Пример #1
def xulaconnector():
    screw_xuout = 2.5
    screw_xuin = 1.5
    screw_toph = 1
    offset = 5
    length = offset + THICK_WALL
    # XULA2 is attached to the top with two screws
    screw_xula = hscrew(screw_xuout, screw_toph, screw_xuin, length)
    screws_xula = screw_xula + right(58)(screw_xula)
    screws_xula += up(48.8)(screws_xula)
    xula_base = screws_xula
    # Raspberry connector xula2
    rsp_cnctr = cube([58 - 2 * (screw_xuin + THICK_WALL * 0.5), length, 6])
    xula_base += translate([screw_xuin + THICK_WALL * 0.5, -length,
                            -3 + 48.8])(hole()(rsp_cnctr))
    # add stickit connector
    top_height = 4  # top height screw in mm
    top_r = 3.5  # top r screw in mm
    shaft_r = 2
    screw_stick = hscrew(top_r, top_height, shaft_r, length)
    screws_stick = screw_stick + up(15)(screw_stick)
    # stickit length 49.6-1.28-2-2
    # 15.5+1.5+1.2-1.5
    xula_base += translate(
        [-(49.6 - 1.28 - 2 - 2) - 8, 0,
         15.5 + 1.5 + 1.2 - 1.5 - 2.7])(screws_stick)
    xula_base += translate([-60, -2, -8])(cube([123, 2, 61]))
    xula_base = up(THICK_WALL + 11)(xula_base)
    # add down connector
    base_exit = cube([58 + 2 * screw_xuin + THICK_WALL, 16, THICK_WALL])
    base_exit += hole()(translate(
        [screw_xuin + THICK_WALL * 0.5, THICK_WALL,
         0])(cube([58 - 2 * (screw_xuin + THICK_WALL * 0.5), 12, THICK_WALL])))
    xula_base += back(16)(base_exit)
    return xula_base
Пример #2
def fibcube():
    outside = cube([m.fibcube_side, m.fibcube_side, m.fibcube_height], center=False)

    top = translate(
            m.fibcube_wall + m.fibcube_extra / 2,
            m.fibcube_wall + m.fibcube_extra / 2,
                m.fibcube_plopp - m.fibcube_extra,
                m.fibcube_plopp - m.fibcube_extra,

    inside = translate([m.fibcube_wall, m.fibcube_wall, -m.fibcube_wall])(
        cube([m.fibcube_plopp, m.fibcube_plopp, m.fibcube_height], center=False)

    fc = outside + top
    fc = fc + hole()(inside)
    return fc
Пример #3
def screw(r_head, h_head, r_shaft, length, thick=THICK_WALL):
    create a hole so a screw can be screwd into the box

    the center of the screw is aligned with the center of the coordinate system
    the screw is oriented as flipped T, i.e. it is standing on its head.
    screws are generated with an enclosing of THICK_WALL mm
    the interior is ensured via the hole function
    it is assumed that r_head > r_shaft
    The height of the head is h_head, an additional r_head-r_r_shaft is added
    to ensure printablity.

    :param r_head: radius of the head of the screw [mm]
    :param h_head: height of the head of the screw [mm]
    :param r_shaft: radius of the shaft of the screw [mm]
    :param length: desired length of the screw [mm]
    h_shaft = length - h_head - (r_head - r_shaft)
    head = cylinder(h=h_head, r=r_head, segments=30)
    # 45 degrees cone for printability
    cone = up(h_head)(cylinder(h=r_head - r_shaft,
    shaft = up(h_head + (r_head - r_shaft))(cylinder(h=h_shaft,
    inner = head + cone + shaft
    screw = cylinder(h=length, r=r_head + thick) - hole()(inner)
    return screw
Пример #4
def createlogo():

    Openscad cannot handle the Storm font. To mitigate, a vector image of the
    storm font is converted to PNG via Inkscape. The PNG image is linearly
    extruded and converted to a STL.
    This STL is imported by this function, to create the logo.
    # TODO: move Python converter for logo to here
    # LOGO bounding box x  = 234 , y = 26, z = 1
    # scaled to x = 120, y = 13
    x_bound = 120 + THICK_WALL * 2
    y_bound = 13 + THICK_WALL * 2

