def login(request): username = request.GET.get('username') password = request.GET.get('password') if not username or not password: return HttpResponse('Failed: username and password are needed') sola = solaSpider() unique_code = sola.login(username, password) if not unique_code: return HttpResponse("Failed: check your account") return HttpResponse("Success: " + unique_code)
def login(request): username = request.GET.get("username") password = request.GET.get("password") if not username or not password: return HttpResponse("Failed: username and password are needed") sola = solaSpider() unique_code = sola.login(username, password) if not unique_code: return HttpResponse("Failed: check your account") return HttpResponse("Success: " + unique_code)
def bookAppointment(request): username = request.GET.get("username") password = request.GET.get("password") doc_number = request.GET.get("doc_number") item_sequence = request.GET.get("item_sequence") pickup = request.GET.get("pickup") end_time = request.GET.get("end_time") sola = solaSpider() unique_code = sola.login(username, password) if not unique_code: return HttpResponse("Failed: check your account") success = sola.book_appointment(unique_code, doc_number, item_sequence, pickup, end_time) if not success: return HttpResponse("Failed: counld not make an appointment") return HttpResponse("Success: make the appointment successful")
def bookAppointment(request): username = request.GET.get('username') password = request.GET.get('password') doc_number = request.GET.get('doc_number') item_sequence = request.GET.get('item_sequence') pickup = request.GET.get('pickup') end_time = request.GET.get('end_time') sola = solaSpider() unique_code = sola.login(username, password) if not unique_code: return HttpResponse('Failed: check your account') success = sola. book_appointment(unique_code, doc_number, item_sequence, pickup, end_time) if not success: return HttpResponse('Failed: counld not make an appointment') return HttpResponse('Success: make the appointment successful')
def searchByBook(requset): bookName = requset.GET.get("book", "") if bookName == "": return HttpResponse("Request error") # read cache xml = cache.get("B_" + bookName) if xml: return HttpResponse(xml, content_type="application/xml") sola = solaSpider() t1 = time.time() books = sola.getBookList(bookName, False) print "search books by book cost : " + repr(time.time() - t1) + "s" xml = "" for book in books: # book is a dictionary bookid = storeBookItem(book) # construct the return xml xml += getBookItemXml(bookid) if xml == "": return HttpResponse("No relative records for this book!") xml = packXml(xml, 0, "book") cache.set("B_" + bookName, xml, 60 * 60 * 24) return HttpResponse(xml, content_type="application/xml")
def searchByCourse(requset): course = requset.GET.get("course", "") if course == "": return HttpResponse("Request error") print type(course) course = correct.correct(course) print type(course) xml = cache.get("C_" + course) # check whether has some data in redis if xml: return HttpResponse(xml, content_type="application/xml") try: # check whether this couse is in database c = Courses.objects.get(cname=course) # return the historic result xml = getExistCourseRecord(c) cache.set("C_" + course, xml, 60 * 60 * 24) return HttpResponse(xml, content_type="application/xml") except Courses.DoesNotExist: # this course has not been searched before # search it, and store the result in database cr = CourseReptile() t1 = time.time() booksNames = cr.course_search(course) print "search books by course cost : " + repr(time.time() - t1) + "s" # if not correlated book for this course if not len(booksNames): return HttpResponse("No relative book for this course!") c = Courses.objects.create(cname=course, description="") # count the similar of bookname and course similarNames = [] for bookName in booksNames: p = Levenshtein.ratio(bookName, course) similarNames.append((bookName, p)) # sort the book names by the similar booksNames = sorted(similarNames, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) print booksNames xml = "" for bookName, p in booksNames: # to be implement. this operation should return a list of dictionary sola = solaSpider() t1 = time.time() books = sola.getBookList(bookName, True) print "search books by book cost : " + repr(time.time() - t1) + "s" # some database operation for book in books: print book # book is a dictionary bookid = storeBookItem(book) # construct the return xml xml += getBookItemXml(bookid) # create the relation for this new course and the the relative book r = Relation.objects.create(course=c, bid=bookid, click=0) if xml == "": return HttpResponse("No relative book for this course!") xml = packXml(xml,, "course") # write in cache cache.set("C_" + course, xml, 60 * 60 * 24) return HttpResponse(xml, content_type="application/xml")
