Пример #1
    def test_loop_exp_frq_cpmg(self):
        """Unit test of the loop_exp_frq() function.

        This uses the data of the saved state attached to U{bug #21665<https://gna.org/bugs/?21665>}.

        # Load the state.
        statefile = status.install_path + sep+'test_suite'+sep+'shared_data'+sep+'dispersion'+sep+'bug_21665.bz2'
        state.load_state(statefile, force=True)

        # Original data (exp_type, frq).
        data = [
            ['SQ CPMG', 499862140.0],
            ['SQ CPMG', 599890858.69999993]

        # Original indices (ei, mi).
        indices = [
            [0, 0],
            [0, 1]

        # Check the number of iterations.
        print("Checking the number of iterations of the loop.")
        count = 0
        for exp_type, frq, ei, mi in loop_exp_frq(return_indices=True):
            print(exp_type, frq, ei, mi)
            count += 1
        self.assertEqual(count, 2)

        # Check the values.
        print("Checking the values returned by the loop.")
        index = 0
        for exp_type, frq, ei, mi in loop_exp_frq(return_indices=True):
            # Check the experiment info.
            self.assertEqual(exp_type, data[index][0])
            self.assertEqual(ei, indices[index][0])

            # Check the frequency info.
            self.assertEqual(frq, data[index][1])
            self.assertEqual(mi, indices[index][1])

            # Increment the data index.
            index += 1
Пример #2
    def test_loop_exp_frq_cpmg(self):
        """Unit test of the loop_exp_frq() function.

        This uses the data of the saved state attached to U{bug #21665<https://web.archive.org/web/https://gna.org/bugs/?21665>}.

        # Load the state.
        statefile = status.install_path + sep + 'test_suite' + sep + 'shared_data' + sep + 'dispersion' + sep + 'bug_21665.bz2'
        state.load_state(statefile, force=True)

        # Original data (exp_type, frq).
        data = [['SQ CPMG', 499862140.0], ['SQ CPMG', 599890858.69999993]]

        # Original indices (ei, mi).
        indices = [[0, 0], [0, 1]]

        # Check the number of iterations.
        print("Checking the number of iterations of the loop.")
        count = 0
        for exp_type, frq, ei, mi in loop_exp_frq(return_indices=True):
            print(exp_type, frq, ei, mi)
            count += 1
        self.assertEqual(count, 2)

        # Check the values.
        print("Checking the values returned by the loop.")
        index = 0
        for exp_type, frq, ei, mi in loop_exp_frq(return_indices=True):
            # Check the experiment info.
            self.assertEqual(exp_type, data[index][0])
            self.assertEqual(ei, indices[index][0])

            # Check the frequency info.
            self.assertEqual(frq, data[index][1])
            self.assertEqual(mi, indices[index][1])

            # Increment the data index.
            index += 1
Пример #3
    pipe_name = '%s - relax_disp' % (model)
    print("\nModel: %s" % (model))

    # Loop over the spins.
    for cur_spin, mol_name, resi, resn, spin_id in spin_loop(full_info=True, return_id=True, skip_desel=True):
        # Generate spin string.
        spin_string = generate_spin_string(spin=cur_spin, mol_name=mol_name, res_num=resi, res_name=resn)

        # Loop over the parameters.
        print("\nOptimised parameters for spin: %s" % (spin_string))
        for param in cur_spin.params + ['chi2']:
            # Get the value.
            if param in ['r1', 'r2']:
                for exp_type, frq, ei, mi in loop_exp_frq(return_indices=True):
                    # Generate the R20 key.
                    r20_key = generate_r20_key(exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq)

                    # Get the value.
                    value = getattr(cur_spin, param)[r20_key]

                    # Print value.
                    print("%-10s %-6s %-6s %3.8f" % ("Parameter:", param, "Value:", value))

            # For all other parameters.
                # Get the value.
                value = getattr(cur_spin, param)

                # Print value.
Пример #4
def sherekhan_input(spin_id=None, force=False, dir='ShereKhan'):
    """Create the ShereKhan input files.

