def ajax_sol_vote(request, sol_id): real_solution_id = int(sol_id) vote_value = int(request.POST.get('voteVal')) unvote = request.POST.get('unvote') if vote_value > 100 or vote_value < -100: vote_value = 0 try: needed_solution = Solution.objects.get(id=real_solution_id, is_deleted=False) except: return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps({'error': True}, sort_keys=True, indent=4), content_type = 'application/json') try: if request.user.is_authenticated and request.user == needed_solution.owner: is_author = True else: is_author = False except: is_author = False if is_author: json = simplejson.dumps({ 'is_author': True }) return HttpResponse(json, mimetype='application/json') voter_score, c = User_score.objects.get_or_create(user=request.user) vote, c = Vote.objects.get_or_create_vote(solution=needed_solution, solution_owner=needed_solution.owner, user=request.user) is_deleted = True if unvote=='true' else False try: voted_score = User_score.objects.get(user=needed_solution.owner) is_external = False except: voted_score = User_score.objects.get(external_user=needed_solution.external_answerer) is_external = True if c and not is_deleted: voter_score.votes_count = int(voter_score.votes_count) + 1 voted_score.voted_count = int(voted_score.voted_count) + 1 needed_solution.votes_count = int(needed_solution.votes_count) + 1 needed_solution.votes_sum = int(needed_solution.votes_sum) + vote_value voted_score.voted = int(voted_score.voted) + vote_value elif not c and is_deleted: voter_score.votes_count = int(voter_score.votes_count) - 1 voted_score.voted_count = int(voted_score.voted_count) - 1 needed_solution.votes_count = int(needed_solution.votes_count) - 1 needed_solution.votes_sum = int(needed_solution.votes_sum) - int( + vote_value voted_score.voted = int(voted_score.voted) - int( + vote_value elif not c and not is_deleted: needed_solution.votes_sum = int(needed_solution.votes_sum) - int( + vote_value voted_score.voted = int(voted_score.voted) - int( + vote_value vote.is_deleted = is_deleted = vote_value vote.datetime = if not is_external: graphs_user_info = graphs_user(request=request, user_username=needed_solution.owner.username, external=False, JSON='JSON_ready', score=True) else: graphs_user_info = graphs_user(request=request,, external=True, JSON='JSON_ready', score=True) results = {'graphs_solution_info': graphs_solution(request, real_solution_id, JSON='JSON_ready'), 'graphs_user_info': graphs_user_info} return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(results, sort_keys=True, indent=4), content_type = 'application/json')
def view_solution(request, solution_id): try: redirectTo ='http://[-.\w\d]+/(.+)', request.META['HTTP_REFERER']).group(1) redirectTo = '/'+redirectTo except: redirectTo = '/' real_solution_id = int(solution_id) needed_solution = get_object_or_404(Solution, id=real_solution_id, is_deleted=False) owner_score = User_score.objects.get(user=needed_solution.owner) if request.user != needed_solution.owner: owner_score.viewed_count = int(owner_score.viewed_count) + 1 try: needed_solution.viewed = int(needed_solution.viewed) + 1 except: needed_solution.viewed = 0 graphs_user_info = graphs_user(request, user_username=needed_solution.owner.username, external=False, JSON=False, score=True) add_comment_av = False if RBACGenericPermission.objects.get_user_permission(needed_solution.owner, Solution, 'add_comment', request.user) and request.user.is_authenticated(): add_comment_av = True if add_comment_av: #if permissions passed, POST vars come to account form = add_comment(request, object_inst=needed_solution , JSON=False) if not form: #DONE! return HttpResponseRedirect(redirectTo) else: form = None if request.user.is_authenticated() and request.user != needed_solution.owner: user_score = User_score.objects.get(user=request.user) user_score.views_count = int(user_score.views_count) + 1 graphs_solution_info = graphs_solution(request, real_solution_id, JSON=False) tags = Solution.objects.get(id=real_solution_id).tags.values_list('id', flat=True) soltags = Solution.objects.filter(tags__id__in=tags).exclude(id=real_solution_id)[0:20] latestsols = most_recent_sols() mostpops = most_pop_sols() comments = get_comment(request=request, operation='view_comment', owner=needed_solution.owner, model=Solution, order_by='-datetime', limit=10, object_inst=needed_solution) return render_to_response('view_solution.html',{ 'graphs_solution_info': graphs_solution_info, 'graphs_user_info': graphs_user_info,'soltags':soltags, 'mostpops':mostpops, 'latestsols':latestsols, 'form': form, 'add_comment_av': add_comment_av, 'comments': comments }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def per_page_creator(request, table, table_type=None, default_per_no=10, order='-datetime_added'): try: page_no = int(request.GET.get('page_no')) if page_no < 1: page_no = 1 except: page_no = 1 try: