m_about = menu_help.Append(-1, "&About\tF1", "About the demo") self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_about, m_about) # Add all of the menu bars self.menubar.Append(menu_file, "&File") self.menubar.Append(menu_tools, "&Tools") self.menubar.Append(menu_help, "&Help") self.SetMenuBar(self.menubar) def create_main_panel(self): """ Creates the main panel with all the controls on it: * mpl canvas * mpl navigation toolbar * Control panel for interaction """ self.panel = wx.Panel(self) # Create the mpl Figure and FigCanvas objects. # 5x4 inches, 100 dots-per-inch # self.dpi = 100 #self.fig = Figure((7.0, 6.0), dpi=self.dpi,facecolor=self.bgcolor) self.fig = Figure((7.0, 6.0), dpi=self.dpi) self.canvas = FigCanvas(self.panel, -1, self.fig) # Since we have only one plot, we can use add_axes # instead of add_subplot, but then the subplot # configuration tool in the navigation toolbar wouldn't # work. # self.axes = self.fig.add_subplot(111) #SetAxColor(self.axes,self.textcolor,self.bgcolor) # Bind the 'pick' event for clicking on one of the bars # #self.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', self.on_pick) ######## # Create widgets ######## self.variable_list = wx.ComboBox(self.panel, size=(200, -1), choices=['Select a variable...'], style=wx.CB_READONLY) self.variable_list.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.on_select_variable) self.time_list = wx.ComboBox(self.panel, size=(200, -1), choices=['Select a time step...'], style=wx.CB_READONLY) self.time_list.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.on_select_time) self.depthlayer_list = wx.ComboBox( self.panel, size=(200, -1), choices=['Select a vertical layer...'], style=wx.CB_READONLY) self.depthlayer_list.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.on_select_depth) self.show_edge_check = wx.CheckBox(self.panel, -1, "Show Edges", style=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT) self.show_edge_check.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.on_show_edges) if USECMOCEAN: cmaps = [] for cmap in cm.cmapnames: cmaps.append(cmap) cmaps.append(cmap + '_r') # Add all reverse map options else: # Use matplotlib standard cmaps = list( cmaps.sort() self.colormap_list = wx.ComboBox(self.panel, size=(100, -1), choices=cmaps, style=wx.CB_READONLY) self.colormap_list.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.on_select_cmap) self.colormap_label = wx.StaticText(self.panel, -1, "Colormap:") self.clim_check = wx.CheckBox(self.panel, -1, "Manual color limits ", style=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT) self.clim_check.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.on_clim_check) self.climlow = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel, size=(100, -1), style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER) self.climlow.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.on_climlow) self.climhigh = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel, size=(100, -1), style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER) self.climhigh.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.on_climhigh) # Labels self.variable_label = wx.StaticText(self.panel, -1, "Variable:", size=(200, -1)) self.time_label = wx.StaticText(self.panel, -1, "Time step:", size=(200, -1)) self.depth_label = wx.StaticText(self.panel, -1, "Vertical level:", size=(200, -1)) # Create the navigation toolbar, tied to the canvas # self.toolbar = NavigationToolbar(self.canvas) #self.toolbar.toolitems[8][3]='my_save_fig' #def my_save_fig(self,*args): # print 'saving figure' # return "break" ######### # Layout with box sizers ######### self.vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.vbox.Add(self.canvas, 1, wx.LEFT | wx.TOP | wx.GROW) self.vbox.Add(self.toolbar, 0, wx.EXPAND) self.vbox.AddSpacer(10) #self.vbox.Add((-1,25)) flags = wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL self.hbox0 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.hbox0.Add(self.show_edge_check, 0, border=10, flag=flags) self.hbox0.Add(self.colormap_label, 0, border=10, flag=flags) self.hbox0.Add(self.colormap_list, 0, border=10, flag=flags) self.hbox0.Add(self.clim_check, 0, border=10, flag=flags) self.hbox0.Add(self.climlow, 0, border=10, flag=flags) self.hbox0.Add(self.climhigh, 0, border=10, flag=flags) self.vbox.AddSpacer(5) self.hbox1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.hbox1.Add(self.variable_label, 0, border=10, flag=flags) self.hbox1.Add(self.time_label, 0, border=10, flag=flags) self.hbox1.Add(self.depth_label, 0, border=10, flag=flags) self.vbox.AddSpacer(5) self.hbox2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.hbox2.Add(self.variable_list, 