    @keyword spin_id:           The spin ID string to restrict the file creation to.
    @type spin_id:              str
    @keyword force:             A flag which if True will cause all pre-existing files to be overwritten.
    @type force:                bool
    @keyword dir:               The optional directory to place the files into.  If None, then the files will be placed into the current directory.
    @type dir:                  str or None

    # Test if the current pipe exists.

    # Test if sequence data is loaded.
    if not exists_mol_res_spin_data():
        raise RelaxNoSequenceError

    # Test if the experiment type has been set.
    if not hasattr(cdp, 'exp_type'):
        raise RelaxError("The relaxation dispersion experiment type has not been specified.")

    # Test if the model has been set.
    if not hasattr(cdp, 'model_type'):
        raise RelaxError("The relaxation dispersion model has not been specified.")

    # Directory creation.
    if dir != None:
        mkdir_nofail(dir, verbosity=0)

    # Loop over the spin blocks.
    cluster_index = 0
    for spin_ids in loop_cluster():
        # The spin containers.
        spins = spin_ids_to_containers(spin_ids)

        # Loop over the magnetic fields.
        for exp_type, frq, ei, mi in loop_exp_frq(return_indices=True):
            # Loop over the time, and count it.
            time_i = 0
            for time, ti in loop_time(exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq, return_indices=True):
                time_i += 1

            # Check that not more than one time point is returned.
            if time_i > 1:
                raise RelaxError("Number of returned time poins is %i. Only 1 time point is expected."%time_i)

            # The ShereKhan input file for the spin cluster.
            file_name = 'sherekhan_frq%s.in' % (mi+1)
            if dir != None:
                dir_name = dir + sep + 'cluster%s' % (cluster_index+1)
                dir_name = 'cluster%s' % (cluster_index+1)
            file = open_write_file(file_name=file_name, dir=dir_name, force=force)

            # The B0 field for the nuclei of interest in MHz (must be positive to be accepted by the server).
            file.write("%.10f\n" % abs(frq / periodic_table.gyromagnetic_ratio('1H') * periodic_table.gyromagnetic_ratio('15N') / 1e6))

            # The constant relaxation time for the CPMG experiment in seconds.
            file.write("%s\n" % (time))

            # The comment line.
            file.write("# %-18s %-20s %-20s\n" % ("nu_cpmg (Hz)", "R2eff (rad/s)", "Error"))

            # Loop over the spins of the cluster.
            for i in range(len(spins)):
                # Get the residue container.
                res = return_residue(spin_ids[i])

                # Name the residue if needed.
                res_name = res.name
                if res_name == None:
                    res_name = 'X'

                # Initialise the lines to output (to be able to catch missing data).
                lines = []

                # The residue ID line.
                lines.append("# %s%s\n" % (res_name, res.num))

                # Loop over the dispersion points.
                for offset, point in loop_offset_point(exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq, skip_ref=True):
                    # The parameter key.
                    param_key = return_param_key_from_data(exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq, offset=offset, point=point)

                    # No data.
                    if param_key not in spins[i].r2eff:

                    # Store the data.
                    lines.append("%20.15g %20.13g %20.13g\n" % (point, spins[i].r2eff[param_key], spins[i].r2eff_err[param_key]))

                # No data.
                if len(lines) == 1:

                # Write out the data.
                for line in lines:

            # Close the file.

        # Increment the cluster index.
        cluster_index += 1
Пример #5
def loop_parameters(spins=None):
    """Generator function for looping of the parameters of the cluster.

