Пример #1
def bivariate_matrix_from_palette(palette_name='PiYG', n_colors=3):
    #full_palette = sns.diverging_palette(150, 275, s=80, l=40, n=(cmap_n_colors - 1) * 2 + 1)
    full_palette = sns.color_palette(palette_name,
                                     n_colors=(n_colors - 1) * 2 + 1)

    cmap_x = full_palette[n_colors - 1:]
    cmap_y = list(reversed(full_palette))[n_colors - 1:]

    cmap_xy = []

    for j in range(n_colors):
        for i in range(n_colors):
            x = spectra.rgb(*cmap_x[i][0:3])
            y = spectra.rgb(*cmap_y[j][0:3])

            if i == j and i == 0:
            elif i == 0:
            elif j == 0:
                blended = x.blend(y, ratio=0.5)

                if i == j:
                    blended = blended.saturate(7.5 * (i + 1))
                    blended = blended.saturate(4.5 * (i + 1))


    cmap_xy = np.array(cmap_xy).reshape(n_colors, n_colors, 3)
    return cmap_xy
Пример #2
def make_grid_color(bg_color, font_color, weight=0.1):
    bg_color = to_rgb_tuple(bg_color)
    font_color = to_rgb_tuple(font_color)

    s_bg_color = spectra.rgb(*[c / 255 for c in bg_color])
    s_font_color = spectra.rgb(*[c / 255 for c in font_color])
    return s_bg_color.blend(s_font_color, weight).hexcode
Пример #3
    def get_colour(self, val, colformat="hex", lighten=0.3):
        """Given a value, return a colour within the colour scale"""

        # Ported from the original JavaScript for continuity
        # Seems to work better than adjusting brightness / saturation / luminosity
        rgb_converter = lambda x: max(0, min(1, 1 + ((x - 1) * lighten)))

            # When we have non-numeric values (e.g. Male/Female, Yes/No, chromosome names, etc), and a qualitive
            # scale (Set1, Set3, etc), we don't want to attempt to parse numbers, otherwise we will end up with all
            # values assigned with the same color. But instead we will geta has from a string to hope to assign
            # a unique color for each possible enumeration value.
            if self.name in mqc_colour_scale.qualitative_scales and isinstance(
                    val, str):
                thecolour = spectra.html(self.colours[hash(val) %
                thecolour = spectra.rgb(
                    *[rgb_converter(v) for v in thecolour.rgb])
                return thecolour.hexcode

            # When there is only 1 color in scale, spectra.scale() will crash with DevisionByZero
            elif len(self.colours) == 1:
                thecolour = spectra.html(self.colours[0])
                thecolour = spectra.rgb(
                    *[rgb_converter(v) for v in thecolour.rgb])
                return thecolour.hexcode

                # Sanity checks
                val = re.sub("[^0-9\.-e]", "", str(val))
                if val == "":
                    val = self.minval
                val = float(val)
                val = max(val, self.minval)
                val = min(val, self.maxval)

                domain_nums = list(
                    np.linspace(self.minval, self.maxval, len(self.colours)))
                my_scale = spectra.scale(self.colours).domain(domain_nums)

                # Lighten colours
                thecolour = spectra.rgb(
                    *[rgb_converter(v) for v in my_scale(val).rgb])

                return thecolour.hexcode

            # Shouldn't crash all of MultiQC just for colours
            return ""
Пример #4
def maybe_blend(base_color, overlay_color):
    Try to blend semi transparent overlay color on opaque
    base color. Return None if not successful
    import re

        bc = spectra.html(base_color).to("rgb")
    except ValueError:
        return None

        # If overlay color is hex code or named color, it's
        # opaque, return as is
        return spectra.html(overlay_color).hexcode
    except ValueError:
        # Otherwise, it might be rgba

    rgba_match = re.match(r"rgba\(([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)\)",
    if rgba_match is None:
        return None

    r, g, b, a = [float(n) for n in rgba_match.groups()]
    overlay_rgb = spectra.rgb(r / 255, g / 255, b / 255)
    blended = overlay_rgb.blend(bc, 1 - a)
    return blended.hexcode
    def get_colour(self, val, colformat='hex'):
        """ Given a value, return a colour within the colour scale """
            # Sanity checks
            val = re.sub("[^0-9\.]", "", str(val))
            if val == '':
                val = self.minval
            val = float(val)
            val = max(val, self.minval)
            val = min(val, self.maxval)

            domain_nums = list(
                np.linspace(self.minval, self.maxval, len(self.colours)))
            my_scale = spectra.scale(self.colours).domain(domain_nums)