0, border=10, flag=flags) self.hbox2.Add(self.time_list, 0, border=10, flag=flags) self.hbox2.Add(self.depthlayer_list, 0, border=10, flag=flags) self.vbox.Add(self.hbox1, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.TOP) self.vbox.Add(self.hbox2, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.TOP) self.vbox.Add(self.hbox0, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.TOP) self.panel.SetSizer(self.vbox) self.vbox.Fit(self) ########## # Event functions ########## def create_figure(self): """ Creates the figure """ # Find the colorbar limits if unspecified if self.autoclim: self.clim = [,] self.climlow.SetValue('%3.1f' % self.clim[0]) self.climhigh.SetValue('%3.1f' % self.clim[1]) if 'collection' in self.__dict__: #self.collection.remove() self.axes.collections.remove(self.collection) else: # First call - set the axes limits self.axes.set_aspect('equal') self.axes.set_xlim(self.xlims) self.axes.set_ylim(self.ylims) if self.collectiontype == 'cells': self.collection = PolyCollection(self.xy, cmap=self.cmap) self.collection.set_array(np.array([:])) if not self.showedges: self.collection.set_edgecolors( self.collection.to_rgba(np.array(([:])))) elif self.collectiontype == 'edges': xylines = [self.xp[self.edges], self.yp[self.edges]] linesc = [ list(zip(xylines[0][ii, :], xylines[1][ii, :])) for ii in range(self.Ne) ] self.collection = LineCollection(linesc, array=np.array([:]), cmap=self.cmap) self.collection.set_clim(vmin=self.clim[0], vmax=self.clim[1]) self.axes.add_collection(self.collection) self.title = self.axes.set_title(self.genTitle(), color=self.textcolor) self.axes.set_xlabel('Easting [m]') self.axes.set_ylabel('Northing [m]') # create a colorbar if 'cbar' not in self.__dict__: self.cbar = self.fig.colorbar(self.collection) #SetAxColor(,self.textcolor,self.bgcolor) else: #pass print('Updating colorbar...') #self.cbar.check_update(self.collection) self.cbar.on_mappable_changed(self.collection) self.canvas.draw() def update_figure(self): if self.autoclim: self.clim = [,] self.climlow.SetValue('%3.1f' % self.clim[0]) self.climhigh.SetValue('%3.1f' % self.clim[1]) else: self.clim = [float(self.climlow.GetValue()),\ float(self.climhigh.GetValue())] # check whether it is cell or edge type if self.hasDim(self.variable, self.griddims['Ne']): self.collectiontype = 'edges' elif self.hasDim(self.variable, self.griddims['Nc']): self.collectiontype = 'cells' # Create a new figure if the variable has gone from cell to edge of vice # versa if not self.collectiontype == self.oldcollectiontype: self.create_figure() self.oldcollectiontype = self.collectiontype self.collection.set_array(np.array([:])) self.collection.set_clim(vmin=self.clim[0], vmax=self.clim[1]) # Cells only if self.collectiontype == 'cells': if not self.showedges: self.collection.set_edgecolors( self.collection.to_rgba(np.array(([:])))) else: self.collection.set_edgecolors('k') self.collection.set_linewidths(0.2) # Update the title self.title = self.axes.set_title(self.genTitle(), color=self.textcolor) #Update the colorbar self.cbar.update_normal(self.collection) # redraw the figure self.canvas.draw() def on_pick(self, event): # The event received here is of the type # matplotlib.backend_bases.PickEvent # # It carries lots of information, of which we're using # only a small amount here. # box_points = event.artist.get_bbox().get_points() msg = "You've clicked on a bar with coords:\n %s" % box_points dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, msg, "Click!", wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() def on_select_variable(self, event): vname = event.GetString() self.flash_status_message("Selecting variable: %s" % vname) # update the spatial object and load the data self.variable = vname self.loadData(variable=self.variable) # Check if the variable has a depth coordinate depthstr = [''] # If so populate the vertical layer box if self.hasDim(self.variable, self.griddims['Nk']): depthstr = ['%3.1f' % self.z_r[k] for k in range(self.Nkmax)] depthstr += ['surface', 'seabed'] elif self.hasDim(self.variable, 'Nkw'): depthstr = ['%3.1f' % self.z_w[k] for k in range(self.Nkmax + 1)] self.depthlayer_list.SetItems(depthstr) # Update the plot self.update_figure() def on_select_time(self, event): self.tindex = event.GetSelection() # Update the object time index and reload the data if self.plot_type == 'hydro': if not self.tstep == self.tindex: self.tstep = self.tindex self.loadData() self.flash_status_message("Selecting variable: %s..." % event.GetString()) # Update the plot self.update_figure() elif self.plot_type == 'particles': self.PTM.plot(self.tindex,ax=self.axes,\ xlims=self.axes.get_xlim(),ylims=self.axes.get_ylim()) self.canvas.draw() def on_select_depth(self, event): kindex = event.GetSelection() if not self.klayer[0] == kindex: # Check if its the seabed or surface value if kindex >= self.Nkmax: kindex = event.GetString() self.klayer = [kindex] self.loadData() self.flash_status_message("Selecting depth: %s..." % event.GetString()) # Update the plot self.update_figure() def on_open_file(self, event): file_choices = "SUNTANS NetCDF (*.nc)|*.nc*|UnTRIM NetCDF (*.nc)|*.nc*|All Files (*.