Пример #1
def test_lowercase_augmenter(nlp, doc):
    augmenter = create_lower_casing_augmenter(level=1.0)
    with make_docbin([doc]) as output_file:
        reader = Corpus(output_file, augmenter=augmenter)
        corpus = list(reader(nlp))
    eg = corpus[0]
    assert eg.reference.text == doc.text.lower()
    assert eg.predicted.text == doc.text.lower()
    ents = [(e.start, e.end, e.label) for e in doc.ents]
    assert [(e.start, e.end, e.label) for e in eg.reference.ents] == ents
    for ref_ent, orig_ent in zip(eg.reference.ents, doc.ents):
        assert ref_ent.text == orig_ent.text.lower()
    assert [t.pos_ for t in eg.reference] == [t.pos_ for t in doc]

    # check that augmentation works when lowercasing leads to different
    # predicted tokenization
    words = ["A", "B", "CCC."]
    doc = Doc(nlp.vocab, words=words)
    with make_docbin([doc]) as output_file:
        reader = Corpus(output_file, augmenter=augmenter)
        corpus = list(reader(nlp))
    eg = corpus[0]
    assert eg.reference.text == doc.text.lower()
    assert eg.predicted.text == doc.text.lower()
    assert [t.text for t in eg.reference] == [t.lower() for t in words]
    assert [t.text for t in eg.predicted] == [
        t.text for t in nlp.make_doc(doc.text.lower())
Пример #2
    def generate_corpus(nlp):
        directory_path = path.join('data')
        corpus_path = Path(path.join(directory_path, file_name) + ".spacy")
        raw_path = Path(path.join(directory_path, file_name) + ".jsonl")

        if exists(corpus_path):
            return Corpus(corpus_path)(nlp)

        vulnerabilities = []
        with open(raw_path) as file:
            for line in file.readlines():
                vulnerability = loads(line)

                vulnerabilities.append({'description': vulnerability['data'], 'entities': vulnerability.get('label', [])})

        corpus = DocBin(attrs=["TAG", "ENT_IOB", "ENT_TYPE", "POS"])

        for vulnerability in vulnerabilities:
            document = nlp.make_doc(vulnerability['description'].lower())
            #iob =  [f"{token.ent_iob_}-{token.ent_type_}" if token.ent_iob_ != "O" else "O" for token in doc]
            #biluo = iob_to_biluo(iob)
            #document.set_ents([Span(document, entity[0], entity[1], entity[2]) for entity in vulnerability['entities']])

            tags = offsets_to_biluo_tags(document, vulnerability['entities'])
            entities = biluo_tags_to_spans(document, tags)
             Problem - doccano annotiert Labels auf zeichenenbene, nlp.make_doc erzeugt aber tokens.
            #print(document.has_annotation(1)) #ID of "SOFTWARE"

            # passt alles!
            ents = list(document.ents)
            for i, _ in enumerate(ents):

        if exists(corpus_path):
            return Corpus(corpus_path)(nlp)
Пример #3
def test_make_orth_variants(nlp):
    single = [
        {"tags": ["NFP"], "variants": ["…", "..."]},
        {"tags": [":"], "variants": ["-", "—", "–", "--", "---", "——"]},
    # fmt: off
    words = ["\n\n", "A", "\t", "B", "a", "b", "…", "...", "-", "—", "–", "--", "---", "——"]
    tags = ["_SP", "NN", "\t", "NN", "NN", "NN", "NFP", "NFP", ":", ":", ":", ":", ":", ":"]
    # fmt: on
    spaces = [True] * len(words)
    spaces[0] = False
    spaces[2] = False
    doc = Doc(nlp.vocab, words=words, spaces=spaces, tags=tags)
    augmenter = create_orth_variants_augmenter(
        level=0.2, lower=0.5, orth_variants={"single": single}
    with make_docbin([doc] * 10) as output_file:
        reader = Corpus(output_file, augmenter=augmenter)
        # Due to randomness, only test that it works without errors

    # check that the following settings lowercase everything
    augmenter = create_orth_variants_augmenter(
        level=1.0, lower=1.0, orth_variants={"single": single}
    with make_docbin([doc] * 10) as output_file:
        reader = Corpus(output_file, augmenter=augmenter)
        for example in reader(nlp):
            for token in example.reference:
                assert token.text == token.text.lower()

    # check that lowercasing is applied without tags
    doc = Doc(nlp.vocab, words=words, spaces=[True] * len(words))
    augmenter = create_orth_variants_augmenter(
        level=1.0, lower=1.0, orth_variants={"single": single}
    with make_docbin([doc] * 10) as output_file:
        reader = Corpus(output_file, augmenter=augmenter)
        for example in reader(nlp):
            for ex_token, doc_token in zip(example.reference, doc):
                assert ex_token.text == doc_token.text.lower()

