def _compute_tapers(bw, n, fs, ntapers, correct=False):
    """Compute tapers.
    bw : float
        Requested bandwidth
    n : int
        Number of samples in signal
    fs : float
        Sampling frequency
    ntapers : int
        Requested number of tapers
    correct : bool
        Correct number of tapers and bandwidth if requested values are
        out of range.
    tapers : ndarray

    ntapers, bw = _check_ntapers(ntapers, n, bw, fs, correct)
    tapers = spectrum.dpss(int(n), int(bw * n / fs),
                           int(ntapers))[0] * np.sqrt(fs)
    return tapers
def fft_lfp(data, Fs = 1000):
	#print "Calculating multi-taper fft of lfp data..."
	data = data.squeeze() ##get rid of singleton dimensions for the next step
	if len(data.shape) > 1: ##if there is more than one trace, set N and numTraces appropriately
		N = data.shape[0]
		numTraces = data.shape[1]
	else: ##if there is only 1, set N and numTraces
		N = len(data)
		numTraces = 1
		##add a singleton dimension to make data "2d"
		data = data[:,None]

	nfft = 2**spec.nextpow2(N) ##next power of 2 from length of data (makes computation faster)
	tapers, eigs = spec.dpss(N, 3, 5) ##produce multi-taper windows. don't need to normalize like in chronux (integral of the square of each taper = 1)
	tapers = tapers*np.sqrt(Fs)

	tapers2 = np.zeros([tapers.shape[0], tapers.shape[1], numTraces]) ##add trial indices to tapers
	for i in range(tapers2.shape[2]):
		tapers2[:,:,i] = tapers

	H = np.fft.fft(tapers,nfft,axis = 0) ##fouier transform of the tapers
	Nsp = data.sum(axis = 0) ##number of spikes in each trial
	Msp = Nsp/N ##mean rate for each channel

	data2 = np.zeros([N, numTraces, tapers.shape[1]]) ##add taper indices to data
	for i in range(data2.shape[2]):
		data2[:,:,i] = data

	data2 = np.transpose(data2,(0,2,1)) ##get data into the same dimensions as tapers2
	data_proj = data2*tapers2 ##multiply data by tapers
	J = np.fft.fft(data_proj,nfft, axis = 0)/Fs ##fft of projected data

	return J
Пример #3
    def _pmtm(self, x, y, NW=None, k=None, NFFT=None, e=None, v=None, method='eigen', show=True):
        '''Multitapering spectral estimation
        :param array x: the data
        :param array y: the data
        :param float NW: The time half bandwidth parameter (typical values are 2.5,3,3.5,4).
                 Must be provided otherwise the tapering windows and eigen values
                 (outputs of dpss) must be provided.
        :param int k: uses the first k Slepian sequences. If *k* is not provided, *k* is set to *NW*2*.
        :param NW
        :param e: the matrix containing the tapering windows
        :param v: the window concentrations (eigenvalues)
        :param str method: set how the eigenvalues are used. Must be in ['unity', 'adapt', 'eigen']
        :param bool show: plot results
        debug = False
        assert method in ['adapt', 'eigen', 'unity']

        N = len(x)
        # if dpss not provided, compute them
        if e is None and v is None:
            if NW is not None:
                [tapers, eigenvalues] = spectrum.dpss(N, NW, k=k)
                raise ValueError("NW must be provided (e.g. 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4")
        elif e is not None and v is not None:
            if debug:
                print 'Using given tapers.'
            eigenvalues = v[:]
            tapers = e[:]
            raise ValueError(
                "if e provided, v must be provided as well and viceversa.")
        # length of the eigen values vector to be used later
        nwin = len(eigenvalues)

        # set the NFFT
        if NFFT is None:
            NFFT = max(256, 2 ** spectrum.nextpow2(N))
        # si nfft smaller than N, cut otherwise add zero.
        # compute
        if method == 'unity':
            weights = numpy.ones((nwin, 1))
        elif method == 'eigen':
            # The S_k spectrum can be weighted by the eigenvalues, as in Park
            # et al.
            weights = numpy.array([_x / float(i + 1)
                                   for i, _x in enumerate(eigenvalues)])
            weights = weights.reshape(nwin, 1)

        xin = numpy.fft.fft(numpy.multiply(tapers.transpose(), x), NFFT)
        yin = numpy.fft.fft(numpy.multiply(tapers.transpose(), y), NFFT)

        Sk = numpy.multiply(xin, numpy.conj(yin))
        Sk = numpy.mean(Sk * weights, axis=0)

        # clf(); p.plot(); plot(arange(0,0.5,1./512),20*log10(res[0:256]))
        if show is True:
        return Sk
Пример #4
def _cached_get_window(name, nfft):
    if name.startswith('dpss'):
        assert name in ['dpss1', 'dpss2']
        type = int(name[4:]) - 1
        tapers, eigen = dpss(nfft, 1.5, 2)
        return tapers[:, type]

        return signal.get_window(name, nfft)
Пример #5
def _dpsschk(tapers, N, fs):
  Helper function to calculate tapers and
  if precalculated tapers are provided,
  to check that they are the of same
  length in time as the time series being studied.
    tapers, eigs = dpss(N, tapers[0], tapers[1])
    tapers = np.multiply(tapers, np.sqrt(fs))
    return tapers
Пример #6
def _dpsschk(tapers, N, fs):
  Helper function to calculate tapers and
  if precalculated tapers are provided,
  to check that they are the of same
  length in time as the time series being studied.
  tapers, eigs = dpss(N, tapers[0], tapers[1])
  tapers = np.multiply(tapers, np.sqrt(fs))
  return tapers
Пример #7
def psd(data):
    N = len(data)
    NW = 4  #haf bandwidth parameter 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4
    # k=4
    dt = 1
    [tapers, eigen] = dpss(N, NW)
    Sk_complex, weights, eigenvalues = pmtm(data,

    Sk = abs(Sk_complex)**2
    Sk = np.mean(Sk * np.transpose(weights), axis=0) * dt
    Sk = Sk / np.max(Sk)
    return Sk
Пример #8
    def compute(self, bw=2.5):
        ''' Low-level method that computes the multitaper estimate
        N = np.size(self.dpss, 0)
        Nmt = np.size(self.dpss, 1)
        dt = (self.t[1] - self.t[0])
        # data tapers
        print('Number of data tapers: ' + str(Nmt))
        [self.dpss, eigens] = dpss(N, bw, Nmt)

        # compute Nmt tapered periodograms
        for n in range(Nmt):

            QFTx = qfft.Qfft(self.signal * self.dpss[:, n])  # tapered QFT

            self.densities[:, n] = dt * (np.norm(QFTx) +
                                         utils.StokesNorm(QFTx) * quaternion.y)
def fft_spikes(data):
	Fs = 1000.0
	#print 'Calculating multi-taper fft of spike data...'
	data = data.squeeze() ##get rid of singleton dimensions for the next step
	if len(data.shape) > 1: ##if there is more than one trace, set N and numTraces appropriately
		N = data.shape[0]
		numTraces = data.shape[1]
	else: ##if there is only 1, set N and numTraces
		N = len(data)
		numTraces = 1
		##add a singleton dimension to make data "2d"
		data = data[:,None]

	nfft = 2**spec.nextpow2(N)
	tapers, eigs = spec.dpss(N, 3, 5) ##produce multi-taper windows. don't need to normalize like in chronux (integral of the square of each taper = 1)
	tapers = tapers*np.sqrt(Fs)

	tapers2 = np.zeros([tapers.shape[0], tapers.shape[1], data.shape[1]]) ##add trial indices to tapers
	for i in range(tapers2.shape[2]):
		tapers2[:,:,i] = tapers

	fft_tapers = np.fft.fft(tapers, nfft, axis = 0) ##take the fft of the tapers

	H = np.zeros([fft_tapers.shape[0],fft_tapers.shape[1],numTraces],dtype = np.complex64) ##add trace/trial indices to fft_tapers
	for i in range(numTraces):
		H[:,:,i] = fft_tapers

	Nsp = np.sum(data, axis = 0) ##number of spikes in each trial
	Msp = Nsp/N ##mean rate for each channel
	meansp = np.zeros([Msp.shape[0],tapers.shape[1],H.shape[0]]) ##add taper and freq indices to meansp
	for i in range(meansp.shape[1]):
		for j in range(meansp.shape[2]):
			meansp[:,i,j] = Msp
	meansp = np.transpose(meansp)
	data2 = np.zeros([data.shape[0],data.shape[1],tapers.shape[1]]) ##add taper indices to data
	for i in range(data2.shape[2]):
		data2[:,:,i] = data
	data2 = np.transpose(data2,(0,2,1)) ##get data into the same dimensions as H
	data_proj = data2*tapers2 ##multiply data by tapers
	J = np.fft.fft(data_proj,nfft,axis = 0) ##fft of projected data
	#account for spike rate
	J = J-H*meansp
	#print '...Done!'
	return J, Msp, Nsp
Пример #10
def methods_coherence_slepian_sequences(T, TW, filename=None):
    # Generate the slepian sequences, here using the time-halfbandwith-product
    [w, eigens] = spectrum.dpss(T, TW / 2, 4)

    # fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 5))
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4.4))
    # ax.canvas(200, 350)

    sns.lineplot(data=w, ax=ax)

    ax.set_xlim([100, 900])
    ax.set_xlabel(r"Time t in $ms$")

    ax.set_ylim([-0.12, 0.12])

    ax.legend(['1st sequence', '2nd sequence', '3rd sequence', '4th sequence'])
    # ax.set_title(f"Slepian sequences for T={T}, TW={TW}")

    plu.save_figure(fig, filename, T=T, TW=TW)
Пример #11
def get_taper(nfft, taper, *args):

    # Return taper with desired parameters
    # Input:
    # nfft: Taper length
    # taper: Taper type
    # *args: depending on the taper
    # Output:
    # taper to be applied to window
    if taper == 'slepian':
        [tapers, eigen] = spectrum.dpss(nfft, args[0], 1)
        tapers = np.asarray(tapers)[:, 0]
    if taper == 'hamming':
        tapers = spectrum.window.create_window(nfft, 'hamming')
    if taper == 'window_tukey':
        tapers = spectrum.window.create_window(nfft, 'tuckey')
    if taper == 'null':
        tapers = np.asarray([1. for i in range(nfft)])

    return tapers
Пример #12
def get_power_spectra(sample_freq, data):
    # Get robust power spectra based on multitaper method
    # Input:
    # sample_freq: sample frequency of input data
    # data: Input data from which the power spectrum has to be derived
    # Output:
    # freq: frequency array of power spectrum
    # spec: robust power spectra
    nfft = 1024
    tbw = 3
    [tapers, eigen] = spectrum.dpss(nfft, tbw, 1)
    #res = spectrum.pmtm(data, e=tapers, v=eigen, show=False)
    amp, weights, _ = spectrum.pmtm(data, NW=3, show=False)
    freq = np.linspace(0, 1, len(amp[0])) * sample_freq

    spec = [0. for i in range(len(amp[0]))]

    for i in range(len(amp[0])):
        for j in range(len(amp)):
            spec[i] += amp[j][i] * weights[i][j]

    return freq, np.abs(spec)
Пример #13
    def _pmtm(self,
        '''Multitapering spectral estimation
        :param array x: the data
        :param array y: the data
        :param float NW: The time half bandwidth parameter (typical values are 2.5,3,3.5,4).
                 Must be provided otherwise the tapering windows and eigen values
                 (outputs of dpss) must be provided.
        :param int k: uses the first k Slepian sequences. If *k* is not provided, *k* is set to *NW*2*.
        :param NW
        :param e: the matrix containing the tapering windows
        :param v: the window concentrations (eigenvalues)
        :param str method: set how the eigenvalues are used. Must be in ['unity', 'adapt', 'eigen']
        :param bool show: plot results
        debug = False
        assert method in ['adapt', 'eigen', 'unity']

        N = len(x)
        # if dpss not provided, compute them
        if e is None and v is None:
            if NW is not None:
                [tapers, eigenvalues] = spectrum.dpss(N, NW, k=k)
                raise ValueError("NW must be provided (e.g. 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4")
        elif e is not None and v is not None:
            if debug:
                print 'Using given tapers.'
            eigenvalues = v[:]
            tapers = e[:]
            raise ValueError(
                "if e provided, v must be provided as well and viceversa.")
        # length of the eigen values vector to be used later
        nwin = len(eigenvalues)

        # set the NFFT
        if NFFT is None:
            NFFT = max(256, 2**spectrum.nextpow2(N))
        # si nfft smaller than N, cut otherwise add zero.
        # compute
        if method == 'unity':
            weights = numpy.ones((nwin, 1))
        elif method == 'eigen':
            # The S_k spectrum can be weighted by the eigenvalues, as in Park
            # et al.
            weights = numpy.array(
                [_x / float(i + 1) for i, _x in enumerate(eigenvalues)])
            weights = weights.reshape(nwin, 1)

        xin = numpy.fft.fft(numpy.multiply(tapers.transpose(), x), NFFT)
        yin = numpy.fft.fft(numpy.multiply(tapers.transpose(), y), NFFT)

        Sk = numpy.multiply(xin, numpy.conj(yin))
        Sk = numpy.mean(Sk * weights, axis=0)

        # clf(); p.plot(); plot(arange(0,0.5,1./512),20*log10(res[0:256]))
        if show is True:
        return Sk
Пример #14
    def computeRandomCal(self):
        debug = False
        if (self.dbconn is not None):
            # divide by 10000 when getting the cal_duration from the database
            duration = self.cal_duration / 10000.0
            duration = self.cal_duration
        if debug:
            print 'cal duration = ' + str(duration)
        # read data for the random calibration
        stime = UTCDateTime(self.startdate)
        stOUT = read(self.dataOutLoc,
                     endtime=stime + duration)
        stIN = read(self.dataInLoc, starttime=stime, endtime=stime + duration)
        trIN = stIN[0]
        trOUT = stOUT[0]

        if debug:

        # remove the linear trend from the data
        samplerate = trOUT.stats.sampling_rate
        segLength = int(
                     math.floor(math.log(math.floor(len( / 1.3),
        offset = int(0.8 * segLength)
        cnt = 0

        if debug:
            print 'Here is the segment length: ' + str(segLength)
            print 'Here is the offset: ' + str(offset)
        runningTotal = numpy.zeros(segLength)
        numSegments = 0
        [tapers, eigen] = spectrum.dpss(segLength, 12, 12)
        while (cnt + segLength < len(
            x =[cnt:cnt + segLength]
            y =[cnt:cnt + segLength]
            # perform the multi-taper method on both the input and output
            # traces
            pxx = self._pmtm(x,

            pxy = self._pmtm(x,

            # determine the frequency response by dividing the output by the
            # input
            res = numpy.divide(pxy, pxx)
            # create a running total of all responses
            runningTotal = numpy.add(runningTotal, res)
            if (cnt + segLength > len(
                cnt = len( - segLength
                cnt = cnt + (segLength - offset)
            if debug:
                print 'Here is the cnt: ' + str(cnt)
            numSegments = numSegments + 1
        # find the average of segments
        res = runningTotal / numSegments

        # determine sensor type
        if self.sentype is None:
            self.sentype = self._determineSensorType()

        # determine the response based off of the poles and zeros values
        resPaz = self._getRespFromModel(self._pzvals(self.sentype), len(res),

        # compute best fit
        resBfPolesList = fmin(
            args=(res, samplerate),
        resBfPoles = self._pazListToDict(resBfPolesList)
        resBf = self._getRespFromModel(resBfPoles, len(res),

        # generate the frequency array
        freq = numpy.multiply(numpy.fft.fftfreq(len(res)), samplerate)

        # only grab positive frequencies
        freq = freq[freq > 0]
        # get the index of the frequency closest to 20 seconds period (0.05 Hz)
        freq20Array = freq[(freq >= (1. / 20.))]
        min20Freq = numpy.min(freq20Array)
        freq20Index = numpy.where(freq == min20Freq)[0]

        # get the index of the frequency closest to 1000 seconds period (0.001
        # Hz)
        freq1000Array = freq[(freq >= (1. / 1000.))]
        min1000Freq = numpy.min(freq1000Array)
        freq1000Index = numpy.where(freq == min1000Freq)[0]

        # limit to data between 20s and 1000s period
        freq = freq[freq1000Index:freq20Index]

        res = res[freq1000Index:freq20Index]
        resPaz = resPaz[freq1000Index:freq20Index]
        resBf = resBf[freq1000Index:freq20Index]

        #convert to degrees
        res = res * (2. * math.pi * freq)
        resPaz = resPaz * (2. * math.pi * freq)
        resBf = resBf * (2. * math.pi * freq)

        # get index where frequency closest to 50 seconds (0.02 Hz)
        freq50Array = freq[(freq >= (1. / 50.))]
        min50Freq = numpy.min(freq50Array)
        res50Index = numpy.where(freq == min50Freq)[0]

        res, resPhase = self._respToFAP(res, res50Index)
        resPaz, resPazPhase = self._respToFAP(resPaz, res50Index)
        resBf, resBfPhase = self._respToFAP(resBf, res50Index)

        # calculate the free period
        fp = 2 * math.pi / abs(numpy.min(self._pzvals(self.sentype)['poles']))
        # determine the damping ratio of the signal
        damping = abs(
            numpy.real(numpy.min(self._pzvals(self.sentype)['poles'])) /
            (2 * math.pi / fp))

