Пример #1
    def itorque(self, q, qdd):
        Inertia torque

        :param q: Joint coordinates
        :type q: ndarray(n)
        :param qdd: Joint acceleration
        :type qdd: ndarray(n)

        :return: The inertia torque vector
        :rtype: ndarray(n)

        ``itorque(q, qdd)`` is the inertia force/torque vector (n) at
        the specified joint configuration q (n) and acceleration qdd (n), and
        ``n`` is the number of robot joints.
        It is :math:`\mathbf{I}(q) \ddot{q}`.


        .. runblock:: pycon

            >>> import roboticstoolbox as rtb
            >>> puma = rtb.models.DH.Puma560()
            >>> puma.itorque(puma.qz, 0.5 * np.ones((6,)))

        **Trajectory operation**

        If ``q`` and ``qdd`` are matrices (m,n), each row is interpretted as a
        joint configuration, and the result is a matrix (m,n) where each row is
        the corresponding joint torques.

        .. note:: If the robot model contains non-zero motor inertia then this
              will be included in the result.

        :seealso: :func:`inertia`

        q = getmatrix(q, (None, self.n))
        qdd = getmatrix(qdd, (None, self.n))
        if q.shape[0] != qdd.shape[0]:
            raise ValueError('q and qdd must have the same number of rows')

        taui = np.zeros((q.shape[0], self.n))

        for k, (qk, qddk) in enumerate(zip(q, qdd)):
            taui[k, :] = self.rne(qk,
                                  gravity=[0, 0, 0])

        if q.shape[0] == 1:
            return taui[0, :]
            return taui
Пример #2
def plot_sphere(radius, centre=(0, 0, 0), pose=None, resolution=50, ax=None, **kwargs):
    Plot a sphere using matplotlib

    :param centre: centre of sphere, defaults to (0, 0, 0)
    :type centre: array_like(3), ndarray(3,N), optional
    :param radius: radius of sphere, defaults to 1
    :type radius: float, optional
    :param resolution: number of points on circumferece, defaults to 50
    :type resolution: int, optional

    :param pose: pose of sphere, defaults to None
    :type pose: SE3, optional
    :param ax: axes to draw into, defaults to None
    :type ax: Axes3D, optional
    :param filled: draw filled polygon, else wireframe, defaults to False
    :type filled: bool, optional
    :param kwargs: arguments passed to ``plot_wireframe`` or ``plot_surface``

    :return: matplotlib collection
    :rtype: list of Line3DCollection or Poly3DCollection

    Plot one or more spheres. If ``centre`` is a 3xN array, then each column is
    taken as the centre of a sphere.  All spheres have the same radius, color


    .. runblock:: pycon

        >>> from spatialmath.base import plot_sphere
        >>> plot_sphere(1, 'r')   # red sphere wireframe
        >>> plot_sphere(1, centre=(1,1,1), filled=True, facecolor='b')

    :seealso: :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot_surface`, :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot_wireframe`
    ax = axes_logic(ax, 3)

    centre = base.getmatrix(centre, (3, None))

    handles = []
    for c in centre.T:
        X, Y, Z = sphere(centre=c, radius=radius, resolution=resolution)

        if pose is not None:
            xc = X.reshape((-1,))
            yc = Y.reshape((-1,))
            zc = Z.reshape((-1,))
            xyz = np.array((xc, yc, zc))
            xyz = pose * xyz
            X = xyz[0, :].reshape(x.shape)
            Y = xyz[1, :].reshape(y.shape)
            Z = xyz[2, :].reshape(z.shape)

        handles.append(_render3D(ax, X, Y, Z, **kwargs))

    return handles
Пример #3
    def inertia(self, q=None):
        DHRobot.INERTIA Manipulator inertia matrix

        :param q: Joint coordinates
        :type q: ndarray(n)

        :return: The inertia matrix
        :rtype: ndarray(n,n)

        ``inertia(q)`` is the symmetric joint inertia matrix (n,n) which
        relates joint torque to joint acceleration for the robot at joint
        configuration q.


