def combined_rule_prefixes() -> List[str]: """Helper function that returns the prefix pattern for the tokenizer. It is a helper function to accommodate spacy tests that only test prefixes. """ prefix_punct = char_classes.PUNCT.replace("|", " ") prefixes = (["§", "%", "=", r"\+"] + char_classes.split_chars(prefix_punct) + char_classes.LIST_ELLIPSES + char_classes.LIST_QUOTES + char_classes.LIST_CURRENCY + char_classes.LIST_ICONS) return prefixes
def combined_rule_prefixes() -> List[str]: """Helper function that returns the prefix pattern for the tokenizer. It is a helper function to accomodate spacy tests that only test prefixes. """ # add lookahead assertions for brackets (may not work properly for unbalanced brackets) prefix_punct = char_classes.PUNCT.replace("|", " ") prefix_punct = prefix_punct.replace(r"\(", r"\((?![^\(\s]+\)\S+)") prefix_punct = prefix_punct.replace(r"\[", r"\[(?![^\[\s]+\]\S+)") prefix_punct = prefix_punct.replace(r"\{", r"\{(?![^\{\s]+\}\S+)") prefixes = (["§", "%", "=", r"\+"] + char_classes.split_chars(prefix_punct) + char_classes.LIST_ELLIPSES + char_classes.LIST_QUOTES + char_classes.LIST_CURRENCY + char_classes.LIST_ICONS) return prefixes
def combined_rule_tokenizer(nlp: Language) -> Tokenizer: """Creates a custom tokenizer on top of spaCy's default tokenizer. The intended use of this function is to replace the tokenizer in a spaCy pipeline like so: nlp = spacy.load("some_spacy_model") nlp.tokenizer = combined_rule_tokenizer(nlp) @param nlp: a loaded spaCy model """ # remove the first hyphen to prevent tokenization of the normal hyphen hyphens = char_classes.HYPHENS.replace("-|", "", 1) infixes = ( char_classes.LIST_ELLIPSES + char_classes.LIST_ICONS + [ r"×", # added this special x character to tokenize it separately r"(?<=[0-9])[+\-\*^](?=[0-9-])", r"(?<=[{al}])\.(?=[{au}])".format(al=char_classes.ALPHA_LOWER, au=char_classes.ALPHA_UPPER), r"(?<=[{a}]),(?=[{a}])".format(a=char_classes.ALPHA), r'(?<=[{a}])[?";:=,.]*(?:{h})(?=[{a}])'.format( a=char_classes.ALPHA, h=hyphens), # removed / to prevent tokenization of / r'(?<=[{a}"])[:<>=](?=[{a}])'.format(a=char_classes.ALPHA), ]) prefixes = combined_rule_prefixes() # add the last apostrophe quotes = char_classes.LIST_QUOTES.copy() + ["’"] # add lookbehind assertions for brackets (may not work properly for unbalanced brackets) suffix_punct = char_classes.PUNCT.replace("|", " ") # These lookbehinds are commented out because they are variable width lookbehinds, and as of spacy 2.1, # spacy uses the re package instead of the regex package. The re package does not support variable width # lookbehinds. Hacking spacy internals to allow us to use the regex package is doable, but would require # creating our own instance of the language class, with our own Tokenizer class, with the from_bytes method # using the regex package instead of the re package # suffix_punct = suffix_punct.replace(r"\)", r"(?<!\S+\([^\)\s]+)\)") # suffix_punct = suffix_punct.replace(r"\]", r"(?<!\S+\[[^\]\s]+)\]") # suffix_punct = suffix_punct.replace(r"\}", r"(?<!\S+\{[^\}\s]+)\}") suffixes = ( char_classes.split_chars(suffix_punct) + char_classes.LIST_ELLIPSES + quotes + char_classes.LIST_ICONS + ["'s", "'S", "’s", "’S", "’s", "’S"] + [ r"(?<=[0-9])\+", r"(?<=°[FfCcKk])\.", r"(?<=[0-9])(?:{})".format(char_classes.CURRENCY), # this is another place where we used a variable width lookbehind # so now things like 'H3g' will be tokenized as ['H3', 'g'] # previously the lookbehind was (^[0-9]+) r"(?