Пример #1
def copy_package(fd, basedir, relpath, checksum_type, checksum, force=None):
    Copies the information from the file descriptor to a file
    Checks the file's checksum, raising FileConflictErrror if it's different
    The force flag prevents the exception from being raised, and copies the
    file even if the checksum has changed
    packagePath = basedir + "/" + relpath
    # Is the file there already?
    if os.path.isfile(packagePath) and not force:
        # Get its checksum
        localsum = getFileChecksum(checksum_type, packagePath)
        if checksum == localsum:
            # Same file, so get outa here
        raise FileConflictError(os.path.basename(packagePath))

    dir = os.path.dirname(packagePath)
    # Create the directory where the file will reside
    if not os.path.exists(dir):
    pkgfd = os.open(packagePath, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC)
    os.lseek(fd, 0, 0)
    while 1:
        buffer = os.read(fd, 65536)
        if not buffer:
        n = os.write(pkgfd, buffer)
        if n != len(buffer):
            # Error writing to the file
            raise IOError, "Wrote %s out of %s bytes in file %s" % (
                n, len(buffer), packagePath)
    # set the path perms readable by all users
    setPermsPath(packagePath, chmod=0644)
Пример #2
    def write_file(self, stream_in):
        """Writes the contents of stream_in to the filesystem
        Returns the file size(success) or raises FileCreationError"""
        dirname = os.path.dirname(self.full_path)
        stat = os.statvfs(dirname)

        f_bsize = stat[0]  # file system block size
        # misa: it's kind of icky whether to use f_bfree (free blocks) or
        # f_bavail (free blocks for non-root). f_bavail is more correct, since
        # you don't want to have the system out of disk space because of
        # satsync; but people would get confused when looking at the output of
        # df
        f_bavail = stat[4]  # free blocks
        freespace = f_bsize * float(f_bavail)
        if self.file_size is not None and self.file_size > freespace:
            msg = messages.not_enough_diskspace % (freespace / 1024)
            log(-1, msg, stream=sys.stderr)
            # pkilambi: As the metadata download does'nt check for unfetched rpms
            # abort the sync when it runs out of disc space
            #raise FileCreationError(msg)
        if freespace < 5000 * 1024:  # arbitrary
            msg = messages.not_enough_diskspace % (freespace / 1024)
            log(-1, msg, stream=sys.stderr)
            # pkilambi: As the metadata download does'nt check for unfetched rpms
            # abort the sync when it runs out of disc space
            #raise FileCreationError(msg)

        fout = open(self.full_path, 'wb')
        # setting file permissions; NOTE: rhnpush uses apache to write to disk,
        # hence the 6 setting.
        setPermsPath(self.full_path, user='******', group='apache', chmod=0644)
        size = 0
            while 1:
                buf = stream_in.read(self.buffer_size)
                if not buf:
                buf_len = len(buf)
                size = size + buf_len
        except IOError, e:
            msg = "IOError: %s" % e
            log(-1, msg, stream=sys.stderr)
            # Try not to leave garbage around
            except (OSError, IOError):
            raise FileCreationError(msg), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
Пример #3
    def write_file(self, stream_in):
        """Writes the contents of stream_in to the filesystem
        Returns the file size(success) or raises FileCreationError"""
        dirname = os.path.dirname(self.full_path)
        stat = os.statvfs(dirname)

        f_bsize = stat[0]  # file system block size
        # misa: it's kind of icky whether to use f_bfree (free blocks) or
        # f_bavail (free blocks for non-root). f_bavail is more correct, since
        # you don't want to have the system out of disk space because of
        # satsync; but people would get confused when looking at the output of
        # df
        f_bavail = stat[4]  # free blocks
        freespace = f_bsize * float(f_bavail)
        if self.file_size is not None and self.file_size > freespace:
            msg = messages.not_enough_diskspace % (freespace / 1024)
            log(-1, msg, stream=sys.stderr)
            # pkilambi: As the metadata download does'nt check for unfetched rpms
            # abort the sync when it runs out of disc space
            #raise FileCreationError(msg)
        if freespace < 5000 * 1024:  # arbitrary
            msg = messages.not_enough_diskspace % (freespace / 1024)
            log(-1, msg, stream=sys.stderr)
            # pkilambi: As the metadata download does'nt check for unfetched rpms
            # abort the sync when it runs out of disc space
            #raise FileCreationError(msg)

