Пример #1
def _loop_quest_available_companions(*args):
    return StatementBlock(
        (try_for_range, ":i_stack", 0, ":num_stacks"),
            (party_stack_get_troop_id, ":stack_troop", "p_main_party", ":i_stack"),
            (troop_is_hero, ":stack_troop"),
            (is_between, ":stack_troop", companions_begin, companions_end),

            (store_character_level, ":stack_level", ":stack_troop"),
            # todo: what this 15 represent? that only +15 lvl heros can be used?
            (ge, ":stack_level", 15),

            # check that hero is not being used in another quest.
            (assign, ":is_quest_hero", 0),
            (try_for_range, ":i_quest", all_quests_begin, all_quests_end),
                (check_quest_active, ":i_quest"),
                (this_or_next|quest_slot_eq, ":i_quest", "slot_quest_target_troop", ":stack_troop"),
                (quest_slot_eq, ":i_quest", "slot_quest_object_troop", ":stack_troop"),
                (assign, ":is_quest_hero", 1),
                # todo: it was found: break the loop.
            (eq, ":is_quest_hero", 0),

Пример #2
def resetInventory():
    block = []
    for slot in range(4):
        block += [
            (agent_set_slot, ":agent_no", inventorySlot % slot, 0),
    return StatementBlock(*block)
Пример #3
def upgrade_tier(max_trials):
    return StatementBlock(
        # set the tier
        (assign, ":tier", 1),
        (try_for_range, ":unused", 0, max_trials),
        # upgrade with 10% chance
        (store_random_in_range, ":random_no", 0, 100),
        (le, ":random_no", 10),

        # select branch of the ugrade tree
        (store_random_in_range, ":random_no", 0, 2),
        (troop_get_upgrade_troop, ":upgrade_troop_no", ":troop_type",
        # if chosen does not exist, set it to be the first branch.
        (le, ":upgrade_troop_no", 0),
        (troop_get_upgrade_troop, ":upgrade_troop_no", ":troop_type", 0),