        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(121)
        ax.semilogx(numpy.divide(1, freq), res, label='Actual')
        ax.semilogx(numpy.divide(1, freq), resPaz, label='Nominal')
        ax.semilogx(numpy.divide(1, freq), resBf, label='Best Fit')
        ax.set_xlabel('Period (seconds)')
        ax.set_ylabel('Amplitude [DB]')
        ax.legend(loc=9, ncol=2, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0.)

        ax = fig.add_subplot(122)
        ax.semilogx(numpy.divide(1, freq), resPhase, label='Actual')
        ax.semilogx(numpy.divide(1, freq), -resPazPhase, label='Nominal')
        ax.semilogx(numpy.divide(1, freq), -resBfPhase, label='Best Fit')
        ax.set_xlabel('Period (seconds)')
        ax.set_ylabel('Phase [radian]')
        plt.legend(loc=9, ncol=2, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0.)
        plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.3, top=0.85)

        title = 'Frequency Response of a ' + self.sentype + ' Seismometer for \n Station = ' \
            + + '_' + self.station + ', Location = ' + self.location \
            + ', Channel = ' + self.outChannel + ', Start-time = ' + str(self.startdate) \
            + '\nh = ' + str(damping) + ', fp= ' + str(fp)
        plt.suptitle(title, fontsize=11)
Пример #15
    def spectrogram(self,data,window_width=None,incr=None,window='Hann',equal_loudness=False,mean_normalise=True,onesided=True,multitaper=False,need_even=False):
        """ Compute the spectrogram from amplitude data
        Returns the power spectrum, not the density -- compute 10.*log10(sg) before plotting.
        Uses absolute value of the FT, not FT*conj(FT), 'cos it seems to give better discrimination
        Options: multitaper version, but it's slow, mean normalised, even, one-sided.
        This version is faster than the default versions in pylab and scipy.signal
        Assumes that the values are not normalised.
        TODO: Makes a copy of the data and uses that to ensure can be inverted. This is memory wasteful. Is that a problem?
        if data is None:
            print ("Error")

        datacopy = data.astype('float')

        if window_width is None:
            window_width = self.window_width
        if incr is None:
            incr = self.incr
        # Set of window options
        if window=='Hann':
            # This is the Hann window
            window = 0.5 * (1 - np.cos(2 * np.pi * np.arange(window_width) / (window_width - 1)))
        elif window=='Parzen':
            # Parzen (window_width even)
            n = np.arange(window_width) - 0.5*window_width
            window = np.where(np.abs(n)<0.25*window_width,1 - 6*(n/(0.5*window_width))**2*(1-np.abs(n)/(0.5*window_width)), 2*(1-np.abs(n)/(0.5*window_width))**3)
        elif window=='Welch':
            # Welch
            window = 1.0 - ((np.arange(window_width) - 0.5*(window_width-1))/(0.5*(window_width-1)))**2
        elif window=='Hamming':
            # Hamming
            alpha = 0.54
            beta = 1.-alpha
            window = alpha - beta*np.cos(2 * np.pi * np.arange(window_width) / (window_width - 1))
        elif window=='Blackman':
            # Blackman
            alpha = 0.16
            a0 = 0.5*(1-alpha)
            a1 = 0.5
            a2 = 0.5*alpha
            window = a0 - a1*np.cos(2 * np.pi * np.arange(window_width) / (window_width - 1)) + a2*np.cos(4 * np.pi * np.arange(window_width) / (window_width - 1))
        elif window=='BlackmanHarris':
            # Blackman-Harris
            a0 = 0.358375
            a1 = 0.48829
            a2 = 0.14128
            a3 = 0.01168
            window = a0 - a1*np.cos(2 * np.pi * np.arange(window_width) / (window_width - 1)) + a2*np.cos(4 * np.pi * np.arange(window_width) / (window_width - 1)) - a3*np.cos(6 * np.pi * np.arange(window_width) / (window_width - 1))
        elif window=='Ones':
            window = np.ones(window_width)
            print("Unknown window, using Hann")
            window = 0.5 * (1 - np.cos(2 * np.pi * np.arange(window_width) / (window_width - 1)))

        if equal_loudness:
            datacopy = self.equalLoudness(datacopy)

        if mean_normalise:
            datacopy -= datacopy.mean()

        starts = range(0, len(datacopy) - window_width, incr)
        if multitaper:
            from spectrum import dpss, pmtm
            [tapers, eigen] = dpss(window_width, 2.5, 4)
            counter = 0
            sg = np.zeros((len(starts),window_width // 2))
            for start in starts:
                Sk, weights, eigen = pmtm(datacopy[start:start + window_width], v=tapers, e=eigen, show=False)
                Sk = abs(Sk)**2
                Sk = np.mean(Sk.T * weights, axis=1)
                sg[counter:counter + 1,:] = Sk[window_width // 2:].T
                counter += 1
            sg = np.fliplr(sg)
            if need_even:
                starts = np.hstack((starts, np.zeros((window_width - len(datacopy) % window_width),dtype=int)))

            ft = np.zeros((len(starts), window_width))
            for i in starts:
                ft[i // incr, :] = window * datacopy[i:i + window_width]
            ft = fft.fft(ft)
            #ft = np.fft.fft(ft)
            if onesided:
                sg = np.absolute(ft[:, :window_width // 2])
                sg = np.absolute(ft)
            #sg = (ft*np.conj(ft))[:,window_width // 2:].T
        return sg
Пример #16
    def spectral_derivative(self,data,sampleRate,window_width,incr,K=2,threshold=0.5,returnAll=False):
        """ Compute the spectral derivative """
        from spectrum import dpss

        # Compute the set of multi-tapered spectrograms
        starts = range(0, len(data) - window_width, incr)
        [tapers, eigen] = dpss(window_width, 2.5, K)
        sg = np.zeros((len(starts), window_width,K),dtype=complex)
        for k in range(K):
            for i in starts:
                sg[i // incr, :,k] = tapers[:,k] * data[i:i + window_width]
            sg[:,:,k] = fft.fft(sg[:,:,k])
        sg = sg[:,window_width//2:,:]
        # Spectral derivative is the real part of exp(i \phi) \sum_ k s_k conj(s_{k+1}) where s_k is the k-th tapered spectrogram
        # and \phi is the direction of maximum change (tan inverse of the ratio of pure time and pure frequency components)
        S = np.sum(sg[:,:,:-1]*np.conj(sg[:,:,1:]),axis=2)
        timederiv = np.real(S)
        freqderiv = np.imag(S)
        # Frequency modulation is the angle $\pi/2 - direction of max change$
        fm = np.arctan(np.max(timederiv**2,axis=0) / np.max(freqderiv**2,axis=0))
        spectral_deriv = -timederiv*np.sin(fm) + freqderiv*np.cos(fm)

        sg = np.sum(np.real(sg*np.conj(sg)),axis=2)
        sg /= np.max(sg)
        # Suppress the noise (spectral continuity)
        # Compute the zero crossings of the spectral derivative in all directions
        # Pixel is a contour pixel if it is at a zero crossing and both neighbouring pixels in that direction are > threshold
        sdt = spectral_deriv * np.roll(spectral_deriv,1,0) 
        sdf = spectral_deriv * np.roll(spectral_deriv,1,1) 
        sdtf = spectral_deriv * np.roll(spectral_deriv,1,(0,1)) 
        sdft = spectral_deriv * np.roll(spectral_deriv,(1,-1),(0,1)) 
        indt,indf = np.where(((sdt < 0) | (sdf < 0) | (sdtf < 0) | (sdft < 0)) & (spectral_deriv < 0))
        # Noise reduction using a threshold
        we = np.abs(self.wiener_entropy(sg))
        freqs,mf = self.mean_frequency(sampleRate,timederiv,freqderiv)

        # Given a time and frequency bin
        contours = np.zeros(np.shape(spectral_deriv))
        for i in range(len(indf)):
            f = indf[i]
            t = indt[i]
            if (t>0) & (t<(np.shape(sg)[0]-1)) & (f>0) & (f<(np.shape(sg)[1]-1)): 
                thr = threshold*we[t]/np.abs(freqs[f] - mf[t])
                if (sdt[t,f]<0) & (sg[t-1,f]>thr) & (sg[t+1,f]>thr):
                    contours[t,f] = 1
                if (sdf[t,f] < 0) & (sg[t,f-1]>thr) & (sg[t,f+1]>thr):
                    contours[t,f] = 1
                if (sdtf[t,f] < 0) & (sg[t-1,f-1]>thr) & (sg[t+1,f+1]>thr):
                    contours[t,f] = 1
                if (sdft[t,f] < 0) & (sg[t-1,f+1]>thr) & (sg[t-1,f+1]>thr):
                    contours[t,f] = 1

        if returnAll:
            return spectral_deriv, sg, fm, we, mf, np.fliplr(contours)
            return np.fliplr(contours)
Пример #17
    def computeRandomCal(self):
        debug = False
        if(self.dbconn is not None):
            # divide by 10000 when getting the cal_duration from the database
            duration = self.cal_duration / 10000.0
            duration = self.cal_duration
        if debug:
            print 'cal duration = ' + str(duration)
        # read data for the random calibration
        stime = UTCDateTime(self.startdate)
        stOUT = read(
            self.dataOutLoc, starttime=stime, endtime=stime + duration)
        stIN = read(self.dataInLoc, starttime=stime, endtime=stime + duration)
        trIN = stIN[0]
        trOUT = stOUT[0]

        if debug:

