Пример #1
def benchmark_linear_regression(ctx, timer):
    N_EXAMPLES = 10 * 1000 * 1000 * ctx.num_workers
    N_DIM = 10
    x = expr.rand(N_EXAMPLES,
                  tile_hint=(N_EXAMPLES / ctx.num_workers,

    y = expr.rand(N_EXAMPLES, 1, tile_hint=(N_EXAMPLES / ctx.num_workers,

    w = np.random.rand(N_DIM, 1).astype(np.float32)

    x = expr.eager(x)
    y = expr.eager(y)

    def _step():
        yp = expr.dot(x, w)
        Assert.all_eq(yp.shape, y.shape)

        diff = x * (yp - y)
        grad = expr.sum(diff, axis=0).glom().reshape((N_DIM, 1))
        wprime = w - grad * 1e-6

    for i in range(25):
        timer.time_op('linear-regression', _step)
Пример #2
def benchmark_linear_regression(ctx, timer):
  N_EXAMPLES = 10 * 1000 * 1000 * ctx.num_workers
  N_DIM = 10
  x = expr.rand(N_EXAMPLES, N_DIM, 
                tile_hint=(N_EXAMPLES / ctx.num_workers, N_DIM)).astype(np.float32)
  y = expr.rand(N_EXAMPLES, 1, 
                tile_hint=(N_EXAMPLES / ctx.num_workers, 1)).astype(np.float32)
  w = np.random.rand(N_DIM, 1).astype(np.float32)
  x = expr.eager(x)
  y = expr.eager(y)
  def _step():
    yp = expr.dot(x, w)
    Assert.all_eq(yp.shape, y.shape)
    diff = x * (yp - y)
    grad = expr.sum(diff, axis=0).glom().reshape((N_DIM, 1))
    wprime = w - grad * 1e-6

  for i in range(25):
    timer.time_op('linear-regression', _step)
Пример #3
def benchmark_optimization(ctx, timer):
  FLAGS.optimization = 0
  DATA_SIZE = 5 * 1000 * 1000
  current = eager(zeros((DATA_SIZE * ctx.num_workers,),
                        dtype=np.float32, tile_hint = (DATA_SIZE,)))
  strike = eager(ones((DATA_SIZE * ctx.num_workers,),
                      dtype=np.float32, tile_hint=(DATA_SIZE,)))
  maturity = eager(strike * 12)
  rate = eager(strike * 0.05)
  volatility = eager(strike * 0.01)

  timer.time_op('opt-none', lambda: bs_step(current, strike, maturity, rate, volatility))
  timer.time_op('opt-none', lambda: bs_step(current, strike, maturity, rate, volatility))
  timer.time_op('opt-none', lambda: bs_step(current, strike, maturity, rate, volatility))

  FLAGS.optimization = 1
  FLAGS.opt_parakeet_gen = 0
  FLAGS.opt_map_fusion = 1
  timer.time_op('opt-fusion', lambda: bs_step(current, strike, maturity, rate, volatility))
  timer.time_op('opt-fusion', lambda: bs_step(current, strike, maturity, rate, volatility))
  timer.time_op('opt-fusion', lambda: bs_step(current, strike, maturity, rate, volatility))

  FLAGS.opt_parakeet_gen = 1
  timer.time_op('opt-parakeet', lambda: bs_step(current, strike, maturity, rate, volatility))
  timer.time_op('opt-parakeet', lambda: bs_step(current, strike, maturity, rate, volatility))
  timer.time_op('opt-parakeet', lambda: bs_step(current, strike, maturity, rate, volatility))
Пример #4
def benchmark_convnet(ctx, timer):
  image_size = BASE_IMG_SIZE
  minibatch = 64
  #minibatch = ctx.num_workers
  hint = util.divup(image_size, sqrt(ctx.num_workers))
  tile_hint = (util.divup(minibatch, ctx.num_workers), N_COLORS, image_size, image_size)
  util.log_info('Hint: %s', tile_hint)
  images = expr.eager(expr.ones((minibatch, N_COLORS, image_size, image_size),
  w1 = expr.eager(expr.ones((N_FILTERS, N_COLORS) + FILTER_SIZE,
  w2 = expr.eager(expr.ones((N_FILTERS, N_FILTERS) + FILTER_SIZE,
  w3 = expr.eager(expr.ones((N_FILTERS, N_FILTERS) + FILTER_SIZE,
  def _():
    conv1 = stencil.stencil(images, w1, 2)
    pool1 = stencil.maxpool(conv1)
    conv2 = stencil.stencil(pool1, w2, 2)
    pool2 = stencil.maxpool(conv2)
    conv3 = stencil.stencil(pool2, w3, 2)
    pool3 = stencil.maxpool(conv3)
  # force parakeet functions to compile before timing. 
  for i in range(2):
    timer.time_op('convnet', _)
Пример #5
def test_convnet(ctx):
    hint = util.divup(64, sqrt(ctx.num_workers))