        fout = open(self.full_path, 'wb')
        # setting file permissions; NOTE: rhnpush uses apache to write to disk,
        # hence the 6 setting.
        setPermsPath(self.full_path, user='******', group='apache', chmod=0644)
        size = 0
            while 1:
                buf = stream_in.read(self.buffer_size)
                if not buf:
                buf_len = len(buf)
                size = size + buf_len
        except IOError, e:
            msg = "IOError: %s" % e
            log(-1, msg, stream=sys.stderr)
            # Try not to leave garbage around
            except (OSError, IOError):
            raise FileCreationError(msg), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
Пример #4
def _safe_create(fname, user, group, mode):
    """ This function returns a file descriptor for the open file fname
        If the file is already there, it is truncated
        otherwise, all the directories up to it are created and the file is created
        as well.

    # There can be race conditions between the moment we check for the file
    # existence and when we actually create it, so retry if something fails
    tries = 5
    while tries:
        tries = tries - 1
        # we're really picky about what can we do
        if os.access(fname, os.F_OK):  # file exists
            if not os.access(fname, os.R_OK | os.W_OK):
                raise UnreadableFileError()

            fd = os.open(fname, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_TRUNC)
            # We're done
            return fd

        # If directory does not exist, attempt to create it
        dirname = os.path.dirname(fname)
        if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
                #os.makedirs(dirname, 0755)
                makedirs(dirname, mode, user, group)
            except OSError:
                e = sys.exc_info()[1]
                # There is a window between the moment we check the disk and
                # the one we try to create the directory
                # We double-check the file existance here
                if not (e.errno == EEXIST and os.path.isdir(dirname)):
                    # If the exception was thrown on a parent dir
                    # check the subdirectory to go through next loop.
                    if os.path.isdir(e.filename):
                    # Pass exception through
                # Pass exception through
        # If we got here, it means the directory exists

        # file does not exist, attempt to create it
        # we pass most of the exceptions through
            fd = os.open(fname, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL,
                         int('0644', 8))
        except OSError:
            e = sys.exc_info()[1]
            # The file may be already there
            if e.errno == EEXIST and os.access(fname, os.F_OK):
                # Retry
            # Pass exception through
        # If we got here, the file is created, so break out of the loop
        setPermsPath(fname, user, group, mode)
        return fd

    # Ran out of tries; something is fishy
    # (if we manage to create or truncate the file, we've returned from the
    # function already)
    raise RuntimeError("Attempt to create file %s failed" % fname)
Пример #5
    def sync(self, update_repodata=True):
        """Trigger a reposync"""
        failed_packages = 0
        sync_error = 0
        if not self.urls:
            sync_error = -1
        start_time = datetime.now()
        for (repo_id, url, repo_label) in self.urls:
            log(0, "Repo URL: %s" % url)
            plugin = None

            # If the repository uses a uln:// URL, switch to the ULN plugin, overriding the command-line
            if url.startswith("uln://"):
                self.repo_plugin = self.load_plugin("uln")

            # pylint: disable=W0703
                if repo_label:
                    repo_name = repo_label
                    # use modified relative_url as name of repo plugin, because
                    # it used as name of cache directory as well
                    relative_url = '_'.join(url.split('://')[1].split('/')[1:])
                    repo_name = relative_url.replace("?", "_").replace(
                        "&", "_").replace("=", "_")

                plugin = self.repo_plugin(url,
                                          org=str(self.org_id or ''),

                if update_repodata:

                if repo_id is not None:
                    keys = rhnSQL.fetchall_dict("""
                        select k1.key as ca_cert, k2.key as client_cert, k3.key as client_key
                        from rhncontentsource cs inner join
                             rhncontentsourcessl csssl on cs.id = csssl.content_source_id inner join
                             rhncryptokey k1 on csssl.ssl_ca_cert_id = k1.id left outer join
                             rhncryptokey k2 on csssl.ssl_client_cert_id = k2.id left outer join
                             rhncryptokey k3 on csssl.ssl_client_key_id = k3.id
                        where cs.id = :repo_id
                    if keys:
                        ssl_set = get_single_ssl_set(
                            keys, check_dates=self.check_ssl_dates)
                        if ssl_set:
                            raise ValueError(
                                "No valid SSL certificates were found for repository."

                if not self.no_packages:
                    ret = self.import_packages(plugin, repo_id, url)
                    failed_packages += ret
                    self.import_groups(plugin, url)

                if not self.no_errata:
                    self.import_updates(plugin, url)

