def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): key = f'{decorated.__name__}{args}{kwargs}' ret = cache.get(key) metrics_tags = [f'function:{decorated.__name__}'] if ret is None: stats.increment('cache.miss', tags=metrics_tags) ret = decorated(*args, **kwargs) try: cache.set(key, ret, timeout=timeout) except AttributeError: stats.increment('', tags=metrics_tags) LOG.warn(event='failed to write result to cache', key=key) else: stats.increment('cache.hit', tags=metrics_tags) return ret
def match_node(node_value: Any, modify=True, sources: SourceData = None, discovery_type: str = 'default') -> SourceData: """ Checks a node against all sources, using the node_match_key and source_match_key to determine if the node should receive the source in its configuration. :param discovery_type: type of XDS request, used to determine if a scoped source should be evaluated :param node_value: value from the node portion of the envoy discovery request :param modify: switch to enable or disable modifications via Modifiers :param sources: the data sources to match the node against """ if source_metadata.is_stale: # Log/emit metric and manually refresh sources. stats.increment('sources.stale') LOG.warn( 'Sources have not been refreshed in 2 minutes', last_update=source_metadata.updated.isoformat(), instance_count=source_metadata.count ) sources_refresh() if sources is None: sources: SourceData = read_sources() ret = SourceData() for scope, instances in sources.scopes.items(): if config.node_matching is False: ret.scopes[scope] = instances continue for instance in instances: source_value = extract_source_key(instance) # If a single expression evaluates true, the remaining are not evaluated/executed. # This saves (a small amount of) computation, which helps when the server starts # to receive thousands of requests. The list has been ordered descending by what # we think will more commonly be true. match = ( contains(source_value, node_value) or node_value == source_value or is_wildcard(node_value) or is_wildcard(source_value) or is_debug_request(node_value) ) if match: ret.scopes[scope].append(instance) if modify: return apply_modifications(ret) return ret
def deserialize_config(content): try: envoy_configuration = yaml.safe_load(content) except ParserError as e: LOG.msg( error=repr(e), context=e.context, context_mark=e.context_mark, note=e.note, problem=e.problem, problem_mark=e.problem_mark, ) raise HTTPException( status_code=500, detail='Failed to load configuration, there may be ' 'a syntax error in the configured templates.' ) return envoy_configuration
def init_app() -> FastAPI: # Warm the sources once before starting sources_refresh()'Initial fetch of Sources completed') application = FastAPI( title='Sovereign', version=__versionstr__, debug=config.debug_enabled ) application.include_router(discovery.router, tags=['Configuration Discovery'], prefix='/v2') application.include_router(crypto.router, tags=['Cryptographic Utilities'], prefix='/crypto') application.include_router(admin.router, tags=['Debugging Endpoints'], prefix='/admin') application.include_router(interface.router, tags=['User Interface'], prefix='/ui') application.include_router(healthchecks.router, tags=['Healthchecks']) application.add_middleware(RequestContextLogMiddleware) application.add_middleware(LoggingMiddleware) application.add_middleware(ScheduledTasksMiddleware) if config.sentry_dsn and sentry_sdk: sentry_sdk.init(config.sentry_dsn) application.add_middleware(SentryAsgiMiddleware)'Sentry middleware enabled') @application.exception_handler(500) async def exception_handler(_, exc: Exception) -> json_response_class: """ We cannot incur the execution of this function from unit tests because the starlette test client simply returns exceptions and does not run them through the exception handler. Ergo, this is a facade function for `generic_error_response` """ return generic_error_response(exc) # pragma: no cover @application.get('/') def redirect_to_docs(): return RedirectResponse('/ui') @application.get('/static/{filename}', summary='Return a static asset') def static(filename: str): return FileResponse(resource_filename('sovereign', f'static/{filename}')) return application