    # TODO: should throw error !! you removed logo
    logo = scale([0.5, 0.5, 1])(import_stl('hexastorm.stl'))
    logo = None
    # openscad cannot handle minkowski on hexastorm logo
    # logo_mink = up(1)(minkowski()(cylinder(r=0.5, h=1), logo))
    result = translate([-0.5 * x_bound, -0.5 * y_bound, 0])(cube(
        [x_bound, y_bound, 1])) - hole()(mirror([0, 1, 0])(logo))
    result = scale([1, 1, HEIGHT_TOP - THICK_WALL
                    ])(translate([0.5 * x_bound, 0.5 * y_bound, 0])(result))
    result = up(HEIGHT_TOP - THICK_WALL)(cube([x_bound, y_bound, 1]))
    # TODO: Openscad can create a preview but does not render the logo,
    #      at the moment we resort to
    # modiefs in blender
    return result
Пример #5
    def slot(r_head, h_head, r_shaft, width, height):

        openscad styled vertically oriented printable slot
        origin formed by the center of left circle

        :param r_head: the radius of the top of the screw, [mm]
        :param h_head: the height of the top of the screw, [mm]
        :param r_shaft: the radius of the shaft of the  screw, [mm]
        :param width: the width of the slot, [mm]
        :param height: the height of the slot, [mm]
        h_shaft = height - h_head - (r_head - r_shaft)
        head = cylinder(h=h_head, r=r_head, segments=30)
        # 45 degrees cone for printability
        cone = up(h_head)(cylinder(h=r_head - r_shaft,
        shaft = up(h_head + (r_head - r_shaft))(cylinder(h=h_shaft,
        cyl = head + cone + shaft
        inner = hull()(cyl, right(width)(cyl))
        cyl = cylinder(h=height, r=r_head + THICK_WALL)
        outer = hull()(cyl, right(width)(cyl))
        slot = outer - hole()(inner)
        return slot
Пример #6
def laserbase(laserheight):
    creates the basis for the laser with ventilation wall

    The laserbase is in the XY plane at quadrant 1.
    One corner is at the origin. The width is parallel to the x-axis.
    The laser was provided by Odic Force, productid OFL510-1.
    The padheight is laser height- 16.5 The laserbundle travels in
    the +x direction and departs from the center, that is 15 mm.
    param: laserheight: the desired height of the laser
    # The laser tube is at 8 mm from bottom.
    # The laser tube has a diameter of 17 mm
    # The laser is at 8 + 17 * 0.5 - 1  = 16.5 mm (shim of 1 mm needed)
    # The laser base is 30x60 mm, which was made
    # 30x75 mm to make room for the ventilator

    height = laserheight - 15.5  # [mm],
    xdisp = 48.5  # [mm], x-displacement screws
    ydisp = 16  # [mm], y-displacement screws
    r_shaft = 2  # [mm], shaft radius screws
    h_head = 5  # [mm], height shaft head
    r_head = 3.5  # [mm], top radius screws
    tspile = 4  # [mm], y-thickness ventilation spile
    hspile = 25  # [mm], height ventilation spile
    length = 75  # [mm], x-direction length laser
    width = 30  # [mm], y-direction width laser
    screw_offst = 7  # [mm], screw offset +x-edge

    screws = screw(r_head, h_head, r_shaft, height) + right(xdisp)(screw(
        r_head, h_head, r_shaft, height))
    spiegel = forward(ydisp / 2)(mirror([0, 1, 0])(back(ydisp / 2)(screws)))
    screws += spiegel
    base = translate([length - xdisp - screw_offst, (width - ydisp) / 2,
    # ventilation wall
    # spile
    spile = up(height)(cube([THICK_WALL, tspile, hspile]))
    nofspiles = ceil((width) / (tspile * 2))
    # shift base
    base = right(THICK_WALL)(base)
    # add wall
    base += cube([THICK_WALL, width, HEIGHT_WALL])
    # create pockets
    for i in range(0, nofspiles):
        base -= hole()(forward(i * 2 * tspile + THICK_WALL)(spile))

    return base
Пример #7
def panelmountmini():

