Пример #1
def populate_from_pickles(all_solutions, pickleSrc):
    Load program traces, args and return variables from pickle files as
    created by the pipeline preprocessor. Create a Solution instance for
    each pickle file and add them to all_solutions.

    all_solutions: list to add solutions to
    pickleSrc: string, path to directory containing pickle files
    mutates all_solutions

    print "Loading data"
    for filename in os.listdir(pickleSrc):
        solnum = filename.split('.')[0]
        # print solnum

        with open(path.join(pickleSrc, filename), 'r') as f:
            unpickled = pickle.load(f)

        sol = Solution(solnum,

Пример #2
def N1(N,M,P,c,a,b,F,s,ns,k):
    for i in range(1,int(F[s-1].Xn[0])+1):
        dom = 1
        Ra = np.zeros((M))
        Za = np.zeros((P+1))
        for j in range(M):
            Ra[j] = F[s-1].R[j] + a[j][int(F[s-1].Xn[i])]
            if Ra[j] > b[j]:
                Za[P] = Za[P] + 1
                if Za[P] > F[s-1].Z[P]:
        if Za[P] <= F[s-1].Z[P]:
            if Za[P] < F[s-1].Z[P]:
                dom = 0
            for p in range(P):
                Za[p] = F[s-1].Z[p] + c[p][int(F[s-1].Xn[i])]
                if Za[p] > F[s-1].Z[p]:
                    dom = 0
        if dom==0:
            X = F[s-1].X.copy()
            X[int(F[s-1].Xn[i])] = 1
            Xn = F[s-1].Xn.copy()
            Xs = F[s-1].Xs.copy()
            for h in range(i,int(Xn[0]+2)):
    return F, k, ns
Пример #3
def Drand(N, M, P, c, a, b, F):

    X = F.X.copy()
    Xs = F.Xs.copy()
    Xn = F.Xn.copy()
    Z = F.Z.copy()
    R = F.R.copy()

    it = 0
    while it < 0.3 * Xs[0]:
        it = it + 1

        sel = random.randint(1, Xs[0])

        Z[P] = 0
        for m in range(M):
            R[m] = R[m] - a[m][int(Xs[sel])]
            if R[m] > b[m]:
                Z[P] = Z[P] + 1
        for p in range(P):
            Z[p] = Z[p] - c[p][int(Xs[sel])]
        X[int(Xs[sel])] = 0
        Xn[0] = Xn[0] + 1
        Xn[int(Xn[0])] = Xs[sel]
        Xs[0] = Xs[0] - 1
        for h in range(sel, int(Xs[0]) + 2):
            Xs[h] = Xs[h + 1]

        Fs = []
        Fs.append(Solution(X, Xs, Xn, Z, R))

    return Fs
Пример #4
def N3(N,M,P,c,a,b,F,s,ns,k):
    for i in range(1,int(F[s-1].Xs[0]+1)):
        for j in range(1,int(F[s-1].Xn[0]+1)):
            dom = 1
            Ra = np.zeros((M))
            Za = np.zeros((P+1))
            for m in range(M):
                Ra[m] = F[s-1].R[m] - a[m][int(F[s-1].Xs[i])] + a[m][int(F[s-1].Xn[j])]
                if Ra[m] > b[m]:
                    Za[P] = Za[P] + 1
                    if Za[P] > F[s-1].Z[P]:
            if Za[P] <= F[s-1].Z[P]:
                if Za[P] < F[s-1].Z[P]:
                    dom = 0
                for p in range(P):
                    Za[p] = F[s-1].Z[p] - c[p][int(F[s-1].Xs[i])] + c[p][int(F[s-1].Xn[j])]
                    if Za[p] > F[s-1].Z[p]:
                        dom = 0
            if dom == 0:
                X = F[s-1].X.copy()
                X[int(F[s-1].Xs[i])] = 0
                X[int(F[s-1].Xn[j])] = 1
                Xn = F[s-1].Xn.copy()
                Xs = F[s-1].Xs.copy()

