Пример #1
def plotVs():

    # 	def poisson_square(a1,b1,c1,d1,n,bcs, source):
    # 		#n = number of subintervals
    # 		# We discretize in the x dimension by a1 = x_0 < x_1< ... < x_n=b1, and
    # 		# we discretize in the y dimension by c1 = y_0 < y_1< ... < y_n=d1.
    # 		# This means that we have interior points {x_1, ..., x_{n-1}}\times {y_1, ..., y_{n-1}}
    # 		# or {x_1, ..., x_m}\times {y_1, ..., y_m} where m = n-1.
    # 		# In Python, this is indexed as {x_0, ..., x_{m-1}}\times {y_0, ..., y_{m-1}}
    # 		# We will have m**2 pairs of interior points, and m**2 corresponding equations.
    # 		# We will organize these equations by their y coordinates: all equations centered
    # 		# at (x_i, y_0) will be listed first, then (x_i, y_1), and so on till (x_i, y_{m-1})
    # 		delta_x, delta_y, h, m = (b1-a1)/n, (d1-c1)/n, (b1-a1)/n, n-1
    # 		####	Here we construct the matrix A	  ####
    # 		##############################	   Slow			   #################################
    # 		#	  D, diags = np.ones((1,m**2)), np.array([-m,m])
    # 		#	  data = np.concatenate((D, D),axis=0)
    # 		#	  A = h**(-2)*spdiags(data,diags,m**2,m**2).asformat('lil')
    # 		#	  D = np.ones((1,m))
    # 		#	  diags, data = np.array([0,-1,1]), np.concatenate((-4.*D,D,D),axis=0)
    # 		#	  temp = h**(-2)*spdiags(data,diags,m,m).asformat('lil')
    # 		#	  for i in xrange(m): A[i*m:(i+1)*m,i*m:(i+1)*m] = temp
    # 		##############################	   Much Faster		################################
    # 		D1,D2,D3 = -4*np.ones((1,m**2)), np.ones((1,m**2)), np.ones((1,m**2))
    # 		Dm1, Dm2 = np.ones((1,m**2)), np.ones((1,m**2))
    # 		for j in range(0,D2.shape[1]):
    # 				if (j%m)==m-1: D2[0,j]=0
    # 				if (j%m)==0: D3[0,j]=0
    # 		diags = np.array([0,-1,1,-m,m])
    # 		data = np.concatenate((D1,D2,D3,Dm1,Dm2),axis=0) # This stacks up rows
    # 		A = 1./h**2.*spdiags(data, diags, m**2,m**2).asformat('csr') # This appears to work correctly
    # 		####	Here we construct the vector b	  ####
    # 		b, Array = np.zeros(m**2), np.linspace(0.,1.,m+2)[1:-1]
    # 		# In the next line, source represents the inhomogenous part of Poisson's equation
    # 		for j in xrange(m): b[j*m:(j+1)*m] = source(a1+(b1-a1)*Array, c1+(j+1)*h*np.ones(m) )
    # 		# In the next four lines, bcs represents the Dirichlet conditions on the boundary
    # #	  y = c1+h, d1-h
    # 		b[0:m] = b[0:m] - h**(-2.)*bcs(a1+(b1-a1)*Array,c1*np.ones(m))
    # 		b[(m-1)*m : m**2] = b[(m-1)*m : m**2] - h**(-2.)*bcs(a1+(b1-a1)*Array,d1*np.ones(m))
    # #	  x = a1+h, b1-h
    # 		b[0::m] = b[0::m] - h**(-2.)*bcs(a1*np.ones(m),c1+(d1-c1)*Array)
    # 		b[(m-1)::m] = b[(m-1)::m] - h**(-2.)*bcs(b1*np.ones(m),c1+(d1-c1)*Array)
    # 		####	Here we solve the system A*soln = b	   ####
    # 		soln = spsolve(A,b) # Using the conjugate gradient method: (soln, info) = cg(A,b)
    # 		z = np.zeros((m+2,m+2) )
    # 		for j in xrange(m): z[1:-1,j+1] = soln[j*m:(j+1)*m]
    # 		x, y = np.linspace(a1,b1,m+2), np.linspace(c1,d1,m+2)
    # 		z[:,0], z[:,m+1]  = bcs(x,c1*np.ones(len(x)) ), bcs(x,d1*np.ones(len(x)) )
    # 		z[0,:], z[m+1,:] = bcs(a1*np.ones(len(x)),y), bcs(b1*np.ones(len(x)),y)
    # 		return z
    def source(X, Y):
		Takes arbitrary arrays of coordinates X and Y and returns an array of the same shape
		representing the charge density of nested charged squares
        src = np.zeros(X.shape)
            np.logical_and(np.logical_or(abs(X - 1.5) < .1,
                                         abs(X + 1.5) < .1),
                           abs(Y) < 1.6),
            np.logical_and(np.logical_or(abs(Y - 1.5) < .1,
                                         abs(Y + 1.5) < .1),
                           abs(X) < 1.6))] = 1
            np.logical_and(np.logical_or(abs(X - 0.9) < .1,
                                         abs(X + 0.9) < .1),
                           abs(Y) < 1.0),
            np.logical_and(np.logical_or(abs(Y - 0.9) < .1,
                                         abs(Y + 0.9) < .1),
                           abs(X) < 1.0))] = -1
        return src

