Пример #1
def cache_tm(nspins):



    """spin11 test indicates this leads to faster overall simsignals().

    11 spin x 6: 29.6 vs. 35.1 s
    8 spin x 60: 2.2 vs 3.0 s"""
    filename = f'T{nspins}.npz'
    bin_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'bin')
    path = os.path.join(bin_dir, filename)
        T = sparse.load_npz(path)
        return T
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print(f'creating {filename}')
        T = transition_matrix_dense(nspins)
        T_sparse = sparse.COO(T)
        sparse.save_npz(path, T_sparse)
        return T_sparse
Пример #2
def test_save_load_npz_file(tmp_path, compression, format):
    x = sparse.random((2, 3, 4, 5), density=0.25, format=format)
    y = x.todense()

    filename = tmp_path / "mat.npz"
    save_npz(filename, x, compressed=compression)
    z = load_npz(filename)
    assert_eq(x, z)
    assert_eq(y, z.todense())
Пример #3
def save_file(array, fname, path=PATH):
    Save a numpy matrix/array.
    if not os.path.exists(path):
    print("Saving " + fname)
    point = sparse.COO(array)
    sparse.save_npz(path + "/" + fname, point)
Пример #4
def writeMatrix(arr, filename):
        sparse.save_npz(filename.replace(".txt", ""), arr)

        with open(filename, 'a') as outfile:
            outfile.write('# Array shape: {0}\n'.format(arr.shape))
            for slice_2d in arr:
                np.savetxt(outfile, slice_2d)
                outfile.write("# New slice\n")
Пример #5
def test_save_load_npz_file(compression, format):
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_path_str:
        tmp_path = pathlib.Path(tmp_path_str)
        x = sparse.random((2, 3, 4, 5), density=0.25, format=format)
        y = x.todense()

        filename = tmp_path / "mat.npz"
        save_npz(filename, x, compressed=compression)
        z = load_npz(filename)
        assert_eq(x, z)
        assert_eq(y, z.todense())
Пример #6
def _so_sparse(nspins):
    Either load a presaved set of spin operators as numpy arrays, or
    calculate them and save them if a presaved set wasn't found.

    nspins : int
        the number of spins in the spin system

    (Lz, Lproduct) : a tuple of:
        Lz : 3d sparse.COO array of shape (n, 2^n, 2^n) representing
            [Lz1, Lz2, ...Lzn]
        Lproduct : 4d sparse.COO array of shape (n, n, 2^n, 2^n), representing
            an n x n array (cartesian product) for all combinations of
            Lxa*Lxb + Lya*Lyb + Lza*Lzb, where 1 <= a, b <= n.

    Side Effect
    Saves the results as .npz files to the bin directory if they were not
    found there.
    # TODO: once nmrsim demonstrates installing via the PyPI *test* server,
    # need to determine how the saved solutions will be handled. For example,
    # part of the final build may be generating these files then testing.
    # Also, need to consider different users with different system capabilities
    # (e.g. at extreme, Raspberry Pi). Some way to let user select, or select
    # for user?
    filename_Lz = f'Lz{nspins}.npz'
    filename_Lproduct = f'Lproduct{nspins}.npz'
    bin_path = _bin_path()
    path_Lz = bin_path.joinpath(filename_Lz)
    path_Lproduct = bin_path.joinpath(filename_Lproduct)
    # with path_context_Lz as p:
    #     path_Lz = p
    # with path_context_Lproduct as p:
    #     path_Lproduct = p
        Lz = sparse.load_npz(path_Lz)
        Lproduct = sparse.load_npz(path_Lproduct)
        return Lz, Lproduct
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print('no SO file ', path_Lz, ' found.')
        print(f'creating {filename_Lz} and {filename_Lproduct}')
    Lz, Lproduct = _so_dense(nspins)
    Lz_sparse = sparse.COO(Lz)
    Lproduct_sparse = sparse.COO(Lproduct)
    sparse.save_npz(path_Lz, Lz_sparse)
    sparse.save_npz(path_Lproduct, Lproduct_sparse)

    return Lz_sparse, Lproduct_sparse
Пример #7
def test_save_load_npz_file(compression):
    x = sparse.random((2, 3, 4, 5), density=.25)
    y = x.todense()

    dir_name = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    filename = os.path.join(dir_name, 'mat.npz')

    save_npz(filename, x, compressed=compression)
    z = load_npz(filename)
    assert_eq(x, z)
    assert_eq(y, z.todense())

Пример #8
def so_sparse(nspins):
    filename_Lz = f'sparse_Lz{nspins}.npz'
    filename_Lproduct = f'sparse_Lproduct{nspins}.npz'
        Lz = sparse.load_npz(filename_Lz)
        Lproduct = sparse.load_npz(filename_Lproduct)
        return Lz, Lproduct
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print(f'creating {filename_Lz} and {filename_Lproduct}')
    sigma_x = np.array([[0, 1 / 2], [1 / 2, 0]])
    sigma_y = np.array([[0, -1j / 2], [1j / 2, 0]])
    sigma_z = np.array([[1 / 2, 0], [0, -1 / 2]])
    unit = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])

    L = np.empty((3, nspins, 2 ** nspins, 2 ** nspins), dtype=np.complex128)  # consider other dtype?
    for n in range(nspins):
        Lx_current = 1
        Ly_current = 1
        Lz_current = 1

        for k in range(nspins):
            if k == n:
                Lx_current = np.kron(Lx_current, sigma_x)
                Ly_current = np.kron(Ly_current, sigma_y)
                Lz_current = np.kron(Lz_current, sigma_z)
                Lx_current = np.kron(Lx_current, unit)
                Ly_current = np.kron(Ly_current, unit)
                Lz_current = np.kron(Lz_current, unit)