    panel mount for panel Mount cable -B to Mini-B cable
    base = cube([40, 20, THICK_WALL], center=True)
    # screw hole
    screw_hole = cylinder(r=1.75, h=THICK_WALL * 2, center=True, segments=30)
    # create two holes + hole usb cube
    base -= hole()(left(14)(screw_hole) + right(14)(screw_hole) +
                   cube([17.5, 12, THICK_WALL * 2], center=True))
    # change orientation
    base = right(0.5 * THICK_WALL)(rotate([0, 90, 0])(rotate([0, 0,
    return base
Пример #8
def enclosure():
    enc_outer = cube(
        size=[m.enclosure_width, m.enclosure_depth, m.enclosure_height], center=True

    enc_hole = up(m.wall_thickness)(
                m.enclosure_width - m.wall_thickness,
                m.enclosure_depth - m.wall_thickness,

    enclosure = enc_outer + hole()(enc_hole)
    enclosure = part()(enclosure)
    enclosure = up(m.enclosure_height / 2)(enclosure)

    return enclosure
Пример #9
def hscrew(head_r, head_height, shaft_r, length):
    """horizontal screw

    a horizontal screw consists out of three parts
    * a cylinder in the wall
    * possible a continuation of the head insert
    * shaft piece
    algorithm ensures it is printable
    param head_height: height head screw
    param head_r: radius head screw
    param shaft_r: radius shaft screw
    param lenght: lenght screw
    # cylinder in the wall
    if head_height > THICK_WALL:
        shift = head_height - THICK_WALL
        cyl_wall = cylinder(h=THICK_WALL, r=head_r + THICK_WALL, segments=30)
        cyl_mid = up(THICK_WALL)(cylinder(h=shift,
                                          r1=head_r + shift + THICK_WALL,
                                          r2=head_r + THICK_WALL,
        hscrew = cyl_mid + cyl_wall
        hscrew = cylinder(h=head_height, r=head_r + THICK_WALL, segments=30)

    # two cases:
    if length - head_height > head_height:
        shift = length - THICK_WALL
        cyl_shaft = up(head_height)(cylinder(h=shift,
                                             r1=shaft_r + shift + THICK_WALL,
                                             r2=shaft_r + THICK_WALL,
        cyl_shaft = up(head_height)(cylinder(h=length - head_height,
                                             r1=head_r + THICK_WALL,
                                             r2=shaft_r + THICK_WALL,

    hscrew += cyl_shaft
    hscrew = rotate([90, 0, 0])(hscrew)
    # gravity only one direction --> minimize in this direction
    # shaft
    field = cube([
        2 * (shaft_r + THICK_WALL), length - head_height,
        length + 2 * shaft_r + THICK_WALL
    field = translate([-shaft_r - THICK_WALL, -length,
                       -(length + shaft_r)])(field)
    sscrew = hscrew * field
    # top
    if head_height > THICK_WALL:
        field = cube([
            2 * (head_r + THICK_WALL), head_height,
            length + 2 * head_r + THICK_WALL
        field = translate(
            [-head_r - THICK_WALL, -head_height, -(length + head_r)])
        tscrew = hscrew * field
        tscrew = rotate([90, 0, 0])(cylinder(h=head_height,
                                             r=head_r + THICK_WALL,

    hscrew = tscrew + sscrew
    cyl_top = down(0.1)(cylinder(h=head_height + 0.1, r=head_r, segments=30))
    cyl_shaft = up(head_height - 0.1)(cylinder(h=length - head_height + 0.1,
    interior = rotate([90, 0, 0])(cyl_shaft + cyl_top)
    omg = hscrew - hole()(interior)
    # OMG HOLE is buggy; hscrew-=hole()(interior) does not always work
    return omg
Пример #10
def mirrormount(down, laserheight):