<=[0-9])(?:{u})".format(u=char_classes.UNITS), r"(?<=[0-9{}{}(?:{})])\.".format(char_classes.ALPHA_LOWER, r"%²\-\)\]\+", "|".join(quotes)), # add |\d to split off the period of a sentence that ends with 1D. r"(?<=[{a}|\d][{a}])\.".format(a=char_classes.ALPHA_UPPER), ]) infix_re = compile_infix_regex(infixes) prefix_re = compile_prefix_regex(prefixes) suffix_re = compile_suffix_regex(suffixes) # Update exclusions to include these abbreviations so the period is not split off exclusions = { abbreviation: [{ ORTH: abbreviation }] for abbreviation in ABBREVIATIONS } tokenizer_exceptions = nlp.Defaults.tokenizer_exceptions.copy() tokenizer_exceptions.update(exclusions) tokenizer = Tokenizer( nlp.vocab, tokenizer_exceptions,,, infix_finditer=infix_re.finditer, token_match=nlp.tokenizer.token_match, ) return tokenizer
def combined_rule_tokenizer(nlp: Language) -> Tokenizer: """Creates a custom tokenizer on top of spaCy's default tokenizer. The intended use of this function is to replace the tokenizer in a spaCy pipeline like so: nlp = spacy.load("some_spacy_model") nlp.tokenizer = combined_rule_tokenizer(nlp) @param nlp: a loaded spaCy model """ # remove the first hyphen to prevent tokenization of the normal hyphen hyphens = char_classes.HYPHENS.replace("-|", "", 1) infixes = ( char_classes.LIST_ELLIPSES + char_classes.LIST_ICONS + [ r'×', # added this special x character to tokenize it separately r'(?<=[0-9])[+\-\*^](?=[0-9-])', r'(?<=[{}])\.(?=[{}])'.format(char_classes.ALPHA_LOWER, char_classes.ALPHA_UPPER), r'(?<=[{a}]),(?=[{a}])'.format(a=char_classes.ALPHA), r'(?<=[{a}])[?";:=,.]*(?:{h})(?=[{a}])'.format( a=char_classes.ALPHA, h=hyphens), # removed / to prevent tokenization of / r'(?<=[{a}"])[:<>=](?=[{a}])'.format(a=char_classes.ALPHA) ]) prefixes = combined_rule_prefixes() # add the last apostrophe quotes = char_classes.QUOTES.replace('|', ' ') + " ’" # add lookbehind assertions for brackets (may not work properly for unbalanced brackets) suffix_punct = char_classes.PUNCT.replace('|', ' ') suffix_punct = suffix_punct.replace(r"\)", r"(?<!\S+\([^\)\s]+)\)") suffix_punct = suffix_punct.replace(r"\]", r"(?<!\S+\[[^\]\s]+)\]") suffix_punct = suffix_punct.replace(r"\}", r"(?<!\S+\{[^\}\s]+)\}") suffixes = ( char_classes.split_chars(suffix_punct) + char_classes.LIST_ELLIPSES + char_classes.split_chars(quotes) + char_classes.LIST_ICONS + ["'s", "'S", "’s", "’S", "’s", "’S"] + [ r'(?<=[0-9])\+', r'(?<=°[FfCcKk])\.', r'(?<=[0-9])(?:{})'.format(char_classes.CURRENCY), # add to look behind to exclude things like h3g from splitting off the g as a unit r'(?<=(^[0-9]+|\s{p}*[0-9]+))(?:{u})'.format(u=char_classes.UNITS, p=prefixes), r'(?<=[0-9{}{}(?:{})])\.'.format(char_classes.ALPHA_LOWER, r'%²\-\)\]\+', char_classes.merge_chars(quotes)), # add |\d to split off the period of a sentence that ends with 1D. r'(?<=[{a}|\d][{a}])\.'.format(a=char_classes.ALPHA_UPPER) ]) infix_re = compile_infix_regex(infixes) prefix_re = compile_prefix_regex(prefixes) suffix_re = compile_suffix_regex(suffixes) # Update exclusions to include these abbreviations so the period is not split off exclusions = { abbreviation: [{ ORTH: abbreviation }] for abbreviation in ABBREVIATIONS } tokenizer_exceptions = nlp.Defaults.tokenizer_exceptions.copy() tokenizer_exceptions.update(exclusions) tokenizer = Tokenizer(nlp.vocab, tokenizer_exceptions,,, infix_finditer=infix_re.finditer, token_match=nlp.tokenizer.token_match) return tokenizer