def _create_cfs(self): """ Creates the CF objects, initializing the weights one by one and adding them to the sparse weights object in chunks. """ vectorized_create_cf = simple_vectorize(self._create_cf) self.cfs = vectorized_create_cf(*self._generate_coords()) self.flatcfs = list(self.cfs.flat) self.weights = sparse.csarray_float(self.src.activity.shape, self.dest.activity.shape) cf_x, cf_y = self.dest.activity.shape src_x, src_y = self.src.activity.shape y_array = np.zeros((src_x * src_y * cf_y), dtype=np.int32) x_array = np.zeros((src_x * src_y * cf_y), dtype=np.int32) val_array = np.zeros((src_x * src_y * cf_y), dtype=np.float32) # Iterate over the CFs for x in range(cf_x): temp_sparse = sparse.csarray_float(self.src.activity.shape, self.dest.activity.shape) idx = 0 for y in range(cf_y): x1, x2, y1, y2 = self.cfs[x][y].input_sheet_slice.tolist() if self.same_cf_shape_for_all_cfs: mask_template = self.mask_template else: mask_template = _create_mask(self.cf_shape, self.bounds_template, self.src, self.autosize_mask, self.mask_threshold) weights = self.cfs[x][y]._init_weights(mask_template) cn_x, cn_y = weights.shape y_val = x * cf_y + y for cnx in range(cn_x): val_array[idx:idx + cn_y] = weights[cnx, :] x_val = (x1 + cnx) * src_y + y1 x_array[idx:idx + cn_y] = range(x_val, x_val + cn_y) y_array[idx:idx + cn_y] = y_val idx += cn_y nnz_idx = val_array.nonzero() temp_sparse.setTriplets(x_array[nnz_idx], y_array[nnz_idx], val_array[nnz_idx]) self.weights += temp_sparse x_array *= 0 y_array *= 0 val_array *= 0.0 del temp_sparse self.weights.compress() self.apply_learn_output_fns() print, "loaded"
def _create_cfs(self): """ Creates the CF objects, initializing the weights one by one and adding them to the sparse weights object in chunks. """ vectorized_create_cf = simple_vectorize(self._create_cf) self.cfs = vectorized_create_cf(*self._generate_coords()) self.flatcfs = list(self.cfs.flat) self.weights = sparse.csarray_float(self.src.activity.shape,self.dest.activity.shape) cf_x,cf_y = self.dest.activity.shape src_x,src_y = self.src.activity.shape y_array = np.zeros((src_x*src_y*cf_y),dtype=np.int32) x_array = np.zeros((src_x*src_y*cf_y),dtype=np.int32) val_array = np.zeros((src_x*src_y*cf_y),dtype=np.float32) # Iterate over the CFs for x in range(cf_x): temp_sparse = sparse.csarray_float(self.src.activity.shape,self.dest.activity.shape) idx = 0 for y in range(cf_y): cf = self.cfs[x][y] label = cf.label + ('-%d' % self.seed if self.seed is not None else '') name = "%s_CF (%.5f, %.5f)" % ('' if label is None else label, cf.x,cf.y) x1,x2,y1,y2 = cf.input_sheet_slice.tolist() if self.same_cf_shape_for_all_cfs: mask_template = self.mask_template else: mask_template = _create_mask(self.cf_shape,self.bounds_template, self.src,self.autosize_mask, self.mask_threshold, name=name) weights = self.cfs[x][y]._init_weights(mask_template) cn_x,cn_y = weights.shape y_val = x * cf_y + y for cnx in range(cn_x): val_array[idx:idx+cn_y] = weights[cnx,:] x_val = (x1+cnx) * src_y + y1 x_array[idx:idx+cn_y] = range(x_val,x_val+cn_y) y_array[idx:idx+cn_y] = y_val idx += cn_y nnz_idx = val_array.nonzero() temp_sparse.setTriplets(x_array[nnz_idx],y_array[nnz_idx],val_array[nnz_idx]) self.weights += temp_sparse x_array *= 0; y_array *= 0; val_array *= 0.0 del temp_sparse self.weights.compress() self.debug("Sparse projection %r loaded" %
def __setstate__(self,state_dict): """ Method to support unpickling of sparse weights object. """ self.__dict__.update(state_dict) self.weights = sparse.csarray_float(self.weight_shape[0],self.weight_shape[1]) rowInds, colInds, values = self.triplets self.weights.setTriplets(rowInds,colInds,values) del self.triplets del self.weight_shape
