def resume_instance(self, filepath): logger.debug('resume_instance from %s' % filepath) document.load(filepath) char.load() ground.load() sound.load() self.montage.restore()
def __init__(self, duration): """Create a new thread and start it.""" threading.Thread.__init__(self) = "Clock-T%s" %"-")[-1] self.daemon = True self.duration = None self.remaining = None self.elapsed = None = None self.done = None self._started_on = None self.set(duration) self._sound_name = "beep" sound.load(self._sound_name) self.beep_times = [ *range(1, 10), # every second last 10sec *range(10, 60, 5), # between 10sec and 60sec every 5 seconds *range(60, 300, 10), # between 1min and 5min every 10 seconds *range(300, self.duration, 60) # every minute for the rest ] self.start()
def test_wait_done(): def func(val): assert val == "SomeString" sound.load('beep') sound.queue('beep') sound.wait_done(func, {'val': 'SomeString'})
def __init__(self): self.state = 'pre' # init pygame pygame.init() pygame.mixer.init(44100, 16, 2, 1024*4) pygame.display.set_caption("MR. TRAPEZIUS ") try: self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480), HWSURFACE | SRCALPHA, 32) except: self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480), SRCALPHA, 32) try: pygame.display.set_icon(pygame.image.load( util.file_path("Inky.png")).convert_alpha()) except: # some platfom do not allow change icon after shown pass # init fonts and music lists util.init() # init sub states objects self.pre = Pre(self.screen) self.go = MainGame(self.screen) self.level_info = Level(self.screen) = Retry(self.screen) = NextLevel(self.screen) sound.load()
def test_load_sound(comment, input_, expected): if type(expected) is type: if issubclass(expected, Exception): with pytest.raises(expected) as e_info: sound.load(**input_) else: sound.load(**input_) assert expected in sound.player.sounds assert isinstance(sound.player.sounds[expected],
def test_queue_sound(comment, load, input_, expected): if load is not None: sound.load(load) if type(expected) is type: if issubclass(expected, Exception): with pytest.raises(expected) as e_info: sound.queue(**input_) else: sound.queue(**input_) assert sound.player.queue_length == 1 queued = sound.player.queue.get_nowait() assert expected[0] == queued[0] assert isinstance(queued[1], assert expected[1] == queued[2]
def load_basic_resources(resources): """loads basic resources into ram""" # print(dir(DotDict)) with open(os.path.join("json", "resources.json"), 'r') as fd: _resources = DotDict(json.load(fd)) # print(dir(_resources.playerimage)) for name, data in _resources.items(): if data["type"] == constants.IMAGE: with open(data["path"], 'rb') as fd: resources[name] = pygame.image.load(fd) elif data["type"] in [constants.SFX, constants.MUSIC]: with open(data["path"], 'rb') as fd: resources[name] = sound.load(fd)
def init(self): util.init() sound.load()
def main(): #Initial game variables WIDTH = 7 HEIGHT = 9 BOX_LENGTH = 70 selected = False selected_x = None selected_y = None score = 0 turns_left = 20 GOAL_SCORE = 300 exit_game = False gameover_displayed = False os.environ[ 'SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = '1' #Centers the window that will be generated board = init_2DArray(WIDTH, HEIGHT) format_board(board) pygame.init() #loads all pygame modules sound.load() screen = draw.create_screen(WIDTH, HEIGHT, BOX_LENGTH) clock = pygame.time.Clock() draw.window(board, turns_left, score, GOAL_SCORE) pygame.display.flip() #updates screen #Game Loop while not exit_game: while turns_left > 0 and not exit_game: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: #window exit button exit_game = True elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 1: coord_pair = pygame.mouse.get_pos( ) #tuple from the left-click x = math.floor(coord_pair[0] / BOX_LENGTH) y = math.floor(coord_pair[1] / BOX_LENGTH) if x < WIDTH and y < HEIGHT: if selected == False: #No tile was previously selected selected = True selected_x = x selected_y = y draw.selected(x, y) elif selected == True: if