        .. runblock:: pycon

            >>> import roboticstoolbox as rtb
            >>> puma = rtb.models.DH.Puma560()
            >>> puma.inertia(puma.qz)

        **Trajectory operation**

        If ``q`` is a matrix (m,n), each row is interpretted as a joint state
        vector, and the result is a 3d-matrix (nxnxk) where each plane
        corresponds to the inertia for the corresponding row of q.

        .. note::
            - The diagonal elements ``I[j,j]`` are the inertia seen by joint
              actuator ``j``.
            - The off-diagonal elements ``I[j,k]`` are coupling inertias that
              relate acceleration on joint ``j`` to force/torque on
              joint ``k``.
            - The diagonal terms include the motor inertia reflected through
              the gear ratio.

        :seealso: :func:`cinertia`
        q = getmatrix(q, (None, self.n))

        In = np.zeros((q.shape[0], self.n, self.n))

        for k, qk in enumerate(q):
            In[k, :, :] = self.rne(
                (np.c_[qk] @ np.ones((1, self.n))).T,
                np.zeros((self.n, self.n)),
                gravity=[0, 0, 0])

        if q.shape[0] == 1:
            return In[0, :, :]
            return In
    def __init__(self, m=None, r=None, I=None):
        Create a new spatial inertia

        :param m: mass
        :type m: float
        :param r: centre of mass relative to link frame
        :type r: 3-element array_like
        :param I: inertia about the centre of mass, axes aligned with link frame
        :type I: numpy.array, shape=(6,6)

        - ``SpatialInertia(m, r I)`` is a spatial inertia object for a rigid-body
          with mass ``m``, centre of mass at ``r`` relative to the link frame, and an
          inertia matrix ``I`` (3x3) about the centre of mass.

        - ``SpatialInertia(I)`` is a spatial inertia object with a value equal
          to ``I`` (6x6).

        :SymPy: supported

        if m is None and r is None and I is None:
            # no arguments
            I = SpatialInertia._identity()
        elif m is not None and r is None and I is None and base.ismatrix(
                m, (6, 6)):
            I = base.getmatrix(m, (6, 6))
        elif m is not None and r is not None:
            r = base.getvector(r, 3)
            if I is None:
                I = np.zeros((3, 3))
                I = base.getmatrix(I, (3, 3))
            C = base.skew(r)
            M = np.diag((m, ) * 3)  # sym friendly
            I = np.block([[M, m * C.T], [m * C, I + m * C @ C.T]])
            raise ValueError('bad values')

        self.data = [I]
def colorconvert(image, src, dst):

    flag = _convertflag(src, dst)

    if isinstance(image, np.ndarray) and image.ndim == 3:
        # its a color image
        return cv.cvtColor(image, flag)
    elif base.ismatrix(image, (None, 3)):
        # not an image, see if it's Nx3
        image = base.getmatrix(image, (None, 3), dtype=np.float32)
        image = image.reshape((-1, 1, 3))
        return cv.cvtColor(image, flag).reshape((-1, 3))
Пример #6
    def gravload(self, q=None, gravity=None):
        Compute gravity load

        :param q: Joint coordinates
        :type q: ndarray(n)
        :param gravity: Gravitational acceleration (Optional, if not supplied will
            use the stored gravity values).
        :type gravity: ndarray(3)

        :return: The generalised joint force/torques due to gravity
        :rtype: ndarray(n)

        ``robot.gravload(q)`` calculates the joint gravity loading (n) for
        the robot in the joint configuration ``q`` and using the default
        gravitational acceleration specified in the DHRobot object.

        ``robot.gravload(q, gravity=g)`` as above except the gravitational
        acceleration is explicitly specified as ``g``.


