Пример #1
def _check_version_attributes(fetcher, pkg, version):
    """Ensure that the fetcher for a version is not ambiguous.

    This assumes that we have already determined the fetcher for the
    specific version using ``for_package_version()``
    all_optionals = set(a for s in all_strategies for a in s.optional_attrs)

    args = pkg.versions[version]
    extra = set(args) - set(fetcher.optional_attrs) - set([fetcher.url_attr])

    if extra:
        legal_attrs = [fetcher.url_attr] + list(fetcher.optional_attrs)
        raise FetcherConflict(
            "%s version '%s' has extra arguments: %s" %
            (pkg.name, version, comma_and(quote(extra))),
            "Valid arguments for a %s fetcher are: \n    %s" %
            (fetcher.url_attr, comma_and(quote(legal_attrs))))
Пример #2
def _check_version_attributes(fetcher, pkg, version):
    """Ensure that the fetcher for a version is not ambiguous.

    This assumes that we have already determined the fetcher for the
    specific version using ``for_package_version()``
    all_optionals = set(a for s in all_strategies for a in s.optional_attrs)

    args = pkg.versions[version]
    extra = set(args) - set(fetcher.optional_attrs) - set([fetcher.url_attr])

    if extra:
        legal_attrs = [fetcher.url_attr] + list(fetcher.optional_attrs)
        raise FetcherConflict(
            "%s version '%s' has extra arguments: %s"
            % (pkg.name, version, comma_and(quote(extra))),
            "Valid arguments for a %s fetcher are: \n    %s"
            % (fetcher.url_attr, comma_and(quote(legal_attrs))))
Пример #3
def check_pkg_attributes(pkg):
    """Find ambiguous top-level fetch attributes in a package.

    Currently this only ensures that two or more VCS fetch strategies are
    not specified at once.
    # a single package cannot have URL attributes for multiple VCS fetch
    # strategies *unless* they are the same attribute.
    conflicts = set(
        [s.url_attr for s in all_strategies if hasattr(pkg, s.url_attr)])

    # URL isn't a VCS fetch method. We can use it with a VCS method.
    conflicts -= set(['url'])

    if len(conflicts) > 1:
        raise FetcherConflict(
            'Package %s cannot specify %s together. Pick at most one.' %
            (pkg.name, comma_and(quote(conflicts))))
Пример #4
def check_pkg_attributes(pkg):
    """Find ambiguous top-level fetch attributes in a package.

    Currently this only ensures that two or more VCS fetch strategies are
    not specified at once.
    # a single package cannot have URL attributes for multiple VCS fetch
    # strategies *unless* they are the same attribute.
    conflicts = set([s.url_attr for s in all_strategies
                     if hasattr(pkg, s.url_attr)])

    # URL isn't a VCS fetch method. We can use it with a VCS method.
    conflicts -= set(['url'])

    if len(conflicts) > 1:
        raise FetcherConflict(
            'Package %s cannot specify %s together. Pick at most one.'
            % (pkg.name, comma_and(quote(conflicts))))