isAdjacent(selected_x, selected_y, x, y): swap(board, selected_x, selected_y, x, y) draw.window(board, turns_left, score, GOAL_SCORE) display_pause(clock, 2.5) if match_exists(board): turns_left -= 1 turn_score = 0 combo_count = 1 #Loops until no more matches while match_exists(board): turn_score += elim_matches(board) draw.window(board, turns_left, score, GOAL_SCORE) sound.play_effect("pop") display_pause(clock, 2.5) while not board_filled(board): #Drops tiles and fills board until full drop_tiles(board) fill_top(board) draw.window( board, turns_left, score, GOAL_SCORE) display_pause(clock, 2.5) combo_count += 1 combo_count -= 1 score += turn_score * combo_count draw.window(board, turns_left, score, GOAL_SCORE) pygame.display.flip() if combo_count > 1: sound.play_combo(combo_count) draw.combo_msg(combo_count) pygame.display.flip() pygame.time.delay(2000) draw.window(board, turns_left, score, GOAL_SCORE) pygame.display.flip() elif not match_exists(board): #swaps tiles back swap(board, selected_x, selected_y, x, y) draw.window(board, turns_left, score, GOAL_SCORE) pygame.display.flip() elif not isAdjacent(selected_x, selected_y, x, y): #Visually deselects the first tile draw.window(board, turns_left, score, GOAL_SCORE) pygame.display.flip() selected = False selected_x = None selected_y = None display_pause(clock, 60) if not gameover_displayed: if score >= GOAL_SCORE: sound.play_effect("win") else: draw.lose() sound.play_effect("lose") gameover_displayed = True pygame.display.flip() #EXITS GAME LOOP for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: #window exit button exit_game = True
def brightness(self, frame): if frame < 0: return NONE if frame >= len(self.sequence_list): return FULL return self.sequence_list[frame] START_DELAY = 20 END_DELAY = 20 STOP_FLICKERING_FRAME = START_DELAY + FlickerSequence.SEQUENCE_LENGTH TOTAL_LENGTH = START_DELAY + FlickerSequence.SEQUENCE_LENGTH + END_DELAY SOUND_COUNT = 6 turn_on_sounds = [sound.load("flicker_on") for _ in range(SOUND_COUNT)] def mute_sounds(): for turn_on_sound in turn_on_sounds: turn_on_sound.set_volume(0) def play_sounds(): for turn_on_sound in turn_on_sounds: def set_sound_volume(sound_num, brightness, mult): if brightness == SOFT: turn_on_sounds[sound_num].set_volume(0.02 * mult)
import entities.handler import punchers # INITIALIZATION pygame.init() main_surf = pygame.display.set_mode((const.SCRN_W, const.SCRN_H)) pygame.display.set_caption("deathlock") pygame.display.set_icon(pygame.image.load(os.path.join("images", "icon.png"))) clock = pygame.time.Clock() goal_light_activate = sound.load_numbers("level_start%i", 3) goal_light_activate.set_volumes(0.14) hum = sound.load("hum") MAX_HUM_VOLUME = 1.0 hum.set_volume(0) music = [sound.load("music%i" % x) for x in range(1, 8)] for m in music: m.set_volume(0) background = graphics.load_image("background", 1) player_glow = graphics.load_image("player_gradient", 1) def draw_background(surf): surf.fill((20, 20, 20)) surf.blit(background, (0, 0))
LOGO_X = const.SCRN_W // 2 - WIDTH // 2 NAME_X = LOGO_X + _logo_column.surface.get_width() + LOGO_NAME_GAP NAME_Y = const.SCRN_H // 2 - HEIGHT // 2 LOGO_Y = NAME_Y + 12 FADE_IN_LENGTH = 60 FADE_HOLD_LENGTH = 140 FADE_OUT_LENGTH = 60 FADE_IN_END = FADE_IN_LENGTH FADE_HOLD_END = FADE_IN_END + FADE_HOLD_LENGTH fade_surface = pygame.Surface((WIDTH, HEIGHT)) jingle = sound.load("intro_jingle") jingle.set_volume(0.7) class SplashScreen: def __init__(self): self.done = False self.frame = 0 def update(self): if self.frame == 0: logo.update() self.frame += 1