        .. runblock:: pycon

            >>> import roboticstoolbox as rtb
            >>> puma = rtb.models.DH.Puma560()
            >>> puma.gravload(puma.qz)

        **Trajectory operation**

        If q is a matrix (nxm) each column is interpreted as a joint
        configuration vector, and the result is a matrix (nxm) each column
        being the corresponding joint torques.


        q = getmatrix(q, (None, self.n))

        if gravity is None:
            gravity = self.gravity
            gravity = getvector(gravity, 3)

        taug = np.zeros((q.shape[0], self.n))
        z = np.zeros(self.n)

        for k, qk in enumerate(q):
            taug[k, :] = self.rne(qk, z, z, gravity=gravity)

        if q.shape[0] == 1:
            return taug[0, :]
            return taug
    def cinertia(self, q=None):
        Cartesian manipulator inertia matrix

        :param q: Joint coordinates
        :type q: ndarray(n)

        :return: The inertia matrix
        :rtype: ndarray(6,6)

        ``robot.cinertia(q)`` is the Cartesian (operational space) inertia
        matrix which relates Cartesian force/torque to Cartesian
        acceleration at the joint configuration q.

        :math:`\mathbf{M} = {\mathbf{J}(q)^+}^T \mathbf{I}(q) \mathbf{J}(q)^+


        .. runblock:: pycon

            >>> import roboticstoolbox as rtb
            >>> puma = rtb.models.DH.Puma560()
            >>> puma.cinertia(puma.qz)

        **Trajectory operation**

        If ``q`` is a matrix (m,n), each row is interpretted as a joint state
        vector, and the result is a 3d-matrix (n,n,m) where each plane
        corresponds to the Cartesian inertia for the corresponding
        row of ``q``.

        .. warning:: Assumes that the operational space has 6 DOF.

        :seealso: :func:`inertia`
        q = getmatrix(q, (None, self.n))

        Mt = np.zeros((q.shape[0], 6, 6))

        for k, qk in enumerate(q):
            J = self.jacob0(qk)
            Ji = np.linalg.pinv(J)
            M = self.inertia(qk)
            Mt[k, :, :] = Ji.T @ M @ Ji

        if q.shape[0] == 1:
            return Mt[0, :, :]
            return Mt
Пример #8
def plot_homline(lines, *args, ax=None, **kwargs):
    Plot a homogeneous line using matplotlib

    :param lines: homgeneous lines
    :type lines: array_like(3), ndarray(3,N)
    :param ax: axes to plot in, defaults to ``gca()``
    :type ax: Axis, optional
    :param kwargs: arguments passed to ``plot``
    :return: matplotlib object
    :rtype: list of Line2D instances

    Draws the 2D line given in homogeneous form :math:`\ell[0] x + \ell[1] y + \ell[2] = 0` in the current
    2D axes.

    .. warning: A set of 2D axes must exist in order that the axis limits can
        be obtained. The line is drawn from edge to edge.

    If ``lines`` is a 3xN array then ``N`` lines are drawn, one per column.


    .. runblock:: pycon

        >>> from spatialmath.base import plotvol2, plot_homline
        >>> plotvol2(5)
        >>> plot_homline((1, -2, 3))
        >>> plot_homline((1, -2, 3), 'k--') # dashed black line
    ax = axes_logic(ax, 2)
    # get plot limits from current graph
    xlim = np.r_[ax.get_xlim()]
    ylim = np.r_[ax.get_ylim()]

    lines = base.getmatrix(lines, (None, 3))

    handles = []
    for line in lines:
        if abs(line[1]) > abs(line[0]):
            y = (-line[2] - line[0] * xlim) / line[1]
            ax.plot(xlim, y, *args, **kwargs)
            x = (-line[2] - line[1] * ylim) / line[0]
            handles.append(ax.plot(x, ylim, *args, **kwargs))

    return handles
Пример #9
    def project(self, P, pose=None, objpose=None):
        Central projection for now
        P world points or image plane points in column vectors only

        P = getmatrix(P, (3,None))
        if P.shape[0] == 3:
            # for 3D world points
            if pose is None:
                C = self.C
                C = self.getC(SE3(pose))
            ip = h2e(C @ e2h(P))
        elif P.shape[0] == 2:
            # for 2D imageplane points
            ip = P
        return ip
Пример #10
def plot_circle(
    radius, *fmt, centre=(0, 0), resolution=50, ax=None, filled=False, **kwargs
    Plot a circle using matplotlib