    #Generate a color dictionary for use with LinearSegmentedColormap
    #that places red and blue at the min and max values of data
    #and white when data is zero
    def genDict(data):
        zero = 1 / (1 - np.max(data) / np.min(data))
        cdict = {
            'red': [(0.0, 1.0, 1.0), (zero, 1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)],
            'green': [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (zero, 1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)],
            'blue': [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (zero, 1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)]
        return cdict

    a1 = -2.
    b1 = 2.
    c1 = -2.
    d1 = 2.
    n = 5
    # X = np.linspace(a1,b1,n)
    # Y = np.linspace(c1,d1,n)
    # X,Y = np.meshgrid(X,Y)
    # rho= source(X,Y)
    V = poisson_square(a1, b1, c1, d1, 100, lambda x, y: 0,
                       lambda X, Y: source(X, Y))
    cdict = genDict(V)

    plt.imshow(V, cmap=mcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap('CustomMap', cdict))
    # plt.savefig("./pipesV.png",dpi=100)
Пример #2
def ExercisePoisson():
    from numpy import sin, cos, pi
    # Domain: [0,1]x[0,1]
    a1, b1 = 0., 1.
    c1, d1 = 0., 1.
    n = 100

    # Example1: Laplace's equation (Poisson with no source)
    def bcs(x, y):
        return x**3.

    def source(x, y):
        return 0.

    # # Example2: Poisson's equation
    # def bcs(x,y): return sin(pi*x)*cos(2.*pi*y)
    # def source(x,y): return -5.*(pi**2.)*bcs(x,y)

    # # Example3: Poisson's equation
    # def bcs(x,y): return sin(2.*pi*y)*cos(pi*x)
    # def source(x,y): return -5.*(pi**2.)*bcs(x,y)

    # # Example4: Poisson's equation
    # def bcs(x,y): return 1.-x +x*y + (1./2)*sin(pi*x)*sin(pi*y)
    # def source(x,y): return -(pi**2)*sin(pi*x)*sin(pi*y)

    z = poisson_square(a1, b1, c1, d1, n, bcs, source)
    print '---------------'
    print "Computation successful"
    print '---------------'
    # Plotting data
    fig = plt.figure()
    #---- First subplot: Numerical Solution
    # ax = fig.add_subplot(121, projection='3d')
    ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
    x, y = np.linspace(a1, b1, n + 1), np.linspace(c1, d1, n + 1)
    xv, yv = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    xv, yv = xv.T, yv.T
    surf = ax.plot_surface(xv,
    # #---- Second subplot: Exact Solution
    # ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122, projection='3d')
    # ax2.set_xlabel('X'); ax2.set_ylabel('Y'); ax2.set_zlabel('Z')
    # surf2 = ax2.plot_surface(xv, yv, bcs(xv,yv), rstride=2, cstride=2, cmap=cm.coolwarm,
    #			linewidth=0, antialiased=False)
    print "Maximum Error = \n", np.max(np.abs(z - bcs(xv, yv)))
    # plt.savefig('Laplace.png',dpi=100)
    # plt.clf()