class Room: """the grid where all the tiles on a single screen are placed""" WIDTH = const.SCRN_W // TILE_W # the amount of tiles across the room HEIGHT = const.SCRN_H // TILE_H PIXEL_W = WIDTH * TILE_W PIXEL_H = HEIGHT * TILE_H goal_sound = sound.load("goal") goal_sound.set_volume(0) goal_sound_playing = False def __init__(self, name): """name is the name of the file in the levels folder""" self.grid = [[[] for _ in range(self.HEIGHT)] for _ in range(self.WIDTH)] self.player_spawn = PlayerSpawn(0, 0) self.player_goal = PlayerGoal(0, 0) self.grid[0][0].append(self.player_spawn) self.grid[0][0].append(self.player_goal) self.unique_flickers = [] self.text_x = 0 self.text_y = 0 self.heart_direction = const.UP = name self.load() def out_of_bounds(self, col, row): """returns whether or not a tile is outside of the grid""" if 0 <= col < self.WIDTH: if 0 <= row < self.HEIGHT: return False return True def clear(self): for col in range(self.WIDTH): for row in range(self.HEIGHT): self.clear_point(col, row) def add_tile(self, col, row, tile): if not self.out_of_bounds(col, row): self.grid[col][row].append(tile) else: print("add_tile() tried to add a tile out of bounds") def clear_point(self, col, row): if not self.out_of_bounds(col, row): new_tile = [] # Spawn and goal shouldn't be erasable if self.has_tile(PlayerSpawn, col, row): spawn = self.get_tile(PlayerSpawn, col, row) new_tile.append(spawn) if self.has_tile(PlayerGoal, col, row): goal = self.get_tile(PlayerGoal, col, row) new_tile.append(goal) self.grid[col][row] = new_tile else: print("clear_point() tried to clear a tile out of bounds") def add_rect(self, col, row, w, h, constructor): """places a rectangle of tiles at the given coordinates the tiles changed are relative to the current room, not the entire level """ for col_index in range(col, col + w): for row_index in range(row, row + h): self.add_tile(col_index, row_index, constructor()) def clear_rect(self, col, row, w, h): for col_index in range(col, col + w): for row_index in range(row, row + h): self.clear_point(col_index, row_index) def add_checkpoint(self, col, row, direction): self.add_tile(col, row, Checkpoint(direction, col, row)) def move_player_spawn(self, col, row): # Remove old spawn old_col = self.player_spawn.col old_row = self.player_spawn.row if self.player_spawn in self.grid[old_col][old_row]: self.grid[old_col][old_row].remove(self.player_spawn) # Place new spawn self.player_spawn = PlayerSpawn(col, row) self.add_tile(col, row, self.player_spawn) def move_player_goal(self, col, row): # Remove old goal old_col = self.player_goal.col old_row = self.player_goal.row if self.player_goal in self.grid[old_col][old_row]: self.grid[old_col][old_row].remove(self.player_goal) # Place new goal self.player_goal = PlayerGoal(col, row) self.add_tile(col, row, self.player_goal) def tiles_at(self, col, row): """returns the tiles at a given point""" if not self.out_of_bounds(col, row): return self.grid[col][row] return [Void()] def has_tile(self, type_, col, row): """determines if a certain space contains a tile""" if not self.out_of_bounds(col, row): for tile in self.tiles_at(col, row): if type(tile) == type_: return True return False return type_ == Void def get_tile(self, type_, col, row): """gets the first tile with a given type on this space""" for tile in self.tiles_at(col, row): if type(tile) == type_: return tile raise ("There is not tile of type %s there!" % str(type_)) def has_listed_tile(self, types, col, row): """determines if a certain space contains any tiles in the list""" for type_ in types: if self.has_tile(type_, col, row): return True return False def is_empty(self, col, row): return not self.tiles_at(col, row) def has_solid(self, col, row): """returns whether a tile is solid or not""" for tile in self.tiles_at(col, row): if tile.SOLID: return True return False def _initiate_deathlock_flicker(self): for row in range(self.HEIGHT): for col in range(self.WIDTH): if self.has_tile(Deathlock, col, row): self._initiate_deathlock_flicker_recursion( flicker.FlickerSequence(), col, row) def _initiate_deathlock_flicker_recursion(self, flicker_sequence, col, row): tile = self.get_tile(Deathlock, col, row) if tile.flicker_initiated: return tile.flicker_sequence = flicker_sequence if self.has_tile(Deathlock, col - 1, row): self._initiate_deathlock_flicker_recursion(flicker_sequence, col - 1, row) if self.has_tile(Deathlock, col + 1, row): self._initiate_deathlock_flicker_recursion(flicker_sequence, col + 1, row) if self.has_tile(Deathlock, col, row - 