    return F, k, ns
Пример #5
def N4(N,M,P,c,a,b,F,s,ns,k,cputime):
    for i1 in range(1,int(F[s-1].Xs[0]+1)):
        if random.random() < 0.84:
            for i2 in range(i1+1,int(F[s-1].Xs[0]+1)):
                if random.random() < 0.84:
                    for j1 in range(1,int(F[s-1].Xn[0]+1)):
                        if random.random() < 0.84:
                            for j2 in range(j1+1,int(F[s-1].Xn[0]+1)):
                                if random.random() < 0.84:
                                    dom = 1
                                    Ra = np.zeros((M))
                                    Za = np.zeros((P+1))
                                    for m in range(M):
                                        Ra[m] = F[s-1].R[m] - a[m][int(F[s-1].Xs[i1])] - a[m][int(F[s-1].Xs[i2])] + a[m][int(F[s-1].Xn[j1])] + a[m][int(F[s-1].Xn[j2])]
                                        if Ra[m] > b[m]:
                                            Za[P] = Za[P] + 1
                                            if Za[P] > F[s-1].Z[P]:
                                    if Za[P] <= F[s-1].Z[P]:
                                        if Za[P] < F[s-1].Z[P]:
                                            dom = 0
                                        for p in range(P):
                                            Za[p] = F[s-1].Z[p] - c[p][int(F[s-1].Xs[i1])] - c[p][int(F[s-1].Xs[i2])] + c[p][int(F[s-1].Xn[j1])] + c[p][int(F[s-1].Xn[j2])]
                                            if Za[p] > F[s-1].Z[p]:
                                                dom = 0
                                    if dom == 0:
                                        X = F[s-1].X.copy()
                                        X[int(F[s-1].Xs[i1])] = 0
                                        X[int(F[s-1].Xs[i2])] = 0
                                        X[int(F[s-1].Xn[j1])] = 1
                                        X[int(F[s-1].Xn[j2])] = 1
                                        Xn = F[s-1].Xn.copy()
                                        Xs = F[s-1].Xs.copy()
                                if (time.time()-cputime) > 5*60:
                        if (time.time()-cputime) > 5*60:
                if (time.time()-cputime) > 5*60:
        if (time.time()-cputime) > 5*60:

    return F, k, ns
Пример #6
def Rgreedy(N,M,P,c,a,b,UB,LB,Fp,F,ns,cputime):

    it = 0
    while it < 5:
        it = it + 1
        if it == 1:
            w = [0.9, 0.05, 0.05]
        if it == 2:
            w = [0.05, 0.9, 0.05]
        if it == 3:
            w = [0.05, 0.05, 0.9]
        if it >= 4:
            w = [random.random(), random.random(), random.random()]
            for i in range(P):
        X = Fp[0].X.copy()
        Xs = Fp[0].Xs.copy()
        Xn = Fp[0].Xn.copy()
        Z = Fp[0].Z.copy()
        R = Fp[0].R.copy()
        check = np.zeros((N))
        for i in range(int(Xs[0]+1)):
            check[int(Xs[i])] = 1
        ap = np.zeros((M, N))
        if Z[P] > 0:
            fact = 0
            fact = 1
        Xn = np.zeros((N+1))
    # Find a feasible solution
        while sum(check) < N and fact == 0:
            Rp = np.zeros((N))
            Rn = np.ones((N))
            sel = -1
            for j in range(N):
                if check[j] == 0:
                    for i in range(M):
                        ap[i][j] = a[i][j] / (b[i]-R[i]+0.001)
                        if b[i] >= 0 and R[i]+a[i][j] > b[i]:
                            check[j] = 1
                            Xn[0] = Xn[0] + 1
                            Xn[int(Xn[0])] = j
                        if b[i] >= 0 and ap[i][j] > Rp[j]:
                            Rp[j] = ap[i][j]
                        if b[i] < 0 and ap[i][j] < Rn[j]:
                            Rn[j] = ap[i][j]
                    if check[j] == 0:
                        if sel == -1:
                            sel = j
                            if Rn[j] > Rn[sel]:
                                sel = j
                                if Rn[j] == Rn[sel] and Rp[j] < Rp[sel]:
                                    sel = j
            if sel >= 0:                                
                X[sel] = 1
                Xs[0] = Xs[0] + 1
                Xs[int(Xs[0])] = sel
                check[sel] = 1
                fact = 1
                for i in range(M):
                    R[i] = R[i] + a[i][sel]
                    if fact == 1 and R[i] > b[i]:
                        fact = 0
                for p in range(P):
                    Z[p] = Z[p] + c[p][sel]
    # Find a better solution
        while sum(check) < N and fact == 1:
            Rp = np.ones((N)) * np.Infinity
            sel = -1
            for j in range(N):
                if check[j] == 0:
                    Rp[j] = 0
                    for p in range(P):
                        ap[p][j] = (Z[p]+c[p][j]-LB[p])/(UB[p]-LB[p])
                        Rp[j] = Rp[j] + w[p]*ap[p][j]
                    for i in range(M):
                        if R[i]+a[i][j] > b[i]:
                            check[j] = 1
                            Xn[0] = Xn[0] + 1
                            Xn[int(Xn[0])] = j
                    if check[j] == 0:
                        if sel == -1:
                            sel = j
                            if Rp[j] > Rp[sel]:
                                sel = j
            if sel >= 0:                                
                X[sel] = 1
                Xs[0] = Xs[0] + 1
                Xs[int(Xs[0])] = sel
                check[sel] = 1
                fact = 1
                for i in range(M):
                    R[i] = R[i] + a[i][sel]
                    if fact == 1 and R[i] > b[i]:
                        fact = 0
                for p in range(P):
                    Z[p] = Z[p] + c[p][sel]
        Z[P] = 0
        for i in range(M):
            if R[i]>b[i]:
                Z[P] = Z[P] +1
        ns = ns + 1

