Пример #1
 def eval_in_context(self, code, app, extra_imports={}):
     "Evaluates the given code in the context of the migration file."
     # Drag in the migration module's locals (hopefully including models.py)
     fake_locals = dict(inspect.getmodule(self.cls).__dict__)
     # Remove all models from that (i.e. from modern models.py), to stop pollution
     for key, value in fake_locals.items():
         if isinstance(value, type) and issubclass(value, models.Model) and hasattr(value, "_meta"):
             del fake_locals[key]
     # We add our models into the locals for the eval
         (name.split(".")[-1], model)
         for name, model in self.models.items()
     # Make sure the ones for this app override.
         (name.split(".")[-1], model)
         for name, model in self.models.items()
         if name.split(".")[0] == app
     # Ourselves as orm, to allow non-fail cross-app referencing
     fake_locals['orm'] = self
     # And a fake _ function
     fake_locals['_'] = lambda x: x
     # Datetime; there should be no datetime direct accesses
     fake_locals['datetime'] = datetime
     # Now, go through the requested imports and import them.
     for name, value in extra_imports.items():
         # First, try getting it out of locals.
         parts = value.split(".")
             obj = fake_locals[parts[0]]
             for part in parts[1:]:
                 obj = getattr(obj, part)
         except (KeyError, AttributeError):
             fake_locals[name] = obj
         # OK, try to import it directly
             fake_locals[name] = ask_for_it_by_name(value)
         except ImportError:
             if name == "SouthFieldClass":
                 raise ValueError("Cannot import the required field '%s'" % value)
                 print "WARNING: Cannot import '%s'" % value
     # Use ModelsLocals to make lookups work right for CapitalisedModels
     fake_locals = ModelsLocals(fake_locals)
     return eval(code, globals(), fake_locals)
Пример #2
    def eval_in_context(self, code, app, extra_imports={}):
        "Evaluates the given code in the context of the migration file."

        # Drag in the migration module's locals (hopefully including models.py)
        fake_locals = dict(inspect.getmodule(self.cls).__dict__)

        # Remove all models from that (i.e. from modern models.py), to stop pollution
        for key, value in fake_locals.items():
            if isinstance(value, type) and issubclass(
                    value, models.Model) and hasattr(value, "_meta"):
                del fake_locals[key]

        # We add our models into the locals for the eval
            dict([(name.split(".")[-1], model)
                  for name, model in self.models.items()]))

        # Make sure the ones for this app override.
            dict([(name.split(".")[-1], model)
                  for name, model in self.models.items()
                  if name.split(".")[0] == app]))

        # Ourselves as orm, to allow non-fail cross-app referencing
        fake_locals['orm'] = self

        # And a fake _ function
        fake_locals['_'] = lambda x: x

        # Datetime; there should be no datetime direct accesses
        fake_locals['datetime'] = datetime

        # Now, go through the requested imports and import them.
        for name, value in extra_imports.items():
            # First, try getting it out of locals.
            parts = value.split(".")
                obj = fake_locals[parts[0]]
                for part in parts[1:]:
                    obj = getattr(obj, part)
            except (KeyError, AttributeError):
                fake_locals[name] = obj
            # OK, try to import it directly
                fake_locals[name] = ask_for_it_by_name(value)
            except ImportError:
                if name == "SouthFieldClass":
                    raise ValueError("Cannot import the required field '%s'" %
                    print "WARNING: Cannot import '%s'" % value

        # Use ModelsLocals to make lookups work right for CapitalisedModels
        fake_locals = ModelsLocals(fake_locals)

        return eval(code, globals(), fake_locals)
Пример #3
def all_migrations(applications=None):
    Returns all Migrations for all `applications` that are migrated.
    if applications is None:
        applications = models.get_apps()
    for model_module in applications:
        # The app they've passed is the models module - go up one level
        app_path = ".".join(model_module.__name__.split(".")[:-1])
        app = ask_for_it_by_name(app_path)
            yield Migrations(app)
        except exceptions.NoMigrations:
Пример #4
def all_migrations(applications=None):
    Returns all Migrations for all `applications` that are migrated.
    if applications is None:
        applications = models.get_apps()
    for model_module in applications:
        # The app they've passed is the models module - go up one level
        app_path = ".".join(model_module.__name__.split(".")[:-1])
        app = ask_for_it_by_name(app_path)
            yield Migrations(app)
        except exceptions.NoMigrations:
Пример #5
def innodb_ready_rename_column(orm, models, table, old_column_name,
                               new_column_name, app_model, new_field_name):
    Foreign key renaming which works for InnoDB
    More: http://south.aeracode.org/ticket/466