    @keyword spins: The list of spin data containers for the block.
    @type spins:    list of SpinContainer instances
    @return:        The parameter name, the parameter index (for the parameter vector), the spin index (for the cluster), and the R20 parameter key (for R20, R20A, and R20B parameters stored as dictionaries).
    @rtype:         str, int, int, str

    # Make sure that the R1 parameter is correctly set up.

    # The parameter index.
    param_index = -1

    # The R2eff model.
    if cdp.model_type == 'R2eff':
        # Loop over the spins.
        for spin_index in range(len(spins)):
            # Skip deselected spins.
            if not spins[spin_index].select:

            # Yield the two parameters.
            params = ['r2eff', 'i0']
            for i in range(2):
                # First increment the indices.
                param_index += 1

                # Yield the data.
                yield params[i], param_index, spin_index, None

    # All other models.
        # First the R1 fit parameter (one per spin per field strength).
        for spin_index in range(len(spins)):
            # Skip deselected spins.
            if not spins[spin_index].select:

            # The R1 parameter.
            if 'r1' in spins[spin_index].params:
                for exp_type, frq in loop_exp_frq():
                    param_index += 1
                    yield 'r1', param_index, spin_index, generate_r20_key(exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq)

        # Then the R2 parameters (one per spin per field strength).
        for spin_index in range(len(spins)):
            # Skip deselected spins.
            if not spins[spin_index].select:

            # The R2 parameter.
            if 'r2' in spins[spin_index].params:
                for exp_type, frq in loop_exp_frq():
                    param_index += 1
                    yield 'r2', param_index, spin_index, generate_r20_key(exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq)

            # The R2A parameter.
            if 'r2a' in spins[spin_index].params:
                for exp_type, frq in loop_exp_frq():
                    param_index += 1
                    yield 'r2a', param_index, spin_index, generate_r20_key(exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq)

            # The R2B parameter.
            if 'r2b' in spins[spin_index].params:
                for exp_type, frq in loop_exp_frq():
                    param_index += 1
                    yield 'r2b', param_index, spin_index, generate_r20_key(exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq)

        # Then the chemical shift difference parameters 'phi_ex', 'phi_ex_B', 'phi_ex_C', 'padw2', 'dw', 'dw_AB', 'dw_BC', 'dw_AB' (one per spin).
        for spin_index in range(len(spins)):
            # Skip deselected spins.
            if not spins[spin_index].select:

            # Yield the data.
            if 'phi_ex' in spins[spin_index].params:
                param_index += 1
                yield 'phi_ex', param_index, spin_index, None
            if 'phi_ex_B' in spins[spin_index].params:
                param_index += 1
                yield 'phi_ex_B', param_index, spin_index, None
            if 'phi_ex_C' in spins[spin_index].params:
                param_index += 1
                yield 'phi_ex_C', param_index, spin_index, None
            if 'padw2' in spins[spin_index].params:
                param_index += 1
                yield 'padw2', param_index, spin_index, None
            if 'dw' in spins[spin_index].params:
                param_index += 1
                yield 'dw', param_index, spin_index, None
            if 'dw_AB' in spins[spin_index].params:
                param_index += 1
                yield 'dw_AB', param_index, spin_index, None
            if 'dw_BC' in spins[spin_index].params:
                param_index += 1
                yield 'dw_BC', param_index, spin_index, None
            if 'dw_AC' in spins[spin_index].params:
                param_index += 1
                yield 'dw_AC', param_index, spin_index, None

        # Then a separate block for the proton chemical shift difference parameters for the MQ models (one per spin).
        for spin_index in range(len(spins)):
            # Skip deselected spins.
            if not spins[spin_index].select:

            if 'dwH' in spins[spin_index].params:
                param_index += 1
                yield 'dwH', param_index, spin_index, None
            if 'dwH_AB' in spins[spin_index].params:
                param_index += 1
                yield 'dwH_AB', param_index, spin_index, None
            if 'dwH_BC' in spins[spin_index].params:
                param_index += 1
                yield 'dwH_BC', param_index, spin_index, None
            if 'dwH_AC' in spins[spin_index].params:
                param_index += 1
                yield 'dwH_AC', param_index, spin_index, None

        # All other parameters (one per spin cluster).
        for param in spins[0].params:
            if not param in ['r1', 'r2', 'r2a', 'r2b', 'phi_ex', 'phi_ex_B', 'phi_ex_C', 'padw2', 'dw', 'dw_AB', 'dw_BC', 'dw_AB', 'dwH', 'dwH_AB', 'dwH_BC', 'dwH_AB']:
                param_index += 1
                yield param, param_index, None, None
Пример #6
def param_num(spins=None):
    """Determine the number of parameters in the model.