    :param centre: centre of circle, defaults to (0,0)
    :type centre: array_like(2), optional
    :param args:
    :param radius: radius of circle
    :type radius: float
    :param resolution: number of points on circumferece, defaults to 50
    :type resolution: int, optional
    :return: the matplotlib object
    :rtype: list of Line2D or Patch.Polygon

    Plot or more circles. If ``centre`` is a 3xN array, then each column is
    taken as the centre of a circle.  All circles have the same radius, color


    .. runblock:: pycon

        >>> from spatialmath.base import plotvol2, plot_circle
        >>> plotvol2(5)
        >>> plot_circle(1, 'r')  # red circle
        >>> plot_circle(2, 'b--')  # blue dashed circle
        >>> plot_circle(0.5, filled=True, facecolor='y')  # yellow filled circle
    centres = base.getmatrix(centre, (2, None))

    ax = axes_logic(ax, 2)
    handles = []
    for centre in centres.T:
        xy = circle(centre, radius, resolution)
        if filled:
            patch = plt.Polygon(xy.T, **kwargs)
            handles.append(ax.plot(xy[0, :], xy[1, :], *fmt, **kwargs))
    return handles
Пример #11
    def visjac_p(self, uv, Z):
        Image Jacobian for point features (interaction matrix)
        Returns a 2Nx6 matrix of stacked Jacobians, one per image-plane point.
        uv is a 2xN matrix of image plane points
        Z  is the depth of the corresponding world points. Can be scalar, same distance to every
        point, or a vector or list of length N.
        * A tutorial on Visual Servo Control", Hutchinson, Hager & Corke, 
            IEEE Trans. R&A, Vol 12(5), Oct, 1996, pp 651-670.
        * Robotics, Vision & Control, Corke, Springer 2017, Chap 15.
        uv = base.getmatrix(uv, (2, None))

        Z = base.getvector(Z)
        if len(Z) == 1:
            Z = np.repeat(Z, uv.shape[1])
        elif len(Z) != uv.shape[1]:
                raise ValueError('Z must be a scalar or have same number of columns as uv')
        L = np.empty((0, 6))  # empty matrix

        K = self.K
        Kinv = np.linalg.inv(K)
        for z, p in zip(Z, uv.T):  # iterate over each column (point)

            # convert to normalized image-plane coordinates
            x, y, _ = Kinv @ base.e2h(p)

            # 2x6 Jacobian for this point
            Lp = K[:2,:2] @ np.array(
                [ [-1/z,  0,     x/z, x * y,      -(1 + x**2), y],
                  [ 0,   -1/z,   y/z, (1 + y**2), -x*y,       -x] ])

            # stack them vertically
            L = np.vstack([L, Lp])

        return L
Пример #12
    def rne_dh(self,
        Compute inverse dynamics via recursive Newton-Euler formulation

        :param Q: Joint coordinates
        :param QD: Joint velocity
        :param QDD: Joint acceleration
        :param grav: [description], defaults to None
        :type grav: [type], optional
        :param fext: end-effector wrench, defaults to None
        :type fext: 6-element array-like, optional
        :param debug: print debug information to console, defaults to False
        :type debug: bool, optional
        :param basewrench: compute the base wrench, defaults to False
        :type basewrench: bool, optional
        :raises ValueError: for misshaped inputs
        :return: Joint force/torques
        :rtype: NumPy array

        Recursive Newton-Euler for standard Denavit-Hartenberg notation.

        - ``rne_dh(q, qd, qdd)`` where the arguments have shape (n,) where n is the
        number of robot joints.  The result has shape (n,).
        - ``rne_dh(q, qd, qdd)`` where the arguments have shape (m,n) where n is the
        number of robot joints and where m is the number of steps in the joint
        trajectory.  The result has shape (m,n).
        - ``rne_dh(p)`` where the input is a 1D array ``p`` = [q, qd, qdd] with 
        shape (3n,), and the result has shape (n,).
        - ``rne_dh(p)`` where the input is a 2D array ``p`` = [q, qd, qdd] with
        shape (m,3n) and the result has shape (m,n).

