Пример #1
def _add_single_spec(spec, mirror, mirror_stats):
    tty.msg("Adding package {pkg} to mirror".format(
    num_retries = 3
    while num_retries > 0:
            with spec.package.stage as pkg_stage:
                pkg_stage.cache_mirror(mirror, mirror_stats)
                for patch in spec.package.all_patches():
                    if patch.stage:
                        patch.stage.cache_mirror(mirror, mirror_stats)
            exception = None
        except Exception as e:
            exc_tuple = sys.exc_info()
            exception = e
        num_retries -= 1

    if exception:
        if spack.config.get('config:debug'):
            traceback.print_exception(file=sys.stderr, *exc_tuple)
                "Error while fetching %s" % spec.cformat('{name}{@version}'),
                getattr(exception, 'message', exception))
Пример #2
    def _assign_dependencies(self, hash_key, installs, data):
        # Add dependencies from other records in the install DB to
        # form a full spec.
        spec = data[hash_key].spec
        spec_dict = installs[hash_key]['spec']
        if 'dependencies' in spec_dict[spec.name]:
            yaml_deps = spec_dict[spec.name]['dependencies']
            for dname, dhash, dtypes in spack.spec.Spec.read_yaml_dep_specs(
                # It is important that we always check upstream installations
                # in the same order, and that we always check the local
                # installation first: if a downstream Spack installs a package
                # then dependents in that installation could be using it.
                # If a hash is installed locally and upstream, there isn't
                # enough information to determine which one a local package
                # depends on, so the convention ensures that this isn't an
                # issue.
                upstream, record = self.query_by_spec_hash(dhash, data=data)
                child = record.spec if record else None

                if not child:
                    msg = ("Missing dependency not in database: "
                           "%s needs %s-%s" %
                           (spec.cformat('{name}{/hash:7}'), dname, dhash[:7]))
                    if self._fail_when_missing_deps:
                        raise MissingDependenciesError(msg)

                spec._add_dependency(child, dtypes)
Пример #3
    def _assign_dependencies(self, hash_key, installs, data):
        # Add dependencies from other records in the install DB to
        # form a full spec.
        spec = data[hash_key].spec
        spec_dict = installs[hash_key]['spec']

        if 'dependencies' in spec_dict[spec.name]:
            yaml_deps = spec_dict[spec.name]['dependencies']
            for dname, dhash, dtypes in spack.spec.Spec.read_yaml_dep_specs(
                if dhash not in data:
                    tty.warn("Missing dependency not in database: ",
                             "%s needs %s-%s" % (
                                 spec.cformat('$_$/'), dname, dhash[:7]))

                child = data[dhash].spec
                spec._add_dependency(child, dtypes)
Пример #4
    def _assign_dependencies(self, hash_key, installs, data):
        # Add dependencies from other records in the install DB to
        # form a full spec.
        spec = data[hash_key].spec
        spec_dict = installs[hash_key]['spec']

        if 'dependencies' in spec_dict[spec.name]:
            yaml_deps = spec_dict[spec.name]['dependencies']
            for dname, dhash, dtypes in spack.spec.Spec.read_yaml_dep_specs(
                if dhash not in data:
                    tty.warn("Missing dependency not in database: ",
                             "%s needs %s-%s" % (
                                 spec.cformat('$_$/'), dname, dhash[:7]))

                child = data[dhash].spec
                spec._add_dependency(child, dtypes)
Пример #5
def display_specs(specs, args=None, **kwargs):
    """Display human readable specs with customizable formatting.

    Prints the supplied specs to the screen, formatted according to the
    arguments provided.