                # only for repos obtained from the DB
                if self.sync_kickstart and repo_label:
                        self.import_kickstart(plugin, repo_label)
            except Exception:
                e = sys.exc_info()[1]
                log2(0, 0, "ERROR: %s" % e, stream=sys.stderr)
                log2disk(0, "ERROR: %s" % e)
                # pylint: disable=W0104
                sync_error = -1
            if plugin is not None:
        # Update cache with package checksums
        rhnCache.set(checksum_cache_filename, self.checksum_cache)
        if self.regen:
                [self.channel_label], [], "server.app.yumreposync")

        # update permissions
            'rhn'))  # if the directory exists update ownership only
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(CFG.MOUNT_POINT, 'rhn')):
            for d in dirs:
                fileutils.setPermsPath(os.path.join(root, d), group='apache')
            for f in files:
                fileutils.setPermsPath(os.path.join(root, f), group='apache')
        elapsed_time = datetime.now() - start_time
            0, "Sync of channel completed in %s." %
        # if there is no global problems, but some packages weren't synced
        if sync_error == 0 and failed_packages > 0:
            sync_error = failed_packages
        return elapsed_time, sync_error
Пример #6
        # If we got here, it means the directory exists
        # file does not exist, attempt to create it
        # we pass most of the exceptions through
            fd = os.open(fname, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL, 0644)
        except OSError, e:
            # The file may be already there
            if e.errno == EEXIST and os.access(fname, os.F_OK):
                # Retry
            # Pass exception through
        # If we got here, the file is created, so break out of the loop
        setPermsPath(fname, user, group, mode)
        return fd

    # Ran out of tries; something is fishy
    # (if we manage to create or truncate the file, we've returned from the
    # function already)
    raise RuntimeError, "Attempt to create file %s failed" % fname

class LockedFile(object):

    def __init__(self, name, modified = None, user='******', group='root', \
        if modified:
            self.modified = timestamp(modified)
Пример #7
def _safe_create(fname, user, group, mode):
    """ This function returns a file descriptor for the open file fname
        If the file is already there, it is truncated
        otherwise, all the directories up to it are created and the file is created
        as well.

    # There can be race conditions between the moment we check for the file
    # existence and when we actually create it, so retry if something fails
    tries = 5
    while tries:
        tries = tries - 1
        # we're really picky about what can we do
        if os.access(fname, os.F_OK):  # file exists
            if not os.access(fname, os.R_OK | os.W_OK):
                raise UnreadableFileError()

            fd = os.open(fname, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_TRUNC)
            # We're done
            return fd

        # If directory does not exist, attempt to create it
        dirname = os.path.dirname(fname)
        if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
                #os.makedirs(dirname, 0755)
                makedirs(dirname, mode, user, group)
            except OSError:
                e = sys.exc_info()[1]
                # There is a window between the moment we check the disk and
                # the one we try to create the directory
                # We double-check the file existance here
                if not (e.errno == EEXIST and os.path.isdir(dirname)):
                    # If the exception was thrown on a parent dir
                    # check the subdirectory to go through next loop.
                    if os.path.isdir(e.filename):
                    # Pass exception through
                # Pass exception through
        # If we got here, it means the directory exists

        # file does not exist, attempt to create it
        # we pass most of the exceptions through
            fd = os.open(fname, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL, int('0644', 8))
        except OSError:
            e = sys.exc_info()[1]
            # The file may be already there
            if e.errno == EEXIST and os.access(fname, os.F_OK):
                # Retry
            # Pass exception through
        # If we got here, the file is created, so break out of the loop
        setPermsPath(fname, user, group, mode)
        return fd

    # Ran out of tries; something is fishy
    # (if we manage to create or truncate the file, we've returned from the
    # function already)
    raise RuntimeError("Attempt to create file %s failed" % fname)
Пример #8
        # If we got here, it means the directory exists

        # file does not exist, attempt to create it
        # we pass most of the exceptions through
            fd = os.open(fname, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL, 0644)
        except OSError, e:
            # The file may be already there
            if e.errno == EEXIST and os.access(fname, os.F_OK):
                # Retry
            # Pass exception through
        # If we got here, the file is created, so break out of the loop
        setPermsPath(fname, user, group, mode)
        return fd

    # Ran out of tries; something is fishy
    # (if we manage to create or truncate the file, we've returned from the
    # function already)
    raise RuntimeError, "Attempt to create file %s failed" % fname

class LockedFile(object):

    def __init__(self, name, modified = None, user='******', group='root', \
        if modified:
            self.modified = timestamp(modified)