        # remove the linear trend from the data
        samplerate = trOUT.stats.sampling_rate
        segLength = int(
            math.pow(2, math.floor(math.log(math.floor(len( / 1.3), 2))))
        offset = int(0.8 * segLength)
        cnt = 0

        if debug:
            print 'Here is the segment length: ' + str(segLength)
            print 'Here is the offset: ' + str(offset)
        runningTotal = numpy.zeros(segLength)
        numSegments = 0
        [tapers, eigen] = spectrum.dpss(segLength, 12, 12)
        while (cnt + segLength < len(
            x =[cnt:cnt + segLength]
            y =[cnt:cnt + segLength]
            # perform the multi-taper method on both the input and output
            # traces
            pxx = self._pmtm(
                x, x, e=tapers, v=eigen, NFFT=segLength, show=False)

            pxy = self._pmtm(
                x, y, e=tapers, v=eigen, NFFT=segLength, show=False)

            # determine the frequency response by dividing the output by the
            # input
            res = numpy.divide(pxy, pxx)
            # create a running total of all responses
            runningTotal = numpy.add(runningTotal, res)
            if(cnt + segLength > len(
                cnt = len( - segLength
                cnt = cnt + (segLength - offset)
            if debug:
                print 'Here is the cnt: ' + str(cnt)
            numSegments = numSegments + 1
        # find the average of segments
        res = runningTotal / numSegments

        # determine sensor type
        if self.sentype is None:
            self.sentype = self._determineSensorType()

        # determine the response based off of the poles and zeros values
        resPaz = self._getRespFromModel(
            self._pzvals(self.sentype), len(res),

        # compute best fit
        resBfPolesList = fmin(self._resiFreq,  numpy.array(self._pazDictToList(self._pzvals(self.sentype))), args=(res, samplerate),
                  xtol=10 ** -8, ftol=10 ** -3, disp=False)
        resBfPoles = self._pazListToDict(resBfPolesList)
        resBf = self._getRespFromModel(
            resBfPoles, len(res),

        # generate the frequency array
        freq = numpy.multiply(numpy.fft.fftfreq(len(res)), samplerate)

        # only grab positive frequencies
        freq = freq[freq > 0]
        # get the index of the frequency closest to 20 seconds period (0.05 Hz)
        freq20Array = freq[(freq >= (1. / 20.))]
        min20Freq = numpy.min(freq20Array)
        freq20Index = numpy.where(freq == min20Freq)[0]

        # get the index of the frequency closest to 1000 seconds period (0.001
        # Hz)
        freq1000Array = freq[(freq >= (1. / 1000.))]
        min1000Freq = numpy.min(freq1000Array)
        freq1000Index = numpy.where(freq == min1000Freq)[0]

        # limit to data between 20s and 1000s period
        freq = freq[freq1000Index: freq20Index]
        res = res[freq1000Index: freq20Index]
        resPaz = resPaz[freq1000Index: freq20Index]
        resBf = resBf[freq1000Index: freq20Index]
        #convert to degrees
        res = res * (2. * math.pi * freq)
        resPaz = resPaz * (2. * math.pi * freq)
        resBf = resBf * (2. * math.pi * freq)

        # get index where frequency closest to 50 seconds (0.02 Hz)
        freq50Array = freq[(freq >= (1. / 50.))]
        min50Freq = numpy.min(freq50Array)
        res50Index = numpy.where(freq == min50Freq)[0]

        res, resPhase = self._respToFAP(res, res50Index)
        resPaz, resPazPhase = self._respToFAP(resPaz, res50Index)
        resBf, resBfPhase = self._respToFAP(resBf, res50Index)

        # calculate the free period
        fp = 2 * math.pi / abs(numpy.min(self._pzvals(self.sentype)['poles']))
        # determine the damping ratio of the signal
        damping = abs(
            numpy.real(numpy.min(self._pzvals(self.sentype)['poles'])) / (2 * math.pi / fp))

        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(121)
        ax.semilogx(numpy.divide(1, freq), res, label='Actual')
        ax.semilogx(numpy.divide(1, freq), resPaz, label='Nominal')
        ax.semilogx(numpy.divide(1, freq), resBf, label='Best Fit')
        ax.set_xlabel('Period (seconds)')
        ax.set_ylabel('Amplitude [DB]')
        ax.legend(loc=9, ncol=2, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0.)

        ax = fig.add_subplot(122)
        ax.semilogx(numpy.divide(1, freq), resPhase, label='Actual')
        ax.semilogx(numpy.divide(1, freq), -resPazPhase, label='Nominal')
        ax.semilogx(numpy.divide(1, freq), -resBfPhase, label='Best Fit')
        ax.set_xlabel('Period (seconds)')
        ax.set_ylabel('Phase [radian]')
        plt.legend(loc=9, ncol=2, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0.)
        plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.3, top=0.85)

        title = 'Frequency Response of a ' + self.sentype + ' Seismometer for \n Station = ' \
            + + '_' + self.station + ', Location = ' + self.location \
            + ', Channel = ' + self.outChannel + ', Start-time = ' + str(self.startdate) \
            + '\nh = ' + str(damping) + ', fp= ' + str(fp)
        plt.suptitle(title, fontsize=11)
Пример #18
def pmtmPH(x, dt=1., nw=3, nfft=None):
    function [P,s,ci] = pmtmPH(x,dt,nw,qplot,nfft);
    Computes the power spectrum using the multi-taper method with adaptive weighting.
    x      - Input data vector.
    dt     - Sampling interval, default is 1.
    nw     - Time bandwidth product, acceptable values are
    0:.5:length(x)/2-1, default is 3.  2*nw-1 dpss tapers
    are applied except if nw=0 a boxcar window is applied 
    and if nw=.5 (or 1) a single dpss taper is applied.
    qplot  - Generate a plot: 1 for yes, else no.  
    nfft   - Number of frequencies to evaluate P at, default is
    length(x) for the two-sided transform. 
    P      - Power spectrum computed via the multi-taper method.
    s      - Frequency vector.
    ci     - 95% confidence intervals. Note that both the degrees of freedom
    calculated by pmtm.m and chi2conf.m, which pmtm.m calls, are
    incorrect.  Here a quick approximation method is used to
    determine the chi-squared 95% confidence limits for v degrees
    of freedom.  The degrees of freedom are close to but no larger
    than (2*nw-1)*2; if the degrees of freedom are greater than
    roughly 30, the chi-squared distribution is close to Gaussian.
    The vertical ticks at the top of the plot indicate the size of
    the full band-width.  The distance between ticks would remain
    fixed in a linear plot.  For an accurate spectral estimate,
    the true spectra should not vary abruptly on scales less than
    the full-bandwidth.
    Other toolbox functions called: dpps.m; and if nfft does not equal length(x)    , cz.m
    Peter Huybers
    MIT, 2003
    [email protected]

    Adapted from Matlab to Python by Nicolas Barrier"""

    if nfft is None:
        nfft = len(x)

    nx = len(x)
    k = np.min([np.round(2 * nw), nx])
    k = np.max([k - 1, 1])
    s = np.arange(0, 1 / dt, 1 / (nfft * dt))
    w = nw / (dt * nx)  # half-bandwidth of the dpss

    E, V = sp.dpss(nx, NW=nw, k=k)

    if nx <= nfft:
        tempx = np.transpose(np.tile(x, (k, 1)))
        Pk = np.abs(np.fft.fft(E * tempx, n=nfft, axis=0))**2
        raise IOError('Not implemented yet')