    # check that no lowercasing is applied with lower=0.0
    doc = Doc(nlp.vocab, words=words, spaces=[True] * len(words))
    augmenter = create_orth_variants_augmenter(
        level=1.0, lower=0.0, orth_variants={"single": single}
    with make_docbin([doc] * 10) as output_file:
        reader = Corpus(output_file, augmenter=augmenter)
        for example in reader(nlp):
            for ex_token, doc_token in zip(example.reference, doc):
                assert ex_token.text == doc_token.text
Пример #4
def test_custom_data_augmentation(nlp, doc):
    def create_spongebob_augmenter(randomize: bool = False):
        def augment(nlp, example):
            text = example.text
            if randomize:
                ch = [c.lower() if random.random() < 0.5 else c.upper() for c in text]
                ch = [c.lower() if i % 2 else c.upper() for i, c in enumerate(text)]
            example_dict = example.to_dict()
            doc = nlp.make_doc("".join(ch))
            example_dict["token_annotation"]["ORTH"] = [t.text for t in doc]
            yield example
            yield example.from_dict(doc, example_dict)

        return augment

    with make_docbin([doc]) as output_file:
        reader = Corpus(output_file, augmenter=create_spongebob_augmenter())
        corpus = list(reader(nlp))
    orig_text = "Sarah 's sister flew to Silicon Valley via London . "
    augmented = "SaRaH 's sIsTeR FlEw tO SiLiCoN VaLlEy vIa lOnDoN . "
    assert corpus[0].text == orig_text
    assert corpus[0].reference.text == orig_text
    assert corpus[0].predicted.text == orig_text
    assert corpus[1].text == augmented
    assert corpus[1].reference.text == augmented
    assert corpus[1].predicted.text == augmented
    ents = [(e.start, e.end, e.label) for e in doc.ents]
    assert [(e.start, e.end, e.label) for e in corpus[0].reference.ents] == ents
    assert [(e.start, e.end, e.label) for e in corpus[1].reference.ents] == ents
Пример #5
def test_make_orth_variants(nlp, doc):
    single = [
        {"tags": ["NFP"], "variants": ["…", "..."]},
        {"tags": [":"], "variants": ["-", "—", "–", "--", "---", "——"]},
    augmenter = create_orth_variants_augmenter(
        level=0.2, lower=0.5, orth_variants={"single": single}
    with make_docbin([doc]) as output_file:
        reader = Corpus(output_file, augmenter=augmenter)
        # Due to randomness, only test that it works without errors for now
Пример #6
def test_lowercase_augmenter(nlp, doc):
    augmenter = create_lower_casing_augmenter(level=1.0)
    with make_docbin([doc]) as output_file:
        reader = Corpus(output_file, augmenter=augmenter)
        corpus = list(reader(nlp))
    eg = corpus[0]
    assert eg.reference.text == doc.text.lower()
    assert eg.predicted.text == doc.text.lower()
    ents = [(e.start, e.end, e.label) for e in doc.ents]
    assert [(e.start, e.end, e.label) for e in eg.reference.ents] == ents
    for ref_ent, orig_ent in zip(eg.reference.ents, doc.ents):
        assert ref_ent.text == orig_ent.text.lower()
    assert [t.pos_ for t in eg.reference] == [t.pos_ for t in doc]
Пример #7
def parser_tagger_data(
    path: Path,
    mixin_data_path: Optional[Path],
    mixin_data_percent: float,
    gold_preproc: bool,
    max_length: int = 0,
    limit: int = 0,
    augmenter: Optional[Callable] = None,
    seed: int = 0,
) -> Callable[[Language], Iterator[Example]]:
    main_corpus = Corpus(
    if mixin_data_path is not None:
        mixin_corpus = Corpus(

    def mixed_corpus(nlp: Language) -> Iterator[Example]:
        if mixin_data_path is not None:
            main_examples = main_corpus(nlp)
            mixin_examples = iter_sample(mixin_corpus(nlp), mixin_data_percent)
            return itertools.chain(main_examples, mixin_examples)
            return main_corpus(nlp)