*)|*.*" dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, message="Open SUNTANS file...", defaultDir=os.getcwd(), defaultFile="", wildcard=file_choices, style=wx.FD_MULTIPLE) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.plot_type = 'hydro' path = dlg.GetPaths() # Initialise the class if dlg.GetFilterIndex() == 0 or dlg.GetFilterIndex() > 1: #SUNTANS self.flash_status_message("Opening SUNTANS file: %s" % path) try: Spatial.__init__(self, path, _FillValue=self._FillValue) except: Spatial.__init__(self, path, _FillValue=-999999) startvar = 'dv' if dlg.GetFilterIndex() == 1: #UnTRIM self.flash_status_message("Opening UnTRIMS file: %s" % path) #Spatial.__init__(self,path,gridvars=untrim_gridvars,griddims=untrim_griddims) UNTRIMSpatial.__init__(self, path) startvar = 'Mesh2_face_depth' # Populate the drop down menus vnames = self.listCoordVars() self.variable_list.SetItems(vnames) # Update the time drop down list if 'time' in self.__dict__: self.timestr = [ datetime.strftime(tt, '%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S') for tt in self.time ] else: # Assume that it is a harmonic-type file self.timestr = self.time_list.SetItems(self.timestr) # Draw the depth if startvar in vnames: self.variable = startvar self.loadData() self.create_figure() def on_load_grid(self, event): dlg = wx.DirDialog(self, message="Open SUNTANS grid from folder...", defaultPath=os.getcwd(), style=wx.DD_DEFAULT_STYLE) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: path = dlg.GetPath() # Initialise the class self.flash_status_message("Opening SUNTANS grid from folder: %s" % path) Grid.__init__(self, path) # Plot the Grid if 'collection' in self.__dict__: self.axes.collections.remove(self.collection) self.axes, self.collection = self.plotmesh(ax=self.axes, edgecolors='y') # redraw the figure self.canvas.draw() def on_load_ptm(self, event): file_choices = "PTM NetCDF (*.nc)|*.nc|PTM Binary (*_bin.out)|*_bin.out|All Files (*.*)|*.*" dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, message="Open PTM file...", defaultDir=os.getcwd(), defaultFile="", wildcard=file_choices, style=wx.FD_MULTIPLE) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.plot_type = 'particles' path = dlg.GetPath() # Initialise the class if dlg.GetFilterIndex() == 0: #SUNTANS self.flash_status_message("Opening PTM netcdf file: %s" % path) self.PTM = PtmNC(path) elif dlg.GetFilterIndex() == 1: #PTM self.flash_status_message("Opening PTM binary file: %s" % path) self.PTM = PtmBin(path) self.Nt = self.PTM.nt # Update the time drop down list self.timestr = [ datetime.strftime(tt, '%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S') for tt in self.PTM.time ] self.time_list.SetItems(self.timestr) # Plot the first time step if 'xlims' in self.__dict__: self.PTM.plot(self.PTM.nt-1,ax=self.axes,xlims=self.xlims,\ ylims=self.ylims,color=self.particlecolor,\ fontcolor='w',markersize=self.particlesize) else: self.PTM.plot(self.PTM.nt-1,ax=self.axes,fontcolor='w',\ color=self.particlecolor,markersize=self.particlesize) # redraw the figure self.canvas.draw() def on_show_edges(self, event): sender = event.GetEventObject() self.showedges = sender.GetValue() # Update the figure self.update_figure() def on_clim_check(self, event): sender = event.GetEventObject() if sender.GetValue() == True: self.autoclim = False self.update_figure() else: self.autoclim = True def on_climlow(self, event): self.clim[0] = event.GetString() #self.update_figure() def on_climhigh(self, event): self.clim[1] = event.GetString() #self.update_figure() def on_select_cmap(self, event): self.cmap = event.GetString() if USECMOCEAN: self.collection.set_cmap(getattr(cm, self.cmap)) else: self.collection.set_cmap(self.cmap) # Update the figure self.update_figure() def on_save_fig(self, event): """ Save a figure of the current scene to a file """ file_choices = " (*.png)|*.png| (*.pdf)|*.pdf |(*.jpg)|*.jpg |(*.eps)|*eps " filters = ['.png', '.pdf', '.png', '.png'] dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, message="Save figure to