    #Iteration to determine adaptive weights:
    if k > 1:
        xmat = np.mat(x).T
        sig2 = xmat.T * xmat / nx
        # power
        P = (Pk[:, 0] + Pk[:, 1]) / 2.
        # initial spectrum estimate
        Ptemp = np.zeros(nfft)
        P1 = np.zeros(nfft)
        tol = .0005 * sig2 / nfft
        a = sig2 * (1 - V)
        while np.sum(np.abs(P - P1) / nfft) > tol:
            Pmat = np.mat(P).T
            Vmat = np.mat(V)
            amat = np.mat(a)
            temp1 = np.mat(np.ones((1, k)))
            temp2 = np.mat(np.ones((nfft, 1)))
            b = (Pmat * temp1) / (Pmat * Vmat + temp2 * amat)
            # weights
            temp3 = np.mat(np.ones((nfft, 1))) * Vmat
            temp3 = np.array(temp3)
            b = np.array(b)
            wk = b**2 * temp3
            P1 = np.sum(wk * Pk, axis=1) / np.sum(wk, axis=1)
            Ptemp = P1
            P1 = P
            P = Ptemp
            # swap P and P1

        temp1 = b**2
        temp2 = np.mat(np.ones((nfft, 1))) * Vmat
        num = 2 * np.sum(temp1 * np.array(temp2), axis=1)**2

        temp1 = b**4
        temp2 = np.mat(np.ones((nfft, 1))) * np.mat(V**2)
        den = np.sum(temp1 * np.array(temp2), axis=1)
        v = num / den

    select = np.arange(0, (nfft + 1) / 2 + 1).astype(np.int64)
    P = P[select]
    s = s[select]
    v = v[select]

    temp1 = 1 / (1 - 2 / (9 * v) - 1.96 * np.sqrt(2. / (9 * v)))**3
    temp2 = 1 / (1 - 2 / (9 * v) + 1.96 * np.sqrt(2 / (9 * v)))**3

    ci = np.array([temp1, temp2])

    return P, s, ci
def multi_taper_ps( x, nfft, dt = 1, nw = 3 ):
	Based on script available at Peter Huybers' website:

	  x      - Input data vector.
	  nfft   - Number of frequencies to evaluate P at, set to
		   length(x) for the two-sided transform. 
	  dt     - Sampling interval, default is 1.
	  nw     - Time bandwidth product, acceptable values are
		   0:.5:length(x)/2-1, default is 3.  2*nw-1 dpss tapers
		   are applied except if nw=0 a boxcar window is applied 
		   and if nw=.5 (or 1) a single dpss taper is applied.

	  P      - Power spectrum computed via the multi-taper method.
	  s      - Frequency vector.
	  ci     - 95% confidence intervals. Note that both the degrees of freedom
		   calculated by pmtm.m and chi2conf.m, which pmtm.m calls, are
		   incorrect.  Here a quick approximation method is used to
		   determine the chi-squared 95% confidence limits for v degrees
		   of freedom.  The degrees of freedom are close to but no larger
		   than (2*nw-1)*2; if the degrees of freedom are greater than
		   roughly 30, the chi-squared distribution is close to Gaussian.

		   The vertical ticks at the top of the plot indicate the size of
		   the full band-width.  The distance between ticks would remain
		   fixed in a linear plot.  For an accurate spectral estimate,
		   the true spectra should not vary abruptly on scales less than
		   the full-bandwidth.


	nx = len(x)
	k = min( round(2 * nw), nx )
	k = int( max( k - 1, 1) ) #number of windows
	w = float(nw) / float(dt*nx) #half-bandwidth of the dpss
	s = np.arange(0., 1. / dt, 1. / nfft / dt )

	#Compute the discrete prolate spheroidal sequences
	E, V = spectrum.dpss( nx, nw, k )

	#Compute the windowed DFTs.
	#if nx<=nfft
	Pk = np.zeros( ( k, nx ) )
	for i in range( k ):
		fx = np.fft.fft( E[:, i] * x[:], nfft)
   		Pk[i, :] = abs( np.fft.fft( E[:, i] * x[:], nfft) ) ** 2
	#else  #compute DFT on nfft evenly spaced samples around unit circle:
   	#	Pk=abs(czt(E(:,1:k).*x(:,ones(1,k)),nfft)).^2; 
	####python doesn't have czt function. Can find scripts online, but for now just leave it

	#Iteration to determine adaptive weights:    
  	if k > 1:
   		P, b, wk = adaptive_weights( x, Pk, nfft, V )
   		#Determine equivalent degrees of freedom, see p.  of Percival and Walden 1993.
   		v = (2. * np.sum( (b ** 2) * V[np.newaxis, :], axis = 2 ) ** 2 ) / (np.sum( (b ** 4) * ( V[np.newaxis, :] ** 2 ), axis = 2 ) )
	else: #simply the periodogram;
	     P = Pk
	     v = 2.* np.ones( nfft )

	#cut records
	P = P[:(nfft + 1) / 2 + 1]
	s = s[:(nfft + 1) / 2 + 1]
	v = v[0, :(nfft + 1) / 2 + 1]

	#Chi-squared 95% confidence interval
	#approximation from Chambers et al 1983; see Percival and Walden p.256, 1993
	ci = np.zeros( ( 2, len( v ) ) )
	ci[0, :] = 1. / (1. - 2. / (9. * v ) - 1.96 * np.sqrt( 2. / ( 9 * v ) ) ) ** 3
	ci[1, :] = 1. / (1. - 2. / (9. * v ) + 1.96 * np.sqrt( 2. / ( 9 * v ) ) ) ** 3
	return P, s, ci
def multi_taper_coh( x, y, dt = 1, nw = 8, qbias = 0, confn = 0 ):
	Based on script available at Peter Huybers' website:

	   x     - Input data vector 1.  
	   y     - Input data vector 2.  
	   dt    - Sampling interval (default 1) 
	   nw    - Number of windows to use (default 8) 
	   qbias - Correct coherence estimate for bias (yes, 1)  (no, 0, default).
	   confn - Number of iterations to use in estimating phase uncertainty using a Monte Carlo method. (default 0)

	   s       - frequency
	   c       - coherence
	   ph      - phase
	   a       - regression co-efficients
	   ci      - 95% coherence confidence level
	   phi     - 95% phase confidence interval, bias correct (add and subtract phi from ph).

	Note: the coherence bias and confidence intervals are difficult to calculate - Peter Huybers includes a script which 	     estimates these that takes about an hour to run on a 2Ghz machine. For now, don't calculate the bias and confidence 		intervals.


	if nw < 1.5:
		print "WARNING: nw must be >= 1.5"
	print "Number of windows: ", nw
	if qbias == 1:
		print "Bias correction: On"
		print "Bias correction: Off"
	print "Confidence iterations: ", confn

	x -= np.mean( x )
	y -= np.mean( y )
	if len( x ) != len( y ):
		print "WARNING: length x != length y"

	#define some parameters
	nx = len(x);
	k = min( round(2 * nw), nx )
	k = int( max( k - 1, 1) ) #number of windows
	s = np.arange(0., 1. / dt, 1. / nx / dt )
	pls = np.arange(2, (nx + 1) / 2 + 1 )
	v = (2. * nw - 1) #approximate degrees of freedom

	if len(y)%2 == 1:
		pls = pls[:len(pls) - 1]

	#Compute the discrete prolate spheroidal sequences
	E, V = spectrum.dpss( nx, nw, k )

	#Compute the windowed DFTs.
	fkx = np.zeros( ( k, nx ) ).astype(complex)
	fky = np.zeros( ( k, nx ) ).astype(complex)
	for i in range( k ):
   		fkx[i, :] = np.fft.fft( E[:, i] * x[:], nx)
   		fky[i, :] = np.fft.fft( E[:, i] * y[:], nx)
	Pkx = abs( fkx ) ** 2
	Pky = abs( fky ) ** 2

	#Iteration to determine adaptive weights:    
  	for i in range( 2 ):
		if i == 0:
			P, b, wk = adaptive_weights( x, Pkx, nx, V ) 	
			fkx = np.sqrt( k ) * np.sqrt( wk[0] ) * fkx / (np.sum( np.sqrt( wk[0] ), axis = 0 ) )[np.newaxis, :]
			Fx = P #Power density spectral estimate of x
		elif i == 1:
			P, b, wk = adaptive_weights( y, Pky, nx, V ) 
			fky = np.sqrt( k ) * np.sqrt( wk[0] ) * fky / (np.sum( np.sqrt( wk[0] ), axis = 0 ) )[np.newaxis, :]
			Fy = P #Power density spectral estimate of y

	#Compute coherence and phase 
	Cxy = np.sum( fkx * np.conj( fky ), axis = 0 )
	Cxy = np.conj( Cxy ) 
	ph = np.angle( Cxy ) * 180. / np.pi
	c = abs( Cxy ) / np.sqrt( np.sum( abs( fkx ) ** 2, axis = 0) * np.sum( abs( fky ) ** 2, axis = 0 ) )
	#Compute regression co-efficients
	a = a[1:(nx + 1) / 2 + 1]

	#cut records
	c = c[1:(nx + 1) / 2 + 1]
	s = s[1:(nx + 1) / 2 + 1]
	ph = ph[1:(nx + 1) / 2 + 1]

	phi = np.zeros( len(pls) ) 
	ci = np.zeros( len( c ) )

	return s, c, ph, a, ci, phi
Пример #21
        def _decon(parent, daughter1, daughter2, noise, nn, method):

            # Get length, zero padding parameters and frequencies
            dt =

            # Wiener or Water level deconvolution
            if method == 'wiener' or method == 'water':

                # npad = _npow2(nn*2)
                npad = nn
                freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(npad, d=dt)

                # Fourier transform
                Fp = np.fft.fft(, n=npad)
                Fd1 = np.fft.fft(, n=npad)
                Fd2 = np.fft.fft(, n=npad)
                Fn = np.fft.fft(, n=npad)