    # if True: return
    # num_approx = 7 # Number of Approximations
    # N = np.array([10*2**(j) for j in range(num_approx)])
    # h, max_error = (b1-a1)/N[:-1], np.ones(num_approx-1)
    # num_sol_best = poisson_square(a1,b1,c1,d1,N[-1],bcs,source)
    # for j in range(len(N)-1):
    # 	num_sol = poisson_square(a1,b1,c1,d1,N[j],bcs,source)
    # 	max_error[j] = np.max(np.abs( num_sol- num_sol_best[::2**(num_approx-j-1), ::2**(num_approx-j-1)] ) )
    # plt.loglog(h,max_error,'.-r',label="$E(h)$")
    # plt.loglog(h,h**(2.),'-k',label="$h^{\, 2}$")
    # plt.xlabel("$h$")
    # plt.legend(loc='best')
    # print "The order of the finite difference approximation is about ", ( (np.log(max_error[0]) -
    # 	np.log(max_error[-1]) )/( np.log(h[0]) - np.log(h[-1]) ) ), "."
    # plt.savefig('./Poisson_Error.pdf')
    # plt.show()
Пример #3
def plotVs():
	#definitions for atoms position and charges
	#the angle the hydrogen atoms make
	theta = 106.0/180.0*np.pi
	#Length of the two branches
	A = 1.0
	# Hydrogen 1 (x0,y0,q)
	# Hydrogen 2 
	# Oxygen
	water = ((-np.sin(theta/2)*A,0,1),
	def rho1(x,y,atom):
		return atom[2]*np.exp(-np.sqrt((x-atom[0])**2 + (y-atom[1])**2))
	def rhoSum(x,y,atoms):
		return np.sum([rho1(x,y,atom) for atom in atoms],axis=0)
	def poisson_square(a1,b1,c1,d1,n,bcs, source): 
		#n = number of subintervals
		# We discretize in the x dimension by a1 = x_0 < x_1< ... < x_n=b1, and 
		# we discretize in the y dimension by c1 = y_0 < y_1< ... < y_n=d1. 
		# This means that we have interior points {x_1, ..., x_{n-1}}\times {y_1, ..., y_{n-1}}
		# or {x_1, ..., x_m}\times {y_1, ..., y_m} where m = n-1. 
		# In Python, this is indexed as {x_0, ..., x_{m-1}}\times {y_0, ..., y_{m-1}}
		# We will have m**2 pairs of interior points, and m**2 corresponding equations.
		# We will organize these equations by their y coordinates: all equations centered 
		# at (x_i, y_0) will be listed first, then (x_i, y_1), and so on till (x_i, y_{m-1})
		delta_x, delta_y, h, m = (b1-a1)/n, (d1-c1)/n, (b1-a1)/n, n-1
		####    Here we construct the matrix A    ####
		##############################     Slow            #################################
		#     D, diags = np.ones((1,m**2)), np.array([-m,m])
		#     data = np.concatenate((D, D),axis=0) 
		#     A = h**(-2)*spdiags(data,diags,m**2,m**2).asformat('lil')
		#     D = np.ones((1,m))
		#     diags, data = np.array([0,-1,1]), np.concatenate((-4.*D,D,D),axis=0)
		#     temp = h**(-2)*spdiags(data,diags,m,m).asformat('lil')
		#     for i in xrange(m): A[i*m:(i+1)*m,i*m:(i+1)*m] = temp
		##############################     Much Faster      ################################
		D1,D2,D3 = -4*np.ones((1,m**2)), np.ones((1,m**2)), np.ones((1,m**2)) 
		Dm1, Dm2 = np.ones((1,m**2)), np.ones((1,m**2))
		for j in range(0,D2.shape[1]):
			if (j%m)==m-1: D2[0,j]=0
			if (j%m)==0: D3[0,j]=0
		diags = np.array([0,-1,1,-m,m])
		data = np.concatenate((D1,D2,D3,Dm1,Dm2),axis=0) # This stacks up rows
		A = 1./h**2.*spdiags(data, diags, m**2,m**2).asformat('csr') # This appears to work correctly
		####    Here we construct the vector b    ####
		b, Array = np.zeros(m**2), np.linspace(0.,1.,m+2)[1:-1]
		# In the next line, source represents the inhomogenous part of Poisson's equation
		for j in xrange(m): b[j*m:(j+1)*m] = source(a1+(b1-a1)*Array, c1+(j+1)*h*np.ones(m) )
		# In the next four lines, bcs represents the Dirichlet conditions on the boundary
	#     y = c1+h, d1-h
		b[0:m] = b[0:m] - h**(-2.)*bcs(a1+(b1-a1)*Array,c1*np.ones(m))
		b[(m-1)*m : m**2] = b[(m-1)*m : m**2] - h**(-2.)*bcs(a1+(b1-a1)*Array,d1*np.ones(m))
	#     x = a1+h, b1-h
		b[0::m] = b[0::m] - h**(-2.)*bcs(a1*np.ones(m),c1+(d1-c1)*Array) 
		b[(m-1)::m] = b[(m-1)::m] - h**(-2.)*bcs(b1*np.ones(m),c1+(d1-c1)*Array)