file...", defaultDir=os.getcwd(), defaultFile="", wildcard=file_choices, style=wx.FD_SAVE | wx.FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: path = dlg.GetPath() ext = filters[dlg.GetFilterIndex()] if ext in path: outfile = path else: outfile = path + ext self.fig.savefig(outfile) def on_save_anim(self, event): """ Save an animation of the current scene to a file """ file_choices = "Quicktime (*.mov)|*.mov| (*.gif)|*.gif| (*.avi)|*.avi |(*.mp4)|*.mp4 " filters = ['.mov', '.gif', '.avi', '.mp4'] dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, message="Output animation file...", defaultDir=os.getcwd(), defaultFile="", wildcard=file_choices, style=wx.FD_SAVE | wx.FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: path = dlg.GetPath() ext = filters[dlg.GetFilterIndex()] if ext in path: outfile = path else: outfile = path + ext self.flash_status_message("Saving figure to file: %s" % outfile) self.flash_status_message("Saving animation to file: %s" % outfile) # Create the animation #self.tstep = range(self.Nt) # Use all time steps for animation #self.animate(cbar=self.cbar,cmap=self.cmap,\ # xlims=self.axes.get_xlim(),ylims=self.axes.get_ylim()) def initanim(): if not self.plot_type == 'particles': return (self.title, self.collection) else: return (self.PTM.title, self.PTM.p_handle) def updateScalar(i): if not self.plot_type == 'particles': self.tstep = [i] self.loadData() self.update_figure() return (self.title, self.collection) elif self.plot_type == 'particles': self.PTM.plot(i,ax=self.axes,\ xlims=self.axes.get_xlim(),ylims=self.axes.get_ylim()) return (self.PTM.title, self.PTM.p_handle) self.anim = animation.FuncAnimation(self.fig, \ updateScalar, init_func = initanim, frames=self.Nt, interval=50, blit=True) if ext == '.gif':, writer='imagemagick', fps=6) elif ext == '.mp4': print('Saving html5 video...') # Ensures html5 compatibility,writer='mencoder',fps=6,\ bitrate=3600,extra_args=['-ovc','x264']) # mencoder options #bitrate=3600,extra_args=['-vcodec','libx264']) else:, writer='mencoder', fps=6, bitrate=3600) # Return the figure back to its status del self.anim self.tstep = self.tindex if not self.plot_type == 'particles': self.loadData() self.update_figure() # Bring up a dialog box dlg2 = wx.MessageDialog(self, 'Animation complete.', "Done", wx.OK) dlg2.ShowModal() dlg2.Destroy() def on_exit(self, event): self.Destroy() def on_about(self, event): msg = """ SUNTANS NetCDF visualization tool *Author: Matt Rayson *Institution: Stanford University *Created: October 2013 """ dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, msg, "About", wx.OK) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() def on_count_cells(self, eveny): msg = "Total 3-D grid cells = %d" % (self.count_cells()) dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, msg, "No. cells", wx.OK) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() def on_overlay_bathy(self, event): # Plot depth contours print('Plotting contours...') self.contourf(z=self.dv, clevs=self.depthlevs,\ ax=self.axes,\ filled=False, colors='0.5', linewidths=0.5, zorder=1e6) print('Done') def on_plot_gridstat(self, event): """ Plot the grid size histogram in a new figure """ matplotlib.pyplot.figure() self.plothist() def create_status_bar(self): self.statusbar = self.CreateStatusBar() def flash_status_message(self, msg, flash_len_ms=1500): self.statusbar.SetStatusText(msg) self.timeroff = wx.Timer(self) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.on_flash_status_off, self.timeroff) self.timeroff.Start(flash_len_ms, oneShot=True) def on_flash_status_off(self, event): self.statusbar.SetStatusText('')
class SunPlotPy(wx.Frame, Spatial, Grid ): """ The main frame of the application """ title = 'sunplot(py)' # Plotting options autoclim=True showedges=False bgcolor='k' textcolor='w' cmap='RdBu' particlesize = 1.8 particlecolor = 'm' # other flags collectiontype='cells' oldcollectiontype='cells' # tindex=0 depthlevs = [0., 10., 100., 200., 300., 400., 500.,\ 1000.,2000.,3000.,4000.,5000] _FillValue=999999 def __init__(self): wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, -1, self.title) self.create_menu() self.create_status_bar() self.create_main_panel() #self.draw_figure() def create_menu(self): self.menubar = wx.MenuBar() ### # File Menu ### menu_file = wx.Menu() # Load a hydro output file m_expt = menu_file.Append(-1, "&Open file\tCtrl-O", "Open netcdf file") self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_open_file, m_expt) # Load a grid file m_grid = menu_file.Append(-1, "&Load grid\tCtrl-G", "Load SUNTANS grid from folder") self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_load_grid, m_grid) # Load