    images = expr.eager(
        expr.ones((N_IMGS, ) + IMG_SIZE,
                  tile_hint=(N_IMGS, N_COLORS, hint, hint)))

    w1 = expr.eager(
        expr.ones((N_FILTERS, N_COLORS) + FILTER_SIZE, tile_hint=ONE_TILE))

    conv1 = stencil.stencil(images, w1, 2)
    pool1 = stencil.maxpool(conv1)

    w2 = expr.eager(
        expr.ones((N_FILTERS, N_FILTERS) + FILTER_SIZE, tile_hint=ONE_TILE))

    conv2 = stencil.stencil(pool1, w2, 2)
    pool2 = stencil.maxpool(conv2)

    w3 = expr.eager(
        expr.ones((N_FILTERS, N_FILTERS) + FILTER_SIZE, tile_hint=ONE_TILE))
    conv3 = stencil.stencil(pool2, w3, 2)
    pool3 = stencil.maxpool(conv3)

Пример #6
def benchmark_convnet(ctx, timer):
  image_size = BASE_IMG_SIZE
  minibatch = 64
  #minibatch = ctx.num_workers
  hint = util.divup(image_size, sqrt(ctx.num_workers))
  tile_hint = (util.divup(minibatch, ctx.num_workers), N_COLORS, image_size, image_size)
  util.log_info('Hint: %s', tile_hint)

  images = expr.eager(expr.ones((minibatch, N_COLORS, image_size, image_size),

  w1 = expr.eager(expr.ones((N_FILTERS, N_COLORS) + FILTER_SIZE,
  w2 = expr.eager(expr.ones((N_FILTERS, N_FILTERS) + FILTER_SIZE,
  w3 = expr.eager(expr.ones((N_FILTERS, N_FILTERS) + FILTER_SIZE,

  def _():
    conv1 = stencil.stencil(images, w1, 2)
    pool1 = stencil.maxpool(conv1)

    conv2 = stencil.stencil(pool1, w2, 2)
    pool2 = stencil.maxpool(conv2)

    conv3 = stencil.stencil(pool2, w3, 2)
    pool3 = stencil.maxpool(conv3)


  # force parakeet functions to compile before timing.
  for i in range(2):
    timer.time_op('convnet', _)
Пример #7
  def train(self):
    self.x = expr.eager(self.x)
    self.y = expr.eager(self.y)

    for i in range(self.iterations):
      diff = self.update()
      grad = expr.sum(diff, axis=0, tile_hint=[self.N_DIM]).glom().reshape((self.N_DIM, 1))
      self.w = self.w - grad * self.alpha
    return self.w
Пример #8
def benchmark_optimization(ctx, timer):
    FLAGS.optimization = 0
    DATA_SIZE = 5 * 1000 * 1000
    current = eager(
        zeros((DATA_SIZE * ctx.num_workers, ),
              tile_hint=(DATA_SIZE, )))
    strike = eager(
        ones((DATA_SIZE * ctx.num_workers, ),
             tile_hint=(DATA_SIZE, )))
    maturity = eager(strike * 12)
    rate = eager(strike * 0.05)
    volatility = eager(strike * 0.01)

                  lambda: bs_step(current, strike, maturity, rate, volatility))
                  lambda: bs_step(current, strike, maturity, rate, volatility))
                  lambda: bs_step(current, strike, maturity, rate, volatility))

    FLAGS.optimization = 1
    FLAGS.opt_parakeet_gen = 0
    FLAGS.opt_map_fusion = 1
                  lambda: bs_step(current, strike, maturity, rate, volatility))
                  lambda: bs_step(current, strike, maturity, rate, volatility))
                  lambda: bs_step(current, strike, maturity, rate, volatility))

