def test_waves(make_waves): swd_anal, swd_nums = make_waves nx = swd_anal.nx ny = swd_anal.ny for jx in range(nx + 1): for jy in range(ny, ny + 1): swd_anal.dump_spectral_fun(jx, jy, dt=0.01, tmax=1.0) for t in ts: for impl, swd in swd_nums: swd.update_time(t) for x in xs: for y in ys: for z in zs: phi_anal = swd_anal.phi(x, y, z, t) for impl, swd in swd_nums: phi_num = swd.phi(x, y, z) assert math.isclose(phi_anal, phi_num, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) stream_anal =, y, z, t) for impl, swd in swd_nums: stream_num =, y, z) assert math.isclose(stream_anal, stream_num, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) phi_t_anal = swd_anal.phi_t(x, y, z, t) for impl, swd in swd_nums: phi_t_num = swd.phi_t(x, y, z) assert math.isclose(phi_t_anal, phi_t_num, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) grad_phi_anal = swd_anal.grad_phi(x, y, z, t) for impl, swd in swd_nums: grad_phi_num = swd.grad_phi(x, y, z) assert math.isclose(grad_phi_num.x, grad_phi_anal['x'], rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(grad_phi_num.y, grad_phi_anal['y'], rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(grad_phi_num.z, grad_phi_anal['z'], rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) g2nd_anal = swd_anal.grad_phi_2nd(x, y, z, t) for impl, swd in swd_nums: g2nd_num = swd.grad_phi_2nd(x, y, z) assert math.isclose(g2nd_num.xx, g2nd_anal['xx'], rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(g2nd_num.xy, g2nd_anal['xy'], rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(g2nd_num.xz, g2nd_anal['xz'], rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(g2nd_num.yy, g2nd_anal['yy'], rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(g2nd_num.yz, g2nd_anal['yz'], rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(g2nd_num.zz, g2nd_anal['zz'], rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) acc_euler_anal = swd_anal.acc_euler(x, y, z, t) for impl, swd in swd_nums: acc_euler_num = swd.acc_euler(x, y, z) assert math.isclose(acc_euler_num.x, acc_euler_anal['x'], rel_tol=1e-03, abs_tol=1e-03) assert math.isclose(acc_euler_num.y, acc_euler_anal['y'], rel_tol=1e-03, abs_tol=1e-03) assert math.isclose(acc_euler_num.z, acc_euler_anal['z'], rel_tol=1e-03, abs_tol=1e-03) acc_particle_anal = swd_anal.acc_particle(x, y, z, t) for impl, swd in swd_nums: acc_particle_num = swd.acc_particle(x, y, z) assert math.isclose(acc_particle_num.x, acc_particle_anal['x'], rel_tol=1e-03, abs_tol=1e-03) assert math.isclose(acc_particle_num.y, acc_particle_anal['y'], rel_tol=1e-03, abs_tol=1e-03) assert math.isclose(acc_particle_num.z, acc_particle_anal['z'], rel_tol=1e-03, abs_tol=1e-03) prs_anal = swd_anal.pressure(x, y, z, t, rho=1025.0, grav=9.81) for impl, swd in swd_nums: prs_num = swd.pressure(x, y, z) assert math.isclose(prs_num, prs_anal, rel_tol=1e-03) elev_anal = swd_anal.elev(x, y, t) for impl, swd in swd_nums: elev_num = swd.elev(x, y) assert math.isclose(elev_num, elev_anal, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) elev_t_anal = swd_anal.elev_t(x, y, t) for impl, swd in swd_nums: elev_t_num = swd.elev_t(x, y) assert math.isclose(elev_t_num, elev_t_anal, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) grad_elev_anal = swd_anal.grad_elev(x, y, t) for impl, swd in swd_nums: grad_elev_num = swd.grad_elev(x, y) assert math.isclose(grad_elev_num.x, grad_elev_anal['x'], rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(grad_elev_num.y, grad_elev_anal['y'], rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(grad_elev_num.z, grad_elev_anal['z'], rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) g2nd_elev_anal = swd_anal.grad_elev_2nd(x, y, t) for impl, swd in swd_nums: g2nd_elev_num = swd.grad_elev_2nd(x, y) assert math.isclose(g2nd_elev_num.xx, g2nd_elev_anal['xx'], rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(g2nd_elev_num.xy, g2nd_elev_anal['xy'], rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(g2nd_elev_num.yy, g2nd_elev_anal['yy'], rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) if abs(swd_anal.sys.t0 - 0.34) < 1.0e-6 and abs(t - 0.52) < 1.0e-6: # Check if strip method produce a swd file with consistent kinematic results. for