a particle file m_part = menu_file.Append(-1, "&Load PTM file\tCtrl-Shift-P", "Load a PTM file") self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_load_ptm, m_part) # Save current scene as an animation m_anim = menu_file.Append(-1,"&Save animation of current scene\tCtrl-S","Save animation") self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_save_anim, m_anim) # Save the current figure m_prin = menu_file.Append(-1,"&Print current scene\tCtrl-P","Save figure") self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_save_fig, m_prin) menu_file.AppendSeparator() # Exit m_exit = menu_file.Append(-1, "E&xit\tCtrl-X", "Exit") self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_exit, m_exit) ### # Tools menu ### menu_tools = wx.Menu() m_gridstat = menu_tools.Append(-1, "&Plot grid size statistics", "SUNTANS grid size") self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_plot_gridstat, m_gridstat) m_countcells = menu_tools.Append(-1, "&Count # grid cells", "Grid cell count") self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_count_cells, m_countcells) m_overlaybathy = menu_tools.Append(-1, "&Overlay depth contours", "Depth overlay") self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_overlay_bathy, m_overlaybathy) ### # Help Menu ### menu_help = wx.Menu() m_about = menu_help.Append(-1, "&About\tF1", "About the demo") self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_about, m_about) # Add all of the menu bars self.menubar.Append(menu_file, "&File") self.menubar.Append(menu_tools, "&Tools") self.menubar.Append(menu_help, "&Help") self.SetMenuBar(self.menubar) def create_main_panel(self): """ Creates the main panel with all the controls on it: * mpl canvas * mpl navigation toolbar * Control panel for interaction """ self.panel = wx.Panel(self) # Create the mpl Figure and FigCanvas objects. # 5x4 inches, 100 dots-per-inch # self.dpi = 100 #self.fig = Figure((7.0, 6.0), dpi=self.dpi,facecolor=self.bgcolor) self.fig = Figure((7.0, 6.0), dpi=self.dpi) self.canvas = FigCanvas(self.panel, -1, self.fig) # Since we have only one plot, we can use add_axes # instead of add_subplot, but then the subplot # configuration tool in the navigation toolbar wouldn't # work. # self.axes = self.fig.add_subplot(111) #SetAxColor(self.axes,self.textcolor,self.bgcolor) # Bind the 'pick' event for clicking on one of the bars # #self.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', self.on_pick) ######## # Create widgets ######## self.variable_list = wx.ComboBox( self.panel, size=(200,-1), choices=['Select a variable...'], style=wx.CB_READONLY) self.variable_list.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.on_select_variable) self.time_list = wx.ComboBox( self.panel, size=(200,-1), choices=['Select a time step...'], style=wx.CB_READONLY) self.time_list.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.on_select_time) self.depthlayer_list = wx.ComboBox( self.panel, size=(200,-1), choices=['Select a vertical layer...'], style=wx.CB_READONLY) self.depthlayer_list.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.on_select_depth) self.show_edge_check = wx.CheckBox(self.panel, -1, "Show Edges", style=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT) self.show_edge_check.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.on_show_edges) if USECMOCEAN: cmaps=[] for cmap in cm.cmapnames: cmaps.append(cmap) cmaps.append(cmap+'_r') # Add all reverse map options else: # Use matplotlib standard cmaps = cmaps.sort() self.colormap_list = wx.ComboBox( self.panel, size=(100,-1), choices=cmaps, style=wx.CB_READONLY) self.colormap_list.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.on_select_cmap) self.colormap_label = wx.StaticText(self.panel, -1,"Colormap:") self.clim_check = wx.CheckBox(self.panel, -1, "Manual color limits ", style=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT) self.clim_check.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.on_clim_check) self.climlow = wx.TextCtrl( self.panel, size=(100,-1), style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER) self.climlow.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.on_climlow) self.climhigh = wx.TextCtrl( self.panel, size=(100,-1), style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER) self.climhigh.