    FLAGS.opt_parakeet_gen = 1
                  lambda: bs_step(current, strike, maturity, rate, volatility))
                  lambda: bs_step(current, strike, maturity, rate, volatility))
                  lambda: bs_step(current, strike, maturity, rate, volatility))

    FLAGS.opt_parakeet_gen = 0
    FLAGS.opt_auto_tiling = 0
    timer.time_op('opt-tiling = 0',
                  lambda: bs_step(current, strike, maturity, rate, volatility))
    timer.time_op('opt-tiling = 0',
                  lambda: bs_step(current, strike, maturity, rate, volatility))
    timer.time_op('opt-tiling = 0',
                  lambda: bs_step(current, strike, maturity, rate, volatility))

    FLAGS.opt_auto_tiling = 1
                  lambda: bs_step(current, strike, maturity, rate, volatility))
                  lambda: bs_step(current, strike, maturity, rate, volatility))
                  lambda: bs_step(current, strike, maturity, rate, volatility))
Пример #9
def benchmark_logreg(ctx, timer):
  print "#worker:", ctx.num_workers
  #N_EXAMPLES = 40000000 * ctx.num_workers
  N_EXAMPLES = 5000000 * 64
  x = expr.eager(expr.rand(N_EXAMPLES, N_DIM, tile_hint=(N_EXAMPLES / ctx.num_workers, N_DIM)))
  y = expr.eager(expr.rand(N_EXAMPLES, 1, tile_hint=(N_EXAMPLES / ctx.num_workers, 1)))
  start = time.time()
  logistic_regression.logistic_regression(x, y, ITERATION)

  total = time.time() - start
  util.log_warn("time cost : %s s" % (total*1.0/ITERATION,))
Пример #10
def benchmark_cg(ctx, timer):
  print "#worker:", ctx.num_workers
  l = int(math.sqrt(ctx.num_workers))
  n = 2000 * 16
  #n = 4000 * l
  la = 20
  niter = 5
  tile_hint = (n, n/ctx.num_workers)
  #nonzer = 7
  #nz = n * (nonzer + 1) * (nonzer + 1) + n * (nonzer + 2)
  #density = 0.5 * nz/(n*n)
  A = expr.rand(n, n, tile_hint=tile_hint)
  A = (A + expr.transpose(A))*0.5
  I = expr.sparse_diagonal((n,n), tile_hint=tile_hint) * la
  A = expr.eager(A - I)

  #x1 = numpy_cg(A.glom(), niter)
  util.log_warn('begin cg!')
  t1 = datetime.now()
  x2 = conj_gradient(A, niter).force()
  t2 = datetime.now()
  cost_time = millis(t1,t2)
  print "total cost time:%s ms, per iter cost time:%s ms" % (cost_time, cost_time/niter)
Пример #11
def benchmark_naive_bayes(ctx, timer):
  print "#worker:", ctx.num_workers
  N = 100000 * ctx.num_workers
  D = 128
  # create data
  data = expr.randint(N, D, low=0, high=D, tile_hint=(N/ctx.num_workers, D))
  labels = expr.eager(expr.shuffle(data, _init_label_mapper))
  #util.log_warn('data:%s, label:%s', data.glom(), labels.glom())   
  util.log_warn('begin train')
  t1 = datetime.now()
  model = fit(data, labels, D)
  t2 = datetime.now()
  util.log_warn('train time:%s ms', millis(t1,t2))

  correct = 0
  for i in range(10):
    new_data = expr.randint(1, D, low=0, high=D, tile_hint=(1, D))
    new_label = predict(model, new_data)
    #print 'point %s, predict %s' % (new_data.glom(), new_label)
    new_data = new_data.glom()
    if np.isclose(new_data[0, new_label], np.max(new_data)):
      correct += 1
  print 'predict precision:', correct * 1.0 / 10
Пример #12
def benchmark_svm(ctx, timer):
  print "#worker:", ctx.num_workers
  max_iter = 5
  #N = 200000 * ctx.num_workers
  N = 100000 * 64
  D = 2
  # create data
  data = expr.randn(N, D, dtype=np.float64, tile_hint=[N/ctx.num_workers, D])
  labels = expr.eager(expr.shuffle(data, _init_label_mapper))
  t1 = datetime.now()
  w = fit(data, labels, ctx.num_workers, T=max_iter).force()
  t2 = datetime.now()
  util.log_warn('train time per iteration:%s ms, final w:%s', millis(t1,t2)/max_iter, w.glom().T)
  correct = 0
  for i in range(10):
    new_data = expr.randn(1, D, dtype=np.float64, tile_hint=[1, D])
    new_label = predict(w, new_data)
    #print 'point %s, predict %s' % (new_data.glom(), new_label)
    new_data = new_data.glom()
    if new_data[0,0] >= new_data[0,1] and new_label == 1.0 or new_data[0,0] < new_data[0,1] and new_label == -1.0:
      correct += 1
  print 'predict precision:', correct * 1.0 / 10
Пример #13
  def test_matrix_mult(self):
    N_POINTS = 2000
    x = expr.rand(N_POINTS, N_POINTS, tile_hint=(N_POINTS, N_POINTS / self.ctx.num_workers)).astype(np.float32)
    y = expr.rand(N_POINTS, N_POINTS, tile_hint=(N_POINTS / self.ctx.num_workers, N_POINTS)).astype(np.float32)

