Пример #1
    def sendMsg(self, snd, cmd, s, arg2="", vol=1.0, prior = 1, **kwargs):
        Internal method that publishes the sound request, either directly as a
        SoundRequest to the soundplay_node or through the actionlib interface
        (which blocks until the sound has finished playing).

        The blocking behavior is nominally the class-wide setting unless it has
        been explicitly specified in the play call.

        # Use the passed-in argument if it exists, otherwise fall back to the
        # class-wide setting.
        blocking = kwargs.get('blocking', self._blocking)

        msg = SoundRequest()
        msg.sound = snd
        # Threshold volume between 0 and 1.
        msg.volume = max(0, min(1, vol))
        msg.command = cmd
        msg.arg = s
        msg.arg2 = arg2
        msg.priority = prior

        rospy.logdebug('Sending sound request with volume = {}'
                       ' and blocking = {}'.format(msg.volume, blocking))

        # Defensive check for the existence of the correct communicator.
        if not blocking and not self.pub:
            rospy.logerr('Publisher for SoundRequest must exist')
        if blocking and not self.actionclient:
            rospy.logerr('Action client for SoundRequest does not exist.')

        if not blocking:  # Publish message directly and return immediately
            if self.pub.get_num_connections() < 1:
                rospy.logwarn("Sound command issued, but no node is subscribed"
                              " to the topic. Perhaps you forgot to run"
                              " soundplay_node.py?")
        else:  # Block until result comes back.
            assert self.actionclient, 'Actionclient must exist'
            rospy.logdebug('Sending action client sound request [blocking]')
            goal = SoundRequestGoal()
            goal.sound_request = msg
            rospy.logdebug('sound request response received')