            # Weird, I know. I ported this from the original JavaScript for continuity
            # Seems to work better than adjusting brightness / saturation / luminosity
            rgb_converter = lambda x: max(0, min(1, 1 + ((x - 1) * 0.3)))
            thecolour = spectra.rgb(
                *[rgb_converter(v) for v in my_scale(val).rgb])

            return thecolour.hexcode

            # Shouldn't crash all of MultiQC just for colours
            return ''
Пример #6
def pdfcolor_to_hex(c, cs_name):
    if c is None:
        # Per PDF 1.7 spec, default is black
        return "#000000"
    if isinstance(c, (tuple, list)):
        c = decode_psl_list(c) 
        c = decode_psl_list([ c ])[0] 
        if type(c) is str and c[0] == "P":
            c = c[1:]

    if cs_name in (None, "DeviceGray"):
        # Per PDF 1.7 spec, default is DeviceGray
        s = spectra.rgb(c, c, c)
    elif cs_name == "DeviceRGB":
        s = spectra.rgb(*c)
    elif cs_name == "DeviceCMYK":
        s = spectra.cmyk(*c)
        raise ValueError("Cannot handle '{}' color space. Try parsing wth parse_colors=False".format(cs_name))

    return s.hexcode
Пример #7
def rgb(server, rgb):
    hsv = spectra.rgb(int(rgb[0]) / 255,
                      int(rgb[1]) / 255,
                      int(rgb[2]) / 255).to("hsv").values

    result = requests.post(server + "/state",
                               "hue": hsv[0],
                               "saturation": hsv[1],
                               "value": hsv[2]

    if result.status_code == 200:
        click.secho("Success!", fg="green")
        click.echo("Changed color to RGB: {}. Status Code: {}".format(
            rgb, result.status_code))
        click.secho("Requests Error!", blink=True, fg="red")
        click.echo("Status Code: {} Message: {}".format(
Пример #8
	def get_colour(self, val, colformat='hex'):
		""" Given a value, return a colour within the colour scale """
			# Sanity checks
			val = re.sub("[^0-9\.]", "", str(val))
			if val == '':
				val = self.minval
			val = float(val)
			val = max(val, self.minval)
			val = min(val, self.maxval)

			domain_nums = list( np.linspace(self.minval, self.maxval, len(self.colours)) )
			my_scale = spectra.scale(self.colours).domain(domain_nums)

			# Weird, I know. I ported this from the original JavaScript for continuity
			# Seems to work better than adjusting brightness / saturation / luminosity
			rgb_converter = lambda x: max(0, min(1, 1+((x-1)*0.3)))
			thecolour = spectra.rgb( *[rgb_converter(v) for v in my_scale(val).rgb] )

			return thecolour.hexcode

			# Shouldn't crash all of MultiQC just for colours
			return ''
Пример #9
def separate_colorway(html_colors):

        raw_colors = [
            spectra.rgb(*[c / 255 for c in to_rgb_tuple(clr)])
            for clr in html_colors
    except ValueError:
        # Unable to parse colors as hex or rgb, return as-is
        return html_colors

    test_colors = [white] + raw_colors + [black]

    darkenings = list(np.zeros(len(test_colors)))
    threshold = 36

    max_shift = 16
    max_step = 16
    max_iterations = 4
    max_step_factor = 0.9

    iterations = 0
    distances = np.ones((len(html_colors) + 2, len(html_colors) + 2)) * np.nan

    while iterations < max_iterations:
        for i in range(len(test_colors) - 1):
            c1 = test_colors[i].darken(darkenings[i])
            for j in range(i + 1, len(test_colors)):
                c2 = test_colors[j].darken(darkenings[j])
                distance = color_distance(c1, c2)
                distances[i, j] = distance

                # When comparing to black and white,
                # skip if at least threshold units away
                if distance > threshold:

                # Compute max step based on how close colors are
                this_step = max_step * ((100 - distance) / 100)**2

                # Clamp max steps based on how close we are to max shift allowances
                c1_step_up = max(0, min(this_step, max_shift - darkenings[i]))
                c2_step_up = max(0, min(this_step, max_shift - darkenings[j]))
                c1_step_down = min(0,
                                   max(-this_step, -darkenings[i] - max_shift))
                c2_step_down = min(0,
                                   max(-this_step, -darkenings[j] - max_shift))