    x = expr.eager(x)
    y = expr.eager(y)

    start = time.time()

    for i in range(5):
      res = expr.dot(x, y, tile_hint=(N_POINTS, N_POINTS / self.ctx.num_workers))

    cost = time.time() - start
    self._verify_cost("matrix_mult", cost)
Пример #14
  def test_matrix_mult(self):
    N_POINTS = 2000
    x = expr.rand(N_POINTS, N_POINTS, tile_hint=(N_POINTS, N_POINTS/ self.ctx.num_workers)).astype(np.float32)
    y = expr.rand(N_POINTS, N_POINTS, tile_hint=(N_POINTS / self.ctx.num_workers, N_POINTS)).astype(np.float32)
    x = expr.eager(x)
    y = expr.eager(y)

    start = time.time()

    for i in range(5):
      res = expr.dot(x, y, tile_hint=(N_POINTS, N_POINTS/ self.ctx.num_workers))

    cost = time.time() - start
    self._verify_cost("matrix_mult", cost)
Пример #15
def benchmark_slice(ctx, timer):
  TEST_SIZE = 1000 * ctx.num_workers
  # force arange to evaluate first.
  x = expr.eager(expr.zeros((TEST_SIZE,10000)))

  for i in range(5): 
    timer.time_op('slice-rows', lambda: expr.evaluate(x[200:300, :].sum()))
    timer.time_op('slice-cols', lambda: expr.evaluate(x[:, 200:300].sum()))
    timer.time_op('slice-box', lambda: expr.evaluate(x[200:300, 200:300].sum()))
Пример #16
def benchmark_slice(ctx, timer):
    TEST_SIZE = 1000 * ctx.num_workers

    # force arange to evaluate first.
    x = expr.eager(expr.zeros((TEST_SIZE, 10000)))

    for i in range(5):
        timer.time_op('slice-rows', lambda: expr.evaluate(x[200:300, :].sum()))
        timer.time_op('slice-cols', lambda: expr.evaluate(x[:, 200:300].sum()))
                      lambda: expr.evaluate(x[200:300, 200:300].sum()))
Пример #17
def benchmark_matmul(ctx, timer):
    N = int(1000 * math.pow(ctx.num_workers, 1.0 / 3.0))
    # N = 4000
    M = util.divup(N, ctx.num_workers)
    T = util.divup(N, math.sqrt(ctx.num_workers))

    util.log_info("Testing with %d workers, N = %d, tile_size=%s", ctx.num_workers, N, T)

    # x = expr.eager(expr.ones((N, N), dtype=np.double, tile_hint=(N, M)))
    # y = expr.eager(expr.ones((N, N), dtype=np.double, tile_hint=(N, M)))

    x = expr.eager(expr.ones((N, N), dtype=np.double, tile_hint=(T, T)))
    y = expr.eager(expr.ones((N, N), dtype=np.double, tile_hint=(T, T)))