		####    Here we solve the system A*soln = b    ####
		soln = spsolve(A,b) # Using the conjugate gradient method: (soln, info) = cg(A,b)
		z = np.zeros((m+2,m+2) ) 
		for j in xrange(m): z[1:-1,j+1] = soln[j*m:(j+1)*m]
		x, y = np.linspace(a1,b1,m+2), np.linspace(c1,d1,m+2)
		z[:,0], z[:,m+1]  = bcs(x,c1*np.ones(len(x)) ), bcs(x,d1*np.ones(len(x)) )
		z[0,:], z[m+1,:] = bcs(a1*np.ones(len(x)),y), bcs(b1*np.ones(len(x)),y)
		return z
	#Generate a color dictionary for use with LinearSegmentedColormap
	#that places red and blue at the min and max values of data
	#and white when data is zero
	def genDict(data):
		zero = 1/(1 - np.max(data)/np.min(data))
		cdict = {'red':   [(0.0,  1.0, 1.0),
		               (zero,  1.0, 1.0),
		               (1.0,  0.0, 0.0)],
		     'green': [(0.0,  0.0, 0.0),
		               (zero,  1.0, 1.0),
		               (1.0,  0.0, 0.0)],
		     'blue':  [(0.0,  0.0, 0.0),
		               (zero,  1.0, 1.0),
		               (1.0,  1.0, 1.0)]}
		return cdict
	a1 = -5
	b1 = 5
	m = 500
	X = np.linspace(a1,b1,m)
	X,Y = np.meshgrid(X,X)
	#poisson_square seems to mix up x and y
	Rho = poisson_square(a1,b1,a1,b1,m,lambda x,y:0 , lambda x,y: -rhoSum(y,x,water))
	cdict = genDict(Rho)
	plt.imshow(Rho,cmap = mcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap('CustomMap', cdict))
	plt.colorbar(label="Relative Voltage")
	co2 = ((-1,0,-2),
	Rho = poisson_square(a1,b1,a1,b1,m,lambda x,y:0 , lambda x,y: -rhoSum(y,x,co2))
	cdict = genDict(Rho)
	plt.imshow(Rho,cmap = mcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap('CustomMap', cdict))
	plt.colorbar(label="Relative Voltage")
Пример #4
def ExercisePoisson():
	from numpy import sin, cos, pi
	# Domain: [0,1]x[0,1]
	a1,b1 = 0.,1.
	c1,d1 = 0.,1.
	# Example1: Laplace's equation (Poisson with no source)
	def bcs(x,y): return x**3.
	def source(x,y): return 0.
	# # Example2: Poisson's equation
	# def bcs(x,y): return sin(pi*x)*cos(2.*pi*y)
	# def source(x,y): return -5.*(pi**2.)*bcs(x,y)
	# # Example3: Poisson's equation
	# def bcs(x,y): return sin(2.*pi*y)*cos(pi*x)
	# def source(x,y): return -5.*(pi**2.)*bcs(x,y)
	# # Example4: Poisson's equation
	# def bcs(x,y): return 1.-x +x*y + (1./2)*sin(pi*x)*sin(pi*y)
	# def source(x,y): return -(pi**2)*sin(pi*x)*sin(pi*y)
	print '---------------'
	print "Computation successful"
	print '---------------'
	# Plotting data
	fig = plt.figure()
	#---- First subplot: Numerical Solution
	# ax = fig.add_subplot(121, projection='3d')
	ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
	ax.set_xlabel('X'); ax.set_ylabel('Y'); ax.set_zlabel('Z')
	x, y = np.linspace(a1,b1,n+1), np.linspace(c1,d1,n+1)
	xv, yv = np.meshgrid(x, y)	
	xv, yv = xv.T, yv.T
	surf = ax.plot_surface(xv, yv, z, rstride=2, cstride=2, cmap=cm.coolwarm,
	        linewidth=0, antialiased=False)
	# #---- Second subplot: Exact Solution
	# ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122, projection='3d')
	# ax2.set_xlabel('X'); ax2.set_ylabel('Y'); ax2.set_zlabel('Z')
	# surf2 = ax2.plot_surface(xv, yv, bcs(xv,yv), rstride=2, cstride=2, cmap=cm.coolwarm,
	# 	        linewidth=0, antialiased=False)
	print "Maximum Error = \n", np.max(np.abs( z-bcs(xv,yv) ) )
	# plt.savefig('./Poisson_solution.png')
	# plt.show()
	# if True: return
	num_approx = 7 # Number of Approximations
	N = np.array([10*2**(j) for j in range(num_approx)])
	h, max_error = (b1-a1)/N[:-1], np.ones(num_approx-1)
	num_sol_best = poisson_square(a1,b1,c1,d1,N[-1],bcs,source)
	for j in range(len(N)-1): 
	    num_sol = poisson_square(a1,b1,c1,d1,N[j],bcs,source)
	    max_error[j] = np.max(np.abs( num_sol- num_sol_best[::2**(num_approx-j-1), ::2**(num_approx-j-1)] ) )
	plt.loglog(h,h**(2.),'-k',label="$h^{\, 2}$")