1): self._initiate_deathlock_flicker_recursion(flicker_sequence, col, row - 1) if self.has_tile(Deathlock, col, row + 1): self._initiate_deathlock_flicker_recursion(flicker_sequence, col, row + 1) def _record_unique_flickers(self): self.unique_flickers = [self.player_spawn.flicker_sequence] for row in range(self.HEIGHT): for col in range(self.WIDTH): if self.grid[col][row]: tile = self.grid[col][row][0] if hasattr(tile, "flicker_sequence"): for flicker_sequence in self.unique_flickers: if flicker_sequence.sequence_list is tile.flicker_sequence.sequence_list: break else: self.unique_flickers.append(tile.flicker_sequence) def emit(self): """Emits PunchZones from all PunchBoxes and CheckpointRays from all Checkpoints""" for col in range(self.WIDTH): for row in range(self.HEIGHT): for tile in self.tiles_at(col, row): if type(tile) == PlayerGoal: self.emit_player_goal_zone(col, row) for col in range(self.WIDTH): for row in range(self.HEIGHT): for tile in self.tiles_at(col, row): if type(tile) == Checkpoint: self.emit_checkpoint_ray(col, row, tile) for col in range(self.WIDTH): for row in range(self.HEIGHT): for tile in self.tiles_at(col, row): if type(tile) == PunchBox: self.emit_punch_zone(col, row, tile) def unemit(self): """Emits PunchZones from all PunchBoxes""" for col in range(self.WIDTH): for row in range(self.HEIGHT): for tile in reversed(self.tiles_at(col, row)): if tile.EMITTED: self.tiles_at(col, row).remove(tile) def emit_punch_zone(self, col, row, tile): if tile.direction == const.LEFT: self.add_tile(col - 1, row, PunchZone(const.LEFT)) elif tile.direction == const.UP: self.add_tile(col, row - 1, PunchZone(const.UP)) elif tile.direction == const.RIGHT: self.add_tile(col + 1, row, PunchZone(const.RIGHT)) elif tile.direction == const.DOWN: self.add_tile(col, row + 1, PunchZone(const.DOWN)) def emit_checkpoint_ray(self, col, row, tile): if tile.direction == const.LEFT: ray_col = col while not self.stops_checkpoint_ray(ray_col, row): self.add_tile(ray_col, row, CheckpointRay(tile, const.HORIZ)) ray_col -= 1 elif tile.direction == const.RIGHT: ray_col = col while not self.stops_checkpoint_ray(ray_col, row): self.add_tile(ray_col, row, CheckpointRay(tile, const.HORIZ)) ray_col += 1 elif tile.direction == const.UP: ray_row = row while not self.stops_checkpoint_ray(col, ray_row): self.add_tile(col, ray_row, CheckpointRay(tile, const.VERT)) ray_row -= 1 elif tile.direction == const.DOWN: ray_row = row while not self.stops_checkpoint_ray(col, ray_row): self.add_tile(col, ray_row, CheckpointRay(tile, const.VERT)) ray_row += 1 def emit_player_goal_zone(self, col, row): # Place goal zones in a 3x3 area around the goal tile for x in range(col - 1, col + 2): for y in range(row - 1, row + 2): if not self.out_of_bounds(x, y): self.add_tile(x, y, PlayerGoalZone()) def stops_checkpoint_ray(self, col, row): if self.has_solid(col, row): return True if self.has_tile(Deathlock, col, row): return True if self.has_tile(Void, col, row): return True return False def collide_vert(self, x, y1, y2, collide_deathlock): col = col_at(x) start_row = row_at(y1) end_row = row_at(y2) for row in range(start_row, end_row + 1): if collide_deathlock and self.has_tile(Deathlock, col, row): return True if self.has_solid(col, row): return True return False def collide_horiz(self, x1, x2, y, collide_deathlock): start_col = col_at(x1) end_col = col_at(x2) row = row_at(y) for col in range(start_col, end_col + 1): if collide_deathlock and self.has_tile(Deathlock, col, row): return True if self.has_solid(col, row): return True return False def _shift_location_tiles(self, col_change, row_change): """Change the position of all things that store their own position. Currently, that would only be checkpoints and spawns.""" self.player_spawn.col += col_change self.player_spawn.row += row_change self.player_goal.col += col_change self.player_goal.row += row_change for col in range(0, self.WIDTH): for row in range(0, self.HEIGHT): for tile in self.grid[col][row]: if type(tile) == Checkpoint: tile.col += col_change tile.row += row_change # Note: these shift functions currently don't erase the very last row/col # so it just becomes a "copy". This is fine for my purposes since all my # levels never directly touch edge. def shift_left(self): for col in range(0, self.WIDTH - 1): for row in range(0, self.HEIGHT): self.grid[col][row] = self.grid[col + 1][row] self._shift_location_tiles(-1, 0) def shift_right(self): for col in range(self.WIDTH - 1, 0, -1): for row in range(0, self.HEIGHT): self.grid[col][row] = self.grid[col - 1][row] self._shift_location_tiles(1, 0) def shift_up(self): for row in range(0, self.HEIGHT - 1): for col in range(0, self.WIDTH): self.grid[col][row] = self.grid[col][row + 1] self._shift_location_tiles(0, -1) def shift_down(self): for row in range(self.HEIGHT - 1, 0, -1): for col in range(0, self.WIDTH): self.grid[col][row] = self.grid[col][row - 1] self._shift_location_tiles(0, 1) def draw_silhouette(self, surf): for col in range(self.WIDTH): for row in range(self.HEIGHT): x = col * TILE_W y = row * TILE_H rect = (x, y, TILE_W, TILE_H) if self.has_solid(col, row): pygame.draw.rect(surf, const.BLACK, rect) def draw_tile_at(self, surf, camera, col, row, player_dead=False, original_spawn=False): x = col * TILE_W - int(camera.x) y = row * TILE_H - int(camera.y) rect = (x, y, TILE_W, TILE_H) if self.has_tile(Wall, col, row): pygame.draw.rect(surf, const.BLACK, rect) elif self.has_tile(PlayerSpawn, col, row): if original_spawn: color = (81, 255, 113) else: color = (71, 158, 71) pygame.draw.rect(surf, color, rect) elif self.has_tile(Deathlock, col, row): if player_dead: color = (88, 91, 173) else: color = (109, 112, 255) pygame.draw.rect(surf, color, rect) elif self.has_tile(PunchBox, col, row): punch_box = self.get_tile(PunchBox, col, row) if punch_box.direction == const.LEFT: surf.blit(punch_box_left, (x, y)) elif punch_box.direction == const.UP: surf.blit(punch_box_up, (x, y)) elif punch_box.direction == const.RIGHT: surf.blit(punch_box_right, (x, y)) elif punch_box.direction == const.DOWN: surf.blit(punch_box_down, (x, y)) elif self.has_tile(Checkpoint, col, row): checkpoint = self.get_tile(Checkpoint, col, row) self.draw_checkpoint_and_ray(surf, checkpoint) elif self.has_tile(PlayerGoalZone, col, row): pygame.draw.rect(surf, (250, 250, 250), rect) def draw_deathlock(self, surf, camera, player_dead): for col in range(self.WIDTH): for row in range(self.HEIGHT): if self.has_tile(Deathlock, col, row): x = col * TILE_W - int(camera.x) y = row * TILE_H - int(camera.y) rect = (x, y, TILE_W, TILE_H) if player_dead: color = (88, 91, 173) else: color = (109, 112, 255) pygame.draw.rect(surf, color, rect) def draw_flicker_glow(self, surf, frame): for row in range(self.HEIGHT): for col in range(self.WIDTH): if self._flicker_bright_enough_for_gradient(col, row, frame): self.draw_glow_at(surf, col, row, frame) def _flicker_bright_enough_for_gradient(self, col, row, frame): if self.grid[col][row]: tile = self.grid[col][row][0] is_ray = type(tile) is CheckpointRay if hasattr(tile, "flicker_sequence") or is_ray: if is_ray: brightness = tile.checkpoint.flicker_sequence.brightness( frame) else: brightness = tile.flicker_sequence.brightness(frame) if brightness >= flicker.BRIGHT: return True return False def _stops_flicker_gradient(self, type_, col, row, frame): if self.out_of_bounds(col, row): return True if self.grid[col][row]: if type(self.grid[col][row][0]) is type_: return self._flicker_bright_enough_for_gradient( col, row, frame) return False shade_soft = pygame.Surface((TILE_W, TILE_H)) shade_soft.fill(flicker.shade_color[flicker.SOFT]) shade_medium = pygame.Surface((TILE_W, TILE_H)) shade_medium.fill(flicker.shade_color[flicker.MEDIUM]) shade_bright = pygame.Surface((TILE_W, TILE_H)) shade_bright.fill(flicker.shade_color[flicker.BRIGHT]) checkpoint_shade_soft = graphics.load_image("checkpoint_shade_soft", 2) checkpoint_shade_medium = graphics.load_image("checkpoint_shade_medium", 2) checkpoint_shade_bright = graphics.load_image("checkpoint_shade_bright", 2) def draw_flicker_tiles(self, surf, camera, frame): # Draw