                # Auto and cross spectra
                Spp = np.real(Fp * np.conjugate(Fp))
                Sd1p = Fd1 * np.conjugate(Fp)
                Sd2p = Fd2 * np.conjugate(Fp)
                Snn = np.real(Fn * np.conjugate(Fn))

                # Final processing depends on method
                if method == 'wiener':
                    Sdenom = Spp + Snn
                elif method == 'water':
                    phi = np.amax(Spp) * wlevel
                    Sdenom = Spp
                    Sdenom[Sdenom < phi] = phi

            # Multitaper deconvolution
            elif method == 'multitaper':

                from spectrum import dpss

                npad = nn
                # Re-check length and pad with zeros if necessary
                if not np.allclose([
                        for tr in [parent, daughter1, daughter2, noise]
                ], npad):
           = _pad(, npad)
           = _pad(, npad)
           = _pad(, npad)
           = _pad(, npad)

                freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(npad, d=dt)

                NW = 2.5
                Kmax = int(NW * 2 - 2)
                [tapers, eigenvalues] = dpss(npad, NW, Kmax)

                # Get multitaper spectrum of data
                Fp = np.fft.fft(np.multiply(tapers.transpose(),
                Fd1 = np.fft.fft(
                Fd2 = np.fft.fft(
                Fn = np.fft.fft(np.multiply(tapers.transpose(),

                # Auto and cross spectra
                Spp = np.sum(np.real(Fp * np.conjugate(Fp)), axis=0)
                Sd1p = np.sum(Fd1 * np.conjugate(Fp), axis=0)
                Sd2p = np.sum(Fd2 * np.conjugate(Fp), axis=0)
                Snn = np.sum(np.real(Fn * np.conjugate(Fn)), axis=0)

                # Denominator
                Sdenom = Spp + Snn

                print("Method not implemented")

            # Apply Gaussian filter?
            if gfilt:
                gauss = _gauss_filt(dt, npad, gfilt)
                gnorm = np.sum(gauss) * (freqs[1] - freqs[0]) * dt
                gauss = np.ones(npad)
                gnorm = 1.

            # Copy traces
            rfp = parent.copy()
            rfd1 = daughter1.copy()
            rfd2 = daughter2.copy()

            # Spectral division and inverse transform
   = np.fft.fftshift(
                np.real(np.fft.ifft(gauss * Spp / Sdenom)) / gnorm)
   = np.fft.fftshift(
                np.real(np.fft.ifft(gauss * Sd1p / Sdenom)) / gnorm)
   = np.fft.fftshift(
                np.real(np.fft.ifft(gauss * Sd2p / Sdenom)) / gnorm)
            # = np.fft.fftshift(np.real(np.fft.ifft(
            #     gauss*Sd1p/Sdenom))/np.amax(
            # = np.fft.fftshift(np.real(np.fft.ifft(
            #     gauss*Sd2p/Sdenom))/np.amax(

            return rfp, rfd1, rfd2
Пример #22
def cmtm(x, y, dt=1.0, NW=8, qbias=0.0, confn=0.0, qplot=True):
    s, c, ph, ci, phi = cmtm(x,y,dt,NW,qbias,confn,qplot)
    Multi-taper method coherence using adaptive weighting and correcting
    for the bias inherent to coherence estimates.  The 95% coherence
    confidence level is computed by  In addition, a
    Monte Carlo estimation procedure is available to estimate phase 95%
    confidence limits.

             x     - Input data vector 1.
             y     - Input data vector 2.
             dt    - Sampling interval (default 8)
             NW    - Number of windows to use (default 8)
             qbias - Correct coherence estimate for bias (default 0).
             confn - Number of iterations to use in estimating phase
                           uncertainty using a Monte Carlo method. (default 0)
             qplot - Plot the results.  The upper tickmarks indicate the
                     bandwidth of the coherence and phase estimates.

             s       - frequency
             c       - coherence
             ph      - phase
             ci      - 95% coherence confidence level
             phi     - 95% phase confidence interval, bias corrected
                       (add and subtract phi from ph).

    required:,,, scipy signal processing.
    # Local Variables: ci, fx, cb, qplot, Pk, E, qbias, vari, ys, phut, Fx, Fy,
    # phl, ds, fkx, fky, tol, Ptemp, ph, phlt, pl, NW, phi, P1, pls, xs, i1,fy,
    # wk, N, P, V, dt, confn, phu, a, c, b, Cxy, Pkx, Pky, iter, col, s, w, v,
    # y, x, h, k
    # Function calls: disp, cmtm, dpss, cohconf, conv, fill, fft, set, conj,
    #  repmat, find, size, plot, angle, figure, cohbias, min, axis, sum, si,
    #  sqrt, abs, zeros, rem, xlabel, pi, ciph, real, max, ylabel, sort,
    # nargin, ones, randn, subplot, ifft, clf, gcf, fliplr, length, num2str,
    # title, round, mean

    # pre-checks
    if NW < 1.5:
        raise ValueError("Warning: NW must be greater or equal to 1.5")

    print('Number of windows: ', NW)
    if qbias == 1.:
        print('Bias correction:   On')
        print('Bias correction:   Off')

    print('Confidence Itera.: ', confn)
    if qplot == 1.:
        print('Plotting:          On')
        print('Plotting:          Off')

    x = x.flatten(1)-np.mean(x)
    y = y.flatten(1)-np.mean(y)
    if x.shape[0] != y.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError('Warning: the lengths of x and y must be equal.')

    #  define some parameters
    N = x.shape[0]
    k = np.max(np.round((2.*NW)), N)
    k = np.max((k-1.), 1.)
    s = np.arange(0., (1./dt-1./, dt)) +
        (1./, dt)), 1./, dt)).conj().T
    pls = np.arange(2., ((N+1.)/2.+1.)+1)
    v = 2*NW-1  # approximate degrees of freedom
    if y.shape % 2 == 1:
        pls = pls[0:0-1.]

    # Compute the discrete prolate spheroidal sequences,
    # requires the spectral analysis toolbox.
    [E, V] = dpss(N, NW, k)
    # Compute the windowed DFTs.
    fkx = np.fft((E[:, 0:k]*x[:, int(np.ones(1., k))-1]), N)
    fky = np.fft((E[:, 0:k]*y[:, int(np.ones(1., k))-1]), N)
    Pkx = np.abs(fkx)**2.
    Pky = np.abs(fky)**2.
    # Iteration to determine adaptive weights:
    for i1 in np.arange(1, 3):
        if i1 == 1:
            vari =, x)/N
            Pk = Pkx

        if i1 == 2:
            vari =, y)/N
            Pk = Pky

        P = (Pk[:, 0]+Pk[:, 1])/2.
        # initial spectrum estimate
        Ptemp = np.zeros((N, 1.))
        P1 = np.zeros((N, 1.))
        tol =, vari)/N
        # usually within tolerance in about three iterations,
        # see equations from [2] (P&W pp 368-370).
        a =, 1.-V)
        while np.sum(np.abs((P-P1))/N) > tol:
            b =, np.ones(1., k))/(, V.conj().T) +
      , 1.), a.conj().T))
            # weights
            wk = b**2.*, 1.), V.conj().T)
            # new spectral estimate
            P1 = (np.sum((wk.conj().T*Pk.conj().T))/
            Ptemp = P1
            P1 = P
            P = Ptemp
            # swap P and P1

        if i1 == 1:
            dotp1 =, np.sqrt(wk))
            fkxtmp = np.sum(np.sqrt(wk.conj().T)).conj().T
            # fkx = dotp1*fkx/matcompat.repmat(fkxtmp, 1., k)
            fkx = dotp1*fkx/np.kron(np.ones((1, k)), fkxtmp)
            Fx = P
            # Power density spectral estimate of x

        if i1 == 2:
            dotp1 =, np.sqrt(wk))
            fkytmp = np.sum(np.sqrt(wk.conj().T)).conj().T
            # fky = dotp1*fky/matcompat.repmat(fkytmp, 1., k)
            fky = dotp1*fky/np.kron(np.ones((1, k)), fkytmp)
            Fy = P
            # Power density spectral estimate of y

    # As a check, the quantity sum(abs(fkx(pls,:))'.^2) is the same as Fx and
    # the spectral estimate from pmtmPH.
    # Compute coherence
    Cxy = np.sum(np.array(np.hstack((fkx*np.conj(fky)))).conj().T)
    ph = np.divide(np.angle(Cxy)*180., np.pi)
    c = np.abs(Cxy)/np.sqrt((np.sum((np.abs(fkx.conj().T)**2.)) *
    # correct for the bias of the estimate
    if qbias == 1:
        c = cohbias(v, c).conj().T