    # print expr.glom(expr.dot(x, y))
    # print expr.dag(expr.dot(x, y))

    def _step():
        expr.evaluate(expr.dot(x, y))

    timer.time_op("matmul", _step)
Пример #18
def benchmark_linear_regression(ctx, timer):
    N_EXAMPLES = 65536
    N_DIM = 1
    x = expr.rand(N_EXAMPLES, N_DIM, tile_hint=(N_EXAMPLES / N_TILES, N_DIM)).astype(np.float32)

    x = expr.eager(x)

    def _step():
        y = expr.force(x * x)

    for i in range(25):
Пример #19
def benchmark_pr(ctx, timer):
  num_pages = 1000 * 1000 * 3 * ctx.num_workers
  num_outlinks = 10
  density = num_outlinks * 1.0 / num_pages
  same_site_prob = 0.9
  print "#worker:", ctx.num_workers
  col_step = util.divup(num_pages, ctx.num_workers)
  wts_tile_hint = [num_pages, col_step]
  p_tile_hint = [col_step, 1]
  #wts = expr.sparse_diagonal((num_pages, num_pages), dtype=np.float32, tile_hint=wts_tile_hint)
  #wts = expr.eager(
  #         expr.sparse_rand((num_pages, num_pages), 
  #                          density=density, 
  #                          format='csr', 
  #                          dtype=np.float32, 
  #                          tile_hint=wts_tile_hint))

  wts = expr.eager(pagerank_sparse(num_pages, num_outlinks, same_site_prob, wts_tile_hint))
  #res = wts.glom().todense()
  #for i in range(res.shape[0]):
  #  l = []
  #  for j in range(res.shape[1]):
  #    l.append(round(res[i,j],1))
  #  print l
  #p = expr.sparse_empty((num_pages,1), dtype=np.float32, tile_hint=p_tile_hint).force()
  #for i in range(num_pages):
  #  p[i,0] = 1
  #p = expr.sparse_rand((num_pages, 1), density=1.0, format='csc', dtype=np.float32, tile_hint=p_tile_hint)
  p = expr.eager(expr.rand(num_pages, 1, tile_hint=p_tile_hint).astype(np.float32))
  #q = expr.zeros((num_pages, 1), dtype=np.float32, tile_hint=p_tile_hint).force()
  #q[:] = p.glom().todense()
  #q = expr.lazify(q)
  #r = expr.dot(wts, p)
  #print r.glom()
  avg_time = sparse_multiply(wts, p, p_tile_hint)
  print 'baseline:', baseline[ctx.num_workers], 'current benchmark:', avg_time / 1000
Пример #20
def benchmark_linear_regression(ctx, timer):
    N_EXAMPLES = 65536
    N_DIM = 1
    x = expr.rand(N_EXAMPLES, N_DIM,
                  tile_hint=(N_EXAMPLES / N_TILES, N_DIM)).astype(np.float32)

    x = expr.eager(x)

    def _step():
        y = expr.force(x * x)

    for i in range(25):
Пример #21
def benchmark_matmul(ctx, timer):
    N = int(1000 * math.pow(ctx.num_workers, 1.0 / 3.0))
    #N = 4000
    M = util.divup(N, ctx.num_workers)
    T = util.divup(N, math.sqrt(ctx.num_workers))

    util.log_info('Testing with %d workers, N = %d, tile_size=%s',
                  ctx.num_workers, N, T)

    #x = expr.eager(expr.ones((N, N), dtype=np.double, tile_hint=(N, M)))
    #y = expr.eager(expr.ones((N, N), dtype=np.double, tile_hint=(N, M)))

    x = expr.eager(expr.ones((N, N), dtype=np.double, tile_hint=(T, T)))
    y = expr.eager(expr.ones((N, N), dtype=np.double, tile_hint=(T, T)))

    #print expr.glom(expr.dot(x, y))
    #print expr.dag(expr.dot(x, y))

    def _step():
        expr.evaluate(expr.dot(x, y))

    timer.time_op('matmul', _step)
Пример #22
  def test_linear_reg(self):
    N_EXAMPLES = 10 * 1000 * 1000 * self.ctx.num_workers
    N_DIM = 10
    x = expr.rand(N_EXAMPLES, N_DIM,
                  tile_hint=(N_EXAMPLES / self.ctx.num_workers, N_DIM)).astype(np.float32)

    y = expr.rand(N_EXAMPLES, 1,
                  tile_hint=(N_EXAMPLES / self.ctx.num_workers, 1)).astype(np.float32)

    w = np.random.rand(N_DIM, 1).astype(np.float32)
    x = expr.eager(x)
    y = expr.eager(y)

    start = time.time()

    for i in range(5):
      yp = expr.dot(x, w)
      diff = x * (yp - y)
      grad = expr.sum(diff, axis=0, tile_hint=[N_DIM]).glom().reshape((N_DIM, 1))
      w = w - grad * 1e-6