                # Compute best way to lighten or darken ONE of the colors (not both)
                distance, (delta1, delta2) = best_darkening(
                    c1_step=(c1_step_down, c1_step_up),
                    c2_step=(c2_step_down, c2_step_up),
                distances[i, j] = distance

                darkenings[i] += delta1
                darkenings[j] += delta2

        iterations += 1
        max_step *= max_step_factor

    result = [
        for clr in get_darkened_colors(test_colors, darkenings)[1:-1]

    return result
Пример #10
async def color_props(e):
    params = e.pattern_match.group(1) or ""
    args, color = parse_arguments(params, ['format', 'extended'])
    reply_message = await e.get_reply_message()

    if not color:
        await e.edit("Please provide a color...", delete_in=3)

    if args.get('format') == 'rgb':
        r, g, b = re.findall(r'[\-.0-9]+', color)
        parsed = spectra.rgb(r, g, b)
    elif args.get('format') == 'lab':
        l, a, b = re.findall(r'[\-.0-9]+', color)
        parsed = spectra.lab(l, a, b)
    elif args.get('format') == 'lch':
        l, c, h = re.findall(r'[\-.0-9]+', color)
        parsed = spectra.lch(l, c, h)
    elif args.get('format') == 'hsl':
        h, s, l = re.findall(r'[\-.0-9]+', color)
        parsed = spectra.hsl(h, s, l)
    elif args.get('format') == 'hsv':
        h, s, v = re.findall(r'[\-.0-9]+', color)
        parsed = spectra.hsv(h, s, v)
    elif args.get('format') == 'xyz':
        x, y, z = re.findall(r'[\-.0-9]+', color)
        parsed = spectra.xyz(x, y, z)
    elif args.get('format') == 'cmy':
        c, m, y = re.findall(r'[\-.0-9]+', color)
        parsed = spectra.cmy(c, m, y)
    elif args.get('format') == 'cmyk':
        c, m, y, k = re.findall(r'[\-.0-9]+', color)
        parsed = spectra.cmyk(c, m, y, k)
        parsed = spectra.html(color)

    rgb = [round(x * 255) for x in parsed.to('rgb').clamped_rgb]
    hsl = parsed.to('hsl').values
    hsv = parsed.to('hsv').values

    formats = {
        'hex': parsed.hexcode,
        'rgb': values__to_str(rgb),
        'hsl': values__to_str(hsl),
        'hsv': values__to_str(hsv)

    if args.get('extended'):
            'lab': values__to_str(parsed.to('lab').values),
            'lch': values__to_str(parsed.to('lch').values),
            'xyz': values__to_str(parsed.to('xyz').values),
            'cmyk': values__to_str(parsed.to('cmyk').values)

    message = ""
    for fmt in formats.items():
        message += f"**{fmt[0]}**: `{fmt[1]}` \n"

    swatch = make_swatch(tuple(rgb))
    await e.delete()
    await e.client.send_file(e.chat_id,
Пример #11
 def func(x):
     white = spectra.rgb(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
     x = x.blend(white, ratio=0.4)
     if color_distance(x, white) < 0.5:
         x = x.blend(spectra.rgb(0.5, 1.0, 0.0), ratio=0.2)
     return x
Пример #12
    print("        ", end="")
    for i, c in colors:
        mj = func(c)
        print(f"0x{i:02x}: 0x{mj:02x};", end=" ")
    print("    }")

colors = []
for _ in range(256):
        r, g, b, _, i = f.readline().split()
    except ValueError:
    c = spectra.rgb(float(r) / 255., float(g) / 255., float(b) / 255.)
    # if c in SAFE_COLORS:
    colors.append((int(i), c))

for l in open("cmclient-header.nml"):
    print(l, end='')

# print("replace recolour_palettes(10389) {")
gen_palette(gen_tint(spectra.rgb(1, 0, 0), 0.6), "deep red tint")
gen_palette(gen_tint(spectra.rgb(1, 0.5, 0), 0.65), "deep orange tint")
gen_palette(gen_tint(spectra.rgb(0, 1, 0), 0.65), "deep green tint")
gen_palette(gen_tint(spectra.rgb(0, 1, 1), 0.65), "deep cyan tint")
gen_palette(gen_tint(spectra.rgb(1, 0, 0), 0.4), "red tint")
gen_palette(gen_tint(spectra.rgb(1, 0.5, 0), 0.4), "orange tint")
gen_palette(gen_tint(spectra.rgb(1.0, 1.0, 0), 0.4), "yellow tint")
gen_palette(gen_tint(spectra.rgb(1.0, 1.0, 0.5), 0.4), "yellow white tint")