def __call__(self, projection, **params): time = math.ceil(topo.sim.time()) if self.disk_mask: self.disk = pattern.Disk(size=1.0,smoothing=0.0) # Get CF and src sheet shapes cf_x,cf_y = projection.dest.activity.shape src_x,src_y = projection.src.activity.shape # Initialize sparse triplet arrays y_array = np.zeros((src_x*src_y*cf_y),dtype=np.int32) x_array = np.zeros((src_x*src_y*cf_y),dtype=np.int32) val_array = np.zeros((src_x*src_y*cf_y),dtype=sparse_type) # Create new sparse matrix to accumulate into sum_sparse = sparse.csarray_float(projection.src.activity.shape,projection.dest.activity.shape) # Counters for logging sprout_sum = 0; prune_sum = 0; unit_total = 0 self.mask_total = 0 if (time == 0): if not hasattr(self,"initial_conns"): self.initial_conns = {} self.initial_conns[] = projection.n_conns() elif (time % self.interval) == 0: idx=0 for cidx,cf in enumerate(projection.flatcfs): temp_weights = cf.weights dense_unit_mask = (1.0 - (temp_weights>0.0)) dim1,dim2 = temp_weights.shape sprout_count,prune_idx,nnz = self.calc_ratios(temp_weights) self.prune(temp_weights,prune_idx) nnz_pp = np.count_nonzero(temp_weights) prune_sum += (nnz_pp-nnz) self.sprout(temp_weights,dense_unit_mask,sprout_count) nnz_ps = np.count_nonzero(temp_weights) sprout_sum += nnz_ps - nnz_pp unit_total += nnz_ps # Populate sparse array chunk temp_sparse = sparse.csarray_float(projection.src.activity.shape,projection.dest.activity.shape) x1,x2,y1,y2 = cf.input_sheet_slice.tolist() for cnx in range(dim1): val_array[idx:idx+dim2] = temp_weights[cnx,:] x_val = (x1+cnx) * src_y + y1 x_array[idx:idx+dim2] = range(x_val,x_val+dim2) y_array[idx:idx+dim2] = cidx idx += dim2 # Populate combined sparse array with sparse array chunk if (cidx+1)%cf_y == 0: nnz_idx = val_array.nonzero() temp_sparse.setTriplets(x_array[nnz_idx],y_array[nnz_idx],val_array[nnz_idx]) sum_sparse += temp_sparse x_array *= 0; y_array *= 0; val_array *= 0.0 idx=0 projection.weights = sum_sparse del temp_sparse, sum_sparse projection.weights.compress() self.message("%s pruned by %d and sprouted %d, connection is now %f%% dense" % (,prune_sum,sprout_sum,(float(unit_total)/self.mask_total)*100))
def __call__(self, projection, **params): time = math.ceil(topo.sim.time()) if self.disk_mask: self.disk = ig.Disk(size=1.0,smoothing=0.0) # Get CF and src sheet shapes cf_x,cf_y = projection.dest.activity.shape src_x,src_y = projection.src.activity.shape # Initialize sparse triplet arrays y_array = np.zeros((src_x*src_y*cf_y),dtype=np.int32) x_array = np.zeros((src_x*src_y*cf_y),dtype=np.int32) val_array = np.zeros((src_x*src_y*cf_y),dtype=sparse_type) # Create new sparse matrix to accumulate into sum_sparse = sparse.csarray_float(projection.src.activity.shape,projection.dest.activity.shape) # Counters for logging sprout_sum = 0; prune_sum = 0; unit_total = 0 self.mask_total = 0 if (time == 0): if not hasattr(self,"initial_conns"): self.initial_conns = {} self.initial_conns[] = projection.n_conns() elif (time % self.interval) == 0: idx=0 for cidx,cf in enumerate(projection.flatcfs): temp_weights = cf.weights dense_unit_mask = (1.0 - (temp_weights>0.0)) dim1,dim2 = temp_weights.shape sprout_count,prune_idx,nnz = self.calc_ratios(temp_weights) self.prune(temp_weights,prune_idx) nnz_pp = np.count_nonzero(temp_weights) prune_sum += (nnz_pp-nnz) if sprout_count: self.sprout(temp_weights,dense_unit_mask,sprout_count) nnz_ps = np.count_nonzero(temp_weights) sprout_sum += nnz_ps - nnz_pp unit_total += nnz_ps # Populate sparse array chunk temp_sparse = sparse.csarray_float(projection.src.activity.shape,projection.dest.activity.shape) x1,x2,y1,y2 = cf.input_sheet_slice.tolist() for cnx in range(dim1): val_array[idx:idx+dim2] = temp_weights[cnx,:] x_val = (x1+cnx) * src_y + y1 x_array[idx:idx+dim2] = range(x_val,x_val+dim2) y_array[idx:idx+dim2] = cidx idx += dim2 # Populate combined sparse array with sparse array chunk if (cidx+1)%cf_y == 0: nnz_idx = val_array.nonzero() temp_sparse.setTriplets(x_array[nnz_idx],y_array[nnz_idx],val_array[nnz_idx]) sum_sparse += temp_sparse x_array *= 0; y_array *= 0; val_array *= 0.0 idx=0 projection.weights = sum_sparse del temp_sparse, sum_sparse projection.weights.compress()