    Specs are grouped by architecture and compiler, and columnized if
    possible.  There are three possible "modes":

      * ``short`` (default): short specs with name and version, columnized
      * ``paths``: Two columns: one for specs, one for paths
      * ``deps``: Dependency-tree style, like ``spack spec``; can get long

    Options can add more information to the default display. Options can
    be provided either as keyword arguments or as an argparse namespace.
    Keyword arguments take precedence over settings in the argparse

        specs (list of spack.spec.Spec): the specs to display
        args (optional argparse.Namespace): namespace containing
            formatting arguments

    Keyword Args:
        mode (str): Either 'short', 'paths', or 'deps'
        long (bool): Display short hashes with specs
        very_long (bool): Display full hashes with specs (supersedes ``long``)
        namespace (bool): Print namespaces along with names
        show_flags (bool): Show compiler flags with specs
        variants (bool): Show variants with specs
        indent (int): indent each line this much
        decorators (dict): dictionary mappng specs to decorators
        header_callback (function): called at start of arch/compiler sections
        all_headers (bool): show headers even when arch/compiler aren't defined
    def get_arg(name, default=None):
        """Prefer kwargs, then args, then default."""
        if name in kwargs:
            return kwargs.get(name)
        elif args is not None:
            return getattr(args, name, default)
            return default

    mode = get_arg('mode', 'short')
    hashes = get_arg('long', False)
    namespace = get_arg('namespace', False)
    flags = get_arg('show_flags', False)
    full_compiler = get_arg('show_full_compiler', False)
    variants = get_arg('variants', False)
    all_headers = get_arg('all_headers', False)

    decorator = get_arg('decorator', None)
    if decorator is None:
        decorator = lambda s, f: f

    indent = get_arg('indent', 0)
    ispace = indent * ' '

    hlen = 7
    if get_arg('very_long', False):
        hashes = True
        hlen = None

    nfmt = '{fullpackage}' if namespace else '{package}'
    ffmt = ''
    if full_compiler or flags:
        ffmt += '$%'
        if full_compiler:
            ffmt += '@'
        ffmt += '+'
    vfmt = '$+' if variants else ''
    format_string = '$%s$@%s%s' % (nfmt, ffmt, vfmt)

    # Make a dict with specs keyed by architecture and compiler.
    index = index_by(specs, ('architecture', 'compiler'))
    transform = {'package': decorator, 'fullpackage': decorator}

    # Traverse the index and print out each package
    for i, (architecture, compiler) in enumerate(sorted(index)):
        if i > 0:

        header = "%s{%s} / %s{%s}" % (spack.spec.architecture_color,
                                      architecture if architecture else
                                      'no arch', spack.spec.compiler_color,
                                      compiler if compiler else 'no compiler')

        # Sometimes we want to display specs that are not yet concretized.
        # If they don't have a compiler / architecture attached to them,
        # then skip the header
        if all_headers or (architecture is not None or compiler is not None):
            tty.hline(colorize(header), char='-')

        specs = index[(architecture, compiler)]

        if mode == 'paths':
            # Print one spec per line along with prefix path
            abbreviated = [
                s.cformat(format_string, transform=transform) for s in specs
            width = max(len(s) for s in abbreviated)
            width += 2

            for abbrv, spec in zip(abbreviated, specs):
                # optional hash prefix for paths
                h = gray_hash(spec, hlen) if hashes else ''

                # only show prefix for concrete specs
                prefix = spec.prefix if spec.concrete else ''

                # print it all out at once
                fmt = "%%s%%s    %%-%ds%%s" % width
                print(fmt % (ispace, h, abbrv, prefix))

        elif mode == 'deps':
            for spec in specs:
                              prefix=(lambda s: gray_hash(s, hlen))
                              if hashes else None))

        elif mode == 'short':

            def fmt(s):
                string = ""
                if hashes:
                    string += gray_hash(s, hlen) + ' '
                string += s.cformat('$%s$@%s' % (nfmt, vfmt),
                return string

            if not flags and not full_compiler:
                # Print columns of output if not printing flags
                colify((fmt(s) for s in specs), indent=indent)

                # Print one entry per line if including flags
                for spec in specs:
                    # Print the hash if necessary
                    hsh = gray_hash(spec, hlen) + ' ' if hashes else ''
                    print(ispace + hsh +
                          spec.cformat(format_string, transform=transform))

            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid mode for display_specs: %s. Must be one of (paths,"
                "deps, short)." % mode)
Пример #6
def display_specs(specs, args=None, **kwargs):
    """Display human readable specs with customizable formatting.