    return F, ns
Пример #7
def Rexact2(N,M,P,c,a,b,UB,LB,Fp,F,ns,cputime):

    it = 0
    while it < 5:
        it = it + 1
        if it == 1:
            w = [0.9, 0.05, 0.05]
        if it == 2:
            w = [0.05, 0.9, 0.05]
        if it == 3:
            w = [0.05, 0.05, 0.9]
        if it >= 4:
            w = [random.random(), random.random(), random.random()]
            for i in range(P):
        X = Fp[0].X.copy()
        Xs = Fp[0].Xs.copy()
        Xn = Fp[0].Xn.copy()
        Z = Fp[0].Z.copy()
        R = Fp[0].R.copy()
        mod = Model("Opt_KSP")
        Xg = mod.addVars(N, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="Xg")
        Zg = mod.addVars(P, vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name="Zg")
        Pg = mod.addVars(M, lb=0, vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name="Pg")

        mod.setParam(GRB.Param.OutputFlag, 0)
        mod.setParam(GRB.Param.TimeLimit, 3)


        name = "c1"
        for m in range(M):
            mod.addConstr(quicksum(a[m][j]*Xg[j] for j in range(N) ) <= b[m] + quicksum(Pg[j] for j in range(M) ), name=name)
        name = "c2"
        for i in range(N):
            mod.addConstr(Xg[i] <= X[i], name=name)
        name = "c3"
        for p in range(P):
            mod.addConstr(Zg[p] == quicksum(c[p][j]*Xg[j] for j in range(N)), name=name)

        mod.setObjective(quicksum(w[p]*(Zg[p]-LB[p])/(UB[p]-LB[p]) for p in range(P)) - quicksum(Pg[m] for m in range(M)), GRB.MAXIMIZE)
        Xs = np.zeros((N+1))
        Xn = np.zeros((N+1))
        Z = np.zeros((P+1))
        R = np.zeros((M))
        for i in range(N):
            X[i] = Xg[i].X
            if X[i] >= 0.95:
                X[i] = 1
                for p in range(P):
                    Z[p] = Z[p] + c[p][i]
                for m in range(M):
                    R[m] = R[m] + a[m][i]
        Z[P] = 0
        for m in range(M):
            if R[m] > b[m]:
                Z[P] = Z[P] + 1
        ns = ns + 1

    return F, ns
Пример #8
class Api:
    def __init__(self):
        # config
        self.names = None
        self.cleaning_method = None
        self.problem_index = None
        self.algorithm = None
        self.repr_method = None
        self.score_method = None
        self.data_sets = None
        self.problem = None
        self.solution = None
        # settings
        self.first_line = 0
        self.last_line = -1
        self.do_save_solution = True
        self.do_show = True
        self.do_report = False
        self.do_report_time = True

    def set(self, attribute, value):
        """override attribute, only if value is not None"""
        if value is not None:
            if hasattr(self, attribute):
                setattr(self, attribute, value)

    def report(self, *args, inline=1):
        if self.do_report:
            print('\n' * inline, '>>> ', ' '.join([str(i) for i in args]))

    def report_time(self, *args):
        if self.do_report_time:
            print('\n', '>>> ', ' '.join([str(i) for i in args]))