        L[0][n] = Lx_current
        L[1][n] = Ly_current
        L[2][n] = Lz_current
    L_T = L.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3)
    Lproduct = np.tensordot(L_T, L, axes=((1, 3), (0, 2))).swapaxes(1, 2)
    Lz_sparse = sparse.COO(L[2])
    # for i in range(nspins):
    #     for j in range(nspins):
    #         Lproduct[i, j] = csr_matrix(Lproduct[i, j])
    Lproduct_sparse = sparse.COO(Lproduct)
    sparse.save_npz(filename_Lz, Lz_sparse)
    sparse.save_npz(filename_Lproduct, Lproduct_sparse)

    return Lz_sparse, Lproduct_sparse
Пример #9
def so_sparse(nspins):
    """Either load a presaved set of spin operators as numpy arrays, or
    calculate them and save them if a presaved set wasn't found.

    nspins: int
        the number of spins in the spin system

    (Lz, Lproduct): a tuple of:
        Lz: 3d sparse.COO array of shape (n, 2^n, 2^n) representing
        [Lz1, Lz2, ...Lzn]
        Lproduct: 4d sparse.COO array of shape (n, n, 2^n, 2^n), representing
        an n x n array (cartesian product) for all combinations of
        Lxa*Lxb + Lya*Lyb + Lza*Lzb, where 1 <= a, b <= n.

    Side Effect
    Saves the results as .npz files to the bin directory if they were not
    found there.
    filename_Lz = f'Lz{nspins}.npz'
    filename_Lproduct = f'Lproduct{nspins}.npz'
    bin_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'bin')
    path_Lz = os.path.join(bin_dir, filename_Lz)
    path_Lproduct = os.path.join(bin_dir, filename_Lproduct)

        Lz = sparse.load_npz(path_Lz)
        Lproduct = sparse.load_npz(path_Lproduct)
        return Lz, Lproduct
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print('no SO file ', filename_Lz, ' found in: ', bin_dir)
        print(f'creating {filename_Lz} and {filename_Lproduct}')
    Lz, Lproduct = so_dense(nspins)
    Lz_sparse = sparse.COO(Lz)
    Lproduct_sparse = sparse.COO(Lproduct)
    sparse.save_npz(path_Lz, Lz_sparse)
    sparse.save_npz(path_Lproduct, Lproduct_sparse)

    return Lz_sparse, Lproduct_sparse
Пример #10
def resolve_relations(db_file, rel_file, meta_file, id_file):
    conn = open_db_connection(db_file)
    c = conn.cursor()

    # load or compute unique IDs
    if os.path.isfile(meta_file):
        meta = np.load(meta_file)
        off = meta[0]
        num_unique = meta[1]
        unique_ids = np.load(id_file)
        off = 0
        c.execute("SELECT DISTINCT event1_id FROM Relations;")
        event_ids = set(c.fetchall())
        for id2 in c.execute("SELECT event2_id FROM Relations;"):
            if not id2 in event_ids:
        unique_ids = np.char.array(list(event_ids))
        num_unique = len(event_ids)
        np.save(id_file, unique_ids)
        np.save(meta_file, np.array([off, num_unique]))

    id_lookup = dict()
    for i, id_entr in enumerate(unique_ids):
        id_lookup[id_entr[0]] = i

    # load or compute (compressed) relations
    if os.path.isfile(rel_file):
        relations = sparse.load_npz(rel_file)
        relations = sparse.DOK((num_unique, num_unique, RELATION_COUNT),
        for row in c.execute("SELECT * FROM Relations;"):
            id_out = row[1]
            id_in = row[2]
            relations[id_lookup[id_out], id_lookup[id_in], :] = row[3:]
        relations = sparse.COO(relations)
        sparse.save_npz(rel_file, relations)

Пример #11
def cache_tm(n):
    """spin11 test indicates this leads to faster overall simsignals().

    11 spin x 6: 29.6 vs. 35.1 s
    8 spin x 60: 2.2 vs 3.0 s"""
    filename = f'transitions{n}.npz'
        T = sparse.load_npz(filename)
        return T
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print(f'creating {filename}')
        T = np.zeros((n, n))
        for i in range(n - 1):
            for j in range(i + 1, n):
                if bin(i ^ j).count('1') == 1:
                    T[i, j] = 1
        # T = T + T.T
        T += T.T
        T_sparse = sparse.COO(T)
        sparse.save_npz(filename, T_sparse)
        return T_sparse
Пример #12
def _tm_cache(nspins):
    Loads a saved sparse transition matrix if it exists, or creates and saves
    one if it is not.

    nspins : int
        The number of spins in the spin system.

    T_sparse : sparse.COO
        The sparse transition matrix.