        .. notes::
        - this is a pure Python implementation and slower than the .rne() which
            is written in C.
        - this version supports symbolic model parameters
        - verified against MATLAB code
        def removesmall(x):
            return x

        n = self.n

        if self.symbolic:
            dtype = 'O'
            dtype = None

        z0 = np.array([0, 0, 1], dtype=dtype)

        if grav is None:
            grav = self.gravity  # default gravity from the object
            grav = getvector(grav, 3)

        if fext is None:
            fext = np.zeros((6, ), dtype=dtype)
            fext = getvector(fext, 6)

        if debug:
            print('grav', grav)
            print('fext', fext)

        # unpack the joint coordinates and derivatives
        if Q is not None and QD is None and QDD is None:
            # single argument case
            Q = getmatrix(Q, (None, self.n * 3))
            q = Q[:, 0:n]
            qd = Q[:, n:2 * n]
            qdd = Q[:, 2 * n:]

            # 3 argument case
            q = getmatrix(Q, (None, self.n))
            qd = getmatrix(QD, (None, self.n))
            qdd = getmatrix(QDD, (None, self.n))

        nk = q.shape[0]

        tau = np.zeros((nk, n), dtype=dtype)
        if basewrench:
            wbase = np.zeros((nk, n), dtype=dtype)

        for k in range(nk):
            # take the k'th row of data
            q_k = q[k, :]
            qd_k = qd[k, :]
            qdd_k = qdd[k, :]

            if debug:
                print('q_k', q_k)
                print('qd_k', qd_k)
                print('qdd_k', qdd_k)

            # joint vector quantities stored columwise in matrix
            #  m suffix for matrix
            Fm = np.zeros((3, n), dtype=dtype)
            Nm = np.zeros((3, n), dtype=dtype)
            # if robot.issym
            #     pstarm = sym([]);
            # else
            #     pstarm = [];
            pstarm = np.zeros((3, n), dtype=dtype)
            Rm = []

            # rotate base velocity and acceleration into L1 frame
            Rb = t2r(self.base.A).T
            w = Rb @ np.zeros(
                (3, ), dtype=dtype)  # base has zero angular velocity
            wd = Rb @ np.zeros(
                (3, ), dtype=dtype)  # base has zero angular acceleration
            vd = Rb @ grav

            # ----------------  initialize some variables -------------------- #

            for j in range(n):
                link = self.links[j]

                # compute the link rotation matrix
                if link.sigma == 0:
                    # revolute axis
                    Tj = link.A(q_k[j]).A
                    d = link.d
                    # prismatic
                    Tj = link.A(link.theta).A
                    d = q_k[j]

                # compute pstar:
                #   O_{j-1} to O_j in {j}, negative inverse of link xform
                alpha = link.alpha
                pstarm[:, j] = np.r_[link.a, d * sym.sin(alpha),
                                     d * sym.cos(alpha)]

            # -----------------  the forward recursion ----------------------- #

            for j, link in enumerate(self.links):

                Rt = Rm[j].T  # transpose!!
                pstar = pstarm[:, j]
                r = link.r

                # statement order is important here

                if link.isrevolute() == 0:
                    # revolute axis
                    wd = Rt @ (wd + z0 * qdd_k[j] \
                         + _cross(w, z0 * qd_k[j]))
                    w = Rt @ (w + z0 * qd_k[j])
                    vd = _cross(wd, pstar) \
                         + _cross(w, _cross(w, pstar)) \
                         + Rt @ vd
                    # prismatic axis
                    w = Rt @ w
                    wd = Rt @ wd
                    vd = Rt @  (z0 * qdd_k[j] + vd) \
                         + _cross(wd, pstar) \
                         + 2 * _cross(w, Rt @ z0 * qd_k[j]) \
                         + _cross(w, _cross(w, pstar))

                vhat = _cross(wd, r) \
                       + _cross(w, _cross(w, r)) \
                       + vd
                Fm[:, j] = link.m * vhat
                Nm[:, j] = link.I @ wd + _cross(w, link.I @ w)

                if debug:
                    print('w:     ', removesmall(w))
                    print('wd:    ', removesmall(wd))
                    print('vd:    ', removesmall(vd))
                    print('vdbar: ', removesmall(vhat))

            if debug:
                print('Fm\n', Fm)
                print('Nm\n', Nm)