    def compile(self, file_names=None, cleaning_method=None, problem_index=None,
                algorithm=None, repr_method=None, score_method=None):
        """set methods (None = don't change)"""
        self.set('names', file_names)
        self.set('cleaning_method', cleaning_method)
        self.set('problem_index', problem_index)
        self.set('algorithm', algorithm)
        self.set('repr_method', repr_method)
        self.set('score_method', score_method)
        return self

    def settings(self, first_line=None, last_line=None, do_save_solution=None,
                 do_show=None, do_report=None, do_report_time=None):
        """set variables (None = don't change)"""
        self.set('first_line', first_line)
        self.set('last_line', last_line)
        self.set('do_save_solution', do_save_solution)
        self.set('do_show', do_show)
        self.set('do_report', do_report)
        self.set('do_report_time', do_report_time)
        return self

    def set_algorithm(self, algorithm):
        self.algorithm = algorithm

    def set_problem(self, problem_index):
        self.problem_index = problem_index

    def set_first_line(self, first_line):
        self.first_line = first_line

    def set_last_line(self, last_line):
        self.last_line = last_line

    def set_do_show(self, do_show):
        self.do_show = do_show

    # --- checks ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def check_defined(self, *args, error_type=None):
        """checks that both args and kwargs are both not None, in witch case raises error_type"""
        if error_type is None:
            error_type = NotImplementedError
        not_defined_attr = []
        error = None
        # scan
        for attr in args:
            if hasattr(self, attr):
                if getattr(self, attr) is None:
                    not_defined_attr += [attr]
                    error = error_type(attr)
                not_defined_attr += [attr]
                error = AttributeError(attr)
        # report
        if len(not_defined_attr):
            self.report('Warning! Argument not defined:')
            for attr in not_defined_attr:
                self.report(' - ' + attr, inline=0)
            if error:
                raise error

    def optional(*args):
        """decorated methods are skipped if some parameter is missing"""

        def wrapped(fun):
            def wrapped_2(self, *ag, **kw):
                self.check_defined(*args, error_type=AssertionError)
                return fun(self, *ag, **kw)

            wrapped_2.__name__ = fun.__name__ + '_'
            return wrapped_2

        return wrapped

    def compulsory(*args):
        """decorated methods stop the routine execution if some parameter is missing"""

        def wrapped(fun):
            def wrapped_2(self, *ag, **kw):
                self.check_defined(*args, error_type=NotImplementedError)
                return fun(self, *ag, **kw)

            wrapped_2.__name__ = fun.__name__ + '_'
            return wrapped_2

        return wrapped

    # --- functionalities ---------------------------------------------------------------

    @compulsory('names', 'first_line', 'last_line', 'cleaning_method')
    def gen_data_sets(self):
        """dict of names with corresponding data-set generator"""
        self.data_sets = {i: data_points_generator(file_name=self.names[i],
                                                   cleaning_method=self.cleaning_method) for i in self.names}

    @compulsory('data_sets', 'problem_index')
    def define_problem(self):
        self.problem = list(self.data_sets[self.problem_index]())  # when called returns data generator
        if self.do_show:
            fancy_print(self.data_sets[self.problem_index](), lines=10, title='problem ' + self.problem_index)

    @compulsory('problem', 'repr_method', 'algorithm')
    def compute_solution(self):
        # compute solution
        raw_solution = self.algorithm(self.problem)
        self.solution = Solution(raw_solution, self.problem, self.repr_method)

    @optional('solution', 'problem_index', 'score_method')
    def compute_score(self):
        score = self.solution.get_score()
        if self.do_show:
            fancy_print(self.solution, lines=10, title='solution ' + self.problem_index)
            print('\n\tscore =', score, '\n')

    def save(self):
        if self.do_save_solution:

    # --- routine -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    def routine(self):
        """generator of methods to execute
                - enforces sequencing
                - returns control to user to allow interleaving code"""
        v = [self.gen_data_sets,

        def routine_generator():
            for method in v:
                yield method

        return routine_generator

    def run(self, min_time=0.005):
        routine execution
        :param min_time: min time required that a method needs to take in order to report time (seconds)
        self.report('running Api...')
        successful = True
        for method in self.routine()():
            timer = Timer()
                self.report('calling "' + method.__name__ + '"')
            except NotImplementedError:  # handle compulsory methods
                self.report('routine aborted at "' + method.__name__ + '"')
                successful = False
            except AssertionError:  # handle optional methods
                self.report('...skipping', method.__name__)
                if self.do_report_time:
                    t = timer(method.__name__).lapse
                    # report only meaningful time
                    if t > min_time:
        if successful:
            self.report('Api has been successfully executed!')
            self.report('Api has been shut down due to a lack of arguments!')
Пример #9
 def compute_solution(self):
     # compute solution
     raw_solution = self.algorithm(self.problem)
     self.solution = Solution(raw_solution, self.problem, self.repr_method)
Пример #10
def construction(N,M,P,c,a,b):