    Side Effects
    Saves a sparse array to the bin folder if the required array was not
    found there.
    # Speed tests indicated that using sparse-array transition matrices
    # provides a modest speed improvement on larger spin systems.
    filename = f'T{nspins}.npz'
    # init_path_context = resources.path(nmrsim.bin, '__init__.py')
    # with init_path_context as p:
    #     init_path = p
    # print('path to init: ', init_path)
    # bin_path = init_path.parent
    bin_path = _bin_path()
    path = bin_path.joinpath(filename)
        T_sparse = sparse.load_npz(path)
        return T_sparse
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print(f'creating {filename}')
        T_sparse = _transition_matrix_dense(nspins)
        T_sparse = sparse.COO(T_sparse)
        print('_tm_cache will save on path: ', path)
        sparse.save_npz(path, T_sparse)
        return T_sparse
Пример #13
def mirror_matrix(angle_vector,
    if save:
        structpath = os.path.join(
            options['project_name'])  # also need this to get lookup table

        if not os.path.isdir(structpath):

        savepath_RT = os.path.join(structpath,
                                   surf_name + front_or_rear + 'RT.npz')
        savepath_A = os.path.join(structpath,
                                  surf_name + front_or_rear + 'A.npz')

    if os.path.isfile(savepath_RT) and save:
        print('Existing angular redistribution matrices found')
        allArray = load_npz(savepath_RT)


        if front_or_rear == "front":

            angle_vector_th = angle_vector[:int(len(angle_vector) / 2), 1]
            angle_vector_phi = angle_vector[:int(len(angle_vector) / 2), 2]

            phis_out = fold_phi(angle_vector_phi + np.pi,

            angle_vector_th = angle_vector[int(len(angle_vector) / 2):, 1]
            angle_vector_phi = angle_vector[int(len(angle_vector) / 2):, 2]

            phis_out = fold_phi(angle_vector_phi + np.pi,

        # matrix will be all zeros with just one '1' in each column/row. Just need to determine where it goes

        binned_theta = np.digitize(angle_vector_th, theta_intv, right=True) - 1

        # print(binned_theta_out, theta_out, theta_intv)

        # print(binned_theta_in)
        # print(binned_theta_out)
        # -1 to give the correct index for the bins in phi_intv

        bin_in = np.arange(len(angle_vector_phi))

        phi_ind = [
            np.digitize(phi, phi_intv[binned_theta[i1]], right=True) - 1
            for i1, phi in enumerate(phis_out)
        overall_bin = [
            np.argmin(abs(angle_vector[:, 0] - binned_theta[i1])) + phi_i
            for i1, phi_i in enumerate(phi_ind)

        whole_matrix = np.zeros((len(overall_bin) * 2, len(overall_bin)))

        whole_matrix[overall_bin, bin_in] = 1

        A_matrix = np.zeros((1, len(overall_bin)))

        allArray = COO(whole_matrix)
        absArray = COO(A_matrix)
        if save:
            save_npz(savepath_RT, allArray)
            save_npz(savepath_A, absArray)

    return allArray
Пример #14
def lambertian_matrix(angle_vector,
    if save:
        structpath = os.path.join(
            options['project_name'])  # also need this to get lookup table

        if not os.path.isdir(structpath):

        savepath_RT = os.path.join(structpath,
                                   surf_name + front_or_rear + 'RT.npz')
        savepath_A = os.path.join(structpath,
                                  surf_name + front_or_rear + 'A.npz')

    if os.path.isfile(savepath_RT) and save:
        print('Existing angular redistribution matrices found')
        allArray = load_npz(savepath_RT)


        theta_values = np.unique(angle_vector[angle_vector[:, 1] < np.pi / 2,
        dtheta = np.diff(theta_intv[theta_intv <= np.pi / 2])

        dP = np.cos(theta_values) * dtheta

        # matrix has indexing (out, in): row picks out 'out' entry, column picks out which v0 element

        # since it doesn't matter what the incidence angle is for Lambertian scattering, all the columns rows be identical!

        # how many phi entries are there for each theta?

        n_phis = [
            np.sum(angle_vector[:, 1] == theta) for theta in theta_values

        column = [
            x for sublist in [[dP[i1] / n] * n for i1, n in enumerate(n_phis)]
            for x in sublist

        whole_matrix = np.vstack([column] * int(len(angle_vector) / 2)).T

        # renormalize (rounding errors)

        whole_matrix_R = whole_matrix / np.sum(whole_matrix, 0)

        whole_matrix_T = np.zeros_like(whole_matrix_R)

        whole_matrix = np.vstack([whole_matrix_R, whole_matrix_T])


        A_matrix = np.zeros((1, int(len(angle_vector) / 2)))

        allArray = COO(whole_matrix)
        absArray = COO(A_matrix)
        if save:
            save_npz(savepath_RT, allArray)
            save_npz(savepath_A, absArray)

    return allArray
Пример #15
def RT(group, incidence, transmission, surf_name, options, Fr_or_TMM = 0, front_or_rear = 'front',
       n_absorbing_layers=0, calc_profile=[], only_incidence_angle=False, widths=[], save=True):
    """Calculates the reflection/transmission and absorption redistribution matrices for an interface using
    either a previously calculated TMM lookup table or the Fresnel equations.
    :param group: an RTgroup object containing the surface textures
    :param incidence: incidence medium
    :param: transmission: transmission medium
    :param surf_name: name of the surface (to save matrices)
    :param options: dictionary of options
    :param Fr_or_TMM: whether to use the Fresnel equations (0) or a TMM lookup table (1)
    :param front_or_rear: whether light is incident from the front or rear
    :param for a structure with multiple interface layers, where a TMM lookuptable is used, the number of layers in
    the interface
    :param calc_profile: whether to save the relevant information to calculate the depth-dependent absorption
    :param only_incidence_angle: if True, the ray-tracing will only be performed for the incidence theta and phi
    specified in the options.
    :return out_mat: the R/T redistribution matrix at each wavelength, indexed as (wavelength, angle_bin_out, angle_bin_in)
    :return A_mat: the absorption redistribution matrix (total absorption per layer), indexed as (wavelength, layer_out, angle_bin_in)
    :return local_angle_mat: only if calc_profile = True. A matrix storing the local incidence angles for rays which were absorbed.
    This is used to calculate absorption profiles using TMM.