    Prints the supplied specs to the screen, formatted according to the
    arguments provided.

    Specs are grouped by architecture and compiler, and columnized if
    possible.  There are three possible "modes":

      * ``short`` (default): short specs with name and version, columnized
      * ``paths``: Two columns: one for specs, one for paths
      * ``deps``: Dependency-tree style, like ``spack spec``; can get long

    Options can add more information to the default display. Options can
    be provided either as keyword arguments or as an argparse namespace.
    Keyword arguments take precedence over settings in the argparse

        specs (list of spack.spec.Spec): the specs to display
        args (optional argparse.Namespace): namespace containing
            formatting arguments

    Keyword Args:
        mode (str): Either 'short', 'paths', or 'deps'
        long (bool): Display short hashes with specs
        very_long (bool): Display full hashes with specs (supersedes ``long``)
        namespace (bool): Print namespaces along with names
        show_flags (bool): Show compiler flags with specs
        variants (bool): Show variants with specs

    def get_arg(name, default=None):
        """Prefer kwargs, then args, then default."""
        if name in kwargs:
            return kwargs.get(name)
        elif args is not None:
            return getattr(args, name, default)
            return default

    mode      = get_arg('mode', 'short')
    hashes    = get_arg('long', False)
    namespace = get_arg('namespace', False)
    flags     = get_arg('show_flags', False)
    full_compiler = get_arg('show_full_compiler', False)
    variants  = get_arg('variants', False)

    hlen = 7
    if get_arg('very_long', False):
        hashes = True
        hlen = None

    nfmt = '.' if namespace else '_'
    ffmt = ''
    if full_compiler or flags:
        ffmt += '$%'
        if full_compiler:
            ffmt += '@'
        ffmt += '+'
    vfmt = '$+' if variants else ''
    format_string = '$%s$@%s%s' % (nfmt, ffmt, vfmt)

    # Make a dict with specs keyed by architecture and compiler.
    index = index_by(specs, ('architecture', 'compiler'))

    # Traverse the index and print out each package
    for i, (architecture, compiler) in enumerate(sorted(index)):
        if i > 0:

        header = "%s{%s} / %s{%s}" % (spack.spec.architecture_color,
                                      architecture, spack.spec.compiler_color,
        # Sometimes we want to display specs that are not yet concretized.
        # If they don't have a compiler / architecture attached to them,
        # then skip the header
        if architecture is not None or compiler is not None:
            tty.hline(colorize(header), char='-')

        specs = index[(architecture, compiler)]

        abbreviated = [s.cformat(format_string) for s in specs]
        if mode == 'paths':
            # Print one spec per line along with prefix path
            width = max(len(s) for s in abbreviated)
            width += 2
            format = "    %%-%ds%%s" % width

            for abbrv, spec in zip(abbreviated, specs):
                prefix = gray_hash(spec, hlen) if hashes else ''
                print(prefix + (format % (abbrv, spec.prefix)))

        elif mode == 'deps':
            for spec in specs:
                    prefix=(lambda s: gray_hash(s, hlen)) if hashes else None))

        elif mode == 'short':
            # Print columns of output if not printing flags
            if not flags and not full_compiler:

                def fmt(s):
                    string = ""
                    if hashes:
                        string += gray_hash(s, hlen) + ' '
                    string += s.cformat('$-%s$@%s' % (nfmt, vfmt))

                    return string

                colify(fmt(s) for s in specs)
            # Print one entry per line if including flags
                for spec in specs:
                    # Print the hash if necessary
                    hsh = gray_hash(spec, hlen) + ' ' if hashes else ''
                    print(hsh + spec.cformat(format_string) + '\n')

            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid mode for display_specs: %s. Must be one of (paths,"
                "deps, short)." % mode)
Пример #7
def display_specs(specs, args=None, **kwargs):
    """Display human readable specs with customizable formatting.