    X = np.zeros((N))
    R = np.zeros((M))
    Z = np.zeros((P+1))
    UB = np.zeros((P))
    for p in range(P):
        for j in range(N):
            if c[p][j] > 0:
                UB[p] = UB[p] + c[p][j]
    check = np.zeros((N))
    ap = np.zeros((M, N))
    fact = 0

# Find a feasible solution
    while sum(check) < N and fact == 0:
        Rp = np.zeros((N))
        Rn = np.ones((N))
        sel = -1
        for j in range(N):
            if check[j] == 0:
                for i in range(M):
                    ap[i][j] = a[i][j] / (b[i]-R[i]+0.001)
                    if b[i] >= 0 and R[i]+a[i][j] > b[i]:
                        check[j] = 1
                    if b[i] >= 0 and ap[i][j] > Rp[j]:
                        Rp[j] = ap[i][j]
                    if b[i] < 0 and ap[i][j] < Rn[j]:
                        Rn[j] = ap[i][j]
                if check[j] == 0:
                    if sel == -1:
                        sel = j
                        if Rn[j] > Rn[sel]:
                            sel = j
                            if Rn[j] == Rn[sel] and Rp[j] < Rp[sel]:
                                sel = j

        if sel >= 0:                                
            X[sel] = 1
            check[sel] = 1
            fact = 1
            for i in range(M):
                R[i] = R[i] + a[i][sel]
                if fact == 1 and R[i] > b[i]:
                    fact = 0
            for p in range(P):
                Z[p] = Z[p] + c[p][sel]

# Find a better solution
    while sum(check) < N and fact == 1:
        Rp = np.ones((N)) * np.Infinity
        sel = -1
        for j in range(N):
            if check[j] == 0:
                for p in range(P):
                    ap[p][j] = (UB[p]-Z[p])/UB[p]
                    if Rp[j] > ap[p][j]:
                        Rp[j] = ap[p][j]
                for i in range(M):
                    if R[i]+a[i][j] > b[i]:
                        check[j] = 1
                if check[j] == 0:
                    if sel == -1:
                        sel = j
                        if Rp[j] > Rp[sel]:
                            sel = j

        if sel >= 0:                                
            X[sel] = 1
            check[sel] = 1
            fact = 1
            for i in range(M):
                R[i] = R[i] + a[i][sel]
                if fact == 1 and R[i] > b[i]:
                    fact = 0
            for p in range(P):
                Z[p] = Z[p] + c[p][sel]
    Z[p+1] = 0
    for i in range(M):
        if R[i]>b[i]:
            Z[p+1] = Z[p+1] +1
    Xs = np.zeros((N+1))
    Xn = np.zeros((N+1))
    for i in range(N):
        if X[i]==1:
            Xs[int(Xs[0])] = i
            Xn[int(Xn[0])] = i

    F = Solution(X,Xs,Xn,Z,R)

    return F
Пример #11
def Rgreedy(N,M,P,c,a,b,Fp,F,cputime):

    X = Fp[0].X.copy()
    Xs = Fp[0].Xs.copy()
    Xn = Fp[0].Xn.copy()
    Z = Fp[0].Z.copy()
    R = Fp[0].R.copy()
    check = np.zeros((N))
    for i in range(int(Xs[0]+1)):
        check[int(Xs[i])] = 1
    ap = np.zeros((M, N))
    if Z[P] > 0:
        fact = 0
        fact = 1
    Xn = np.zeros((N+1))