	print "The order of the finite difference approximation is about ", ( (np.log(max_error[0]) - 
	    np.log(max_error[-1]) )/( np.log(h[0]) - np.log(h[-1]) ) ), "."
Пример #5
def plotVs():
# 	def poisson_square(a1,b1,c1,d1,n,bcs, source): 
# 		#n = number of subintervals
# 		# We discretize in the x dimension by a1 = x_0 < x_1< ... < x_n=b1, and 
# 		# we discretize in the y dimension by c1 = y_0 < y_1< ... < y_n=d1. 
# 		# This means that we have interior points {x_1, ..., x_{n-1}}\times {y_1, ..., y_{n-1}}
# 		# or {x_1, ..., x_m}\times {y_1, ..., y_m} where m = n-1. 
# 		# In Python, this is indexed as {x_0, ..., x_{m-1}}\times {y_0, ..., y_{m-1}}
# 		# We will have m**2 pairs of interior points, and m**2 corresponding equations.
# 		# We will organize these equations by their y coordinates: all equations centered 
# 		# at (x_i, y_0) will be listed first, then (x_i, y_1), and so on till (x_i, y_{m-1})
# 		delta_x, delta_y, h, m = (b1-a1)/n, (d1-c1)/n, (b1-a1)/n, n-1
# 		####	Here we construct the matrix A	  ####
# 		##############################	   Slow			   #################################
# 		#	  D, diags = np.ones((1,m**2)), np.array([-m,m])
# 		#	  data = np.concatenate((D, D),axis=0) 
# 		#	  A = h**(-2)*spdiags(data,diags,m**2,m**2).asformat('lil')
# 		#	  D = np.ones((1,m))
# 		#	  diags, data = np.array([0,-1,1]), np.concatenate((-4.*D,D,D),axis=0)
# 		#	  temp = h**(-2)*spdiags(data,diags,m,m).asformat('lil')
# 		#	  for i in xrange(m): A[i*m:(i+1)*m,i*m:(i+1)*m] = temp
# 		##############################	   Much Faster		################################
# 		D1,D2,D3 = -4*np.ones((1,m**2)), np.ones((1,m**2)), np.ones((1,m**2)) 
# 		Dm1, Dm2 = np.ones((1,m**2)), np.ones((1,m**2))
# 		for j in range(0,D2.shape[1]):
# 				if (j%m)==m-1: D2[0,j]=0
# 				if (j%m)==0: D3[0,j]=0
# 		diags = np.array([0,-1,1,-m,m])
# 		data = np.concatenate((D1,D2,D3,Dm1,Dm2),axis=0) # This stacks up rows
# 		A = 1./h**2.*spdiags(data, diags, m**2,m**2).asformat('csr') # This appears to work correctly
# 		####	Here we construct the vector b	  ####
# 		b, Array = np.zeros(m**2), np.linspace(0.,1.,m+2)[1:-1]
# 		# In the next line, source represents the inhomogenous part of Poisson's equation
# 		for j in xrange(m): b[j*m:(j+1)*m] = source(a1+(b1-a1)*Array, c1+(j+1)*h*np.ones(m) )
# 		# In the next four lines, bcs represents the Dirichlet conditions on the boundary
# #	  y = c1+h, d1-h
# 		b[0:m] = b[0:m] - h**(-2.)*bcs(a1+(b1-a1)*Array,c1*np.ones(m))
# 		b[(m-1)*m : m**2] = b[(m-1)*m : m**2] - h**(-2.)*bcs(a1+(b1-a1)*Array,d1*np.ones(m))
# #	  x = a1+h, b1-h
# 		b[0::m] = b[0::m] - h**(-2.)*bcs(a1*np.ones(m),c1+(d1-c1)*Array) 
# 		b[(m-1)::m] = b[(m-1)::m] - h**(-2.)*bcs(b1*np.ones(m),c1+(d1-c1)*Array)
# 		####	Here we solve the system A*soln = b	   ####
# 		soln = spsolve(A,b) # Using the conjugate gradient method: (soln, info) = cg(A,b)
# 		z = np.zeros((m+2,m+2) ) 
# 		for j in xrange(m): z[1:-1,j+1] = soln[j*m:(j+1)*m]
# 		x, y = np.linspace(a1,b1,m+2), np.linspace(c1,d1,m+2)
# 		z[:,0], z[:,m+1]  = bcs(x,c1*np.ones(len(x)) ), bcs(x,d1*np.ones(len(x)) )
# 		z[0,:], z[m+1,:] = bcs(a1*np.ones(len(x)),y), bcs(b1*np.ones(len(x)),y)
# 		return z
	def source(X,Y):
		Takes arbitrary arrays of coordinates X and Y and returns an array of the same shape
		representing the charge density of nested charged squares
		src = np.zeros(X.shape)
		src[ np.logical_or(
			np.logical_and( np.logical_or(abs(X-1.5) < .1,abs(X+1.5) < .1) ,abs(Y) < 1.6),
			np.logical_and( np.logical_or(abs(Y-1.5) < .1,abs(Y+1.5) < .1) ,abs(X) < 1.6))] = 1
		src[ np.logical_or(
			np.logical_and( np.logical_or(abs(X-0.9) < .1,abs(X+0.9) < .1) ,abs(Y) < 1.0),
			np.logical_and( np.logical_or(abs(Y-0.9) < .1,abs(Y+0.9) < .1) ,abs(X) < 1.0))] = -1
		return src

