def _import(self, value, check=True):
     if isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and self.isvalid(value, check=check):
         if value.shape == (4, 4):
             # it's an se(3)
             return base.vexa(value)
         elif value.shape == (6, ):
             # it's a twist vector
             return value
     elif base.ishom(value, check=check):
         return base.trlog(value, twist=True, check=False)
     raise TypeError('bad type passed')
Пример #2
    def isvalid(x, check=True):
        Test if matrix is a valid SE(3)

        :param x: matrix to test
        :type x: numpy.ndarray
        :return: ``True`` if the matrix is 4x4 and a valid element of SE(3), ie. it
                 is a valid homogeneous transformation matrix.
        :rtype: bool

        :seealso: :func:`~spatialmath.base.transforms3d.ishom`
        return base.ishom(x, check=check)
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, s=None, v=None, norm=True, check=True):
        Construct a UnitQuaternion object

        :arg norm: explicitly normalize the quaternion [default True]
        :type norm: bool
        :arg check: explicitly check dimension of passed lists [default True]
        :type check: bool
        :return: new unit uaternion
        :rtype: UnitQuaternion
        :raises: ValueError

        Single element quaternion:

        - ``UnitQuaternion()`` constructs the identity quaternion 1<0,0,0>
        - ``UnitQuaternion(s, v)`` constructs a unit quaternion with specified
          real ``s`` and ``v`` vector parts. ``v`` is a 3-vector given as a
          list, tuple, numpy.ndarray
        - ``UnitQuaternion(v)`` constructs a unit quaternion with specified
          elements from ``v`` which is a 4-vector given as a list, tuple, numpy.ndarray
        - ``UnitQuaternion(R)`` constructs a unit quaternion from an orthonormal
          rotation matrix given as a 3x3 numpy.ndarray. If ``check`` is True
          test the matrix for orthogonality.

        Multi-element quaternion:

        - ``UnitQuaternion(V)`` constructs a unit quaternion list with specified
          elements from ``V`` which is an Nx4 numpy.ndarray, each row is a
          quaternion.  If ``norm`` is True explicitly normalize each row.
        - ``UnitQuaternion(L)`` constructs a unit quaternion list from a list
          of 4-element numpy.ndarrays.  If ``check`` is True test each element
          of the list is a 4-vector. If ``norm`` is True explicitly normalize
          each vector.

        if s is None and v is None:
   = [quat.eye()]

        elif argcheck.isscalar(s) and argcheck.isvector(v, 3):
            q = np.r_[s, argcheck.getvector(v)]
            if norm:
                q = quat.unit(q)
   = [q]

        elif argcheck.isvector(s, 4):
            #print('uq constructor 4vec')
            q = argcheck.getvector(s)
            # if norm:
            #     q = quat.unit(q)
            # print(q)
   = [quat.unit(s)]

        elif isinstance(s, list):
            if isinstance(s[0], np.ndarray):
                if check:
                    assert argcheck.isvectorlist(
                        s, 4), 'list must comprise 4-vectors'
       = s
            elif isinstance(s[0], p3d.SO3):
       = [quat.r2q(x.R) for x in s]

            elif isinstance(s[0], self.__class__):
                # possibly a list of objects of same type
                assert all(map(lambda x: isinstance(x, type(self)),
                               s)), 'all elements of list must have same type'
       = [x._A for x in s]
                raise ValueError('incorrect list')

        elif isinstance(s, p3d.SO3):
   = [quat.r2q(s.R)]

        elif isinstance(s, np.ndarray) and tr.isrot(s, check=check):
   = [quat.r2q(s)]

        elif isinstance(s, np.ndarray) and tr.ishom(s, check=check):
   = [quat.r2q(tr.t2r(s))]

        elif isinstance(s, np.ndarray) and s.shape[1] == 4:
            if norm:
       = [quat.qnorm(x) for x in s]
       = [x for x in s]

        elif isinstance(s, UnitQuaternion):
            raise ValueError('bad argument to UnitQuaternion constructor')