all checkpoints first, so that the rays can be shaded later for row in range(self.HEIGHT): for col in range(self.WIDTH): if self.grid[col][row]: tile = self.grid[col][row][0] if type(tile) is Checkpoint: if tile.flicker_sequence.brightness( frame) > flicker.NONE: self.draw_tile_at(surf, camera, col, row) # Draw other tiles and shade them all for row in range(self.HEIGHT): for col in range(self.WIDTH): if self.grid[col][row]: tile = self.grid[col][row][0] is_ray = type(tile) is CheckpointRay if hasattr(tile, "flicker_sequence") or is_ray: if is_ray: brightness = tile.checkpoint.flicker_sequence.brightness( frame) else: brightness = tile.flicker_sequence.brightness( frame) if brightness != flicker.NONE and not type( tile) is Checkpoint and not is_ray: self.draw_tile_at(surf, camera, col, row) if brightness == flicker.SOFT: shade = self.shade_soft elif brightness == flicker.MEDIUM: shade = self.shade_medium elif brightness == flicker.BRIGHT: shade = self.shade_bright else: # Skip FULL brightness, since no shade is drawn continue if is_ray: if tile.orientation == const.HORIZ: pos = (x_of(col), y_of(row) + TILE_H // 3) rect = (0, 0, TILE_W, TILE_H // 3 + 2) else: pos = (x_of(col) + TILE_W // 3, y_of(row)) rect = (0, 0, TILE_W // 3 + 2, TILE_H) surf.blit(shade, pos, rect, special_flags=pygame.BLEND_MULT) else: if type(tile) is Checkpoint: if brightness == flicker.SOFT: shade = self.checkpoint_shade_soft elif brightness == flicker.MEDIUM: shade = self.checkpoint_shade_medium elif brightness == flicker.BRIGHT: shade = self.checkpoint_shade_bright pos = (x_of(col), y_of(row)) surf.blit(shade, pos, special_flags=pygame.BLEND_MULT) glow_surf = pygame.Surface((const.SCRN_W, const.SCRN_H)) def draw_glow(self, surf): self.glow_surf.fill(const.BLACK) for row in range(self.HEIGHT): for col in range(self.WIDTH): self.draw_glow_at(self.glow_surf, col, row) surf.blit(self.glow_surf, (0, 0), special_flags=pygame.BLEND_ADD) def draw_glow_at(self, surf, col, row, flicker_frame=-1): center_x = center_x_of(col) center_y = center_y_of(row) if self.has_tile(PunchBox, col, row): draw_glow_centered(surf, punch_box_glow, center_x, center_y) if flicker_frame == -1: self._draw_gradient_efficient(surf, PunchBox, punch_box_gradient, col, row) else: self._draw_flicker_gradient_efficient(surf, PunchBox, punch_box_gradient, col, row, flicker_frame) elif self.has_tile(Deathlock, col, row): draw_glow_centered(surf, deathlock_glow, center_x, center_y) if flicker_frame == -1: self._draw_gradient_efficient(surf, Deathlock, deathlock_gradient, col, row) else: self._draw_flicker_gradient_efficient(surf, Deathlock, deathlock_gradient, col, row, flicker_frame) elif self.has_tile(Checkpoint, col, row): draw_glow_centered(surf, checkpoint_glow, center_x, center_y) if flicker_frame == -1: self._draw_gradient_efficient(surf, Checkpoint, checkpoint_gradient, col, row) else: self._draw_flicker_gradient_efficient(surf, Checkpoint, checkpoint_gradient, col, row, flicker_frame) elif self.has_tile(CheckpointRay, col, row): tile = self.get_tile(CheckpointRay, col, row) if tile.orientation == const.HORIZ: draw_glow_centered(surf, checkpoint_ray_horiz_glow, center_x, center_y) draw_glow_centered(surf, checkpoint_ray_horiz_gradient, center_x, center_y) elif tile.orientation == const.VERT: draw_glow_centered(surf, checkpoint_ray_vert_glow, center_x, center_y) draw_glow_centered(surf, checkpoint_ray_vert_gradient, center_x, center_y) elif self.has_tile(PlayerSpawn, col, row): draw_glow_centered(surf, player_spawn_glow, center_x, center_y) draw_glow_centered(surf, player_spawn_gradient, center_x, center_y) def _draw_gradient_efficient(self, surf, type_, gradient, col, row): gradient_width = gradient.get_width() gradient_height = gradient.get_height() x_to_center = gradient_width // 2 - TILE_W // 2 y_to_center = gradient_height // 2 - TILE_H // 2 x_remainder = gradient_width - x_to_center y_remainder = gradient_height - y_to_center if self.has_tile(type_, col - 1, row): x = x_of(col) slice_x = x_to_center slice_width = x_remainder