Пример #1
def timespan_sql_no_dateinfo(
        corpus: Corpus = Corpus(),
        out: Export = Export("korp_timespan/timespan.sql"),
        docs: AllDocuments = AllDocuments(),
        token: AnnotationAllDocs = AnnotationAllDocs("<token>")):
    """Create timespan SQL data for use in Korp."""
    corpus_name = corpus.upper()
    token_count = 0

    for doc in docs:
        tokens = token.read_spans(doc)
        token_count += len(list(tokens))

    rows_date = [{
        "corpus": corpus_name,
        "datefrom": "0" * 8,
        "dateto": "0" * 8,
        "tokens": token_count
    rows_datetime = [{
        "corpus": corpus_name,
        "datefrom": "0" * 14,
        "dateto": "0" * 14,
        "tokens": token_count

    create_sql(corpus_name, out, rows_date, rows_datetime)
Пример #2
def info_sentences(
        out: OutputCommonData = OutputCommonData("cwb.sentencecount"),
        sentence: AnnotationAllDocs = AnnotationAllDocs("<sentence>"),
        docs: AllDocuments = AllDocuments()):
    """Determine how many sentences there are in the corpus."""
    # Read sentence annotation and count the sentences
    sentence_count = 0
    for doc in docs:
            sentence_count += len(list(sentence.read_spans(doc)))
        except FileNotFoundError:

    if sentence_count == 0:
        log.info("No sentence information found in corpus")

    # Write sentencecount data