    cost = time.time() - start
    self._verify_cost("linear_reg", cost)
Пример #23
  def test_linear_reg(self):
    N_EXAMPLES =  10 * 1000 * 1000 * self.ctx.num_workers
    N_DIM = 10
    x = expr.rand(N_EXAMPLES, N_DIM, 
                  tile_hint=(N_EXAMPLES / self.ctx.num_workers, N_DIM)).astype(np.float32)
    y = expr.rand(N_EXAMPLES, 1, 
                  tile_hint=(N_EXAMPLES / self.ctx.num_workers, 1)).astype(np.float32)
    w = np.random.rand(N_DIM, 1).astype(np.float32)
    x = expr.eager(x)
    y = expr.eager(y)
    start = time.time()

    for i in range(5):
      yp = expr.dot(x, w)
      diff = x * (yp - y)
      grad = expr.sum(diff, axis=0, tile_hint=[N_DIM]).glom().reshape((N_DIM, 1))
      w = w - grad * 1e-6

    cost = time.time() - start
    self._verify_cost("linear_reg", cost)
Пример #24
def test_convnet(ctx):
  hint = util.divup(64, sqrt(ctx.num_workers))

  images = expr.eager(expr.ones((N_IMGS,) + IMG_SIZE,
                                tile_hint=(N_IMGS, N_COLORS, hint, hint)))

  w1 = expr.eager(expr.ones((N_FILTERS, N_COLORS) + FILTER_SIZE,

  conv1 = stencil.stencil(images, w1, 2)
  pool1 = stencil.maxpool(conv1)

  w2 = expr.eager(expr.ones((N_FILTERS, N_FILTERS) + FILTER_SIZE,

  conv2 = stencil.stencil(pool1, w2, 2)
  pool2 = stencil.maxpool(conv2)

  w3 = expr.eager(expr.ones((N_FILTERS, N_FILTERS) + FILTER_SIZE,
  conv3 = stencil.stencil(pool2, w3, 2)
  pool3 = stencil.maxpool(conv3)

Пример #25
def benchmark_als(ctx, timer):
  print "#worker:", ctx.num_workers
  #USER_SIZE = 400 * ctx.num_workers
  USER_SIZE = 200 * 64
  MOVIE_SIZE = 12800
  num_features = 20
  num_iter = 5
  A = expr.eager(expr.randint(USER_SIZE, MOVIE_SIZE, low=0, high=5, tile_hint=(USER_SIZE/ctx.num_workers, MOVIE_SIZE)))
  util.log_warn('begin als!')
  t1 = datetime.now()
  U, M = als(A, implicit_feedback=True, num_features=num_features, num_iter=num_iter)
  t2 = datetime.now()
  cost_time = millis(t1,t2)
  print "total cost time:%s ms, per iter cost time:%s ms" % (cost_time, cost_time/num_iter)
Пример #26
  def test_pagerank(self):
    PAGES_PER_WORKER = 1000000
    num_pages = PAGES_PER_WORKER * self.ctx.num_workers

    wts = expr.shuffle(
          (num_pages, num_pages),
          tile_hint=(num_pages, PAGES_PER_WORKER / 8)),

    start = time.time()

    p = expr.eager(expr.ones((num_pages, 1), tile_hint=(PAGES_PER_WORKER / 8, 1),

    expr.dot(wts, p, tile_hint=(PAGES_PER_WORKER / 8, 1)).evaluate()

    cost = time.time() - start
    self._verify_cost("pagerank", cost)
Пример #27
 def setUp(self):
     if not hasattr(self, 'current'):
         self.current = eager(expr.abs(10 + expr.randn(10)))
         self.strike = eager(expr.abs(20 + expr.randn(10)))
Пример #28
 def setUp(self):
   if not hasattr(self, 'current'):
     self.current = eager(expr.abs(10 + expr.randn(10)))
     self.strike = eager(expr.abs(20 + expr.randn(10)))
Пример #29
def run(N_EXAMPLES, N_DIM, iterations):
  x = expr.eager(expr.rand(N_EXAMPLES, N_DIM, tile_hint=(N_EXAMPLES / 10, 10)))
  y = expr.eager(expr.rand(N_EXAMPLES, 1, tile_hint=(N_EXAMPLES / 10, 1)))
  linear_regression(x, y, iterations)
Пример #30
def find_change(arr, threshold=0.5):
  diff = abs(arr[1:] - arr[:-1])
  diff = eager(diff)
  return diff[diff > threshold]