impl, swd in swd_nums: file_swd_strip = os.path.join( swd_anal.tmpdir, 'stripped.swd') swd.strip(tmin=0.31, tmax=0.61, file_swd=file_swd_strip) swd_num_strip = SpectralWaveData( file_swd_strip, x0=swd_anal.sys.x0, y0=swd_anal.sys.y0, t0=0.0, beta=swd_anal.sys.beta, rho=1025.0, impl=impl, dc_bias=True) nstrip = swd_num_strip.get('nstrip') assert nstrip > 0 t_strip = ( swd_anal.sys.t0 + t ) - nstrip * 0.1 # dt=0.1 in swd file, nstrip includes t=0.0 swd_num_strip.update_time(t_strip) phi_num_strip = swd_num_strip.phi(x, y, z) assert math.isclose(phi_num, phi_num_strip, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) elev_t_num_strip = swd_num_strip.elev_t(x, y) assert math.isclose(elev_t_num, elev_t_num_strip, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) swd_num_strip.close() file_convergence = os.path.join(swd_anal.tmpdir, 'file_convergence.csv') for impl, swd in swd_nums: swd.convergence(x, y, z, csv=file_convergence) with open(file_convergence, 'r') as f: lines = words = lines[-1].split(',') phi_x_convergence = float(words[1]) phi_y_convergence = float(words[2]) phi_z_convergence = float(words[3]) assert math.isclose(grad_phi_num.x, phi_x_convergence, rel_tol=1e-07, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(grad_phi_num.y, phi_y_convergence, rel_tol=1e-07, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(grad_phi_num.z, phi_z_convergence, rel_tol=1e-07, abs_tol=1e-04) elev_convergence = float(words[4]) assert math.isclose(elev_num, elev_convergence, rel_tol=1e-07, abs_tol=1e-04) prs_convergence = float(words[5]) assert math.isclose(prs_num, prs_convergence, rel_tol=1e-07, abs_tol=1e-04) depth_anal = swd_anal.bathymetry(x_app=3.4, y_app=-5.3) nvec_floor_anal = swd_anal.bathymetry_nvec(x_app=3.4, y_app=-5.3) for impl, swd in swd_nums: depth_num = swd.bathymetry(x=3.4, y=-5.3) if depth_anal < 0: assert depth_num < 0 else: assert math.isclose(depth_num, depth_anal, rel_tol=1e-5) nvec_floor_num = swd.bathymetry_nvec(x=3.4, y=-5.3) assert math.isclose(nvec_floor_anal['x'], nvec_floor_num.x, abs_tol=1e-5) assert math.isclose(nvec_floor_anal['y'], nvec_floor_num.y, abs_tol=1e-5) assert math.isclose(nvec_floor_anal['z'], nvec_floor_num.z, rel_tol=1e-5) for impl, swd in swd_nums: # Check the get method for int, float and strings arguments nx_file = swd.get('nx') assert isinstance(nx_file, int) assert nx_file == swd_anal.nx dt_swd = swd.get('dt') assert isinstance(dt_swd, float) assert math.isclose(dt_swd, 0.1, rel_tol=1e-5) cid = swd.get('cid') assert isinstance(cid, str) assert cid == "{'ole':1, 'dole':2, 'doffen':3}"
def test_waves(make_waves): swd_anal, swd_num1, swd_num2, swd_num3, nsf = make_waves #swd_anal.dump_spectral_fun(j=0, dt=0.01, tmax=1.0) #swd_anal.dump_spectral_fun(j=1, dt=0.01, tmax=1.0) #swd_anal.dump_spectral_fun(j=2, dt=0.01, tmax=1.0) #swd_anal.dump_spectral_fun(j=3, dt=0.01, tmax=1.0) for t in ts: if swd_num1 is not None: swd_num1.update_time(t) if swd_num2 is not None: swd_num2.update_time(t) swd_num3.update_time(t) for x in xs: for y in ys: for z in zs: phi_anal = swd_anal.phi(x, y, z, t) phi_num3 = swd_num3.phi(x, y, z) assert math.isclose(phi_num3, phi_anal, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) if swd_num1 is not None: phi_num1 = swd_num1.phi(x, y, z) assert math.isclose(phi_num1, phi_num3, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) if swd_num2 is not None: phi_num2 = swd_num2.phi(x, y, z) assert math.isclose(phi_num2, phi_num3, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) stream_anal =, y, z, t) stream_num3 =, y, z) assert math.isclose(stream_num3, stream_anal, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) if swd_num1 is not None: stream_num1 =, y, z) assert math.isclose(stream_num1, stream_num3, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) if swd_num2 is not None: stream_num2 =, y, z) assert math.isclose(stream_num2, stream_num3, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) phi_t_anal = swd_anal.phi_t(x, y, z, t) phi_t_num3 = swd_num3.phi_t(x, y, z) assert math.isclose(phi_t_num3, phi_t_anal, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) if swd_num1 is not None: phi_t_num1 = swd_num1.phi_t(x, y, z) assert