    Prints the supplied specs to the screen, formatted according to the
    arguments provided.

    Specs are grouped by architecture and compiler, and columnized if
    possible.  There are three possible "modes":

      * ``short`` (default): short specs with name and version, columnized
      * ``paths``: Two columns: one for specs, one for paths
      * ``deps``: Dependency-tree style, like ``spack spec``; can get long

    Options can add more information to the default display. Options can
    be provided either as keyword arguments or as an argparse namespace.
    Keyword arguments take precedence over settings in the argparse

        specs (list of spack.spec.Spec): the specs to display
        args (optional argparse.Namespace): namespace containing
            formatting arguments

    Keyword Args:
        mode (str): Either 'short', 'paths', or 'deps'
        long (bool): Display short hashes with specs
        very_long (bool): Display full hashes with specs (supersedes ``long``)
        namespace (bool): Print namespaces along with names
        show_flags (bool): Show compiler flags with specs
        variants (bool): Show variants with specs

    def get_arg(name, default=None):
        """Prefer kwargs, then args, then default."""
        if name in kwargs:
            return kwargs.get(name)
        elif args is not None:
            return getattr(args, name, default)
            return default

    mode = get_arg('mode', 'short')
    hashes = get_arg('long', False)
    namespace = get_arg('namespace', False)
    flags = get_arg('show_flags', False)
    full_compiler = get_arg('show_full_compiler', False)
    variants = get_arg('variants', False)

    hlen = 7
    if get_arg('very_long', False):
        hashes = True
        hlen = None

    nfmt = '.' if namespace else '_'
    ffmt = ''
    if full_compiler or flags:
        ffmt += '$%'
        if full_compiler:
            ffmt += '@'
        ffmt += '+'
    vfmt = '$+' if variants else ''
    format_string = '$%s$@%s%s' % (nfmt, ffmt, vfmt)

    # Make a dict with specs keyed by architecture and compiler.
    index = index_by(specs, ('architecture', 'compiler'))

    # Traverse the index and print out each package
    for i, (architecture, compiler) in enumerate(sorted(index)):
        if i > 0:

        header = "%s{%s} / %s{%s}" % (spack.spec.architecture_color,
                                      architecture, spack.spec.compiler_color,
        tty.hline(colorize(header), char='-')

        specs = index[(architecture, compiler)]

        abbreviated = [s.cformat(format_string) for s in specs]
        if mode == 'paths':
            # Print one spec per line along with prefix path
            width = max(len(s) for s in abbreviated)
            width += 2
            format = "    %%-%ds%%s" % width

            for abbrv, spec in zip(abbreviated, specs):
                prefix = gray_hash(spec, hlen) if hashes else ''
                print(prefix + (format % (abbrv, spec.prefix)))

        elif mode == 'deps':
            for spec in specs:
                              prefix=(lambda s: gray_hash(s, hlen))
                              if hashes else None))

        elif mode == 'short':
            # Print columns of output if not printing flags
            if not flags and not full_compiler:

                def fmt(s):
                    string = ""
                    if hashes:
                        string += gray_hash(s, hlen) + ' '
                    string += s.cformat('$-%s$@%s' % (nfmt, vfmt))

                    return string

                colify(fmt(s) for s in specs)
            # Print one entry per line if including flags
                for spec in specs:
                    # Print the hash if necessary
                    hsh = gray_hash(spec, hlen) + ' ' if hashes else ''
                    print(hsh + spec.cformat(format_string) + '\n')

            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid mode for display_specs: %s. Must be one of (paths,"
                "deps, short)." % mode)