    return mixed_corpus
Пример #8
def test_roundtrip_docs_to_docbin(doc):
    text = doc.text
    idx = [t.idx for t in doc]
    tags = [t.tag_ for t in doc]
    pos = [t.pos_ for t in doc]
    morphs = [str(t.morph) for t in doc]
    lemmas = [t.lemma_ for t in doc]
    deps = [t.dep_ for t in doc]
    heads = [t.head.i for t in doc]
    cats = doc.cats
    ents = [(e.start_char, e.end_char, e.label_) for e in doc.ents]
    # roundtrip to DocBin
    with make_tempdir() as tmpdir:
        # use a separate vocab to test that all labels are added
        reloaded_nlp = English()
        json_file = tmpdir / "roundtrip.json"
        srsly.write_json(json_file, [docs_to_json(doc)])
        output_file = tmpdir / "roundtrip.spacy"
        reader = Corpus(output_file)
        reloaded_examples = list(reader(reloaded_nlp))
    assert len(doc) == sum(len(eg) for eg in reloaded_examples)
    reloaded_example = reloaded_examples[0]
    assert text == reloaded_example.reference.text
    assert idx == [t.idx for t in reloaded_example.reference]
    assert tags == [t.tag_ for t in reloaded_example.reference]
    assert pos == [t.pos_ for t in reloaded_example.reference]
    assert morphs == [str(t.morph) for t in reloaded_example.reference]
    assert lemmas == [t.lemma_ for t in reloaded_example.reference]
    assert deps == [t.dep_ for t in reloaded_example.reference]
    assert heads == [t.head.i for t in reloaded_example.reference]
    assert ents == [
        (e.start_char, e.end_char, e.label_) for e in reloaded_example.reference.ents
    assert "TRAVEL" in reloaded_example.reference.cats
    assert "BAKING" in reloaded_example.reference.cats
    assert cats["TRAVEL"] == reloaded_example.reference.cats["TRAVEL"]
    assert cats["BAKING"] == reloaded_example.reference.cats["BAKING"]
Пример #9
def test_issue4402():
    json_data = {
        "id": 0,
        "paragraphs": [
                "raw": "How should I cook bacon in an oven?\nI've heard of people cooking bacon in an oven.",
                "sentences": [
                        "tokens": [
                            {"id": 0, "orth": "How", "ner": "O"},
                            {"id": 1, "orth": "should", "ner": "O"},
                            {"id": 2, "orth": "I", "ner": "O"},
                            {"id": 3, "orth": "cook", "ner": "O"},
                            {"id": 4, "orth": "bacon", "ner": "O"},
                            {"id": 5, "orth": "in", "ner": "O"},
                            {"id": 6, "orth": "an", "ner": "O"},
                            {"id": 7, "orth": "oven", "ner": "O"},
                            {"id": 8, "orth": "?", "ner": "O"},
                        "brackets": [],
                        "tokens": [
                            {"id": 9, "orth": "\n", "ner": "O"},
                            {"id": 10, "orth": "I", "ner": "O"},
                            {"id": 11, "orth": "'ve", "ner": "O"},
                            {"id": 12, "orth": "heard", "ner": "O"},
                            {"id": 13, "orth": "of", "ner": "O"},
                            {"id": 14, "orth": "people", "ner": "O"},
                            {"id": 15, "orth": "cooking", "ner": "O"},
                            {"id": 16, "orth": "bacon", "ner": "O"},
                            {"id": 17, "orth": "in", "ner": "O"},
                            {"id": 18, "orth": "an", "ner": "O"},
                            {"id": 19, "orth": "oven", "ner": "O"},
                            {"id": 20, "orth": ".", "ner": "O"},
                        "brackets": [],
                "cats": [
                    {"label": "baking", "value": 1.0},
                    {"label": "not_baking", "value": 0.0},
                "raw": "What is the difference between white and brown eggs?\n",
                "sentences": [
                        "tokens": [
                            {"id": 0, "orth": "What", "ner": "O"},
                            {"id": 1, "orth": "is", "ner": "O"},
                            {"id": 2, "orth": "the", "ner": "O"},
                            {"id": 3, "orth": "difference", "ner": "O"},
                            {"id": 4, "orth": "between", "ner": "O"},
                            {"id": 5, "orth": "white", "ner": "O"},
                            {"id": 6, "orth": "and", "ner": "O"},
                            {"id": 7, "orth": "brown", "ner": "O"},
                            {"id": 8, "orth": "eggs", "ner": "O"},
                            {"id": 9, "orth": "?", "ner": "O"},
                        "brackets": [],
                    {"tokens": [{"id": 10, "orth": "\n", "ner": "O"}], "brackets": []},
                "cats": [
                    {"label": "baking", "value": 0.0},
                    {"label": "not_baking", "value": 1.0},
    nlp = English()
    attrs = ["ORTH", "SENT_START", "ENT_IOB", "ENT_TYPE"]
    with make_tempdir() as tmpdir:
        output_file = tmpdir / "test4402.spacy"
        docs = json_to_docs([json_data])
        data = DocBin(docs=docs, attrs=attrs).to_bytes()
        with output_file.open("wb") as file_:
        reader = Corpus(output_file)
        train_data = list(reader(nlp))
        assert len(train_data) == 2

        split_train_data = []
        for eg in train_data:
        assert len(split_train_data) == 4