    @keyword spins:         The list of spin data containers for the block.
    @type spins:            list of SpinContainer instances
    @return:                The number of model parameters.
    @rtype:                 int

    # Initialise the number.
    num = 0

    # The R2eff model.
    if cdp.model_type == 'R2eff':
        # Count the selected spins.
        spin_num = count_spins(spins)

        # Exponential curves (with clustering).
        if has_exponential_exp_type():
            return 2 * spin_num

        # Fixed time period experiments (with clustering).
        return 1 * spin_num

    # Check the spin cluster.
    for spin in spins:
        # Skip deselected spins.
        if not spin.select:

        if len(spin.params) != len(spins[0].params):
            raise RelaxError("The number of parameters for each spin in the cluster are not the same.")

    # Count the number of R10 parameters.
    for spin in spins:
        # Skip deselected spins.
        if not spin.select:

        for i in range(len(spin.params)):
            if spin.params[i] in ['r1']:
                for exp_type, frq in loop_exp_frq():
                    num += 1

    # Count the number of R20 parameters.
    for spin in spins:
        # Skip deselected spins.
        if not spin.select:

        for i in range(len(spin.params)):
            if spin.params[i] in PARAMS_R20:
                for exp_type, frq in loop_exp_frq():
                    num += 1

    # Count the number of spin specific parameters for all spins.
    spin_params = ['phi_ex', 'phi_ex_B', 'phi_ex_C', 'padw2', 'dw', 'dwH']
    for spin in spins:
        # Skip deselected spins.
        if not spin.select:

        for i in range(len(spin.params)):
            if spin.params[i] in spin_params:
                num += 1

    # Count all other parameters, but only for a single spin.
    all_params = ['r1'] + PARAMS_R20 + spin_params
    for spin in spins:
        # Skip deselected spins.
        if not spin.select:

        for i in range(len(spin.params)):
            if not spin.params[i] in all_params:
                num += 1

    # Return the number.
    return num
Пример #7
    # Loop over the spins.
    for cur_spin, mol_name, resi, resn, spin_id in spin_loop(full_info=True,
        # Generate spin string.
        spin_string = generate_spin_string(spin=cur_spin,

        # Loop over the parameters.
        print("\nOptimised parameters for spin: %s" % (spin_string))
        for param in cur_spin.params + ['chi2']:
            # Get the value.
            if param in ['r1', 'r2']:
                for exp_type, frq, ei, mi in loop_exp_frq(return_indices=True):
                    # Generate the R20 key.
                    r20_key = generate_r20_key(exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq)

                    # Get the value.
                    value = getattr(cur_spin, param)[r20_key]

                    # Print value.
                    print("%-10s %-6s %-6s %3.8f" %
                          ("Parameter:", param, "Value:", value))

            # For all other parameters.
                # Get the value.
                value = getattr(cur_spin, param)
Пример #8
def sherekhan_input(spin_id=None, force=False, dir='ShereKhan'):
    """Create the ShereKhan input files.

    @keyword spin_id:           The spin ID string to restrict the file creation to.
    @type spin_id:              str
    @keyword force:             A flag which if True will cause all pre-existing files to be overwritten.
    @type force:                bool
    @keyword dir:               The optional directory to place the files into.  If None, then the files will be placed into the current directory.
    @type dir:                  str or None

    # Test if the current pipe exists.

    # Test if sequence data is loaded.
    if not exists_mol_res_spin_data():
        raise RelaxNoSequenceError

    # Test if the experiment type has been set.
    if not hasattr(cdp, 'exp_type'):
        raise RelaxError("The relaxation dispersion experiment type has not been specified.")

    # Test if the model has been set.
    if not hasattr(cdp, 'model_type'):
        raise RelaxError("The relaxation dispersion model has not been specified.")