per_page = int(request.GET.get('per_page')) if per_page > 100 or per_page < 1: per_page = default_per_no except: per_page = default_per_no if not page_no: page_no = 1 if not per_page: per_page = default_per_no table_list_len = table.count() categories = [] per_page_alloc = per_page if table: if per_page > table_list_len: per_page = table_list_len table_list = table.all().order_by(order)[per_page * (page_no - 1):per_page * page_no] if table_list_len < per_page: total_pages = 1 elif (table_list_len % per_page) == 0: total_pages = xrange(1, (table_list_len / per_page) + 1) else: total_pages = xrange(1, ((table_list_len / per_page) + 1) + 1) total_pages_len = len(total_pages) page_bar_mid = [] page_bar_left = False page_bar_right = False if page_no == 1 or page_no == 2: if total_pages_len <= 5: page_bar_mid = xrange(1, total_pages_len + 1) else: page_bar_mid = xrange(1, 6) elif page_no == total_pages_len or page_no == total_pages_len - 1: if total_pages_len <= 5: page_bar_mid = xrange(1, total_pages_len + 1) elif page_no == total_pages_len: page_bar_mid = xrange(page_no - 4, total_pages_len + 1) else: page_bar_mid = xrange(page_no - 3, total_pages_len + 1) else: if total_pages_len <= page_no + 2: page_bar_mid = xrange(page_no - 2, total_pages_len + 1) else: page_bar_mid = xrange(page_no - 2, page_no + 3) if not 1 in page_bar_mid: page_bar_left = 1 if not total_pages_len in page_bar_mid: page_bar_right = total_pages_len if page_no < total_pages_len: next_page = page_no + 1 else: next_page = False if page_no > 1: previous_page = page_no - 1 else: previous_page = False previous_page = page_no - 1 first_link_no = ((page_no - 1) * per_page) if table_type == 'solution': solutions_list = [] for needed_solution in table_list: solutions_list.append( graphs_solution(request,, JSON='JSON_ready', safe=True)) if not in categories: categories.append( table_list = solutions_list output_dict = { 'table_list': table_list, 'current_page': page_no, 'first_link_no': first_link_no, 'next_page': next_page, 'previous_page': previous_page, 'page_bar_right': page_bar_right, 'page_bar_left': page_bar_left, 'page_bar_mid': page_bar_mid, 'per_page': per_page, 'per_page_alloc': per_page_alloc, 'total_pages': total_pages, 'default_per_no': default_per_no, 'table_list_len': table_list_len, 'categories': categories, 'no_content': False } else: output_dict = { 'table_list_len': table_list_len, 'categories': categories, 'no_content': True } return output_dict
def ajax_sol_vote(request, sol_id): real_solution_id = int(sol_id) vote_value = int(request.POST.get('voteVal')) unvote = request.POST.get('unvote') if vote_value > 100 or vote_value < -100: vote_value = 0 try: needed_solution = Solution.objects.get(id=real_solution_id, is_deleted=False) except: return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps({'error': True}, sort_keys=True, indent=4), content_type='application/json') try: if request.user.is_authenticated and request.user == needed_solution.owner: is_author = True else: is_author = False except: is_author = False if is_author: json = simplejson.dumps({'is_author': True}) return HttpResponse(json, mimetype='application/json') voter_score, c = User_score.objects.get_or_create(user=request.user) vote, c = Vote.objects.get_or_create_vote( solution=needed_solution, solution_owner=needed_solution.owner, user=request.user) is_deleted = True if unvote == 'true' else False try: voted_score = User_score.objects.get(user=needed_solution.owner) is_external = False except: voted_score = User_score.objects.get( external_user=needed_solution.external_answerer) is_external = True if c and not is_deleted: voter_score.votes_count = int(voter_score.votes_count) + 1 voted_score.voted_count = int(voted_score.voted_count) + 1 needed_solution.votes_count = int(needed_solution.votes_count) + 1 needed_solution.votes_sum = int(needed_solution.votes_sum) + vote_value voted_score.voted = int(voted_score.voted) + vote_value elif not c and is_deleted: voter_score.votes_count = int(voter_score.votes_count) - 1 voted_score.voted_count = int(voted_score.voted_count) - 1 needed_solution.votes_count = int(needed_solution.votes_count) - 1 needed_solution.votes_sum = int(needed_solution.votes_sum) - int( + vote_value voted_score.voted = int(voted_score.voted) - int( + vote_value elif not c and not is_deleted: needed_solution.votes_sum = int(needed_solution.votes_sum) - int( + vote_value voted_score.voted = int(voted_score.voted) - int( + vote_value vote.is_deleted = is_deleted = vote_value vote.datetime = if not is_external: graphs_user_info = graphs_user( request=request, user_username=needed_solution.owner.username, external=False, JSON='JSON_ready', score=True) else: graphs_user_info = graphs_user( request=request,, external=True, JSON='JSON_ready', score=True) results = { 'graphs_solution_info': graphs_solution(request, real_solution_id, JSON='JSON_ready'), 'graphs_user_info': graphs_user_info } return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(results, sort_keys=True, indent=4), content_type='application/json')