    if Fr_or_TMM > 0 or save:
        structpath = os.path.join(results_path, options['project_name']) # also need this to get lookup table
    if save:

        if not os.path.isdir(structpath):

        savepath_RT = os.path.join(structpath, surf_name + front_or_rear + 'RT.npz')
        savepath_A = os.path.join(structpath, surf_name + front_or_rear + 'A.npz')
        prof_mat_path = os.path.join(results_path, options['project_name'],
                                     surf_name + front_or_rear + 'profmat.nc')

        if Fr_or_TMM > 0:
            savepath_prof = os.path.join(structpath, surf_name + front_or_rear + 'Aprof.npz')

    if os.path.isfile(savepath_RT) and save:
        print('Existing angular redistribution matrices found')
        allArrays = load_npz(savepath_RT)
        absArrays = load_npz(savepath_A)
        if Fr_or_TMM > 0 and os.path.isfile(savepath_prof):
            local_angles = load_npz(savepath_prof)

            if os.path.isfile(prof_mat_path):
                prof_int = xr.load_dataset(prof_mat_path)
                profile = prof_int['profile']
                intgr = prof_int['intgr']
                return allArrays, absArrays, local_angles, profile, intgr

                return allArrays, absArrays, local_angles

            return allArrays, absArrays

        wavelengths = options['wavelengths']
        n_rays = options['n_rays']
        nx = options['nx']
        ny = options['ny']
        n_angles = int(np.ceil(n_rays/(nx*ny)))

        phi_sym = options['phi_symmetry']
        n_theta_bins = options['n_theta_bins']
        c_az = options['c_azimuth']
        pol = options['pol']
        nm_spacing = options['nm_spacing']

        if front_or_rear == 'front':
            side = 1
            side = -1

        if Fr_or_TMM == 1:
            lookuptable = xr.open_dataset(os.path.join(structpath, surf_name + '.nc'))
            if front_or_rear == 'rear':
                lookuptable = lookuptable.assign_coords(side=np.flip(lookuptable.side))
            lookuptable = None

        theta_intv, phi_intv, angle_vector = make_angle_vector(n_theta_bins, phi_sym, c_az)

        if only_incidence_angle:
            print('Calculating matrix only for incidence theta/phi')
            if options['theta_in'] == 0:
                th_in = 0.0001
                th_in = options['theta_in']

            angles_in = angle_vector[:int(len(angle_vector) / 2), :]
            n_reps = int(np.ceil(n_angles / len(angles_in)))
            thetas_in = np.tile(th_in, n_reps)
            print('only inc angle' , thetas_in)
            n_angles = n_reps

            if options['phi_in'] == 'all':
                # get relevant phis
                phis_in = np.tile(options['phi_in'], n_reps)
                if options['phi_in'] == 0:
                    phis_in = np.tile(0.0001, n_reps)

                    phis_in = np.tile(options['phi_in'], n_reps)

            if options['random_angles']:
                thetas_in = np.random.random(n_angles)*np.pi/2
                phis_in = np.random.random(n_angles)*2*np.pi
                angles_in = angle_vector[:int(len(angle_vector)/2),:]
                if n_angles/len(angles_in) < 1:
                    warn('The number of rays is not sufficient to populate the redistribution matrix!')
                n_reps = int(np.ceil(n_angles/len(angles_in)))
                thetas_in = np.tile(angles_in[:,1], n_reps)[:n_angles]
                phis_in = np.tile(angles_in[:,2], n_reps)[:n_angles]

        if front_or_rear == 'front':
            mats = [incidence]
            mats = [transmission]

        for i1 in range(len(group.materials)):

        if front_or_rear == 'front':

        # list of lists: first in tuple is front incidence
        if front_or_rear == 'front':
            surfaces = [x[0] for x in group.textures]

            surfaces = [x[1] for x in group.textures]

        nks = np.empty((len(mats), len(wavelengths)), dtype=complex)

        for i1, mat in enumerate(mats):
            nks[i1] = mat.n(wavelengths) + 1j*mat.k(wavelengths)

        h = max(surfaces[0].Points[:, 2])
        x_lim = surfaces[0].Lx
        y_lim = surfaces[0].Ly

        if options['random_ray_position']:
            xs = np.random.uniform(0, x_lim, nx)
            ys = np.random.uniform(0, y_lim, ny)

            if options['avoid_edges']:
                xs = np.linspace(x_lim / 4, x_lim - (x_lim / 4), nx)
                ys = np.linspace(y_lim / 4, y_lim - (y_lim / 4), ny)
                xs = np.linspace(x_lim/101, x_lim-(x_lim/99), nx)
                ys = np.linspace(y_lim/100, y_lim-(y_lim/102), ny)

        print('n_th_in', len(thetas_in), len(xs))

        if options['parallel']:
            allres = Parallel(n_jobs=options['n_jobs'])(delayed(RT_wl)
                                           (i1, wavelengths[i1], n_angles, nx, ny,
                                            widths, thetas_in, phis_in, h,
                                            xs, ys, nks, surfaces,
                                            pol, phi_sym, theta_intv,
                                            phi_intv, angle_vector, Fr_or_TMM, n_absorbing_layers,
                                            lookuptable, calc_profile, nm_spacing, side)
                                       for i1 in range(len(wavelengths)))

            allres = [RT_wl(i1, wavelengths[i1], n_angles, nx, ny, widths,
                            thetas_in, phis_in, h, xs, ys, nks, surfaces,
                                     pol, phi_sym, theta_intv, phi_intv,
                            angle_vector, Fr_or_TMM, n_absorbing_layers, lookuptable, calc_profile, nm_spacing, side)
                      for i1 in range(len(wavelengths))]

