Пример #1
	def import_from_binary_data(self,pixel_data,palette_data):
		self.master_palette = [(0,0,0) for _ in range(0x40)]	 #initialize the palette
		#main palettes
		converted_palette_data = [int.from_bytes(palette_data[i:i+2], byteorder='little') \
															for i in range(0,len(palette_data),2)]
		for i in range(4):
			palette = common.convert_555_to_rgb(converted_palette_data[0x0F*i:0x0F*(i+1)])
			self.master_palette[0x10*i+1:0x10*(i+1)] = palette
		#glove colors
		for i in range(2):
			glove_color = common.convert_555_to_rgb(converted_palette_data[-2+i])
			self.master_palette[0x10+0x10*i] = glove_color

		palette_block = Image.new('RGB',(8,8),0)
		palette_block = palette_block.convert('RGBA')

		self.images = {}
		self.images["palette_block"] = palette_block

		for i,row in enumerate(itertools.chain(ascii_uppercase, ["AA","AB"])):
			for column in range(8):
				this_image = Image.new("P",(16,16),0)
				image_name = f"{row}{column}"
				if image_name == "AB7":
					image_name = "null_block"
				for offset, position in [(0x0000,(0,0)),(0x0020,(8,0)),(0x0200,(0,8)),(0x0220,(8,8))]:
					read_pointer = 0x400*i+0x40*column+offset
					raw_tile = pixel_data[read_pointer:read_pointer+0x20]
					pastable_tile = common.image_from_bitplanes(raw_tile)
				self.images[image_name] = this_image
Пример #2
def get_sprite_pose(sprite, rom, animation_ID, pose, bounding_box, upper=True,lower=True):
	if isinstance(animation_ID,str):
		if animation_ID[:2] == "0x":   #it's a hex code
			return get_sprite_pose(sprite, rom, int(animation_ID[2:],16), pose, bounding_box, upper=upper,lower=lower)
		if animation_ID == "death_left":
			tilemaps, DMA_writes, duration = rom.get_death_data(pose, facing="left") # FIXME: duration unused variable
			if not upper:   #trim out the suit pieces
				tilemaps = [tilemap for tilemap in tilemaps if tilemap[4] & 0x1C != 0x08]
			if not lower:   #trim out the body
				tilemaps = [tilemap for tilemap in tilemaps if tilemap[4] & 0x1C == 0x08]
		elif animation_ID == "death_right":
			tilemaps, DMA_writes, duration = rom.get_death_data(pose, facing="right")
			if not upper:   #trim out the suit pieces
				tilemaps = [tilemap for tilemap in tilemaps if tilemap[4] & 0x1C != 0x08]
			if not lower:   #trim out the body
				tilemaps = [tilemap for tilemap in tilemaps if tilemap[4] & 0x1C == 0x08]
		elif animation_ID == "file_select":
			tilemaps = rom.get_file_select_tilemaps(pose)
			DMA_writes = rom.get_file_select_dma_data()
		elif animation_ID == "gun":
			tile, palette, gun_tile, gun_DMA = rom.get_minimal_gun_data(pose % 10, pose // 10)  #use highest decimal digit as the level of opening, and lowest as direction
			tilemaps = [[0x00,0x00,0x00,tile,palette]]  #if the port is requested specifically, we normalize it to (0,0)
			DMA_writes = {gun_tile: gun_DMA}
		elif animation_ID == "palette_block":
			#no need to make tilemaps or anything, just make the image and then early exit
			palette_block = common.convert_555_to_rgb(rom.get_palette("standard","power")[0][1][-15:])
			palette_block.extend(common.convert_555_to_rgb(rom.get_palette("death_flesh", None)[0][1][-15:]))
			palette_block.extend(common.convert_555_to_rgb(rom.get_palette("crystal_flash", None)[0][1][-15:]))
			palette_block.extend(common.convert_555_to_rgb(rom.get_palette("file_select", None)[0][1][-15:]))
			palette_block.extend([(0,0,0) for _ in range(7)])
			_,full_ship_colors = rom.get_palette("ship", None)[7]  #7 is when the underglow is brightest
			image = Image.new("RGB",(15,7),0)
			return image
		# FIXME: English
		raise AssertionError(f"unknown command to get_sprite_pose(): {animation_ID}")
	tilemaps, DMA_writes, duration = rom.get_pose_data(animation_ID, pose, upper=upper, lower=lower)   #TODO: do full port opening animation

	#there is stuff in VRAM by default, so populate this and then overwrite with the DMA_writes
	constructed_VRAM_data = {}
	TILESIZE = 0x20
	def add_flattened_tiles(current_dict):
		for index, tile_data in current_dict:
			for i in range(len(tile_data) //TILESIZE):   #for each tile
				constructed_VRAM_data[index+i] = tile_data[i*TILESIZE: (i+1)*TILESIZE]


	constructed_image = common.image_from_raw_data(tilemaps, constructed_VRAM_data, bounding_box)
	return constructed_image