math.isclose(phi_t_num1, phi_t_num3, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) if swd_num2 is not None: phi_t_num2 = swd_num2.phi_t(x, y, z) assert math.isclose(phi_t_num2, phi_t_num3, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) grad_phi_anal = swd_anal.grad_phi(x, y, z, t) grad_phi_num3 = swd_num3.grad_phi(x, y, z) assert math.isclose(grad_phi_num3.x, grad_phi_anal['x'], rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(grad_phi_num3.y, grad_phi_anal['y'], rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(grad_phi_num3.z, grad_phi_anal['z'], rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) if swd_num1 is not None: grad_phi_num1 = swd_num1.grad_phi(x, y, z) assert math.isclose(grad_phi_num1.x, grad_phi_num3.x, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(grad_phi_num1.y, grad_phi_num3.y, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(grad_phi_num1.z, grad_phi_num3.z, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) if swd_num2 is not None: grad_phi_num2 = swd_num2.grad_phi(x, y, z) assert math.isclose(grad_phi_num2.x, grad_phi_num3.x, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(grad_phi_num2.y, grad_phi_num3.y, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(grad_phi_num2.z, grad_phi_num3.z, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) g2nd_anal = swd_anal.grad_phi_2nd(x, y, z, t) g2nd_num3 = swd_num3.grad_phi_2nd(x, y, z) assert math.isclose(g2nd_num3.xx, g2nd_anal['xx'], rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(g2nd_num3.xy, g2nd_anal['xy'], rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(g2nd_num3.xz, g2nd_anal['xz'], rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(g2nd_num3.yy, g2nd_anal['yy'], rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(g2nd_num3.yz, g2nd_anal['yz'], rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(g2nd_num3.zz, g2nd_anal['zz'], rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) if swd_num1 is not None: g2nd_num1 = swd_num1.grad_phi_2nd(x, y, z) assert math.isclose(g2nd_num1.xx, g2nd_num3.xx, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(g2nd_num1.xy, g2nd_num3.xy, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(g2nd_num1.xz, g2nd_num3.xz, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(g2nd_num1.yy, g2nd_num3.yy, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(g2nd_num1.yz, g2nd_num3.yz, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(g2nd_num1.zz, g2nd_num3.zz, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) if swd_num2 is not None: g2nd_num2 = swd_num2.grad_phi_2nd(x, y, z) assert math.isclose(g2nd_num2.xx, g2nd_num3.xx, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(g2nd_num2.xy, g2nd_num3.xy, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(g2nd_num2.xz, g2nd_num3.xz, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(g2nd_num2.yy, g2nd_num3.yy, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(g2nd_num2.yz, g2nd_num3.yz, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(g2nd_num2.zz, g2nd_num3.zz, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) acc_euler_anal = swd_anal.acc_euler(x, y, z, t) acc_euler_num3 = swd_num3.acc_euler(x, y, z) assert math.isclose(acc_euler_num3.x, acc_euler_anal['x'], rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(acc_euler_num3.y, acc_euler_anal['y'], rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(acc_euler_num3.z, acc_euler_anal['z'], rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) if swd_num1 is not None: acc_euler_num1 = swd_num1.acc_euler(x, y, z) assert math.isclose(acc_euler_num1.x, acc_euler_num3.x, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(acc_euler_num1.y, acc_euler_num3.y, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(acc_euler_num1.z, acc_euler_num3.z, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) if swd_num2 is not None: acc_euler_num2 = swd_num2.acc_euler(x, y, z) assert math.isclose(acc_euler_num2.x, acc_euler_num3.x, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(acc_euler_num2.y, acc_euler_num3.y, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(acc_euler_num2.z, acc_euler_num3.z, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) acc_particle_anal = swd_anal.acc_particle(x, y, z, t) acc_particle_num3 = swd_num3.acc_particle(x, y, z) assert math.isclose(acc_particle_num3.x, acc_particle_anal['x'], rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(acc_particle_num3.y, acc_particle_anal['y'], rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(acc_particle_num3.z, acc_particle_anal['z'], rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) if swd_num1 is not None: acc_particle_num1 = swd_num1.acc_particle(x, y, z) assert math.isclose(acc_particle_num1.x, acc_particle_num3.x, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(acc_particle_num1.y, acc_particle_num3.y, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(acc_particle_num1.z, acc_particle_num3.z, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) if swd_num2 is not None: acc_particle_num2 = swd_num2.acc_particle(x, y, z) assert math.isclose(acc_particle_num2.x, acc_particle_num3.x, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(acc_particle_num2.y, acc_particle_num3.y, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(acc_particle_num2.z, acc_particle_num3.z, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) prs_anal = swd_anal.pressure(x, y, z, t, rho=1025.0, grav=9.81) prs_num3 = swd_num3.pressure(x, y, z) assert math.isclose(prs_num3, prs_anal, rel_tol=1e-03) if swd_num1 is not None: prs_num1 = swd_num1.pressure(x, y, z) assert math.isclose(prs_num1, prs_num3, rel_tol=1e-03) if swd_num2 is not None: prs_num2 = swd_num2.pressure(x, y, z) assert math.isclose(prs_num2, prs_num3, rel_tol=1e-03) elev_anal = swd_anal.elev(x, y, t) elev_num3 = swd_num3.elev(x, y) assert math.isclose(elev_num3, elev_anal, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) if swd_num1 is not None: elev_num1 = swd_num1.elev(x, y) assert math.isclose(elev_num1, elev_num3, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) if swd_num2 is not None: elev_num2 = swd_num2.elev(x, y) assert math.isclose(elev_num2, elev_num3, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) elev_t_anal = swd_anal.elev_t(x, y, t) elev_t_num3 = swd_num3.elev_t(x, y) assert math.isclose(elev_t_num3, elev_t_anal, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) if swd_num1 is not None: elev_t_num1 = swd_num1.elev_t(x, y) assert math.isclose(elev_t_num1, elev_t_num3, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) if swd_num2 is not None: elev_t_num2 = swd_num2.elev_t(x, y) assert math.isclose(elev_t_num2, elev_t_num3, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) grad_elev_anal = swd_anal.grad_elev(x, y, t) grad_elev_num3 = swd_num3.grad_elev(x, y) assert math.isclose(grad_elev_num3.x, grad_elev_anal['x'], rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(grad_elev_num3.y, grad_elev_anal['y'], rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(grad_elev_num3.z, grad_elev_anal['z'], rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) if swd_num1 is not None: grad_elev_num1 = swd_num1.grad_elev(x, y) assert math.isclose(grad_elev_num1.x, grad_elev_num3.x, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(grad_elev_num1.y, grad_elev_num3.y, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(grad_elev_num1.z, grad_elev_num3.z, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) if swd_num2 is not None: grad_elev_num2 = swd_num2.grad_elev(x, y) assert math.isclose(grad_elev_num2.x, grad_elev_num3.x, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(grad_elev_num2.y, grad_elev_num3.y, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(grad_elev_num2.z, grad_elev_num3.z, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) g2nd_elev_anal = swd_anal.grad_elev_2nd(x, y, t) g2nd_elev_num3 = swd_num3.grad_elev_2nd(x, y) assert math.isclose(g2nd_elev_num3.xx, g2nd_elev_anal['xx'], rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(g2nd_elev_num3.xy, g2nd_elev_anal['xy'], rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(g2nd_elev_num3.yy, g2nd_elev_anal['yy'], rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) if swd_num1 is not None: g2nd_elev_num1 = swd_num1.grad_elev_2nd(x, y) assert