        # confirm that it still exists (i.e. not in the maximum)
        (gt, ":upgrade_troop_no", 0),

        # upgrade troop
        (val_add, ":tier", 1),
        (assign, ":troop_type", ":upgrade_troop_no"),
Пример #4
def memorizeInventory():
    block = []
    for slot in range(4):
        block += [
            (eq, ":item_slot", slot),
            (agent_get_slot, ":item_stored", ":agent_no",
             inventorySlot % slot),
            (ge, ":item_stored", 0),
            (agent_set_slot, ":agent_no", inventorySlot % slot, ":item_id"),
    return StatementBlock(*block)
Пример #5
def setWeaponOrderAny():
    block = [
        (set_show_messages, 0),
    for division in range(9):
        block += [
            (class_is_listening_order, ":team_id", division),
            (team_give_order, ":team_id", division, mordr_use_any_weapon),
    block += [
        (set_show_messages, 1),
    return StatementBlock(*block)
Пример #6
def updateInventory():
    block = []
    for slot in range(4):
        block += [
            (eq, ":item_slot", slot),
            (agent_get_slot, ":item_id", ":agent_no", inventorySlot % slot),
            (gt, ":item_id", 0),
            (eq, ":inventory_action", 1),  #Restore
            (agent_equip_item, ":agent_no", ":item_id", ":item_slot"),
            (eq, ":inventory_action", -1),  #Clear
            (agent_unequip_item, ":agent_no", ":item_id", ":item_slot"),
    return StatementBlock(*block)
Пример #7
def _create_bounty_visitor(bounty_name, bounty_target):
    return StatementBlock(
        (check_quest_active, bounty_name),
        (neg | is_currently_night),
        (quest_slot_eq, bounty_name, "slot_quest_target_center",
        (neg | check_quest_succeeded, bounty_name),
        (neg | check_quest_failed, bounty_name),
        (store_random_in_range, ":random", 0, 8),
        (eq, ":random", 0),
        (store_random_in_range, bounty_target, fugitives_begin, fugitives_end),
        (eq, ":random", 1),
        (store_random_in_range, bounty_target, outlaws_begin, outlaws_end),
        (eq, ":random", 2),
        (store_random_in_range, bounty_target, rogues_begin, rogues_end),
        (eq, ":random", 3),
        (store_random_in_range, bounty_target, goblin_outlaws_begin,
        (eq, ":random", 4),
        (store_random_in_range, bounty_target, orc_outlaws_begin,
        (eq, ":random", 5),
        (store_random_in_range, bounty_target, elf_outlaws_begin,
        (eq, ":random", 6),
        (store_random_in_range, bounty_target, darkelf_outlaws_begin,
        (store_random_in_range, bounty_target, saracen_outlaws_begin,
        (set_visitor, 45, bounty_target),
Пример #8
def updateInventoryDebug():
    block = []
    for slot in range(4):
        block += [
            (eq, ":item_slot", slot),
            (agent_get_slot, ":item_id", ":agent_no", inventorySlot % slot),
            (gt, ":item_id", 0),
            (eq, ":inventory_action", 1),  #Restore
            (agent_equip_item, ":agent_no", ":item_id", ":item_slot"),
            (str_store_item_name, s1, ":item_id"),
            (display_message, "@[DEBUG] {s0} eqipped {s1}"),
            (eq, ":inventory_action", -1),  #Clear
            (agent_unequip_item, ":agent_no", ":item_id", ":item_slot"),
            (str_store_item_name, s1, ":item_id"),
            (display_message, "@[DEBUG] {s0} uneqipped {s1}"),
    return StatementBlock(*block)
Пример #9
def _affect_morality_by_action(slot, slot_state, slot_value):
    return StatementBlock(
        (troop_slot_eq, ":npc", slot, ":action_type"),
        (troop_get_slot, ":value", ":npc", slot_value),
        (troop_slot_eq, ":npc", slot_state, tms_acknowledged),
        # npc is betrayed, major penalty to player honor and morale
        (troop_get_slot, ":grievance", ":npc", "slot_troop_morality_penalties"
        (val_mul, ":value", 2),
        (val_add, ":grievance", ":value"),
        (troop_set_slot, ":npc", "slot_troop_morality_penalties",
        (troop_slot_eq, ":npc", slot_state, tms_dismissed),
        # npc is quietly disappointed
        (troop_get_slot, ":grievance", ":npc", "slot_troop_morality_penalties"
        (val_add, ":grievance", ":value"),
        (troop_set_slot, ":npc", "slot_troop_morality_penalties",
        # npc raises the issue for the first time
        (troop_slot_eq, ":npc", slot_state, tms_no_problem),
        (gt, ":value", ":grievance_minimum"),
        (assign, "$npc_with_grievance", ":npc"),
        (assign, "$npc_grievance_string", ":action_string"),
        (assign, "$npc_grievance_slot", slot_state),
        (assign, ":grievance_minimum", ":value"),
        (assign, "$npc_praise_not_complaint", 0),
        (lt, ":value", 0),
        (assign, "$npc_praise_not_complaint", 1),
Пример #10
from source.header_operations import *
from source.header_common import *

from source.header_dialogs import anyone, plyr

from source.module_constants import villages_begin, villages_end

from source.statement import StatementBlock

quest_block = StatementBlock(
    (eq, ":quest_no", "qst_train_peasants_against_bandits"),
    (is_between, ":giver_center_no", villages_begin, villages_end),
    (store_skill_level, ":player_trainer", "skl_trainer", "trp_player"),
    (gt, ":player_trainer", 0),
    (store_random_in_range, ":quest_target_amount", 5, 8),
    (assign, ":quest_target_center", ":giver_center_no"),
    (assign, ":quest_expiration_days", 20),
    (assign, ":quest_dont_give_again_period", 60),  # chief
    (assign, ":result", ":quest_no"),

dialogs = [
        anyone, "village_elder_tell_mission",
        [(eq, "$random_quest_no", "qst_train_peasants_against_bandits")],
        "We are suffering greatly at the hands of a group of bandits. They take our "
        "food and livestock, and kill anyone who doesn't obey them immediately. "
        "Our men are angry that we cannot defend ourselves, but we are only "
        "simple farmers... However, with some help, I think that some of the "
Пример #11
quest = StatementBlock(
    (eq, ":quest_no", "qst_lend_companion"),
        (ge, "$g_talk_troop_faction_relation", 0),
        (party_get_num_companion_stacks, ":num_stacks", "p_main_party"),

        # count the number of available companions for the quest
        (assign, ":total_heroes", 0),
        _loop_quest_available_companions((val_add, ":total_heroes", 1),),