    # Phase uncertainty estimates via Monte Carlo analysis.
    if confn > 1:
        cb = cohbias(v, c).conj().T
        nlist = np.arange(1., (confn)+1)
        ciph = np.zeros((nlist, x.shape[0])) # not sure about the cmtm return length
        phi = np.zeros((nlist, x.shape[0])) # not sure about the cmtm return length
        for iter in nlist:
            if plt.rem(iter, 10.) == 0.:
                print('phase confidence iteration: ', iter)

            fx = np.fft(np.randn(x.shape)+1.)
            fx = np.divide(fx, np.sum(np.abs(fx)))
            fy = np.fft(np.randn(y.shape)+1.)
            fy = np.divide(fy, np.sum(np.abs(fy)))
            ys = np.real(np.ifft((fy*np.sqrt((1.-cb.conj().T**2.)))))
            ys = ys+np.real(np.ifft((fx*cb.conj().T)))
            xs = np.real(np.ifft(fx))

        si, ciph[iter, :], phi[iter, :] = cmtm(xs, ys, dt, NW)
        pl = np.round(, iter))

        # sorting and averaging to determine confidence levels.
        phi = np.sort(phi)
        phi = np.array(np.vstack((np.hstack((phi[int(pl)-1, :])), np.hstack((-phi[int((iter-pl+1.))-1, :])))))
        phi = np.mean(phi)
        phi = plt.conv(phi[0:], (np.array(np.hstack((1., 1., 1.)))/3.))
        phi = phi[1:0-1.]
        phi = np.zeros(pls.shape[0])

    # Cut to one-sided funtions
    c = c[int(pls)-1]
    s = s[int(pls)-1].conj().T
    ph = ph[int(pls)-1]

    # Coherence confidence level
    ci = cohconf(v, .95)

    # not corrected for bias, this is conservative.
    ci =, np.ones((c.shape[0])))

    # plotting
    if qplot:
        phl = ph-phi
        phu = ph+phi
        # coherence
        print('coherence plot')
        # phase
        print('phase plot')

    return s, c, ph, ci, phi
Пример #23
def psd_calc_other_methods(df, prm: Mapping[str, Any]):
    ## scipy
    windows =, 2.5, Kmax=9, norm=2)

    ## Welch
    nperseg = 1024 * 8
    freqs, psd_Ve = signal.welch(df.Ve, prm['fs'], nperseg=nperseg)
    freqs, psd_Vn = signal.welch(df.Vn, prm['fs'], nperseg=nperseg)

    ## use Spectrum module
    from spectrum import dpss

    def pmtm(x, eigenvalues, tapers, n_fft=None, method='adapt'):
        """Multitapering spectral estimation

        :param array x: the data
        :param eigenvalues: the window concentrations (eigenvalues)
        :param tapers: the matrix containing the tapering windows
        :param str method: set how the eigenvalues are used. Must be
            in ['unity', 'adapt', 'eigen']
        :return: Sk (each complex), weights, eigenvalues

        Usually in spectral estimation the mean to reduce bias is to use tapering
        window. In order to reduce variance we need to average different spectrum.
        The problem is that we have only one set of data. Thus we need to
        decompose a set into several segments. Such method are well-known: simple
        daniell's periodogram, Welch's method and so on. The drawback of such
        methods is a loss of resolution since the segments used to compute the
        spectrum are smaller than the data set.
        The interest of multitapering method is to keep a good resolution while
        reducing bias and variance.

        How does it work? First we compute different simple periodogram with the
        whole data set (to keep good resolution) but each periodgram is computed
        with a differenttapering windows. Then, we average all these spectrum.
        To avoid redundancy and bias due to the tapers mtm use special tapers.

        from spectrum import data_cosine, dpss, pmtm
        data = data_cosine(N=2048, A=0.1, sampling=1024, freq=200)
        [tapers, eigen] = dpss(2048, 2.5, 4)
        res = pmtm(data, eigenvalues=eigen, tapers=tapers, show=False)

        .. versionchanged:: 0.6.2a
        The most of spectrum.pmtm original code is to calc PSD but it is not returns so here we return it
        + Removed redandand functionality (calling semilogy plot and that what included in spectrum.dpss)
        assert method in ['adapt', 'eigen', 'unity']

        N = len(x)
        if eigenvalues is not None and tapers is not None:
            eig = eigenvalues[:]
            tapers = tapers[:]
            raise ValueError(
                "if eigenvalues provided, v must be provided as well and viceversa."
        nwin = len(eig)  # length of the eigen values vector to be used later

        if n_fft is None:
            n_fft = max(256, 2**np.ceil(np.log2(N)).astype('int'))

        Sk_complex = np.fft.fft(tapers.transpose() * x, n_fft)

        # if nfft < N, cut otherwise add zero.
        Sk = (Sk_complex * Sk_complex.conj()).real  # abs() ** 2
        if method in ['eigen', 'unity']:
            if method == 'unity':
                weights = np.ones((nwin, 1))
            elif method == 'eigen':
                # The S_k spectrum can be weighted by the eigenvalues, as in Park et al.
                weights = np.array(
                    [_x / float(i + 1) for i, _x in enumerate(eig)])
                weights = weights.reshape(nwin, 1)
                Sk = np.mean(Sk * weights, axis=0)
        elif method == 'adapt':
            # This version uses the equations from [2] (P&W pp 368-370).
            Sk = Sk.transpose()
            S = Sk[:, :2].mean()  # Initial spectrum estimate

            # Set tolerance for acceptance of spectral estimate:
            sig2 =, x) / float(N)
            tol = 0.0005 * sig2 / float(n_fft)
            a = sig2 * (1 - eig)

            # Wrap the data modulo nfft if N > nfft
            S = S.reshape(n_fft, 1)
            for i in range(
                    100):  # converges very quickly but for safety; set i<100
                # calculate weights
                b1 = np.multiply(S, np.ones((1, nwin)))
                b2 = np.multiply(S, eig.transpose()) + np.ones(
                    (n_fft, 1)) * a.transpose()
                b = b1 / b2

                # calculate new spectral estimate
                weights = (b**2) * (np.ones((n_fft, 1)) * eig.transpose())
                S1 = ((weights * Sk).sum(axis=1, keepdims=True) /
                      weights.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True))
                S, S1 = S1, S
                if np.abs(S - S1).sum() / n_fft < tol:
            Sk = (weights * Sk).mean(axis=1)

        if np.isrealobj(
        ):  # Double to account for the energy in the negative frequencies
            if prm['n_fft'] % 2 == 0:
                Sk = 2 * Sk[:int(prm['n_fft'] / 2 + 1)]
                Sk = 2 * Sk[:int((prm['n_fft'] + 1) / 2)]

        return Sk_complex, Sk, weights

    prm['dpss_sp'], prm['eigvals_sp'] = dpss(prm['n_fft'], 3.5)
    sk_complex_Ve, sk_Ve_, weights_Ve = pmtm(
        df.Ve.values, prm['eigvals_sp'], prm['dpss_sp'])  # n_fft=prm['n_fft']
    sk_complex_Vn, sk_Vn_, weights_Vn = pmtm(df.Vn.values, prm['eigvals_sp'],
    # Convert Power Spectrum to Power Spectral Density
    record_time_length = prm['length'] * prm['dt']
    sk_Ve = sk_Ve_ / record_time_length
    sk_Vn = sk_Vn_ / record_time_length
Пример #24
    def spectrogram(self, window_width=None,incr=None,window='Hann',equal_loudness=False,mean_normalise=True,onesided=True,multitaper=False,need_even=False):
        """ Compute the spectrogram from amplitude data
        Returns the power spectrum, not the density -- compute 10.*log10(sg) 10.*log10(sg) before plotting.
        Uses absolute value of the FT, not FT*conj(FT), 'cos it seems to give better discrimination
        Options: multitaper version, but it's slow, mean normalised, even, one-sided.
        This version is faster than the default versions in pylab and scipy.signal
        Assumes that the values are not normalised.
        if is None or len(
            print("ERROR: attempted to calculate spectrogram without audiodata")

        if window_width is None:
            window_width = self.window_width
        if incr is None:
            incr = self.incr

        # clean handling of very short segments:
        if len( <= window_width:
            window_width = len( - 1 = np.copy(
        if != 'float':