	#Generate a color dictionary for use with LinearSegmentedColormap
	#that places red and blue at the min and max values of data
	#and white when data is zero
	def genDict(data):
		zero = 1/(1 - np.max(data)/np.min(data))
		cdict = {'red':	  [(0.0,  1.0, 1.0),
					(zero,	1.0, 1.0),
					(1.0,  0.0, 0.0)],
			'green': [(0.0,	 0.0, 0.0),
					(zero,	1.0, 1.0),
					(1.0,  0.0, 0.0)],
			'blue':	 [(0.0,	 0.0, 0.0),
					(zero,	1.0, 1.0),
					(1.0,  1.0, 1.0)]}
		return cdict

	a1 = -2.
	b1 = 2.
	c1 = -2.
	d1 = 2.
	n = 5
	# X = np.linspace(a1,b1,n)
	# Y = np.linspace(c1,d1,n)
	# X,Y = np.meshgrid(X,Y)
	# rho= source(X,Y)
	V = poisson_square(a1,b1,c1,d1,100,lambda x, y:0, lambda X,Y: source(X,Y))
	cdict = genDict(V)

	plt.imshow(V,cmap = mcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap('CustomMap', cdict))
	# plt.savefig("./pipesV.png",dpi=100)
Пример #6
def plotVs():