def getBookDetail(request): isbn = request.GET.get("isbn", "") bname = request.GET.get("bname", "") author = request.GET.get("author", "") if isbn == "": return HttpResponse("Request error") try: b = Books.objects.get(isbn=isbn, bname=bname, author=author) url = b.url except Books.DoesNotExist: return HttpResponse("ISBN error") # url = '' # url = '' # detail is a dictionary sola = solaSpider() detail = sola.getDetail(url) print detail if len(detail) == 0: books = sola.getBookList(bname, False) for book in books: if book["bname"] == bname and book["author"] == author: url = book["link"] break print "new url" print url b.url = url detail = sola.getDetail(url) xml = "" # compare witb key in an unknown code... filt_word = ["形态", "全部馆藏"] collect = "全部馆藏" htmlfilter = re.compile("<.*?>") signfilter = re.compile("[ :-]") for key in detail: flag = 0 for f in filt_word: # but it does work well if f in key: flag = 1 break if flag: continue # remove the html part like <span> </span> contain = htmlfilter.sub("", detail[key]) # remove : and space and - parsekey = signfilter.sub("", key) xml += "<%s><![CDATA[%s]]></%s>\n" % (parsekey, contain, parsekey) for key in detail: if collect in key: msg = detail[key] collect_xml = "<馆藏状态>\n" for m in msg: item = ( "<子项>\n" + "<应还日期><![CDATA[%s]]></应还日期>\n" + "<馆藏地><![CDATA[%s]]></馆藏地>\n" + "<架位><![CDATA[%s]]></架位>\n" + "<available><![CDATA[%s]]></available>\n" + "<doc_number><![CDATA[%s]]></doc_number>\n" + "<item_sequence><![CDATA[%s]]></item_sequence>\n" + "</子项>\n" ) item = item % (m["应还日期"], m["馆藏地"], m["架位"], m["available"], m["doc_number"], m["item_sequence"]) collect_xml += item collect_xml = collect_xml + "</馆藏状态>\n" xml += collect_xml xml = packXml(xml, 0, "book") return HttpResponse(xml, content_type="application/xml")
def searchByCourse(requset): course = requset.GET.get("course", "") if course == "": return HttpResponse("Request error") print type(course) course = correct.correct(course) print type(course) xml = cache.get("C_" + course) # check whether has some data in redis if xml: return HttpResponse(xml, content_type="application/xml") try: # check whether this couse is in database c = Courses.objects.get(cname = course) # return the historic result xml = getExistCourseRecord(c) cache.set("C_" + course, xml, 60 * 60 * 24) return HttpResponse(xml, content_type="application/xml") except Courses.DoesNotExist: # this course has not been searched before # search it, and store the result in database cr = CourseReptile() t1 = time.time() booksNames = cr.course_search(course) print "search books by course cost : " + repr(time.time() - t1) + "s" # if not correlated book for this course if not len(booksNames): return HttpResponse("No relative book for this course!") c = Courses.objects.create(cname = course, description = "") # count the similar of bookname and course similarNames = [] for bookName in booksNames: p = Levenshtein.ratio(bookName, course) similarNames.append((bookName, p)) # sort the book names by the similar booksNames = sorted(similarNames, key = lambda x : x[1], reverse = True) print booksNames xml = "" for bookName, p in booksNames: # to be implement. this operation should return a list of dictionary sola = solaSpider() t1 = time.time() books = sola.getBookList(bookName, True) print "search books by book cost : " + repr(time.time() - t1) + "s" # some database operation for book in books: print book # book is a dictionary bookid = storeBookItem(book) # construct the return xml xml += getBookItemXml(bookid) # create the relation for this new course and the the relative book r = Relation.objects.create(course = c, bid = bookid, click = 0) if xml == "": return HttpResponse("No relative book for this course!") xml = packXml(xml,, "course") # write in cache cache.set("C_" + course, xml, 60 * 60 * 24) return HttpResponse(xml, content_type="application/xml")
def getBookDetail(request): isbn = request.GET.get("isbn", "") bname = request.GET.get("bname", "") author = request.GET.get("author", "") if isbn == "": return HttpResponse("Request error") try: b = Books.objects.get(isbn = isbn, bname = bname, author = author) url = b.url except Books.DoesNotExist: return HttpResponse("ISBN error") # url = '' # url = '' # detail is a dictionary sola = solaSpider() detail = sola.getDetail(url) print detail if len(detail) == 0: books = sola.getBookList(bname, False) for book in books: if book["bname"] == bname and book["author"] == author: url = book["link"] break print "new url" print url b.url = url detail = sola.getDetail(url) xml = "" # compare witb key in an unknown code... filt_word = ["形态", "全部馆藏"] collect = "全部馆藏" htmlfilter = re.compile('<.*?>') signfilter = re.compile('[ :-]') for key in detail: flag = 0 for f in filt_word: # but it does work well if f in key: flag = 1 break if flag: continue # remove the html part like <span> </span> contain = htmlfilter.sub('', detail[key]) # remove : and space and - parsekey = signfilter.sub('', key) xml += '<%s><![CDATA[%s]]></%s>\n' % (parsekey, contain, parsekey) collect_xml = '' for key in detail: if collect in key: msg = detail[key] collect_xml = "<馆藏状态>\n" for m in msg: item = "<子项>\n" +\ "<应还日期><![CDATA[%s]]></应还日期>\n" +\ "<馆藏地><![CDATA[%s]]></馆藏地>\n" +\ "<架位><![CDATA[%s]]></架位>\n" +\ "<available><![CDATA[%s]]></available>\n" +\ "<doc_number><![CDATA[%s]]></doc_number>\n" +\ "<item_sequence><![CDATA[%s]]></item_sequence>\n" +\ "</子项>\n" item = item % (m["应还日期"], m["馆藏地"], m["架位"], m["available"], m["doc_number"], m["item_sequence"]) collect_xml += item collect_xml = collect_xml + "</馆藏状态>\n" xml += collect_xml xml = packXml(xml, 0, "book") return HttpResponse(xml, content_type="application/xml")