            # -----------------  the backward recursion ----------------------- #

            f = fext[:3]  # force/moments on end of arm
            nn = fext[3:]

            for j in range(n - 1, -1, -1):
                link = self.links[j]
                pstar = pstarm[:, j]

                # order of these statements is important, since both
                # nn and f are functions of previous f.
                if j == (n - 1):
                    R = np.eye(3, dtype=dtype)
                    R = Rm[j + 1]

                r = link.r
                nn = R @ (nn + _cross(R.T @ pstar, f)) \
                     + _cross(pstar + r, Fm[:,j]) \
                     + Nm[:,j]
                f = R @ f + Fm[:, j]

                if debug:
                    print('f: ', removesmall(f))
                    print('n: ', removesmall(nn))

                R = Rm[j]
                if link.isrevolute():
                    # revolute axis
                    t = nn @ (R.T @ z0)
                    # prismatic
                    t = f @ (R.T @ z0)

                # add joint inertia and friction
                #  no Coulomb friction if model is symbolic
                tau[k, j] = t \
                            + link.G ** 2 * link.Jm * qdd_k[j] \
                            - link.friction(qd_k[j], coulomb=not self.symbolic)
                if debug:
                        f'j={j:}, G={link.G:}, Jm={link.Jm:}, friction={link.friction(qd_k[j], coulomb=False):}'

            # compute the base wrench and save it
            if basewrench:
                R = Rm[0]
                nn = R @ nn
                f = R @ f
                wbase[k, :] = np.r_[f, nn]

        if self.symbolic:
            # simplify symbolic expressions
            print('start simplification')
            t0 = time()
            from sympy import trigsimp

            tau = trigsimp(tau)
            # consider using multiprocessing to spread over cores
            #  https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33844085/using-multiprocessing-with-sympy
            print(f'done simplification after {time() - t0:} sec')
            if tau.shape[0] == 1:
                return tau.flatten()
                return tau

        if tau.shape[0] == 1:
            return tau  #.flatten()
            return tau
Пример #13
    def coriolis(self, q, qd):
        Coriolis and centripetal term

        :param q: Joint coordinates
        :type q: ndarray(n)
        :param qd: Joint velocity
        :type qd: ndarray(n)
        :return: Velocity matrix
        :rtype: ndarray(n,n)

        ``coriolis(q, qd)`` calculates the Coriolis/centripetal matrix (n,n)
        for the robot in configuration ``q`` and velocity ``qd``, where ``n``
        is the number of joints.

        The product :math:`\mathbf{C} \dot{q}` is the vector of joint
        force/torque due to velocity coupling. The diagonal elements are due to
        centripetal effects and the off-diagonal elements are due to Coriolis
        effects. This matrix is also known as the velocity coupling matrix,
        since it describes the disturbance forces on any joint due to
        velocity of all other joints.


        .. runblock:: pycon

            >>> import roboticstoolbox as rtb
            >>> puma = rtb.models.DH.Puma560()
            >>> puma.coriolis(puma.qz, 0.5 * np.ones((6,)))

        **Trajectory operation**

        If ``q`` and `qd` are matrices (m,n), each row is interpretted as a
        joint configuration, and the result (n,n,m) is a 3d-matrix where
        each plane corresponds to a row of ``q`` and ``qd``.