# Find a feasible solution
    while sum(check) < N and fact == 0:
        Rp = np.zeros((N))
        Rn = np.ones((N))
        sel = -1
        for j in range(N):
            if check[j] == 0:
                for i in range(M):
                    ap[i][j] = a[i][j] / (b[i]-R[i]+0.001)
                    if b[i] >= 0 and R[i]+a[i][j] > b[i]:
                        check[j] = 1
                        Xn[0] = Xn[0] + 1
                        Xn[int(Xn[0])] = j
                    if b[i] >= 0 and ap[i][j] > Rp[j]:
                        Rp[j] = ap[i][j]
                    if b[i] < 0 and ap[i][j] < Rn[j]:
                        Rn[j] = ap[i][j]
                if check[j] == 0:
                    if sel == -1:
                        sel = j
                        if Rn[j] > Rn[sel]:
                            sel = j
                            if Rn[j] == Rn[sel] and Rp[j] < Rp[sel]:
                                sel = j

        if sel >= 0:                                
            X[sel] = 1
            Xs[0] = Xs[0] + 1
            Xs[int(Xs[0])] = sel
            check[sel] = 1
            fact = 1
            for i in range(M):
                R[i] = R[i] + a[i][sel]
                if fact == 1 and R[i] > b[i]:
                    fact = 0
            for p in range(P):
                Z[p] = Z[p] + c[p][sel]

# Find a better solution
    while sum(check) < N and fact == 1:
        Rp = np.ones((N)) * np.Infinity
        sel = -1
        for j in range(N):
            if check[j] == 0:
                Rp[j] = 0
                for p in range(P):
                    ap[p][j] = Z[p]+c[p][j]
                    Rp[j] = Rp[j] + ap[p][j]
                for i in range(M):
                    if R[i]+a[i][j] > b[i]:
                        check[j] = 1
                        Xn[0] = Xn[0] + 1
                        Xn[int(Xn[0])] = j
                if check[j] == 0:
                    if sel == -1:
                        sel = j
                        if Rp[j] > Rp[sel]:
                            sel = j

        if sel >= 0:                                
            X[sel] = 1
            Xs[0] = Xs[0] + 1
            Xs[int(Xs[0])] = sel
            check[sel] = 1
            fact = 1
            for i in range(M):
                R[i] = R[i] + a[i][sel]
                if fact == 1 and R[i] > b[i]:
                    fact = 0
            for p in range(P):
                Z[p] = Z[p] + c[p][sel]
    Z[P] = 0
    for i in range(M):
        if R[i]>b[i]:
            Z[P] = Z[P] +1
    if Z[P] < F.Z[P]:
        F = Solution(X,Xs,Xn,Z,R)
    if Z[P] == F.Z[P] and Z[0] > F.Z[0]:
        F = Solution(X,Xs,Xn,Z,R)

    return F
Пример #12
def Rexact(N,M,P,c,a,b,Fp,F,cputime):

    X = Fp[0].X.copy()
    Xs = Fp[0].Xs.copy()
    Xn = Fp[0].Xn.copy()
    Z = Fp[0].Z.copy()
    R = Fp[0].R.copy()
    mod = Model("Opt_KSP")
    Xg = mod.addVars(N, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="Xg")
    Zg = mod.addVars(P, vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name="Zg")
    Pg = mod.addVars(M, lb=0, vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name="Pg")

    mod.setParam(GRB.Param.OutputFlag, 0)


    name = "c1"
    for m in range(M):
        mod.addConstr(quicksum(a[m][j]*Xg[j] for j in range(N) ) <= b[m] + Pg[m], name=name)
    name = "c2"
    for i in range(N):
        mod.addConstr(Xg[i] >= X[i], name=name)
    name = "c3"
    for p in range(P):
        mod.addConstr(Zg[p] == quicksum(c[p][j]*Xg[j] for j in range(N)), name=name)

    mod.setObjective(Zg[0] - 100*quicksum(Pg[m] for m in range(M)), GRB.MAXIMIZE)
    Xs = np.zeros((N+1))
    Xn = np.zeros((N+1))
    Z = np.zeros((P+1))
    R = np.zeros((M))
    for i in range(N):
        X[i] = Xg[i].X
        if X[i] >= 0.95:
            X[i] = 1
            for p in range(P):
                Z[p] = Z[p] + c[p][i]
            for m in range(M):
                R[m] = R[m] + a[m][i]
    Z[P] = 0
    for m in range(M):
        if R[m] > b[m]:
            Z[P] = Z[P] + 1
    if Z[P] < F.Z[P]:
        F = Solution(X,Xs,Xn,Z,R)
    if Z[P] == F.Z[P] and Z[0] > F.Z[0]:
        F = Solution(X,Xs,Xn,Z,R)
    return F