        allArrays = stack([item[0] for item in allres])
        absArrays = stack([item[1] for item in allres])

        if save:
            save_npz(savepath_RT, allArrays)
            save_npz(savepath_A, absArrays)

        if Fr_or_TMM > 0:
            local_angles = stack([item[2] for item in allres])
            if save:
                save_npz(savepath_prof, local_angles)
            #make_profile_data(options, np.unique(angle_vector[:,1]), int(len(angle_vector) / 2),
            #                  front_or_rear, surf_name, n_absorbing_layers, widths)

            if len(calc_profile) > 0:
                profile = xr.concat([item[3] for item in allres], 'wl')
                intgr = xr.concat([item[4] for item in allres], 'wl')
                intgr.name = 'intgr'
                profile.name = 'profile'
                allres = xr.merge([intgr, profile])

                if save:
                    save_npz(savepath_prof, local_angles)

                return allArrays, absArrays, local_angles, profile, intgr

                return allArrays, absArrays, local_angles

            return allArrays, absArrays
Пример #16
import sparse
from ase.build import molecule
from dscribe.descriptors import SOAP

# Let's create SOAP feature vectors for two structures and all positions. If
# the output sizes are the same for each structure, a single 3D array is
# created.
soap = SOAP(
    species=["C", "H", "O"],
soap_features = soap.create([molecule("H2O"), molecule("CO2")])

# Save the output to disk and load it back.
sparse.save_npz("soap.npz", soap_features)
soap_features = sparse.load_npz("soap.npz")

# Convert to numpy/scipy formats:
dense = soap_features.todense()
csr = soap_features[0, :, :].tocsr()
csc = soap_features[0, :, :].tocsc()
Пример #17
    def matrix(self, lastfm, tags=None, dim=3, save_to=None):
        ''' Computes a n-dimensional matrix where the (i_1, ... ,i_n)-th entry contains the number of tracks having all the i_1-th, ..., i_n-th tags (where the i's are the indexes in self.m_tags).

        To optimize performance, values are computed only with indexes in increasing order (which means, we only compute the number of tracks having tag-0 
        and tag-1, not vice-versa). This is something to keep in mind when indexing the matrix.
        To optimize memory, the matrix is saved in sparse format. DOK is the preferred sparse format for building and indexing, while COO is the preferred
        sparse format to perform mathematical operations).

        The dimension of the matrix captures the kind of queries which you will be able to perform. A matrix of dim=2 on tracks=['rock', 'pop', 'hip-hop'] will
        capture how many tracks have tags rock and pop, or pop and hip-hop, but not rock, pop and hip-hop at the same time.
        A matrix of dim=len(tags) will fully describe the database (or the subset of the database having the given tags).
        A matrix of dim>len(tags) will be rather pointless (but we won't prevent you from doing it).

        lastfm: LastFm, LastFm2Pandas
            Instance of tags database. Using LastFm2Pandas is strongly recommended here.

        tags: list
            List of tags to use. If None, all the tags will be used.

        dim: int
            The dimension of the matrix.

        save_to: str
            Filename or full path of the .npz file to save matrix and matrix tags. Use to load_from in the future.

        # initialize matrix tags
        if tags is None:
            tags = lastfm.get_tags()
            tags = [tag for tag in tags if tag in lastfm.get_tags()
                    ]  # possibly purge inexistent tags

        # initialize matrix
        matrix = sparse.DOK(
            (len(tags), ) * dim, dtype=np.int32
        )  # sparse dict-of-keys matrix (for easy creation, awful for calculations)

        # compute total number of steps to comatplotlibetion (see http://www.iosrjournals.org/iosr-jm/papers/Vol8-issue3/A0830110.pdf)
        n_steps = crazysum(n=len(tags), s=3, k=dim - 1)

        # check whether a progress bar is needed
        verbose = n_steps > 100
        if verbose:
            progbar = Progbar(n_steps)  # instantiate progress bar

        def count_intersect_tags(tags):
            tids_list = [lastfm.with_tag(tag) for tag in tags]
            tids_list.sort(key=len, reverse=True)
            tids = set(
            )  # start with shortest list of tids to improve performance; convert to set to be able to intersect
            for _ in range(len(tids_list)):
                tids = tids.intersection(tids_list.pop(
                ))  # intersections performed from shortest list to longest
            return len(tids)  # how many tids have all tags

        def count_intersect_tags_recursive(
            tags_idxs, dim
        ):  # recursively iterate count_intersect_tags dim times; avoid repetitions such as 'rock AND pop AND folk' vs. 'rock AND folk AND pop' vs. 'folk AND pop AND rock'
            if dim >= 1:
                for i in range(tags_idxs[-1] + 1):
                    count_intersect_tags_recursive(tags_idxs + (i, ), dim - 1)
                matrix[tags_idxs] = count_intersect_tags(
                    np.take(tags, tags_idxs))  # add count to sparse matrix
                if verbose:

        # instantiate recursive loop
        for i in range(len(tags)):
            count_intersect_tags_recursive((i, ), dim - 1)

        matrix = matrix.to_coo()  # convert to coordinate matrix

        if save_to is not None:
            # save matrix
            sparse.save_npz(save_to, matrix.to_coo(
            ))  # default to compressed format (i.e. sparse format)

            # save matrix tags in serialized format
            with open(os.path.splitext(save_to)[0] + '.nfo', 'wb') as f:
                pickle.dump(tags, f)

        return matrix, tags
Пример #18
def RCWA(structure,
    """ Calculates the reflected, absorbed and transmitted intensity of the structure for the wavelengths and angles
    defined using an RCWA method implemented using the S4 package.