def sources_refresh(): """ All source data is stored in ``sovereign.sources._source_data``. Since the variable is outside this functions scope, we can only make in-place modifications to it via its methods. This function retrieves all sources, puts them into a temporary list, and then clears and re-fills ``_source_data`` with the new data. The process is done in two steps to avoid ``_source_data`` being empty for any significant amount of time. """ stats.increment('sources.attempt') try: new_source_data = SourceData() for configured_source in config.sources: source = setup_sources(configured_source) new_source_data.scopes[source.scope].extend(source.get()) except Exception as e: LOG.error( 'Error while refreshing sources', traceback=[line for line in traceback.format_exc().split('\n')], error=e.__class__.__name__, detail=getattr(e, 'detail', '-'), request_id=get_request_id() ) stats.increment('sources.error') raise if new_source_data == _source_data: stats.increment('sources.unchanged') source_metadata.update_date() return else: stats.increment('sources.refreshed') _source_data.scopes.clear() _source_data.scopes.update(new_source_data.scopes) source_metadata.update_date() source_metadata.update_count([ instance for scope in _source_data.scopes.values() for instance in scope ])
async def dispatch(self, request: Request, call_next: RequestResponseEndpoint): start_time = time.time() response = Response("Internal server error", status_code=500) new_log_context() add_log_context(env=config.environment, site=request.headers.get('host', '-'), method=request.method, uri_path=request.url.path, uri_query=dict(request.query_params.items()),, src_port=request.client.port, pid=os.getpid(), user_agent=request.headers.get('user-agent', '-'), bytes_in=request.headers.get('content-length', '-')) try: response: Response = await call_next(request) finally: duration = time.time() - start_time'content-length', '-'), status=response.status_code, duration=duration, request_id=response.headers.get('X-Request-Id', '-')) if 'discovery' in str(request.url): tags = { 'path': request.url.path, 'xds_type': response.headers.get("X-Sovereign-Requested-Type"), 'client_version': response.headers.get("X-Sovereign-Client-Build"), 'response_code': response.status_code, } tags = [ ':'.join(map(str, [k, v])) for k, v in tags.items() if v is not None ] stats.increment('discovery.rq_total', tags=tags) stats.timing('discovery.rq_ms', value=duration * 1000, tags=tags) return response
application.add_middleware(SentryAsgiMiddleware)'Sentry middleware enabled') @application.exception_handler(500) async def exception_handler(_, exc: Exception) -> json_response_class: """ We cannot incur the execution of this function from unit tests because the starlette test client simply returns exceptions and does not run them through the exception handler. Ergo, this is a facade function for `generic_error_response` """ return generic_error_response(exc) # pragma: no cover @application.get('/') def redirect_to_docs(): return RedirectResponse('/ui') @application.get('/static/{filename}', summary='Return a static asset') def static(filename: str): return FileResponse(resource_filename('sovereign', f'static/{filename}')) return application app = init_app()'Sovereign started and listening on {}:{asgi_config.port}') if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover, host='', port=8000, access_log=False)
from sovereign import config from sovereign.logs import LOG disabled_suite = namedtuple('DisabledSuite', ['encrypt', 'decrypt']) disabled_suite.encrypt = lambda x: 'Unavailable (No Secret Key)' disabled_suite.decrypt = lambda x: 'Unavailable (No Secret Key)' try: _cipher_suite = Fernet(config.encryption_key) KEY_AVAILABLE = True except TypeError: KEY_AVAILABLE = False _cipher_suite = disabled_suite except ValueError as e: if config.encryption_key != '': LOG.warn( f'Fernet key was provided, but appears to be invalid: {repr(e)}') _cipher_suite = disabled_suite KEY_AVAILABLE = False def encrypt(data: str, key=None) -> str: _local_cipher_suite = _cipher_suite if key is not None: _local_cipher_suite = Fernet(key) try: encrypted: bytes = _local_cipher_suite.encrypt(data.encode()) except (InvalidToken, AttributeError): raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail='Encryption failed') return encrypted.decode()