        # Set of window options
        if window=='Hann':
            # This is the Hann window
            window = 0.5 * (1 - np.cos(2 * np.pi * np.arange(window_width) / (window_width - 1)))
        elif window=='Parzen':
            # Parzen (window_width even)
            n = np.arange(window_width) - 0.5*window_width
            window = np.where(np.abs(n)<0.25*window_width,1 - 6*(n/(0.5*window_width))**2*(1-np.abs(n)/(0.5*window_width)), 2*(1-np.abs(n)/(0.5*window_width))**3)
        elif window=='Welch':
            # Welch
            window = 1.0 - ((np.arange(window_width) - 0.5*(window_width-1))/(0.5*(window_width-1)))**2
        elif window=='Hamming':
            # Hamming
            alpha = 0.54
            beta = 1.-alpha
            window = alpha - beta*np.cos(2 * np.pi * np.arange(window_width) / (window_width - 1))
        elif window=='Blackman':
            # Blackman
            alpha = 0.16
            a0 = 0.5*(1-alpha)
            a1 = 0.5
            a2 = 0.5*alpha
            window = a0 - a1*np.cos(2 * np.pi * np.arange(window_width) / (window_width - 1)) + a2*np.cos(4 * np.pi * np.arange(window_width) / (window_width - 1))
        elif window=='BlackmanHarris':
            # Blackman-Harris
            a0 = 0.358375
            a1 = 0.48829
            a2 = 0.14128
            a3 = 0.01168
            window = a0 - a1*np.cos(2 * np.pi * np.arange(window_width) / (window_width - 1)) + a2*np.cos(4 * np.pi * np.arange(window_width) / (window_width - 1)) - a3*np.cos(6 * np.pi * np.arange(window_width) / (window_width - 1))
        elif window=='Ones':
            window = np.ones(window_width)
            print("Unknown window, using Hann")
            window = 0.5 * (1 - np.cos(2 * np.pi * np.arange(window_width) / (window_width - 1)))

        if equal_loudness:
   = self.equalLoudness(

        if mean_normalise:

        starts = range(0, len( - window_width, incr)
        if multitaper:
            [tapers, eigen] = dpss(window_width, 2.5, 4)
            counter = 0
            out = np.zeros((len(starts),window_width // 2))
            for start in starts:
                Sk, weights, eigen = pmtm([start:start + window_width], v=tapers, e=eigen, show=False)
                Sk = abs(Sk)**2
                Sk = np.mean(Sk.T * weights, axis=1)
                out[counter:counter + 1,:] = Sk[window_width // 2:].T
                counter += 1
   = np.fliplr(out)
            if need_even:
                starts = np.hstack((starts, np.zeros((window_width - len( % window_width),dtype=int)))

            # this mode is optimized for speed, but reportedly sometimes
            # results in crashes when lots of large files are batch processed.
            # The FFTs here could be causing this, but I'm not sure.
            # hi_mem = False should switch FFTs to go over smaller vectors
            # and possibly use less caching, at the cost of 1.5x longer CPU time.
            hi_mem = True
            if hi_mem:
                ft = np.zeros((len(starts), window_width))
                for i in starts:
                    ft[i // incr, :] =[i:i + window_width]
                ft = np.multiply(window, ft)

                if onesided:
           = np.absolute(fft.fft(ft)[:, :window_width //2])
           = np.absolute(fft.fft(ft))
                if onesided:
                    ft = np.zeros((len(starts), window_width//2))
                    for i in starts:
                        winddata = window *[i:i + window_width]
                        ft[i // incr, :] = fft.fft(winddata)[:window_width//2]
                    ft = np.zeros((len(starts), window_width))
                    for i in starts:
                        winddata = window *[i:i + window_width]
                        ft[i // incr, :] = fft.fft(winddata)
       = np.absolute(ft)

            del ft
            #sg = (ft*np.conj(ft))[:,window_width // 2:].T
Пример #25
    def spectral_derivative(self, window_width, incr, K=2, threshold=0.5, returnAll=False):
        """ Compute the spectral derivative """
        if is None or len(
            print("ERROR: attempted to calculate spectrogram without audiodata")

        # Compute the set of multi-tapered spectrograms
        starts = range(0, len( - window_width, incr)
        [tapers, eigen] = dpss(window_width, 2.5, K)
        sg = np.zeros((len(starts), window_width, K), dtype=complex)
        for k in range(K):
            for i in starts:
                sg[i // incr, :, k] = tapers[:, k] *[i:i + window_width]
            sg[:, :, k] = fft.fft(sg[:, :, k])
        sg = sg[:, window_width//2:, :]

        # Spectral derivative is the real part of exp(i \phi) \sum_ k s_k conj(s_{k+1}) where s_k is the k-th tapered spectrogram
        # and \phi is the direction of maximum change (tan inverse of the ratio of pure time and pure frequency components)
        S = np.sum(sg[:, :, :-1]*np.conj(sg[:, :, 1:]), axis=2)
        timederiv = np.real(S)
        freqderiv = np.imag(S)

        # Frequency modulation is the angle $\pi/2 - direction of max change$
        mfd = np.max(freqderiv**2, axis=0)
        mfd = np.where(mfd==0,1,mfd)
        fm = np.arctan(np.max(timederiv**2, axis=0) / mfd)
        spectral_deriv = -timederiv*np.sin(fm) + freqderiv*np.cos(fm)

        sg = np.sum(np.real(sg*np.conj(sg)), axis=2)
        sg /= np.max(sg)

        # Suppress the noise (spectral continuity)

        # Compute the zero crossings of the spectral derivative in all directions
        # Pixel is a contour pixel if it is at a zero crossing and both neighbouring pixels in that direction are > threshold
        sdt = spectral_deriv * np.roll(spectral_deriv, 1, 0)
        sdf = spectral_deriv * np.roll(spectral_deriv, 1, 1)
        sdtf = spectral_deriv * np.roll(spectral_deriv, 1, (0, 1))
        sdft = spectral_deriv * np.roll(spectral_deriv, (1, -1), (0, 1))
        indt, indf = np.where(((sdt < 0) | (sdf < 0) | (sdtf < 0) | (sdft < 0)) & (spectral_deriv < 0))

        # Noise reduction using a threshold
        we = np.abs(self.wiener_entropy(sg))
        freqs, mf = self.mean_frequency(self.sampleRate, timederiv, freqderiv)

        # Given a time and frequency bin
        contours = np.zeros(np.shape(spectral_deriv))
        for i in range(len(indf)):
            f = indf[i]
            t = indt[i]
            if (t > 0) & (t < (np.shape(sg)[0]-1)) & (f > 0) & (f < (np.shape(sg)[1]-1)):
                thr = threshold*we[t]/np.abs(freqs[f] - mf[t])
                if (sdt[t, f] < 0) & (sg[t-1, f] > thr) & (sg[t+1, f] > thr):
                    contours[t, f] = 1
                if (sdf[t, f] < 0) & (sg[t, f-1] > thr) & (sg[t, f+1] > thr):
                    contours[t, f] = 1
                if (sdtf[t, f] < 0) & (sg[t-1, f-1] > thr) & (sg[t+1, f+1] > thr):
                    contours[t, f] = 1
                if (sdft[t, f] < 0) & (sg[t-1, f+1] > thr) & (sg[t-1, f+1] > thr):
                    contours[t, f] = 1

        if returnAll:
            return spectral_deriv, sg, fm, we, mf, np.fliplr(contours)
            return np.fliplr(contours)
 def test_dpss(self):
     cls = self.__class__
     tapers, eigen = dpss(cls.nfft, 1.5, 2)
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(tapers, cls.tapers))
Пример #27
    def get_spectrogram(self, nframes, lframes):
        Go through the data frame by frame and perform transformation. They can be plotted using pcolormesh
        x, y and z are ndarrays and have the same shape. In order to access the contents use these kind of
        indexing as below:

        #Slices parallel to frequency axis
        nrows = np.shape(x)[0]
        for i in range (nrows):
            plt.plot(x[i,:], z[i,:])

        #Slices parallel to time axis
        ncols = np.shape(y)[1]
        for i in range (ncols):
            plt.plot(y[:,i], z[:, i])

        :return: frequency, time and power for XYZ plot,
        from spectrum import dpss, pmtm

        assert self.method in ['fft', 'welch', 'mtm']

        x = self.data_array
        fs = self.fs

        # define an empty np-array for appending
        pout = np.zeros(nframes * lframes)

        if self.method == 'fft':
            # go through the data array section wise and create a results array
            for i in range(nframes):
                f, p, _ = self.get_fft(x[i * lframes:(i + 1) * lframes] *
                pout[i * lframes:(i + 1) * lframes] = p

        elif self.method == 'welch':
            # go through the data array section wise and create a results array
            for i in range(nframes):
                f, p = self.get_pwelch(x[i * lframes:(i + 1) * lframes] *
                pout[i * lframes:(i + 1) * lframes] = p

        elif self.method == 'mtm':
            [tapers, eigen] = dpss(lframes, NW=2)
            f = self.get_fft_freqs_only(x[0:lframes])
            # go through the data array section wise and create a results array
            for i in range(nframes):
                p = pmtm(x[i * lframes:(i + 1) * lframes] *
                # pay attention that mtm uses padding, so we have to cut the output array
                pout[i * lframes:(i + 1) * lframes] = np.fft.fftshift(
                    p[0:lframes, 0])

        # create a mesh grid from 0 to nframes -1 in Y direction
        xx, yy = np.meshgrid(f, np.arange(nframes))

        # fold the results array to the mesh grid
        zz = np.reshape(pout, (nframes, lframes))
        return xx, yy * lframes / fs, zz