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.on_climhigh) # Labels self.variable_label = wx.StaticText(self.panel, -1,"Variable:",size=(200,-1)) self.time_label = wx.StaticText(self.panel, -1,"Time step:",size=(200,-1)) self.depth_label = wx.StaticText(self.panel, -1,"Vertical level:",size=(200,-1)) # Create the navigation toolbar, tied to the canvas # self.toolbar = NavigationToolbar(self.canvas) #self.toolbar.toolitems[8][3]='my_save_fig' #def my_save_fig(self,*args): # print 'saving figure' # return "break" ######### # Layout with box sizers ######### self.vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.vbox.Add(self.canvas, 1, wx.LEFT | wx.TOP | wx.GROW) self.vbox.Add(self.toolbar, 0, wx.EXPAND) self.vbox.AddSpacer(10) #self.vbox.Add((-1,25)) flags = wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL self.hbox0 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.hbox0.Add(self.show_edge_check, 0, border=10, flag=flags) self.hbox0.Add(self.colormap_label, 0, border=10, flag=flags) self.hbox0.Add(self.colormap_list, 0, border=10, flag=flags) self.hbox0.Add(self.clim_check, 0, border=10, flag=flags) self.hbox0.Add(self.climlow, 0, border=10, flag=flags) self.hbox0.Add(self.climhigh, 0, border=10, flag=flags) self.vbox.AddSpacer(5) self.hbox1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.hbox1.Add(self.variable_label, 0, border=10, flag=flags) self.hbox1.Add(self.time_label, 0, border=10, flag=flags) self.hbox1.Add(self.depth_label, 0, border=10, flag=flags) self.vbox.AddSpacer(5) self.hbox2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.hbox2.Add(self.variable_list, 0, border=10, flag=flags) self.hbox2.Add(self.time_list, 0, border=10, flag=flags) self.hbox2.Add(self.depthlayer_list, 0, border=10, flag=flags) self.vbox.Add(self.hbox1, 0, flag = wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.TOP) self.vbox.Add(self.hbox2, 0, flag = wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.TOP) self.vbox.Add(self.hbox0, 0, flag = wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.TOP) self.panel.SetSizer(self.vbox) self.vbox.Fit(self) ########## # Event functions ########## def create_figure(self): """ Creates the figure """ # Find the colorbar limits if unspecified if self.autoclim: self.clim = [,] self.climlow.SetValue('%3.1f'%self.clim[0]) self.climhigh.SetValue('%3.1f'%self.clim[1]) if self.__dict__.has_key('collection'): #self.collection.remove() self.axes.collections.remove(self.collection) else: # First call - set the axes limits self.axes.set_aspect('equal') self.axes.set_xlim(self.xlims) self.axes.set_ylim(self.ylims) if self.collectiontype=='cells': self.collection = PolyCollection(self.xy,cmap=self.cmap) self.collection.set_array(np.array([:])) if not self.showedges: self.collection.set_edgecolors(self.collection.to_rgba(np.array(([:])))) elif self.collectiontype=='edges': xylines = [self.xp[self.edges],self.yp[self.edges]] linesc = [zip(xylines[0][ii,:],xylines[1][ii,:]) for ii in range(self.Ne)] self.collection = LineCollection(linesc,array=np.array([:]),cmap=self.cmap) self.collection.set_clim(vmin=self.clim[0],vmax=self.clim[1]) self.axes.add_collection(self.collection) self.title=self.axes.set_title(self.genTitle(),color=self.textcolor) self.axes.set_xlabel('Easting [m]') self.axes.set_ylabel('Northing [m]') # create a colorbar if not self.__dict__.has_key('cbar'): self.cbar = self.fig.colorbar(self.collection) #SetAxColor(,self.textcolor,self.bgcolor) else: #pass print 'Updating colorbar...' #self.cbar.check_update(self.collection) self.cbar.on_mappable_changed(self.collection) self.canvas.draw() def update_figure(self): if self.autoclim: self.clim = [,] self.climlow.SetValue('%3.1f'%self.clim[0]) self.climhigh.SetValue('%3.1f'%self.clim[1]) else: self.clim = [float(self.climlow.GetValue()),\ float(self.climhigh.GetValue())] # check whether it is cell or edge type if self.hasDim(self.variable,self.griddims['Ne']): self.collectiontype='edges' elif self.hasDim(self.variable,self.griddims['Nc']): self.collectiontype='cells' # Create a new figure if the variable has gone from cell to edge of vice # versa if not self.collectiontype==self.oldcollectiontype: self.create_figure() self.oldcollectiontype=self.collectiontype self.collection.set_array(np.array([:])) self.collection.set_clim(vmin=self.clim[0],vmax=self.clim[1]) # Cells only if self.collectiontype=='cells': if not self.showedges: self.collection.set_edgecolors(self.collection.to_rgba(np.array(([:])))) else: self.collection.set_edgecolors('k') self.collection.set_linewidths(0.2) # Update the title self.title=self.axes.set_title(self.genTitle(),color=self.textcolor) #Update the colorbar self.cbar.update_normal(self.collection) # redraw the figure self.canvas.draw() def on_pick(self, event): # The event received here is of the type # matplotlib.backend_bases.PickEvent # # It carries lots of information, of which we're using # only a small amount