Пример #1
    def flag_handler(self, name, flags):
        arch = ""
        spec = self.spec
        target_simds = {
            ('x86_64', ):
            ('sse', 'sse2', 'avx', 'avx2', 'avx512', 'avx-128-fma', 'kcvi'),
            ('ppc', 'ppc64le', 'power7'): ('altivec', 'vsx'),
            ('arm', ): ('neon', )

        if spec.satisfies("platform=cray"):
            # FIXME; It is assumed that cray is x86_64.
            # If you support arm on cray, you need to fix it.
            arch = "x86_64"

        for targets, simds in target_simds.items():
            if ((arch not in targets) and not any(
                    spec.satisfies('target={0}'.format(t)) for t in targets)):
                if any(spec.satisfies('simd={0}'.format(x)) for x in simds):
                    raise ConflictsInSpecError(spec, [
                        (spec, spec.architecture.target, spec.variants['simd'],
                         'simd={0} are valid only on {1}'.format(
        return (flags, None, None)
Пример #2
 def flag_handler(self, name, flags):
     arch = ''
     spec = self.spec
     if spec.satisfies("platform=cray"):
         # FIXME; It is assumed that cray is x86_64.
         # If you support arm on cray, you need to fix it.
         arch = 'x86_64'
     if (arch != 'x86_64' and not spec.satisfies("target=x86_64")):
         if spec.satisfies("+sse"):
             raise ConflictsInSpecError(
                 [(spec, spec.architecture.target, spec.variants['sse'],
                   '+sse is valid only on x86_64')])
         if spec.satisfies("+avx"):
             raise ConflictsInSpecError(
                 [(spec, spec.architecture.target, spec.variants['avx'],
                   '+avx is valid only on x86_64')])
     return (flags, None, None)
Пример #3
 def flag_handler(self, name, flags):
     # We cannot catch all conflicts with the conflicts directive because
     # the user can add arbitrary strings to the flags. Here we can at least
     # fail early.
     # We'll include cppflags in case users mistakenly put c++ flags there.
     spec = self.spec
     if name in ('cxxflags', 'cppflags') and spec.satisfies('+tests'):
         if '-stdlib=libc++' in flags:
             raise ConflictsInSpecError(
                 [(spec, spec.compiler_flags[name], spec.variants['tests'],
     return (flags, None, None)
Пример #4
 def flag_handler(self, name, flags):
     arch = ''
     spec = self.spec
     if (spec.satisfies("platform=cray")):
         # FIXME; It is assumed that cray is x86_64.
         # If you support arm on cray, you need to fix it.
         arch = 'x86_64'
     if (arch != 'x86_64' and not spec.satisfies("target=x86_64")):
         for s in self.simd_x86:
             if (spec.satisfies("simd={0}".format(s))):
                 raise ConflictsInSpecError(spec, [
                     (spec, spec.architecture.target, spec.variants['simd'],
                      'simd=sse,avx,avx2 and fma are valid'
                      ' only on x86_64')
     # FIXME: It is assumed that arm 32 bit target is arm.
     if (arch != 'arm' and not spec.satisfies("target=arm")):
         if (spec.satisfies("simd=neon")):
             raise ConflictsInSpecError(
                 [(spec, spec.architecture.target, spec.variants['simd'],
                   'simd=neon is valid only on arm 32 bit')])
     return (flags, None, None)