    #definitions for atoms position and charges
    #the angle the hydrogen atoms make
    theta = 106.0 / 180.0 * np.pi
    #Length of the two branches
    A = 1.0
    # Hydrogen 1 (x0,y0,q)
    # Hydrogen 2
    # Oxygen
    water = ((-np.sin(theta / 2) * A, 0, 1), (np.sin(theta / 2) * A, 0, 1),
             (0, -np.cos(theta / 2) * A, -2))

    def rho1(x, y, atom):
        return atom[2] * np.exp(-np.sqrt((x - atom[0])**2 + (y - atom[1])**2))

    def rhoSum(x, y, atoms):
        return np.sum([rho1(x, y, atom) for atom in atoms], axis=0)

    def poisson_square(a1, b1, c1, d1, n, bcs, source):
        #n = number of subintervals
        # We discretize in the x dimension by a1 = x_0 < x_1< ... < x_n=b1, and
        # we discretize in the y dimension by c1 = y_0 < y_1< ... < y_n=d1.
        # This means that we have interior points {x_1, ..., x_{n-1}}\times {y_1, ..., y_{n-1}}
        # or {x_1, ..., x_m}\times {y_1, ..., y_m} where m = n-1.
        # In Python, this is indexed as {x_0, ..., x_{m-1}}\times {y_0, ..., y_{m-1}}
        # We will have m**2 pairs of interior points, and m**2 corresponding equations.
        # We will organize these equations by their y coordinates: all equations centered
        # at (x_i, y_0) will be listed first, then (x_i, y_1), and so on till (x_i, y_{m-1})
        delta_x, delta_y, h, m = (b1 - a1) / n, (d1 - c1) / n, (b1 -
                                                                a1) / n, n - 1

        ####    Here we construct the matrix A    ####
        ##############################     Slow            #################################
        #     D, diags = np.ones((1,m**2)), np.array([-m,m])
        #     data = np.concatenate((D, D),axis=0)
        #     A = h**(-2)*spdiags(data,diags,m**2,m**2).asformat('lil')
        #     D = np.ones((1,m))
        #     diags, data = np.array([0,-1,1]), np.concatenate((-4.*D,D,D),axis=0)
        #     temp = h**(-2)*spdiags(data,diags,m,m).asformat('lil')
        #     for i in xrange(m): A[i*m:(i+1)*m,i*m:(i+1)*m] = temp