        # Skip if party has no eligible heroes
        (gt, ":total_heroes", 0),

        # select a random hero (:target_hero)
        (store_random_in_range, ":random_hero", 0, ":total_heroes"),
        (assign, ":target_hero", -1),
        (assign, ":total_heroes", 0),
            (val_add, ":total_heroes", 1),
            (gt, ":total_heroes", ":random_hero"),
            (assign, ":target_hero", ":stack_troop")
            # todo: break the loop or the last hero is always chosen

        # I'm almost certain that by construction it always finds, but well.
            (eq, ':target_hero', -1),
            (display_debug_message, "@qst_lend_companion quest failed to find "
                                    "a hero when it should."),
        (neq, ':target_hero', -1),

        # build the quest
        (assign, ":quest_target_troop", ":target_hero"),
        (store_current_day, ":quest_target_amount"),
        (val_add, ":quest_target_amount", 8),

        (assign, ":quest_importance", 1),
        (assign, ":quest_xp_reward", 500),
        (assign, ":quest_gold_reward", 400),
        (assign, ":result", ":quest_no"),
        (assign, ":quest_dont_give_again_period", 25),
Пример #12
from source.header_dialogs import anyone, plyr

from source.module_constants import companions_begin, companions_end

from source.statement import StatementBlock

trigger_dialog_block = StatementBlock(
    (eq, "$disable_sisterly_advice", 0),
    (eq, "$g_infinite_camping", 0),
    (gt, "$npc_with_sisterly_advice", 0),
        (main_party_has_troop, "$npc_with_sisterly_advice"),
        (neq, "$g_player_is_captive", 1),

        (assign, "$npc_map_talk_context", "slot_troop_woman_to_woman_string"),

        (start_map_conversation, "$npc_with_sisterly_advice", -1),
        (assign, "$npc_with_sisterly_advice", 0),

dialogs = [
    [anyone, "event_triggered", [
        (eq, "$npc_map_talk_context", "slot_troop_woman_to_woman_string"),
        (store_conversation_troop, "$map_talk_troop"),
        (is_between, "$map_talk_troop", companions_begin, companions_end),
Пример #13
recruiter_village_conditions = StatementBlock(

    # own village or village from faction with non-negative relations
    (store_faction_of_party, ":village_current_faction", ":village"),
    (store_relation, ":faction_relation", "$players_kingdom",
    (this_or_next | eq, ":village_current_faction", "$players_kingdom"),
    (ge, ":faction_relation", 0),

    # village with non-negative relations
    (party_get_slot, ":village_relation", ":village",
    (ge, ":village_relation", 0),

    # village with recruits
    (party_get_slot, ":volunteers_in_village", ":village",
    (gt, ":volunteers_in_village", 0),

    # village with correct recruits, if any (i.e. != -1)
    (party_get_slot, ":village_faction", ":village",
    (this_or_next | eq, ":recruit_faction", -1),
    (eq, ":village_faction", ":recruit_faction"),

    # village not under fire
    (neg | party_slot_eq, ":village", "slot_village_state", svs_looted),
    (neg | party_slot_eq, ":village", "slot_village_state", svs_being_raided),
    (neg | party_slot_ge, ":village", "slot_village_infested_by_bandits", 1),
Пример #14
from source.header_operations import *
from source.header_common import s5, s19, s20, s21, reg3

from source.header_dialogs import anyone, plyr, auto_proceed

from source.module_constants import *

from source.statement import StatementBlock

trigger_event_block = StatementBlock(
    # it is on a mission
    (troop_slot_ge, ":npc", "slot_troop_current_mission", 1),

    # the hero is not in a rejoin mission or it can join the party
    (this_or_next|neg|troop_slot_eq, ":npc", "slot_troop_current_mission", npc_mission_rejoin_when_possible),
    (hero_can_join, "p_main_party"),

    (assign, "$npc_to_rejoin_party", ":npc"),
(eq, "$talk_context", tc_tavern_talk),
                    (neg|troop_is_hero, "$g_talk_troop"),

trigger_dialog_block = StatementBlock(
    (gt, "$npc_to_rejoin_party", 0),
    (eq, "$g_infinite_camping", 0),
        (neg|main_party_has_troop, "$npc_to_rejoin_party"),
        (neq, "$g_player_is_captive", 1),