    - orm: a reference to 'orm' parameter passed to Migration.forwards()/backwards()
    - models: reference to Migration.models data structure
    - table: e.g. 'askbot_thread'
    - old_column_name: e.g. 'question_post_id'
    - new_column_name: e.g. 'question_id'
    - app_model: e.g. 'askbot.thread' (should be a dict key into 'models')
    - new_field_name: e.g. 'question' (usually it's same as new_column_name, only without trailing '_id')
    use_workaround = houston_do_we_have_a_problem(table)

    # ditch the foreign key
    if use_workaround:
        db.delete_foreign_key(table, old_column_name)

    # rename column
    db.rename_column(table, old_column_name, new_column_name)

    # restore the foreign key
    if not use_workaround:

    model_def = models[app_model][new_field_name]
    assert model_def[0] == 'django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey'
    # Copy the dict so that we don't change the original
    # (otherwise the dry run would change it for the "normal" run
    #  and the latter would try to convert str to model once again)
    fkey_params = model_def[2].copy()
    assert 'to' in fkey_params
    assert fkey_params['to'].startswith("orm['")
    assert fkey_params['to'].endswith("']")
    fkey_params['to'] = orm[fkey_params['to'][
        5:-2]]  # convert "orm['app.models']" string to actual model
    field = ask_for_it_by_name(model_def[0])(**fkey_params)
    # INFO: ask_for_it_by_name() if equivalent to self.gf() which is usually used in migrations, e.g.:
    #          db.alter_column('askbot_badgedata', 'slug', self.gf('django.db.models.fields.SlugField')(unique=True, max_length=50))
    db.alter_column(table, new_column_name, field)
Пример #6
def innodb_ready_rename_column(orm, models, table, old_column_name, new_column_name, app_model, new_field_name):
    Foreign key renaming which works for InnoDB
    More: http://south.aeracode.org/ticket/466

    - orm: a reference to 'orm' parameter passed to Migration.forwards()/backwards()
    - models: reference to Migration.models data structure
    - table: e.g. 'askbot_thread'
    - old_column_name: e.g. 'question_post_id'
    - new_column_name: e.g. 'question_id'
    - app_model: e.g. 'askbot.thread' (should be a dict key into 'models')
    - new_field_name: e.g. 'question' (usually it's same as new_column_name, only without trailing '_id')
    use_workaround = houston_do_we_have_a_problem(table)

    # ditch the foreign key
    if use_workaround:
        db.delete_foreign_key(table, old_column_name)

    # rename column
    db.rename_column(table, old_column_name, new_column_name)

    # restore the foreign key
    if not use_workaround:

    model_def = models[app_model][new_field_name]
    assert model_def[0] == "django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey"
    # Copy the dict so that we don't change the original
    # (otherwise the dry run would change it for the "normal" run
    #  and the latter would try to convert str to model once again)
    fkey_params = model_def[2].copy()
    assert "to" in fkey_params
    assert fkey_params["to"].startswith("orm['")
    assert fkey_params["to"].endswith("']")
    fkey_params["to"] = orm[fkey_params["to"][5:-2]]  # convert "orm['app.models']" string to actual model
    field = ask_for_it_by_name(model_def[0])(**fkey_params)
    # INFO: ask_for_it_by_name() if equivalent to self.gf() which is usually used in migrations, e.g.:
    #          db.alter_column('askbot_badgedata', 'slug', self.gf('django.db.models.fields.SlugField')(unique=True, max_length=50))
    db.alter_column(table, new_column_name, field)
Пример #7
 def gf(self, field_name):
     "Gets a field by absolute reference."
     return ask_for_it_by_name(field_name)
Пример #8
def list_migrations(app_name):
    """List schema migrations in the given app."""
    app = ask_for_it_by_name(app_name)
    return [migration.name() for migration in Migrations(app)]
Пример #9
def list_migrations(app_name):
    """List schema migrations in the given app."""
    app = ask_for_it_by_name(app_name)
    return [migration.name() for migration in Migrations(app)]
Пример #10
Файл: v2.py Проект: 10sr/hue
 def gf(self, field_name):
     "Gets a field by absolute reference."
     field = ask_for_it_by_name(field_name)
     field.model = FakeModel
     return field
Пример #11
 def gf(self, field_name):
     "Gets a field by absolute reference."
     field = ask_for_it_by_name(field_name)
     field.model = FakeModel
     return field
Пример #12
 def gf(self, field_name):
     "Gets a field by absolute reference."
     return ask_for_it_by_name(field_name)