here. # box_points = event.artist.get_bbox().get_points() msg = "You've clicked on a bar with coords:\n %s" % box_points dlg = wx.MessageDialog( self, msg, "Click!", wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() def on_select_variable(self, event): vname = event.GetString() self.flash_status_message("Selecting variable: %s"%vname) # update the spatial object and load the data self.variable = vname self.loadData(variable=self.variable) # Check if the variable has a depth coordinate depthstr = [''] # If so populate the vertical layer box if self.hasDim(self.variable,self.griddims['Nk']): depthstr = ['%3.1f'%self.z_r[k] for k in range(self.Nkmax)] depthstr += ['surface','seabed'] elif self.hasDim(self.variable,'Nkw'): depthstr = ['%3.1f'%self.z_w[k] for k in range(self.Nkmax+1)] self.depthlayer_list.SetItems(depthstr) # Update the plot self.update_figure() def on_select_time(self, event): self.tindex = event.GetSelection() # Update the object time index and reload the data if self.plot_type=='hydro': if not self.tstep==self.tindex: self.tstep=self.tindex self.loadData() self.flash_status_message("Selecting variable: %s..."%event.GetString()) # Update the plot self.update_figure() elif self.plot_type=='particles': self.PTM.plot(self.tindex,ax=self.axes,\ xlims=self.axes.get_xlim(),ylims=self.axes.get_ylim()) self.canvas.draw() def on_select_depth(self, event): kindex = event.GetSelection() if not self.klayer[0]==kindex: # Check if its the seabed or surface value if kindex>=self.Nkmax: kindex=event.GetString() self.klayer = [kindex] self.loadData() self.flash_status_message("Selecting depth: %s..."%event.GetString()) # Update the plot self.update_figure() def on_open_file(self, event): file_choices = "SUNTANS NetCDF (*.nc)|*.nc*|UnTRIM NetCDF (*.nc)|*.nc*|All Files (*.*)|*.*" dlg = wx.FileDialog( self, message="Open SUNTANS file...", defaultDir=os.getcwd(), defaultFile="", wildcard=file_choices, style= wx.FD_MULTIPLE) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.plot_type='hydro' path = dlg.GetPaths() # Initialise the class if dlg.GetFilterIndex() == 0 or dlg.GetFilterIndex() > 1: #SUNTANS self.flash_status_message("Opening SUNTANS file: %s" % path) try: Spatial.__init__(self, path, _FillValue=self._FillValue) except: Spatial.__init__(self, path, _FillValue=-999999) startvar='dv' if dlg.GetFilterIndex()==1: #UnTRIM self.flash_status_message("Opening UnTRIMS file: %s" % path) #Spatial.__init__(self,path,gridvars=untrim_gridvars,griddims=untrim_griddims) UNTRIMSpatial.__init__(self,path) startvar='Mesh2_face_depth' # Populate the drop down menus vnames = self.listCoordVars() self.variable_list.SetItems(vnames) # Update the time drop down list if self.__dict__.has_key('time'): self.timestr = [datetime.strftime(tt,'%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S') for tt in self.time] else: # Assume that it is a harmonic-type file self.timestr = self.time_list.SetItems(self.timestr) # Draw the depth if startvar in vnames: self.variable=startvar self.loadData() self.create_figure() def on_load_grid(self, event): dlg = wx.DirDialog( self, message="Open SUNTANS grid from folder...", defaultPath=os.getcwd(), style= wx.DD_DEFAULT_STYLE) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: path = dlg.GetPath() # Initialise the class self.flash_status_message("Opening SUNTANS grid from folder: %s" % path) Grid.__init__(self,path) # Plot the Grid if self.__dict__.has_key('collection'): self.axes.collections.remove(self.collection) self.axes,self.collection = self.plotmesh(ax=self.axes,edgecolors='y') # redraw the figure self.canvas.draw() def on_load_ptm(self, event): file_choices = "PTM NetCDF (*.nc)|*.nc|PTM Binary (*_bin.out)|*_bin.out|All Files (*.*)|*.*" dlg = wx.FileDialog( self, message="Open PTM file...", defaultDir=os.getcwd(), defaultFile="", wildcard=file_choices, style= wx.FD_MULTIPLE) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.plot_type = 'particles' path = dlg.GetPath() # Initialise the class if dlg.GetFilterIndex() == 0: #SUNTANS self.flash_status_message("Opening PTM netcdf file: %s" % path) self.PTM = PtmNC(path) elif dlg.GetFilterIndex() == 1: #PTM self.flash_status_message("Opening PTM binary file: %s" % path) self.PTM = PtmBin(path) self.Nt = self.PTM.nt # Update the time drop down list self.timestr = [datetime.strftime(tt,'%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S') for tt in self.PTM.time] self.time_list.SetItems(self.timestr) # Plot the first time step if self.