        (assign, "$npc_map_talk_context", "slot_troop_days_on_mission"),
Пример #15
        (party_set_name, ":spawned_party", "@{s5} patrol"),

        (party_set_ai_behavior, ":spawned_party", ai_bhvr_travel_to_party),
        (party_set_ai_object, ":spawned_party", ":target_party"),
        (party_set_slot, ":spawned_party", "slot_party_ai_object", ":target_party"),
        (party_set_slot, ":spawned_party", "slot_party_ai_state", spai_patrolling_around_center),

        (call_script, "script_party_add_party", ":spawned_party", ":party_no"),

consequences_battle_lost = StatementBlock(
        (party_slot_eq, ":root_defeated_party", "slot_party_type", spt_patrol),
        (party_slot_eq, ":root_defeated_party", "slot_party_mission_diplomacy", "trp_player"),
        (party_get_slot, ":target_party", ":root_defeated_party", "slot_party_ai_object"),
        (str_store_party_name, s13, ":target_party"),
        (display_log_message, "@Your soldiers patrolling {s13} have been defeated {s10}!", 0xFF0000),

consequences_player_disbands = StatementBlock(
    (try_for_parties, ":party_no"),
        (party_slot_eq, ":party_no", "slot_party_type", spt_patrol),
        (party_slot_eq, ":party_no", "slot_party_mission_diplomacy", "trp_player"),
        (party_get_slot, ":target_party", ":party_no", "slot_party_ai_object"),
        (str_store_party_name, s6, ":target_party"),
        (display_log_message, "@Your soldiers patrolling {s6} disbanded because you left the faction!", 0xFF0000),
        (remove_party, ":party_no"),
Пример #16
        (troop_set_slot, ":companion_1", "slot_troop_personalityclash_penalties", ":grievance_1"),
        (troop_set_slot, ":companion_2", "slot_troop_personalityclash_penalties", ":grievance_2"),

trigger_dialog_block = StatementBlock(
    (eq, "$disable_npc_clashes", 0),
    (gt, "$npc_with_personality_clash", 0),
    (eq, "$g_infinite_camping", 0),
    (troop_get_slot, ":object", "$npc_with_personality_clash", "slot_troop_personalityclash_object"),
        (main_party_has_troop, "$npc_with_personality_clash"),
        (main_party_has_troop, ":object"),
        (neq, "$g_player_is_captive", 1),

        (assign, "$npc_map_talk_context", "slot_troop_personalityclash_state"),

        (start_map_conversation, "$npc_with_personality_clash", -1),
        (assign, "$npc_with_personality_clash", 0),

dialogs = [
    # Personality clash 2 objections
    [anyone, "event_triggered", [
        (store_conversation_troop, "$map_talk_troop"),
        (is_between, "$map_talk_troop", companions_begin, companions_end),
Пример #17
from source.header_operations import *
from source.header_common import *

from source.header_dialogs import anyone, plyr
from source.module_constants import villages_begin, villages_end, \

from source.statement import StatementBlock

quest_block = StatementBlock(
    (eq, ":quest_no", "qst_deliver_grain"),
    (is_between, ":giver_center_no", villages_begin, villages_end),
    (call_script, "script_get_troop_item_amount", ":giver_troop", "itm_grain"),
    (eq, reg0, 0),
    (neg | party_slot_ge, ":giver_center_no", "slot_town_prosperity", 40),
    (assign, ":quest_target_center", ":giver_center_no"),
    (store_random_in_range, ":quest_target_amount", 4, 8),
    (assign, ":quest_expiration_days", 30),
    (assign, ":quest_dont_give_again_period", 25),
    (assign, ":result", ":quest_no"),

dialogs = [
        anyone, "village_elder_tell_mission",
        [(eq, "$random_quest_no", "qst_deliver_grain")],
        "{My good sir/My good lady}, our village has been going through such "
        "hardships lately. The harvest has been bad, and recently some merciless "
        "bandits took away our seed grain that we had reserved for the planting "
        "season. If we cannot find some grain soon, we will not be able to plant "
Пример #18
from source.statement import StatementBlock