def view_solution(request, solution_id): try: redirectTo ='http://[-.\w\d]+/(.+)', request.META['HTTP_REFERER']).group(1) redirectTo = '/' + redirectTo except: redirectTo = '/' real_solution_id = int(solution_id) needed_solution = get_object_or_404(Solution, id=real_solution_id, is_deleted=False) owner_score = User_score.objects.get(user=needed_solution.owner) if request.user != needed_solution.owner: owner_score.viewed_count = int(owner_score.viewed_count) + 1 try: needed_solution.viewed = int(needed_solution.viewed) + 1 except: needed_solution.viewed = 0 graphs_user_info = graphs_user( request, user_username=needed_solution.owner.username, external=False, JSON=False, score=True) add_comment_av = False if RBACGenericPermission.objects.get_user_permission( needed_solution.owner, Solution, 'add_comment', request.user) and request.user.is_authenticated(): add_comment_av = True if add_comment_av: #if permissions passed, POST vars come to account form = add_comment(request, object_inst=needed_solution, JSON=False) if not form: #DONE! return HttpResponseRedirect(redirectTo) else: form = None if request.user.is_authenticated( ) and request.user != needed_solution.owner: user_score = User_score.objects.get(user=request.user) user_score.views_count = int(user_score.views_count) + 1 graphs_solution_info = graphs_solution(request, real_solution_id, JSON=False) tags = Solution.objects.get(id=real_solution_id).tags.values_list( 'id', flat=True) soltags = Solution.objects.filter(tags__id__in=tags).exclude( id=real_solution_id)[0:20] latestsols = most_recent_sols() mostpops = most_pop_sols() comments = get_comment(request=request, operation='view_comment', owner=needed_solution.owner, model=Solution, order_by='-datetime', limit=10, object_inst=needed_solution) return render_to_response('view_solution.html', { 'graphs_solution_info': graphs_solution_info, 'graphs_user_info': graphs_user_info, 'soltags': soltags, 'mostpops': mostpops, 'latestsols': latestsols, 'form': form, 'add_comment_av': add_comment_av, 'comments': comments }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def per_page_creator(request, table, table_type=None, default_per_no=10, order='-datetime_added'): try: page_no = int(request.GET.get('page_no')) if page_no < 1: page_no = 1 except: page_no = 1 try: per_page = int(request.GET.get('per_page')) if per_page > 100 or per_page < 1: per_page = default_per_no except: per_page = default_per_no if not page_no: page_no = 1 if not per_page: per_page = default_per_no table_list_len = table.count() categories = [] per_page_alloc = per_page if table: if per_page > table_list_len: per_page = table_list_len table_list = table.all().order_by(order)[per_page*(page_no-1):per_page*page_no] if table_list_len < per_page: total_pages = 1 elif (table_list_len % per_page) == 0: total_pages = xrange(1,(table_list_len/per_page)+1) else: total_pages = xrange(1,((table_list_len/per_page)+1)+1) total_pages_len = len(total_pages) page_bar_mid = [] page_bar_left = False page_bar_right = False if page_no == 1 or page_no == 2: if total_pages_len <= 5: page_bar_mid = xrange(1,total_pages_len+1) else: page_bar_mid = xrange(1,6) elif page_no == total_pages_len or page_no == total_pages_len-1: if total_pages_len <= 5: page_bar_mid = xrange(1,total_pages_len+1) elif page_no == total_pages_len: page_bar_mid = xrange(page_no-4,total_pages_len+1) else: page_bar_mid = xrange(page_no-3,total_pages_len+1) else: if total_pages_len <= page_no+2: page_bar_mid = xrange(page_no-2,total_pages_len+1) else: page_bar_mid = xrange(page_no-2,page_no+3) if not 1 in page_bar_mid: page_bar_left = 1 if not total_pages_len in page_bar_mid: page_bar_right = total_pages_len if page_no < total_pages_len: next_page = page_no + 1 else: next_page = False if page_no > 1: previous_page = page_no - 1 else: previous_page = False previous_page = page_no - 1 first_link_no = ((page_no-1)*per_page) if table_type == 'solution': solutions_list = [] for needed_solution in table_list: solutions_list.append(graphs_solution(request,, JSON='JSON_ready', safe=True)) if not in categories: categories.append( table_list = solutions_list output_dict = {'table_list': table_list,'current_page': page_no, 'first_link_no': first_link_no, 'next_page': next_page, 'previous_page': previous_page, 'page_bar_right': page_bar_right, 'page_bar_left': page_bar_left, 'page_bar_mid': page_bar_mid, 'per_page': per_page, 'per_page_alloc': per_page_alloc, 'total_pages': total_pages, 'default_per_no': default_per_no, 'table_list_len':table_list_len, 'categories': categories, 'no_content': False} else: output_dict = {'table_list_len':table_list_len, 'categories': categories, 'no_content': True} return output_dict