        .. note::
            - Joint viscous friction is also a joint force proportional to
              velocity but it is eliminated in the computation of this value.
            - Computationally slow, involves :math:`n^2/2` invocations of RNE.

        q = getmatrix(q, (None, self.n))
        qd = getmatrix(qd, (None, self.n))
        if q.shape[0] != qd.shape[0]:
            raise ValueError('q and qd must have the same number of rows')

        # ensure that friction doesn't enter the mix, it's also a velocity
        # dependent force/torque
        r1 = self.nofriction(True, True)

        C = np.zeros((q.shape[0], self.n, self.n))
        Csq = np.zeros((q.shape[0], self.n, self.n))

        # Find the torques that depend on a single finite joint speed,
        # these are due to the squared (centripetal) terms
        # set QD = [1 0 0 ...] then resulting torque is due to qd_1^2
        for k, qk in enumerate(q):
            for i in range(self.n):
                QD = np.zeros(self.n)
                QD[i] = 1
                tau = r1.rne(qk, QD, np.zeros(self.n), grav=[0, 0, 0])
                Csq[k, :, i] = Csq[k, :, i] + tau

        # Find the torques that depend on a pair of finite joint speeds,
        # these are due to the product (Coriolis) terms
        # set QD = [1 1 0 ...] then resulting torque is due to
        # qd_1 qd_2 + qd_1^2 + qd_2^2
        for k, (qk, qdk) in enumerate(zip(q, qd)):
            for i in range(self.n):
                for j in range(i + 1, self.n):
                    # Find a product term  qd_i * qd_j
                    QD = np.zeros(self.n)
                    QD[i] = 1
                    QD[j] = 1
                    tau = r1.rne(qk, QD, np.zeros(self.n), grav=[0, 0, 0])

                    C[k, :, j] = C[k, :, j] + \
                        (tau - Csq[k, :, j] - Csq[k, :, i]) * qdk[i] / 2

                    C[k, :, i] = C[k, :, i] + \
                        (tau - Csq[k, :, j] - Csq[k, :, i]) * qdk[j] / 2

            C[k, :, :] = C[k, :, :] + Csq[k, :, :] @ np.diag(qdk)

        if q.shape[0] == 1:
            return C[0, :, :]
            return C
Пример #14
    def project(self, P, pose=None, objpose=None, visibility=False):
        Project world points to image plane

        :param P: 3D points to project into camera image plane
        :type P: array_like(3), array_like(3,n)
        :param pose: camera pose with respect to the world frame, defaults to
            camera's ``pose`` attribute
        :type pose: SE3, optional
        :param objpose:  3D point reference frame, defaults to world frame
        :type objpose: SE3, optional
        :param visibility: test if points are visible, default False
        :type visibility: bool
        :raises ValueError: [description]
        :return: image plane points
        :rtype: ndarray(2,n)

        If ``pose`` is specified it is used for the camera pose instead of the
        attribute ``pose``.  The objects attribute is not updated.

        The points ``P`` are by default with respect to the world frame, but 
        they can be transformed 
        If points are behind the camera, the image plane points are set to
        if ``visibility`` is True then check whether the projected point lies in
        the bounds of the image plane.  Return two values: the image plane
        coordinates and an array of booleans indicating if the corresponding
        point is visible.

        If ``P`` is a Plucker object, then each value is projected into a 
        2D line in homogeneous form :math:`p[0] u + p[1] v + p[2] = 0`.

        P = base.getmatrix(P, (3,None))

        if pose is None:
            pose = self.pose

        C = self.getC(pose)

        if isinstance(P, np.ndarray):
            # project 3D points

            if objpose is not None:
                P = objpose * P

            x = C @ base.e2h(P)

            x[2,x[2,:]<0] = np.nan  # points behind the camera are set to NaN

            x = base.h2e(x)

            # if self._distortion is not None:
            #     x = self.distort(x)
            # if self._noise is not None:
            #     # add Gaussian noise with specified standard deviation
            #     x += np.diag(self._noise) * np.random.randn(x.shape)

            #  do visibility check if required
            if visibility:
                visible = ~np.isnan(x[0,:]) \
                    & (x[0,:] >= 0) \
                    & (x[1,:] >= 0) \
                    & (x[0,:] < self.nu) \
                    & (x[1,:] < self.nv)
                return x, visibility
                return x

        elif isinstance(P, Plucker):
            # project Plucker lines

            x = np.empty(shape=(3, 0))
            for p in P:
                l = base.vex( C * p.skew * C.T)
                x = np.c_[x, l / np.max(np.abs(l))] # normalize by largest element
            return x