        ##############################     Much Faster      ################################
        D1, D2, D3 = -4 * np.ones((1, m**2)), np.ones((1, m**2)), np.ones(
            (1, m**2))
        Dm1, Dm2 = np.ones((1, m**2)), np.ones((1, m**2))
        for j in range(0, D2.shape[1]):
            if (j % m) == m - 1: D2[0, j] = 0
            if (j % m) == 0: D3[0, j] = 0
        diags = np.array([0, -1, 1, -m, m])
        data = np.concatenate((D1, D2, D3, Dm1, Dm2),
                              axis=0)  # This stacks up rows
        A = 1. / h**2. * spdiags(data, diags, m**2, m**2).asformat(
            'csr')  # This appears to work correctly

        ####    Here we construct the vector b    ####
        b, Array = np.zeros(m**2), np.linspace(0., 1., m + 2)[1:-1]
        # In the next line, source represents the inhomogenous part of Poisson's equation
        for j in xrange(m):
            b[j * m:(j + 1) * m] = source(a1 + (b1 - a1) * Array,
                                          c1 + (j + 1) * h * np.ones(m))

        # In the next four lines, bcs represents the Dirichlet conditions on the boundary
        #     y = c1+h, d1-h
        b[0:m] = b[0:m] - h**(-2.) * bcs(a1 +
                                         (b1 - a1) * Array, c1 * np.ones(m))
        b[(m - 1) * m:m**2] = b[(m - 1) * m:m**2] - h**(-2.) * bcs(
            a1 + (b1 - a1) * Array, d1 * np.ones(m))
        #     x = a1+h, b1-h
        b[0::m] = b[0::m] - h**(-2.) * bcs(a1 * np.ones(m), c1 +
                                           (d1 - c1) * Array)
        b[(m - 1)::m] = b[(m - 1)::m] - h**(-2.) * bcs(b1 * np.ones(m), c1 +
                                                       (d1 - c1) * Array)

        ####    Here we solve the system A*soln = b    ####
        soln = spsolve(
            b)  # Using the conjugate gradient method: (soln, info) = cg(A,b)

        z = np.zeros((m + 2, m + 2))
        for j in xrange(m):
            z[1:-1, j + 1] = soln[j * m:(j + 1) * m]

        x, y = np.linspace(a1, b1, m + 2), np.linspace(c1, d1, m + 2)
        z[:, 0], z[:, m + 1] = bcs(x, c1 * np.ones(len(x))), bcs(
            x, d1 * np.ones(len(x)))
        z[0, :], z[m + 1, :] = bcs(a1 * np.ones(len(x)),
                                   y), bcs(b1 * np.ones(len(x)), y)
        return z

    #Generate a color dictionary for use with LinearSegmentedColormap
    #that places red and blue at the min and max values of data
    #and white when data is zero
    def genDict(data):
        zero = 1 / (1 - np.max(data) / np.min(data))
        cdict = {
            'red': [(0.0, 1.0, 1.0), (zero, 1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)],
            'green': [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (zero, 1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)],
            'blue': [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (zero, 1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)]
        return cdict

    a1 = -5
    b1 = 5
    m = 500
    X = np.linspace(a1, b1, m)
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, X)
    #poisson_square seems to mix up x and y
    Rho = poisson_square(a1, b1, a1, b1, m, lambda x, y: 0,
                         lambda x, y: -rhoSum(y, x, water))
    cdict = genDict(Rho)

    plt.imshow(Rho, cmap=mcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap('CustomMap', cdict))
    plt.colorbar(label="Relative Voltage")

    co2 = ((-1, 0, -2), (1, 0, -2), (0, 0, 4))
    Rho = poisson_square(a1, b1, a1, b1, m, lambda x, y: 0,
                         lambda x, y: -rhoSum(y, x, co2))
    cdict = genDict(Rho)
    plt.imshow(Rho, cmap=mcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap('CustomMap', cdict))
    plt.colorbar(label="Relative Voltage")