Пример #1
  def testObservesWrappedFunction(self):
    activation_module = base.Module(tf.nn.relu)
    with base.observe_connections(self._connection_observer):
      outputs = activation_module(self._inputs)

    self.assertEqual(1, len(self._connected_subgraphs))

    self.assertIs(activation_module, self._connected_subgraphs[0].module)
    self.assertIs(self._inputs, self._connected_subgraphs[0].inputs["args"][0])
    self.assertIs(self._connected_subgraphs[0].outputs, outputs)
Пример #2
  def testSharing(self):
    batch_size = 3
    in_size = 4
    input_data = np.random.rand(batch_size, in_size)
    inputs1 = tf.constant(input_data)
    inputs2 = tf.constant(input_data)

    build = functools.partial(_make_model_with_params, output_size=10)
    model = base.Module(build)
    self.assertEqual(model.scope_name, "make_model_with_params")
    outputs1 = model(inputs1)
    outputs2 = model(inputs2)

    outputs1, outputs2 = self.evaluate([outputs1, outputs2])
    self.assertAllClose(outputs1, outputs2)
Пример #3
  def testSharing(self):
    batch_size = 3
    in_size = 4
    inputs1 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[batch_size, in_size])
    inputs2 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[batch_size, in_size])

    model = base.Module(build=partial(_make_model_with_params, output_size=10))
    outputs1 = model(inputs1)
    outputs2 = model(inputs2)
    input_data = np.random.rand(batch_size, in_size)

    with self.test_session() as sess:
      outputs1, outputs2 = sess.run(
          [outputs1, outputs2],
          feed_dict={inputs1: input_data,
                     inputs2: input_data})
      self.assertAllClose(outputs1, outputs2)
Пример #4
  def inverse(self, name=None):
    """Returns a `sonnet` module to compute inverse affine transforms.

      The function first assembles a network that given the constraints of the
      current AffineGridWarper and a set of input parameters, retrieves the
      coefficients of the corresponding inverse affine transform, then feeds its
      output into a new AffineGridWarper setup to correctly warp the `output`
      space into the `source` space.

      name: Name of module implementing the inverse grid transformation.

      A `sonnet` module performing the inverse affine transform of a reference
      grid of points via an AffineGridWarper module.

      tf.errors.UnimplementedError: If the function is called on a non 2D
        instance of AffineGridWarper.
    if self._num_coeff != 6:
      raise tf.errors.UnimplementedError('AffineGridWarper currently supports'
                                         'inversion only for the 2D case.')
    def _affine_grid_warper_inverse(inputs):
      """Assembles network to compute inverse affine transformation.

      Each `inputs` row potentailly contains [a, b, tx, c, d, ty]
      corresponding to an affine matrix:

        A = [a, b, tx],
            [c, d, ty]

      We want to generate a tensor containing the coefficients of the
      corresponding inverse affine transformation in a constraints-aware
      Calling M:

        M = [a, b]
            [c, d]

      the affine matrix for the inverse transform is:

         A_in = [M^(-1), M^-1 * [-tx, -tx]^T]


        M^(-1) = (ad - bc)^(-1) * [ d, -b]
                                  [-c,  a]

        inputs: Tensor containing a batch of transformation parameters.

        A tensorflow graph performing the inverse affine transformation
        parametrized by the input coefficients.
      batch_size = tf.expand_dims(tf.shape(inputs)[0], 0)
      constant_shape = tf.concat([batch_size, tf.convert_to_tensor((1,))], 0)

      index = iter(range(6))
      def get_variable(constraint):
        if constraint is None:
          i = index.next()
          return inputs[:, i:i+1]
          return tf.fill(constant_shape, tf.constant(constraint,

      constraints = chain.from_iterable(self.constraints)
      a, b, tx, c, d, ty = (get_variable(constr) for constr in constraints)

      det = a * d - b * c
      a_inv = d / det
      b_inv = -b / det
      c_inv = -c / det
      d_inv = a / det

      m_inv = basic.BatchReshape(
          [2, 2])(tf.concat([a_inv, b_inv, c_inv, d_inv], 1))

      txy = tf.expand_dims(tf.concat([tx, ty], 1), 2)

      txy_inv = basic.BatchFlatten()(tf.matmul(m_inv, txy))
      tx_inv = txy_inv[:, 0:1]
      ty_inv = txy_inv[:, 1:2]

      inverse_gw_inputs = tf.concat(
          [a_inv, b_inv, -tx_inv, c_inv, d_inv, -ty_inv], 1)

      agw = AffineGridWarper(self.output_shape,

      return agw(inverse_gw_inputs)  # pylint: disable=not-callable

    if name is None:
      name = self.module_name + '_inverse'
    return base.Module(_affine_grid_warper_inverse, name=name)
Пример #5
  def testFunctionType(self):
    with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm:

    self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), "Input 'build' must be callable.")