math.isclose(g2nd_elev_num1.xx, g2nd_elev_num3.xx, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(g2nd_elev_num1.xy, g2nd_elev_num3.xy, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(g2nd_elev_num1.yy, g2nd_elev_num3.yy, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) if swd_num2 is not None: g2nd_elev_num2 = swd_num2.grad_elev_2nd(x, y) assert math.isclose(g2nd_elev_num2.xx, g2nd_elev_num3.xx, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(g2nd_elev_num2.xy, g2nd_elev_num3.xy, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(g2nd_elev_num2.yy, g2nd_elev_num3.yy, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) if abs(swd_anal.sys.t0 - 0.34) < 1.0e-6 and abs(t - 0.52) < 1.0e-6: # Check if strip method produce a swd file with consistent kinematic results. file_swd_strip = os.path.join(swd_anal.tmpdir, 'stripped.swd') swd_num3.strip(tmin=0.31, tmax=0.61, file_swd=file_swd_strip) swd_num3_strip = SpectralWaveData( file_swd_strip, x0=swd_anal.sys.x0, y0=swd_anal.sys.y0, t0=0.0, beta=swd_anal.sys.beta, rho=1025.0, impl=impl, dc_bias=True) nstrip = swd_num3_strip.get('nstrip') assert nstrip > 0 t_strip = ( swd_anal.sys.t0 + t ) - nstrip * 0.1 # dt=0.1 in swd file, nstrip includes t=0.0 swd_num3_strip.update_time(t_strip) phi_num3_strip = swd_num3_strip.phi(x, y, z) assert math.isclose(phi_num3, phi_num3_strip, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) elev_t_num3_strip = swd_num3_strip.elev_t(x, y) assert math.isclose(elev_t_num3, elev_t_num3_strip, rel_tol=1e-04, abs_tol=1e-04) swd_num3_strip.close() file_convergence = os.path.join(swd_anal.tmpdir, 'file_convergence.csv') swd_num3.convergence(x, y, z, csv=file_convergence) with open(file_convergence, 'r') as f: lines = words = lines[-1].split(',') phi_x_convergence = float(words[1]) phi_y_convergence = float(words[2]) phi_z_convergence = float(words[3]) assert math.isclose(grad_phi_num3.x, phi_x_convergence, rel_tol=1e-07, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(grad_phi_num3.y, phi_y_convergence, rel_tol=1e-07, abs_tol=1e-04) assert math.isclose(grad_phi_num3.z, phi_z_convergence, rel_tol=1e-07, abs_tol=1e-04) elev_convergence = float(words[4]) assert math.isclose(elev_num3, elev_convergence, rel_tol=1e-07, abs_tol=1e-04) prs_convergence = float(words[5]) assert math.isclose(prs_num3, prs_convergence, rel_tol=1e-07, abs_tol=1e-04) depth_anal = swd_anal.bathymetry(x_app=3.4, y_app=-5.3) depth_num3 = swd_num3.bathymetry(x=3.4, y=-5.3) if depth_anal < 0: assert depth_num3 < 0 else: assert math.isclose(depth_num3, depth_anal, rel_tol=1e-5) nvec_floor_anal = swd_anal.bathymetry_nvec(x_app=3.4, y_app=-5.3) nvec_floor_num3 = swd_num3.bathymetry_nvec(x=3.4, y=-5.3) assert math.isclose(nvec_floor_anal['x'], nvec_floor_num3.x, abs_tol=1e-5) assert math.isclose(nvec_floor_anal['y'], nvec_floor_num3.y, abs_tol=1e-5) assert math.isclose(nvec_floor_anal['z'], nvec_floor_num3.z, rel_tol=1e-5) nswd_file = swd_num3.get('n') assert isinstance(nswd_file, int) assert nswd_file == 3 dt_swd = swd_num3.get('dt') assert isinstance(dt_swd, float) assert math.isclose(dt_swd, 0.1, rel_tol=1e-5) cid = swd_num3.get('cid') assert isinstance(cid, str) assert cid == "{'ole':1, 'dole':2, 'doffen':3}"
# For a specific (x,y,z) at this t, return a CSV file on how particle velocity, # elevation and pressure converge as a function of number of spectral components swd.convergence(x, y, z, 'dump.csv') t += dt # To save storage for an interesting event you may create a new SWD file # containing only the time steps within a specified time window. swd.strip(tmin=100.0, tmax=200.0, file_swd='my_new.swd') # =========================================================== # The meth swd.get(name) returns the value of parameter 'name' # from the swd file. Three examples are given below... # =========================================================== # Extract the cid string from the SWD file # (contains typical the content of the input file applied in the wave generator) print("cid = ", swd.get('cid')) # The shp parameter from the swd file print("shp = ", swd.get('shp')) # Time step in SWD file print("dt = ", swd.get('dt')) # Name of actual implementation class print("cls_name = ", swd.get('class')) # Close SWD file and free related memory swd.close()