    :param structure: A solcore Structure object with layers and materials or a OptiStack object.
    :param size: list with 2 entries, size of the unit cell (right now, can only be rectangular
    :param orders: number of orders to retain in the RCWA calculations.
    :param wavelength: Wavelengths (in nm) in which calculate the data.
    :param theta: polar incidence angle (in degrees) of the incident light. Default: 0 (normal incidence)
    :param phi: azimuthal incidence angle in degrees. Default: 0
    :param pol: Polarisation of the light: 's', 'p' or 'u'. Default: 'u' (unpolarised).
    :param transmission: semi-infinite transmission medium
    :return: A dictionary with the R, A and T at the specified wavelengths and angle.
    # TODO: when non-zero incidence angle, not binned correctly in matrix (just goes in theta = 0)
    # TODO: when doing unpolarized, why not just set s=0.5 p=0.5 in S4? (Maybe needs to be normalised differently). Also don't know if this is faster,
    # or if internally it will still do s & p separately
    # TODO: if incidence angle is zero, s and p polarization are the same so no need to do both

    structpath = os.path.join(results_path, options['project_name'])
    if not os.path.isdir(structpath):

    savepath_RT = os.path.join(structpath,
                               surf_name + front_or_rear + 'RT.npz')
    savepath_A = os.path.join(structpath, surf_name + front_or_rear + 'A.npz')
    prof_mat_path = os.path.join(results_path, options['project_name'],
                                 surf_name + front_or_rear + 'profmat.nc')

    if os.path.isfile(savepath_RT) and save:
        print('Existing angular redistribution matrices found')
        full_mat = load_npz(savepath_RT)
        A_mat = load_npz(savepath_A)


        wavelengths = options['wavelengths']

        if front_or_rear == 'front':
            layers = structure
            trns = transmission
            inc = incidence

            layers = structure[::-1]
            trns = incidence
            inc = transmission

        # write a separate function that makes the OptiStack structure into an S4 object, defined materials etc.
        geom_list = [layer.geometry for layer in structure]
        geom_list.insert(0, {})  # incidence medium
        geom_list.append({})  # transmission medium

        ## Materials for the shapes need to be defined before you can do .SetRegion
        shape_mats, geom_list_str = necessary_materials(geom_list)

        shapes_oc = np.zeros((len(wavelengths), len(shape_mats)),

        for i1, x in enumerate(shape_mats):
            shapes_oc[:, i1] = (x.n(wavelengths) + 1j * x.k(wavelengths))**2

        stack_OS = OptiStack(layers, no_back_reflection=False)
        widths = stack_OS.get_widths()
        layers_oc = np.zeros((len(wavelengths), len(structure) + 2),

        layers_oc[:, 0] = (inc.n(wavelengths))**2  #+ 1j*inc.k(wavelengths))**2
        layers_oc[:, -1] = (trns.n(wavelengths) + 1j * trns.k(wavelengths))**2

        for i1, x in enumerate(layers):
            layers_oc[:, i1 + 1] = (x.material.n(wavelengths) +
                                    1j * x.material.k(wavelengths))**2

        shapes_names = [str(x) for x in shape_mats]

        #nm_spacing = options['nm_spacing']
        phi_sym = options['phi_symmetry']
        n_theta_bins = options['n_theta_bins']
        c_az = options['c_azimuth']
        pol = options['pol']

        # RCWA options
        rcwa_options = dict(LatticeTruncation='Circular',

        user_options = options[
            'rcwa_options'] if 'rcwa_options' in options.keys() else {}

        theta_intv, phi_intv, angle_vector = make_angle_vector(
            n_theta_bins, phi_sym, c_az)

        if only_incidence_angle:
            thetas_in = np.array([options['theta_in']])
            phis_in = np.array([options['phi_in']])
            angles_in = angle_vector[:int(len(angle_vector) / 2), :]
            thetas_in = angles_in[:, 1]
            phis_in = angles_in[:, 2]

        # angle in degrees
        thetas_in = thetas_in * 180 / np.pi
        phis_in = phis_in * 180 / np.pi
        # initialise_S has to happen inside parallel job (get Pickle errors otherwise);
        # just pass relevant optical constants for each wavelength, like for RT

        angle_vector_0 = angle_vector[:, 0]

        if front_or_rear == "front":
            side = 1
            side = -1

        if options['parallel']:
            allres = Parallel(n_jobs=options['n_jobs'])(delayed(RCWA_wl)(
                wavelengths[i1] * 1e9, geom_list, layers_oc[i1], shapes_oc[i1],
                shapes_names, pol, thetas_in, phis_in, widths, size, orders,
                phi_sym, theta_intv, phi_intv, angle_vector_0, rcwa_options,
                detail_layer, side) for i1 in range(len(wavelengths)))

            allres = [
                RCWA_wl(wavelengths[i1] * 1e9, geom_list, layers_oc[i1],
                        shapes_oc[i1], shapes_names, pol, thetas_in, phis_in,
                        widths, size, orders, phi_sym, theta_intv, phi_intv,
                        angle_vector_0, rcwa_options, detail_layer, side)
                for i1 in range(len(wavelengths))

        R = np.stack([item[0] for item in allres])
        T = np.stack([item[1] for item in allres])
        A_mat = np.stack([item[2] for item in allres])
        full_mat = stack([item[3] for item in allres])
        int_mat = stack([item[4] for item in allres])
        #T_mat = np.stack([item[4] for item in allres])