    A 25 mm x 25 mm square and 2 mm thick first sided mirror is used to refract
    the ray downward or upward. The thickness is in the +x-direction.
    This mirror is tilted at a 45 degrees and is positioned by a holder.
    The holder is put in place via two pillars.
    A photodiode mount is placed into these pillars to detect the laser motion.
    It is important that the photodiode is at the correct height
    The photodiode_height is LASER_HEIGHT-2.5, to ensure the laser hits the
    photodiode at its center.
    :param down: if true downward refraction, if false upward refraction
    :param laserheight: height laser bundle, [mm]
    width_mirror = 25  # [mm]
    # thickness y+ pillar, y- pillar is insert+THICK_wall
    tpillar_left = 14  # [mm]
    insert_mirror = 5  # [mm]
    thick_mirror = 2  # [mm]
    # height_mirror < photodiode_height
    height_mirror = laserheight - 6  # [mm]
    # 4.5 determined via felix printed box
    photodiode_height = laserheight - 4.5  # [mm]
    cable_guide = 2  # [mm]
    # sensor width with cables is 5.6 (measurement @diode)
    sensor_width = 2  # [mm]
    # sensor height is 4 (measurement @ photodiode)
    sensor_height = 4.5  # [mm]
    sensor_insert = 2  # [mm] diode thickness i 2 @ measured
    # margin is needed for FFF printer
    margin = 0.5  # [mm]
    # defines the thickness of the holder
    thick = 1.3  # [mm]
    # offset constraint set by upward proj. due to cable collision possibility
    offset = 19  # [mm] offset sensor pole
    x_width = 0.5 * sqrt(2) * (thick_mirror + margin + 2 * thick)
    # TODO: xbound seems to be an y_bound
    x_bound = 0.5 * sqrt(2) * (2 * thick + width_mirror + margin) + x_width
    y_bound = offset + THICK_WALL + sensor_insert

    holder = cube([
        thick_mirror + margin + 2 * thick,
        light_hole + THICK_WALL + insert_mirror + tpillar_left,
        width_mirror + margin + 2 * thick

    holder_inner = translate([thick, 0, thick])(cube([
        thick_mirror + margin, light_hole + tpillar_left + insert_mirror,
        width_mirror + margin
    # the holder can contain left over of filament.
    # To remove these left over a cleaning hole is needed.
    holder_inner += translate([thick, 0, thick + width_mirror + margin])(cube(
        [thick_mirror + margin, tpillar_left - THICK_WALL, thick]))

    holder -= hole()(holder_inner)
    # up mirror
    holder = up(height_mirror)(rotate([0, 45, 0])(holder))
    # pillars
    # light exit has a width of light_hole
    # pillars are next to this exit point and have a width of tpillar_left,
    # and THICK_WALL + insert_mirror
    mount_mirror = cube([
        x_width, light_hole + tpillar_left + THICK_WALL + insert_mirror,
    mount_mirror += holder
    # create pocket for light 2x is for certainty
    mount_mirror -= forward(tpillar_left)(cube(
        [2 * width_mirror, light_hole, 2 * width_mirror]))
    if not down:
        mount_mirror = right(x_bound)(mirror([1, 0, 0])(mount_mirror))

    # add mount photodiode
    # the photodiode is at height photodiode_height mm
    # the cable guides are cable_guide mm thick, the pins of the photodiode
    # are sensor width displaced, the photodiode is sensor height tall
    # the photodiode sensor insert is sensor_insert, the wall between light
    # exit and sensor is fixed at 1 mm, kept small to get maximum out of light
    # path. The top has a three time thickness, to create a connection between
    # mirror and pole
    enclosure = cube([
        THICK_WALL + sensor_insert,
        cable_guide * 2 + sensor_width + THICK_WALL + 1,
        sensor_height + photodiode_height + 2 * THICK_WALL
    photodiode = cube([
        sensor_insert + THICK_WALL, cable_guide * 2 + sensor_width,
    # substract central pillar
    photodiode -= translate([0, cable_guide, 0
                             ])(cube([THICK_WALL, sensor_width,
    # combine pole with photodiode housing
    pole = enclosure - hole()(translate([0, 1, photodiode_height])(photodiode))

    combined = mount_mirror + translate([offset, tpillar_left + light_hole, 0
    # a trafo is executed to simplify positioning;
    # light should be centered at y=0
    combined = translate([y_bound, tpillar_left + 0.5 * light_hole,
                          0])(mirror([1, 0, 0])(mirror([0, 1, 0])(combined)))
    # add tie-wrap
    # TODO: remove custom parameters
    fasten = translate([9, tpillar_left + 9,
                        0])(cable_fasten(TIE_HEIGHT, TIE_WIDTH, THICK_WALL,
    combined += fasten

    return combined
Пример #11
 def hole(self, sb: "SolidBuilder") -> "SolidBuilder":
     self._oso = self._oso - hole()(sb._oso)
     return self