else: x = x_of(col) - x_to_center slice_x = 0 slice_width = gradient_width if self.has_tile(type_, col + 1, row): slice_width -= x_to_center if self.has_tile(type_, col, row - 1): y = y_of(row) slice_y = y_to_center slice_height = y_remainder else: y = y_of(row) - y_to_center slice_y = 0 slice_height = gradient_height if self.has_tile(type_, col, row + 1): slice_height -= y_to_center rect = (slice_x, slice_y, slice_width, slice_height) surf.blit(gradient, (x, y), rect, special_flags=pygame.BLEND_MAX) MAX_SEARCH_PUNCH_BOX = (punch_box_gradient.get_width() // TILE_W - 1) // 2 + 1 MAX_SEARCH_CHECKPOINT = (checkpoint_gradient.get_width() // TILE_W - 1) // 2 + 1 MAX_SEARCH_DEATHLOCK = (deathlock_gradient.get_width() // TILE_W - 1) // 2 + 1 def _draw_flicker_gradient_efficient(self, surf, type_, gradient, col, row, frame): if type_ is PunchBox: max_search = self.MAX_SEARCH_PUNCH_BOX elif type_ is Checkpoint: max_search = self.MAX_SEARCH_CHECKPOINT else: max_search = self.MAX_SEARCH_DEATHLOCK x_to_center = gradient.get_width() // 2 - TILE_W // 2 y_to_center = gradient.get_height() // 2 - TILE_H // 2 space_left = 0 for c in range(1, max_search + 1): if self._stops_flicker_gradient(type_, col - c, row, frame): break space_left += 1 space_right = 0 for c in range(1, max_search + 1): if self._stops_flicker_gradient(type_, col + c, row, frame): break space_right += 1 space_up = 0 for r in range(1, max_search + 1): if self._stops_flicker_gradient(type_, col, row - r, frame): break space_up += 1 space_down = 0 for r in range(1, max_search + 1): if self._stops_flicker_gradient(type_, col, row + r, frame): break space_down += 1 x = x_of(col) - space_left * TILE_W y = y_of(row) - space_up * TILE_H slice_x = x_to_center - space_left * TILE_W slice_y = y_to_center - space_up * TILE_H slice_width = (space_left + space_right + 1) * TILE_W slice_height = (space_up + space_down + 1) * TILE_H rect = (slice_x, slice_y, slice_width, slice_height) surf.blit(gradient, (x, y), rect, special_flags=pygame.BLEND_MAX) def draw_goal_glow(self, surf): glow_surf = pygame.Surface(surf.get_size()) for col in range(self.player_goal.col - 1, self.player_goal.col + 2): for row in range(self.player_goal.row - 1, self.player_goal.row + 2): center_x = center_x_of(col) center_y = center_y_of(row) gradient_x = int(center_x - (player_goal_gradient.get_width() / 2)) gradient_y = int(center_y - (player_goal_gradient.get_height() / 2)) glow_surf.blit(player_goal_gradient, (gradient_x, gradient_y), special_flags=pygame.BLEND_MAX) surf.blit(glow_surf, (0, 0), special_flags=pygame.BLEND_ADD) def draw_static(self, surf, camera): """draws the entire stage""" self.draw_glow(surf) self.draw_tiles(surf, camera) self.draw_goal_glow(surf) def draw_tiles(self, surf, camera): for row in range(self.HEIGHT): for col in range(self.WIDTH): if self.grid[col][row] and self.grid[col][row][ 0].DRAWN_STATICALLY: self.draw_tile_at(surf, camera, col, row) def draw_dynamic(self, surf, camera, player_dead, original_spawn): for row in range(self.HEIGHT): for col in range(self.WIDTH): if self.grid[col][ row] and not self.grid[col][row][0].DRAWN_STATICALLY: self.draw_tile_at(surf, camera, col, row, player_dead, original_spawn) def draw_checkpoint_and_ray(self, surf, checkpoint): col = checkpoint.col row = checkpoint.row x = x_of(col) y = y_of(row) if surf.blit(checkpoint_activated, (x, y)) else: surf.blit(checkpoint_deactivated, (x, y)) if checkpoint.direction == const.LEFT: stop_col = col - 1 while not self.stops_checkpoint_ray(stop_col, row): stop_col -= 1 stop_col += 1 if stop_col == col: return x = x_of(stop_col) y += TILE_H // 3 width = (col - stop_col) * TILE_W height = TILE_H // 3 + 2 elif checkpoint.direction == const.RIGHT: stop_col = col + 1 while not self.stops_checkpoint_ray(stop_col, row): stop_col += 1 stop_col -= 1 if stop_col == col: return x += TILE_W y += TILE_H // 3 width = (stop_col - col) * TILE_W height = TILE_H // 3 + 2 elif checkpoint.direction == const.UP: stop_row = row - 1 while not self.stops_checkpoint_ray(col, stop_row): stop_row -= 1 stop_row += 1 if stop_row == row: return x += TILE_W // 3 y = y_of(stop_row) width = TILE_W // 3 + 2 height = (row - stop_row) * TILE_H else: stop_row = row + 1 while not self.stops_checkpoint_ray(col, stop_row): stop_row += 1 stop_row -= 1 if stop_row == row: return x += TILE_W // 3 y += TILE_H width = TILE_W // 3 + 2 height = (stop_row - row) * TILE_H if color = (81, 255, 113) else: color = (71, 158, 71) pygame.draw.rect(surf, color, (x, y, width, height)) def update_goal_sound(self, player, is_transitioning): if is_transitioning: self.goal_sound_playing = False self.goal_sound.stop() return distance_x = player.center_x - center_x_of(self.player_goal.col) distance_y = player.center_y - center_y_of(self.player_goal.row) distance = math.sqrt(distance_x**2 + distance_y**2) if distance < 300.0: if distance == 20: return if distance < 75: # Reciprocal rises fast as distance gets closer to 20 mult = 2 / (distance - 20) else: # A line from where the reciprocal ends at x=75 to 0 at x=200 connection = 2 / (75 - 20) m = -connection / (300 - 75) b = -m * 300 mult = m * distance + b volume = 0.97 * mult self.goal_sound.set_volume(volume) if not self.goal_sound_playing: self.goal_sound_playing = True elif self.goal_sound_playing: self.goal_sound_playing = False self.goal_sound.stop() def place_tile_from_id(self, col, row, tile_id): """These ids are only used for writing and reading levels.""" if tile_id == 1: tile = Wall() elif tile_id == 2: tile = Deathlock() elif tile_id == 3: tile = PunchBox(const.LEFT) elif tile_id == 4: tile = PunchBox(const.UP) elif tile_id == 5: tile = PunchBox(const.RIGHT) elif tile_id == 6: tile = PunchBox(const.DOWN) elif tile_id == 7: tile = Checkpoint(const.LEFT, col, row) elif tile_id == 8: tile = Checkpoint(const.UP, col, row) elif tile_id == 9: tile = Checkpoint(const.RIGHT, col, row) elif tile_id == 10: tile = Checkpoint(const.DOWN, col, row) elif tile_id == 11: self.move_player_spawn(col, row) return elif tile_id == 12: self.move_player_goal(col, row) return else: return self.add_tile(col, row, tile) def save(self): strings = [ "%i %i %i" % (self.text_x, self.text_y, self.heart_direction) ] for row in range(self.HEIGHT): row_of_ids = [] for col in range(self.WIDTH): tiles = self.tiles_at(col, row) id = id_of(tiles) row_of_ids.append(str(id)) strings.append(" ".join(row_of_ids)) data = "\n".join(strings) with open(level_path(, "w") as file: file.write(data) def load(self): self.clear() path = level_path( if not os.path.exists(path): return with open(path, "r") as file: data = lines = data.split("\n") text_position = lines[0].split(" ") self.text_x = int(text_position[0]) self.text_y = int(text_position[1]) self.heart_direction = int(text_position[2]) level_rows = lines[1:] for row_index, row in enumerate(level_rows): for col_index, tile in enumerate(row.split(" ")): self.place_tile_from_id(col_index, row_index, int(tile)) self._initiate_deathlock_flicker() self._record_unique_flickers() self.emit()
start_key = entities.player.Player.jump_key rebind_key = entities.player.Player.respawn_key rebind_order = [ entities.player.Player.left_key, entities.player.Player.right_key, entities.player.Player.jump_key, entities.player.Player.respawn_key, entities.player.Player.hard_respawn_key, entities.player.Player.pause_key ] rebind_descriptions = [ "Left", "Right", "Jump", "Action", "Reset level", "Pause" ] m3x6 = pygame.font.Font(os.path.join("text", "m3x6.ttf"), 64) main_menu_music = sound.load("menu_music") start_sound = sound.load("game_start") start_sound.set_volume(0.4) select_sound = sound.load_numbers("menu%i", 3) select_sound.set_volumes(0.35) title = graphics.load_image("title", 1) title_shade = pygame.Surface(title.get_size()) def render_menu_text(surf, string, y, brightness): color = flicker.shade_color[brightness] text = m3x6.render(string, False, color) x = const.SCRN_W // 2 - text.get_width() // 2
def test_play_sound(): sound.load("beep") sound.queue("beep", .01) sound.queue("beep") assert sound.player.queue_length == 2 sound.wait_done()