    # Directory creation.
    if dir != None:
        mkdir_nofail(dir, verbosity=0)

    # Loop over the spin blocks.
    cluster_index = 0
    for spin_ids in loop_cluster():
        # The spin containers.
        spins = spin_ids_to_containers(spin_ids)

        # Loop over the magnetic fields.
        for exp_type, frq, ei, mi in loop_exp_frq(return_indices=True):
            # Loop over the time, and count it.
            time_i = 0
            for time, ti in loop_time(exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq, return_indices=True):
                time_i += 1

            # Check that not more than one time point is returned.
            if time_i > 1:
                raise RelaxError("Number of returned time poins is %i. Only 1 time point is expected."%time_i)

            # The ShereKhan input file for the spin cluster.
            file_name = 'sherekhan_frq%s.in' % (mi+1)
            if dir != None:
                dir_name = dir + sep + 'cluster%s' % (cluster_index+1)
                dir_name = 'cluster%s' % (cluster_index+1)
            file = open_write_file(file_name=file_name, dir=dir_name, force=force)

            # The B0 field for the nuclei of interest in MHz (must be positive to be accepted by the server).
            file.write("%.10f\n" % abs(frq / periodic_table.gyromagnetic_ratio('1H') * periodic_table.gyromagnetic_ratio('15N') / 1e6))

            # The constant relaxation time for the CPMG experiment in seconds.
            file.write("%s\n" % (time))

            # The comment line.
            file.write("# %-18s %-20s %-20s\n" % ("nu_cpmg (Hz)", "R2eff (rad/s)", "Error"))

            # Loop over the spins of the cluster.
            for i in range(len(spins)):
                # Get the residue container.
                res = return_residue(spin_ids[i])

                # Name the residue if needed.
                res_name = res.name
                if res_name == None:
                    res_name = 'X'

                # Initialise the lines to output (to be able to catch missing data).
                lines = []

                # The residue ID line.
                lines.append("# %s%s\n" % (res_name, res.num))

                # Loop over the dispersion points.
                for offset, point in loop_offset_point(exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq, skip_ref=True):
                    # The parameter key.
                    param_key = return_param_key_from_data(exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq, offset=offset, point=point)

                    # No data.
                    if param_key not in spins[i].r2eff:

                    # Store the data.
                    lines.append("%20.15g %20.13g %20.13g\n" % (point, spins[i].r2eff[param_key], spins[i].r2eff_err[param_key]))

                # No data.
                if len(lines) == 1:

                # Write out the data.
                for line in lines:

            # Close the file.

        # Increment the cluster index.
        cluster_index += 1
Пример #9
def param_num(spins=None):
    """Determine the number of parameters in the model.

    @keyword spins:         The list of spin data containers for the block.
    @type spins:            list of SpinContainer instances
    @return:                The number of model parameters.
    @rtype:                 int

    # Initialise the number.
    num = 0

    # The R2eff model.
    if cdp.model_type == 'R2eff':
        # Count the selected spins.
        spin_num = count_spins(spins)

        # Exponential curves (with clustering).
        if has_exponential_exp_type():
            return 2 * spin_num

        # Fixed time period experiments (with clustering).
        return 1 * spin_num

    # Check the spin cluster.
    for spin in spins:
        # Skip deselected spins.
        if not spin.select:

        if len(spin.params) != len(spins[0].params):
            raise RelaxError("The number of parameters for each spin in the cluster are not the same.")

    # Count the number of R10 parameters.
    for spin in spins:
        # Skip deselected spins.
        if not spin.select:

        for i in range(len(spin.params)):
            if spin.params[i] in ['r1']:
                for exp_type, frq in loop_exp_frq():
                    num += 1

    # Count the number of R20 parameters.
    for spin in spins:
        # Skip deselected spins.
        if not spin.select:

        for i in range(len(spin.params)):
            if spin.params[i] in PARAMS_R20:
                for exp_type, frq in loop_exp_frq():
                    num += 1

    # Count the number of spin specific parameters for all spins.
    spin_params = ['phi_ex', 'phi_ex_B', 'phi_ex_C', 'padw2', 'dw', 'dwH']
    for spin in spins:
        # Skip deselected spins.
        if not spin.select:

        for i in range(len(spin.params)):
            if spin.params[i] in spin_params:
                num += 1

    # Count all other parameters, but only for a single spin.
    all_params = ['r1'] + PARAMS_R20 + spin_params
    for spin in spins:
        # Skip deselected spins.
        if not spin.select:

        for i in range(len(spin.params)):
            if not spin.params[i] in all_params:
                num += 1

    # Return the number.
    return num
Пример #10
def loop_parameters(spins=None):
    """Generator function for looping of the parameters of the cluster.