        #full_mat = np.hstack((R_mat, T_mat))
        #full_mat = COO(full_mat)
        A_mat = COO(A_mat)

        if save:
            save_npz(savepath_RT, full_mat)
            save_npz(savepath_A, A_mat)

        #R_pfbo = np.stack([item[3] for item in allres])
        #T_pfbo = np.stack([item[4] for item in allres])
        #phi_rt = np.stack([item[5] for item in allres])
        #theta_r = np.stack([item[6] for item in allres])
        #theta_t = np.stack([item[7] for item in allres])
        #R_pfbo_2 = np.stack([item[8] for item in allres])

    #return {'R': R, 'T':T, 'A_layer': A_mat, 'full_mat': full_mat, 'int_mat': int_mat}#'R_pfbo': R_pfbo, 'T_pfbo': T_pfbo, 'phi_rt': phi_rt, 'theta_r': theta_r, 'theta_t': theta_t}#, 'R_pfbo_2': R_pfbo_2}
    return full_mat, A_mat  # , R, T
Пример #19
 def save_sparse(self, data, file_prefix='sparse_array_', **kwargs):
     assert isinstance(
         data, sparse.COO), 'Expected sparse.COO data type, got: {}'.format(
     sparse.save_npz(self.path + file_prefix + self.filename[:-4] + '.npz',
Пример #20
def TMM(layers, incidence, transmission, surf_name, options,
               coherent=True, coherency_list=None, prof_layers=[], front_or_rear='front', save=True):
    """Function which takes a layer stack and creates an angular redistribution matrix.

        :param layers: A list with one or more layers.
        :param transmission: transmission medium
        :param incidence: incidence medium
        :param surf_name: name of the surface (to save the matrices generated.
        :param options: a list of options
        :param coherent: whether or not the layer stack is coherent. If None, it is assumed to be fully coherent
        :param coherency: a list with the same number of entries as the layers, either 'c' for a coherent layer or
        'i' for an incoherent layer
        :param prof_layers: layers for which the absorption profile should be calculated
        (if None, do not calculate absorption profile at all)
        :param front_or_rear: a string, either 'front' or 'rear'; front incidence on the stack, from the incidence
        medium, or rear incidence on the stack, from the transmission medium.
        :return full_mat: R and T redistribution matrix
        :return A_mat: matrix describing absorption per layer

    def make_matrix_wl(wl):
        # binning into matrix, including phi
        RT_mat = np.zeros((len(theta_bins_in)*2, len(theta_bins_in)))
        A_mat = np.zeros((n_layers, len(theta_bins_in)))

        for i1 in range(len(theta_bins_in)):

            theta = theta_lookup[i1]#angle_vector[i1, 1]

            data = allres.loc[dict(angle=theta, wl=wl)]

            R_prob = np.real(data['R'].data.item(0))
            T_prob = np.real(data['T'].data.item(0))

            Alayer_prob = np.real(data['Alayer'].data)
            phi_out = phis_out[i1]

            #print(R_prob, T_prob)

            # reflection
            phi_int = phi_intv[theta_bins_in[i1]]
            phi_ind = np.digitize(phi_out, phi_int, right=True) - 1
            bin_out_r = np.argmin(abs(angle_vector[:, 0] - theta_bins_in[i1])) + phi_ind

            #print(bin_out_r, i1+offset)

            RT_mat[bin_out_r, i1] = R_prob
            # transmission
            theta_t = np.abs(-np.arcsin((inc.n(wl * 1e-9) / trns.n(wl * 1e-9)) * np.sin(theta_lookup[i1])) + quadrant)

            #print('angle in, transmitted', angle_vector_th[i1], theta_t)
            # theta switches half-plane (th < 90 -> th >90
            if ~np.isnan(theta_t):

                theta_out_bin = np.digitize(theta_t, theta_intv, right=True) - 1
                phi_int = phi_intv[theta_out_bin]

                phi_ind = np.digitize(phi_out, phi_int, right=True) - 1
                bin_out_t = np.argmin(abs(angle_vector[:, 0] - theta_out_bin)) + phi_ind

                RT_mat[bin_out_t, i1] = T_prob
                #print(bin_out_t, i1+offset)

            # absorption
            A_mat[:, i1] = Alayer_prob

        fullmat = COO(RT_mat)
        A_mat = COO(A_mat)
        return fullmat, A_mat

    structpath = os.path.join(results_path, options['project_name'])
    if not os.path.isdir(structpath):

    savepath_RT = os.path.join(structpath, surf_name + front_or_rear + 'RT.npz')
    savepath_A = os.path.join(structpath, surf_name + front_or_rear + 'A.npz')
    prof_mat_path = os.path.join(results_path, options['project_name'],
                                 surf_name + front_or_rear + 'profmat.nc')

    if os.path.isfile(savepath_RT) and save:
        print('Existing angular redistribution matrices found')
        fullmat = load_npz(savepath_RT)
        A_mat = load_npz(savepath_A)

        if len(prof_layers) > 0:
            profile = xr.load_dataarray(prof_mat_path)
            return fullmat, A_mat, profile


        wavelengths = options['wavelengths']*1e9 # convert to nm

        theta_intv, phi_intv, angle_vector = make_angle_vector(options['n_theta_bins'], options['phi_symmetry'], options['c_azimuth'])
        angles_in = angle_vector[:int(len(angle_vector) / 2), :]
        thetas = np.unique(angles_in[:, 1])

        n_angles = len(thetas)

        n_layers = len(layers)

