class TestReadTev(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): home = os.path.expanduser("~") path = os.path.join(home, "Data", "xcorr_data", "Spont_Spikes_091210_p17rat_s4_657umV") self.path = glob(os.path.join(path, "*%stev" % os.extsep))[0] self.tank = PandasTank(self.path[:-4]) self.names = "Spik", "LFPs" def tearDown(self): del self.names, self.tank, self.path def test_read_tev(self): for name in self.names: tsq, _ = self.tank.tsq(name) fp_locs = tsq.fp_loc self.assertEqual(np.dtype(np.int64), fp_locs.dtype) nsamples, chunk_size = fp_locs.size, tsq.size.unique().max() del tsq spikes = np.empty((nsamples, chunk_size), np.float32) _read_tev(self.path, chunk_size, fp_locs, spikes) # mean should be at least on the order of millivolts if not less mag = np.log10(np.abs(spikes).mean()) self.assertLessEqual(mag, -3.0) del spikes, mag, fp_locs
def setUp(self): home = os.path.expanduser("~") path = os.path.join(home, "Data", "xcorr_data", "Spont_Spikes_091210_p17rat_s4_657umV") self.path = glob(os.path.join(path, "*%stev" % os.extsep))[0] self.tank = PandasTank(self.path[:-4]) self.names = "Spik", "LFPs"