    @keyword spins: The list of spin data containers for the block.
    @type spins:    list of SpinContainer instances
    @return:        The parameter name, the parameter index (for the parameter vector), the spin index (for the cluster), and the R20 parameter key (for R20, R20A, and R20B parameters stored as dictionaries).
    @rtype:         str, int, int, str

    # Make sure that the R1 parameter is correctly set up.

    # The parameter index.
    param_index = -1

    # The R2eff model.
    if cdp.model_type == 'R2eff':
        # Loop over the spins.
        for spin_index in range(len(spins)):
            # Skip deselected spins.
            if not spins[spin_index].select:

            # Yield the two parameters.
            params = ['r2eff', 'i0']
            for i in range(2):
                # First increment the indices.
                param_index += 1

                # Yield the data.
                yield params[i], param_index, spin_index, None

    # All other models.
        # First the R1 fit parameter (one per spin per field strength).
        for spin_index in range(len(spins)):
            # Skip deselected spins.
            if not spins[spin_index].select:

            # The R1 parameter.
            if 'r1' in spins[spin_index].params:
                for exp_type, frq in loop_exp_frq():
                    param_index += 1
                    yield 'r1', param_index, spin_index, generate_r20_key(exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq)

        # Then the R2 parameters (one per spin per field strength).
        for spin_index in range(len(spins)):
            # Skip deselected spins.
            if not spins[spin_index].select:

            # The R2 parameter.
            if 'r2' in spins[spin_index].params:
                for exp_type, frq in loop_exp_frq():
                    param_index += 1
                    yield 'r2', param_index, spin_index, generate_r20_key(exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq)

            # The R2A parameter.
            if 'r2a' in spins[spin_index].params:
                for exp_type, frq in loop_exp_frq():
                    param_index += 1
                    yield 'r2a', param_index, spin_index, generate_r20_key(exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq)

            # The R2B parameter.
            if 'r2b' in spins[spin_index].params:
                for exp_type, frq in loop_exp_frq():
                    param_index += 1
                    yield 'r2b', param_index, spin_index, generate_r20_key(exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq)

        # Then the chemical shift difference parameters 'phi_ex', 'phi_ex_B', 'phi_ex_C', 'padw2', 'dw', 'dw_AB', 'dw_BC', 'dw_AB' (one per spin).
        for spin_index in range(len(spins)):
            # Skip deselected spins.
            if not spins[spin_index].select:

            # Yield the data.
            if 'phi_ex' in spins[spin_index].params:
                param_index += 1
                yield 'phi_ex', param_index, spin_index, None
            if 'phi_ex_B' in spins[spin_index].params:
                param_index += 1
                yield 'phi_ex_B', param_index, spin_index, None
            if 'phi_ex_C' in spins[spin_index].params:
                param_index += 1
                yield 'phi_ex_C', param_index, spin_index, None
            if 'padw2' in spins[spin_index].params:
                param_index += 1
                yield 'padw2', param_index, spin_index, None
            if 'dw' in spins[spin_index].params:
                param_index += 1
                yield 'dw', param_index, spin_index, None
            if 'dw_AB' in spins[spin_index].params:
                param_index += 1
                yield 'dw_AB', param_index, spin_index, None
            if 'dw_BC' in spins[spin_index].params:
                param_index += 1
                yield 'dw_BC', param_index, spin_index, None
            if 'dw_AC' in spins[spin_index].params:
                param_index += 1
                yield 'dw_AC', param_index, spin_index, None