        if front_or_rear == 'front':
            optlayers = OptiStack(layers, substrate=transmission, incidence=incidence)
            trns = transmission
            inc = incidence

            optlayers = OptiStack(layers[::-1], substrate=incidence, incidence=transmission)
            trns = incidence
            inc = transmission

        if len(prof_layers) > 0:
            profile = True
            z_limit = np.sum(np.array(optlayers.widths))
            full_dist = np.arange(0, z_limit, options['nm_spacing'])
            layer_start = np.insert(np.cumsum(np.insert(optlayers.widths, 0, 0)), 0, 0)
            layer_end = np.cumsum(np.insert(optlayers.widths, 0, 0))

            dist = []

            for l in prof_layers:
                dist = np.hstack((dist, full_dist[np.all((full_dist >= layer_start[l], full_dist < layer_end[l]), 0)]))

            profile = False

        if options['pol'] == 'u':
            pols = ['s', 'p']
            pols = [options['pol']]

        R = xr.DataArray(np.empty((len(pols), len(wavelengths), n_angles)),
                         dims=['pol', 'wl', 'angle'],
                         coords={'pol': pols, 'wl': wavelengths, 'angle': thetas},
        T = xr.DataArray(np.empty((len(pols), len(wavelengths), n_angles)),
                         dims=['pol', 'wl', 'angle'],
                         coords={'pol': pols, 'wl': wavelengths, 'angle': thetas},

        Alayer = xr.DataArray(np.empty((len(pols), n_angles, len(wavelengths), n_layers)),
                              dims=['pol', 'angle', 'wl', 'layer'],
                              coords={'pol': pols,
                                      'wl': wavelengths,
                                      'angle': thetas,
                                      'layer': range(1, n_layers + 1)}, name='Alayer')

        theta_t = xr.DataArray(np.empty((len(pols), len(wavelengths), n_angles)),
                               dims=['pol', 'wl', 'angle'],
                               coords={'pol': pols, 'wl': wavelengths, 'angle': thetas},

        if profile:
            Aprof = xr.DataArray(np.empty((len(pols), n_angles, len(wavelengths), len(dist))),
                                 dims=['pol', 'angle', 'wl', 'z'],
                                 coords={'pol': pols,
                                         'wl': wavelengths,
                                         'angle': thetas,
                                         'z': dist}, name='Aprof')

        R_loop = np.empty((len(wavelengths), n_angles))
        T_loop = np.empty((len(wavelengths), n_angles))
        Alayer_loop = np.empty((n_angles, len(wavelengths), n_layers), dtype=np.complex_)
        th_t_loop = np.empty((len(wavelengths), n_angles))

        if profile:
            Aprof_loop = np.empty((n_angles, len(wavelengths), len(dist)))

        tmm_struct = tmm_structure(optlayers, coherent=coherent, coherency_list=coherency_list, no_back_reflection=False)

        for i2, pol in enumerate(pols):

            for i3, theta in enumerate(thetas):

                res = tmm_struct.calculate(wavelengths, angle=theta, pol=pol, profile=profile, layers=prof_layers, nm_spacing = options['nm_spacing'])

                R_loop[:, i3] = np.real(res['R'])
                T_loop[:, i3] = np.real(res['T'])
                Alayer_loop[i3, :, :] = np.real(res['A_per_layer'].T)

                if profile:
                    Aprof_loop[i3, :, :] = res['profile']

            # sometimes get very small negative values (like -1e-20)
            R_loop[R_loop < 0] = 0
            T_loop[T_loop < 0] = 0
            Alayer_loop[Alayer_loop < 0] = 0

            if front_or_rear == 'rear':
                Alayer_loop = np.flip(Alayer_loop, axis=2)

            R.loc[dict(pol=pol)] = R_loop
            T.loc[dict(pol=pol)] = T_loop
            Alayer.loc[dict(pol=pol)] = Alayer_loop
            theta_t.loc[dict(pol=pol)] = th_t_loop

            if profile:
                Aprof.loc[dict(pol=pol)] = Aprof_loop
                Aprof.transpose('pol', 'wl', 'angle', 'z')

        Alayer = Alayer.transpose('pol', 'wl', 'angle', 'layer')

        if profile:
            allres = xr.merge([R, T, Alayer, Aprof])
            allres = xr.merge([R, T, Alayer])

        if options['pol'] == 'u':
            allres = allres.reduce(np.mean, 'pol').assign_coords(pol='u').expand_dims('pol')

        # populate matrices

        if front_or_rear == "front":

            angle_vector_th = angle_vector[:int(len(angle_vector)/2),1]
            angle_vector_phi = angle_vector[:int(len(angle_vector)/2),2]

            phis_out = fold_phi(angle_vector_phi + np.pi, options['phi_symmetry'])
            theta_lookup = angles_in[:,1]
            quadrant = np.pi

            angle_vector_th = angle_vector[int(len(angle_vector) / 2):, 1]
            angle_vector_phi = angle_vector[int(len(angle_vector) / 2):, 2]

            phis_out = fold_phi(angle_vector_phi + np.pi, options['phi_symmetry'])
            theta_lookup = angles_in[:,1][::-1]
            quadrant = 0

        phis_out[phis_out == 0] = 1e-10

        theta_bins_in = np.digitize(angle_vector_th, theta_intv, right=True) -1

        mats = [make_matrix_wl(wl) for wl in wavelengths]

        fullmat = stack([item[0] for item in mats])
        A_mat = stack([item[1] for item in mats])

        if save:
            save_npz(savepath_RT, fullmat)
            save_npz(savepath_A, A_mat)

    return fullmat, A_mat #, allres