trigger_event_block = StatementBlock(
    # updates objection state
    (troop_slot_ge, ":npc", "slot_troop_days_on_mission", 5),
    (troop_slot_eq, ":npc", "slot_troop_current_mission",
    (troop_get_slot, ":other_npc", ":npc", "slot_troop_kingsupport_opponent"),
    (troop_slot_eq, ":other_npc", "slot_troop_kingsupport_objection_state", 0),
    (troop_set_slot, ":other_npc", "slot_troop_kingsupport_objection_state",
    (eq, "$cheat_mode", 1),
    (str_store_troop_name, s3, ":npc"),
    (str_store_troop_name, s4, ":other_npc"),
    (main_party_has_troop, ":npc"),
    (eq, "$npc_with_political_grievance", 0),
    (troop_slot_eq, ":npc", "slot_troop_kingsupport_objection_state", 1),
    (assign, "$npc_with_political_grievance", ":npc"),

trigger_dialog_block = StatementBlock(
Пример #19
from source.header_dialogs import anyone, plyr

from source.module_constants import villages_begin, villages_end, \
    village_elders_begin, village_elders_end, \

from source.statement import StatementBlock

quest_block = StatementBlock(
    (eq, ":quest_no", "qst_deliver_cattle"),
    (is_between, ":giver_center_no", villages_begin, villages_end),
    (party_get_slot, ":num_cattle", ":giver_center_no",
    (lt, ":num_cattle", 50),
    (assign, ":quest_target_center", ":giver_center_no"),
    (store_random_in_range, ":quest_target_amount", 5, 10),
    (assign, ":quest_expiration_days", 30),
    (assign, ":quest_dont_give_again_period", 25),  # chief gdw
    (assign, ":result", ":quest_no"),

dialogs = [
        anyone, "village_elder_tell_mission",
        [(eq, "$random_quest_no", "qst_deliver_cattle")],
        "Bandits have driven away our cattle. Our pastures are empty. If we had "
        "just a few heads of cattle we could start to raise a herd again.",
Пример #20
from source.header_operations import *

from compiler import Compiler
from source.statement import StatementBlock

compiler = Compiler('./output', log_dir='./logs')

result1 = compiler.process_statement_block(0, 1, [
    (assign, ":net_change", 0),
    (eq, ":net_change", 0),
    (assign, ":net_change", 1),

result2 = compiler.process_statement_block(0, 1,
                                           [(assign, ":net_change", 0),
                                                (eq, ":net_change", 0),
                                                (assign, ":net_change", 1),

assert (result2 == result1)
Пример #21
from source.header_troops import ca_intelligence
from source.statement import StatementBlock

from ..module_constants import *

trigger_event_block = StatementBlock(

        (main_party_has_troop, ":npc"),

            (call_script, "script_npc_morale", ":npc"),
            (assign, ":npc_morale", reg0),
            # todo: this never happens: P[x < a] = 0 when x ~ U(a, 1+a)
            (lt, ":npc_morale", 20),
            # random ~ U(0, 1)
            (store_random_in_range, ":random", 0, 100),
            # random ~ U(a, 1 + a)
            (val_add, ":npc_morale", ":random"),
            # random < a never happens
            (lt, ":npc_morale", 20),
            (assign, "$npc_is_quitting", ":npc"),

trigger_dialog_block = StatementBlock(
    (gt, "$npc_is_quitting", 0),
    (eq, "$g_infinite_camping", 0),
        (main_party_has_troop, "$npc_is_quitting"),
Пример #22
     "want to recruit new troops or get detailed information about your standing army.", "none", [], [

        ("dplmc_continue", [], "Continue...", [
] \
    + scouts.menus

# this block is added to the enter_court script to add the constable to the scene.
court_visitor = StatementBlock(
    (gt, "$g_player_constable", 0),
    # todo: this is wrong: appoint constable should not be here
    (call_script, "script_dplmc_appoint_constable"
     ),  #fix for wrong troops after update
    (party_get_slot, ":town_lord", ":center_no", "slot_town_lord"),
    (eq, ":town_lord", "trp_player"),
    (set_visitor, ":cur_pos", "$g_player_constable"),
    (val_add, ":cur_pos", 1),

consequences_give_center = StatementBlock(
    (eq, "$g_constable_training_center", ":center_no"),
    (assign, "$g_constable_training_center", -1),

consequences_staff_salary = StatementBlock(
Пример #23
from source.module_constants import villages_begin, villages_end, \
    village_elders_begin, village_elders_end, fire_duration