        # Then a separate block for the proton chemical shift difference parameters for the MQ models (one per spin).
        for spin_index in range(len(spins)):
            # Skip deselected spins.
            if not spins[spin_index].select:

            if 'dwH' in spins[spin_index].params:
                param_index += 1
                yield 'dwH', param_index, spin_index, None
            if 'dwH_AB' in spins[spin_index].params:
                param_index += 1
                yield 'dwH_AB', param_index, spin_index, None
            if 'dwH_BC' in spins[spin_index].params:
                param_index += 1
                yield 'dwH_BC', param_index, spin_index, None
            if 'dwH_AC' in spins[spin_index].params:
                param_index += 1
                yield 'dwH_AC', param_index, spin_index, None

        # All other parameters (one per spin cluster).
        for param in spins[0].params:
            if not param in ['r1', 'r2', 'r2a', 'r2b', 'phi_ex', 'phi_ex_B', 'phi_ex_C', 'padw2', 'dw', 'dw_AB', 'dw_BC', 'dw_AB', 'dwH', 'dwH_AB', 'dwH_BC', 'dwH_AB']:
                param_index += 1
                yield param, param_index, None, None
Пример #11
def loop_parameters(spins=None):
    """Generator function for looping of the model parameters of the cluster.

    @keyword spins: The list of spin data containers for the block.
    @type spins:    list of SpinContainer instances
    @return:        The parameter name, the parameter index (for the parameter vector), the spin index (for the cluster), and the R20 parameter key (for R20, R20A, and R20B parameters stored as dictionaries).
    @rtype:         str, int, int, str

    # Make sure that the R1 parameter is correctly set up.

    # The parameter index.
    param_index = -1

    # The R2eff model.
    if cdp.model_type == 'R2eff':
        # Loop over the spins.
        for spin_index in range(len(spins)):
            # Skip deselected spins.
            if not spins[spin_index].select:

            # One or two parameters.
            params = ['r2eff']
            if has_exponential_exp_type():
                params = ['r2eff', 'i0']

            # Yield the parameters.
            for param in params:
                # First increment the indices.
                param_index += 1

                # Yield the data.
                yield param, param_index, spin_index, None

    # All other models.
        # First the R1 fit parameter (one per spin per field strength).
        for spin_index in range(len(spins)):
            # Skip deselected spins.
            if not spins[spin_index].select:

            # The parameters.
            for param in PARAMS_R1:
                if param in spins[spin_index].params:
                    for exp_type, frq in loop_exp_frq():
                        param_index += 1
                        yield param, param_index, spin_index, generate_r20_key(
                            exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq)

        # Then the R2 parameters (one per spin per field strength).
        for spin_index in range(len(spins)):
            # Skip deselected spins.
            if not spins[spin_index].select:

            # The parameters.
            for param in PARAMS_R20:
                if param in spins[spin_index].params:
                    for exp_type, frq in loop_exp_frq():
                        param_index += 1
                        yield param, param_index, spin_index, generate_r20_key(
                            exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq)

        # Then the chemical shift difference parameters (one per spin).
        for spin_index in range(len(spins)):
            # Skip deselected spins.
            if not spins[spin_index].select:

            # Yield the data.
            for param in PARAMS_CHEM_SHIFT_DIFF:
                if param in spins[spin_index].params:
                    param_index += 1
                    yield param, param_index, spin_index, None

        # Then a separate block for the proton chemical shift difference parameters for the MQ models (one per spin).
        for spin_index in range(len(spins)):
            # Skip deselected spins.
            if not spins[spin_index].select:

            # Yield the data.
            for param in PARAMS_CHEM_SHIFT_DIFF_MMQ:
                if param in spins[spin_index].params:
                    param_index += 1
                    yield param, param_index, spin_index, None

        # All other parameters (one per spin cluster).
        for spin_index in range(len(spins)):
            # Skip deselected spins.
            if not spins[spin_index].select:

            # The parameters.
            for param in spins[0].params:
                if not param in PARAMS_SPIN:
                    param_index += 1
                    yield param, param_index, None, None

            # No more spins.