__dict__.has_key('xlims'): self.PTM.plot(self.PTM.nt-1,ax=self.axes,xlims=self.xlims,\ ylims=self.ylims,color=self.particlecolor,\ fontcolor='w',markersize=self.particlesize) else: self.PTM.plot(self.PTM.nt-1,ax=self.axes,fontcolor='w',\ color=self.particlecolor,markersize=self.particlesize) # redraw the figure self.canvas.draw() def on_show_edges(self,event): sender=event.GetEventObject() self.showedges = sender.GetValue() # Update the figure self.update_figure() def on_clim_check(self,event): sender=event.GetEventObject() if sender.GetValue() == True: self.autoclim=False self.update_figure() else: self.autoclim=True def on_climlow(self,event): self.clim[0] = event.GetString() #self.update_figure() def on_climhigh(self,event): self.clim[1] = event.GetString() #self.update_figure() def on_select_cmap(self,event): self.cmap=event.GetString() if USECMOCEAN: self.collection.set_cmap(getattr(cm,self.cmap)) else: self.collection.set_cmap(self.cmap) # Update the figure self.update_figure() def on_save_fig(self,event): """ Save a figure of the current scene to a file """ file_choices = " (*.png)|*.png| (*.pdf)|*.pdf |(*.jpg)|*.jpg |(*.eps)|*eps " filters=['.png','.pdf','.png','.png'] dlg = wx.FileDialog( self, message="Save figure to file...", defaultDir=os.getcwd(), defaultFile="", wildcard=file_choices, style= wx.FD_SAVE | wx.FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: path = dlg.GetPath() ext = filters[dlg.GetFilterIndex()] if ext in path: outfile=path else: outfile = path+ext self.fig.savefig(outfile) def on_save_anim(self,event): """ Save an animation of the current scene to a file """ file_choices = "Quicktime (*.mov)|*.mov| (*.gif)|*.gif| (*.avi)|*.avi |(*.mp4)|*.mp4 " filters=['.mov','.gif','.avi','.mp4'] dlg = wx.FileDialog( self, message="Output animation file...", defaultDir=os.getcwd(), defaultFile="", wildcard=file_choices, style= wx.FD_SAVE | wx.FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: path = dlg.GetPath() ext = filters[dlg.GetFilterIndex()] if ext in path: outfile=path else: outfile = path+ext self.flash_status_message("Saving figure to file: %s" %outfile) self.flash_status_message("Saving animation to file: %s" %outfile) # Create the animation #self.tstep = range(self.Nt) # Use all time steps for animation #self.animate(cbar=self.cbar,cmap=self.cmap,\ # xlims=self.axes.get_xlim(),ylims=self.axes.get_ylim()) def initanim(): if not self.plot_type=='particles': return (self.title, self.collection) else: return (self.PTM.title,self.PTM.p_handle) def updateScalar(i): if not self.plot_type=='particles': self.tstep=[i] self.loadData() self.update_figure() return (self.title,self.collection) elif self.plot_type=='particles': self.PTM.plot(i,ax=self.axes,\ xlims=self.axes.get_xlim(),ylims=self.axes.get_ylim()) return (self.PTM.title,self.PTM.p_handle) self.anim = animation.FuncAnimation(self.fig, \ updateScalar, init_func = initanim, frames=self.Nt, interval=50, blit=True) if ext=='.gif':,writer='imagemagick',fps=6) elif ext=='.mp4': print 'Saving html5 video...' # Ensures html5 compatibility,writer='mencoder',fps=6,\ bitrate=3600,extra_args=['-ovc','x264']) # mencoder options #bitrate=3600,extra_args=['-vcodec','libx264']) else:,writer='mencoder',fps=6,bitrate=3600) # Return the figure back to its status del self.anim self.tstep=self.tindex if not self.plot_type=='particles': self.loadData() self.update_figure() # Bring up a dialog box dlg2= wx.MessageDialog(self, 'Animation complete.', "Done", wx.OK) dlg2.ShowModal() dlg2.Destroy() def on_exit(self, event): self.Destroy() def on_about(self, event): msg = """ SUNTANS NetCDF visualization tool *Author: Matt Rayson *Institution: Stanford University *Created: October 2013 """ dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, msg, "About", wx.OK) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() def on_count_cells(self,eveny): msg = "Total 3-D grid cells = %d"%(self.count_cells()) dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, msg, "No. cells", wx.OK) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() def on_overlay_bathy(self,event): # Plot depth contours print 'Plotting contours...' self.contourf(z=self.dv, clevs=self.depthlevs,\ ax=self.axes,\ filled=False, colors='0.5', linewidths=0.5, zorder=1e6) print 'Done' def on_plot_gridstat(self, event): """ Plot the grid size histogram in a new figure """ matplotlib.pyplot.figure() self.plothist() def create_status_bar(self): self.statusbar = self.CreateStatusBar() def flash_status_message(self, msg, flash_len_ms=1500): self.statusbar.SetStatusText(msg) self.timeroff = wx.Timer(self) self.Bind( wx.EVT_TIMER, self.on_flash_status_off, self.timeroff) self.timeroff.Start(flash_len_ms, oneShot=True) def on_flash_status_off(self, event): self.statusbar.SetStatusText('')