from source.statement import StatementBlock

village_elder_talk_condition = StatementBlock(
    (party_get_slot, ":bound_center", "$current_town",
    (assign, ":num_heroes_in_dungeon", 0),
    (assign, ":num_heroes_given_parole", 0),
    (party_get_num_prisoner_stacks, ":num_stacks", ":bound_center"),
    (try_for_range, ":i_stack", 0, ":num_stacks"),
    (party_prisoner_stack_get_troop_id, ":stack_troop", ":bound_center",
    (troop_is_hero, ":stack_troop"),
    (call_script, "script_cf_prisoner_offered_parole", ":stack_troop"),
    (party_add_members, "p_temp_party_2", ":stack_troop", 1),
    (val_add, ":num_heroes_given_parole", 1),
    (party_add_members, "p_temp_party", ":stack_troop", 1),
    (val_add, ":num_heroes_in_dungeon", 1),
    (ge, ":num_heroes_in_dungeon", 1),

dialogs = [
        anyone, "village_elder_ask_set_fire",
Пример #24
from source.header_operations import *
from source.header_common import *

from source.header_dialogs import *

from source.statement import StatementBlock

from source.module_constants import *
from source.module_troops import troops

from . import indict_vassal, emissary, change_marshal, grant_fief, persuade, center_captured_lord_advice, replace

consequences_staff_salary = StatementBlock(
    (gt, "$g_player_minister", 0),
    (val_add, ":staff_salary", 15),

consequences_deactivate_faction = StatementBlock(
    # todo: confirm this is enough to stop all minister activity (e.g. quests)
    (is_between, "$g_player_minister", companions_begin, companions_end),
    (assign, "$npc_to_rejoin_party", "$g_player_minister"),
    (assign, "$g_player_minister", -1),

court_visitor = StatementBlock(
    (eq, "$g_player_court", ":center_no"),
Пример #25
    def process_statement_block(self, statement_name, is_can_fail_statement,
        self._current_statement_name = statement_name

        self._local_variables = OrderedDict()

        statement_block = StatementBlock(*statement_block)

        result = " %d " % len(statement_block)

        store_script_param_1_uses = 0
        store_script_param_2_uses = 0
        current_depth = 0

        for index, statement in enumerate(statement_block):
            if isinstance(statement, StatementBlock):
                result += self._process_statement_piece(statement)

            if isinstance(statement, (tuple, list)):
                opcode = statement[0]
                opcode = statement

            if opcode in [
                    h_operations.try_begin, h_operations.try_for_range,
                    h_operations.try_for_parties, h_operations.try_for_agents,
                current_depth += 1
            elif opcode == h_operations.try_end:
                current_depth -= 1
            elif opcode == h_operations.store_script_param_1 or \
                    (opcode == h_operations.store_script_param and statement[2] == 1):
                store_script_param_1_uses += 1
            elif opcode == h_operations.store_script_param_2 or \
                    (opcode == h_operations.store_script_param and statement[2] == 2):
                store_script_param_2_uses += 1
            elif current_depth == 0 and not is_can_fail_statement \
                    and (opcode in h_operations.can_fail_operations or (
                                    opcode == h_operations.call_script and
                                statement[1].startswith("cf_", 7))) \
                    and not statement_name.startswith("cf_"):
                    'Script "%s" can fail at operation %d. Use cf_ at '
                    'the beginning of its name' % (statement_name, index))

            result += self._process_statement(opcode, statement)

        if current_depth != 0:
            if current_depth > 0:
                    'Statement "%s" misses %d "try_end" statement_blocks' %
                    (statement_name, current_depth))
                logging.critical('Statement "%s" has %d "try_end" too many' %
                                 (statement_name, -current_depth))

        if store_script_param_1_uses > 1:
            logging.error('store_script_param_1 used more than once in "%s"' %
        if store_script_param_2_uses > 1:
            logging.error('store_script_param_2 used more than once in "%s"' %

        for local_variable in self._local_variables:
            if self._local_variables[local_variable] <= 0 and not \
                    'Local variable "%s" unused at statement "%s"' %
                    (local_variable, statement_name))

        if len(self._local_variables) > 128:
            logging.warning('Script "%s" uses %d>128 local wariables' %
                            (statement_name, len(self._local_variables)))

        self._current_statement_name = 'unknown'
        return result