Пример #1
def loop_teff_logg(data_type,data_spectrum,teff,logg,feh,start_lambda,end_lambda):

    teff_space = []
    logg_space = []
    chisq_space = []

    teff_min = teff - 1000
    teff_max = teff + 1000

    if teff < 4500:
        teff_min = int(3500)

    if teff > 8000:
        teff_max = int(9000)

    shift = find_shift(data_type,data_spectrum,teff,logg,feh,start_lambda,end_lambda)

    ### Create grid
    teff_i = teff_min
    while teff_i <= teff_max:
        teff_i = teff_i + 250

    logg_i = 0.0
    while logg_i <= 5.0:
        logg_i = logg_i + 0.5

    teff_space = array(teff_space)
    logg_space = array(logg_space)

    (X,Y) = meshgrid(teff_space,logg_space)

    ### Create chisq array

    teff_i = teff_min
    while teff_i <= teff_max:
        logg_line = []
        logg_i = 0.0
        while logg_i <= 5.0:
            chisq_i = test_template(data_type,data_spectrum,teff_i,logg_i,0.0,start_lambda,end_lambda,shift)
            logg_i = logg_i + 0.5
        teff_i = teff_i + 250

    chisq_space = array(chisq_space)
    chisq_space = transpose(chisq_space)
    # chisq_space = spectype_functions.normalise_array(chisq_space)
    # chisq_space = log(chisq_space)

    ### Find min
    teff_min,logg_min = spectype_functions.find_2d_min(chisq_space)
    teff_min = teff_space[teff_min]
    logg_min = logg_space[logg_min]

    # ### Normalise the array
    #chisq_space = exp(- chisq_space **2 / 2)
    #chisq_space = spectype_functions.normalise_array(chisq_space)
    # print chisq_space

    ### Crop the chisq space immediately surrounding the absolute min
    teff_space_cropped,logg_space_cropped,cropped_space =spectype_functions.chop_array(teff_space,logg_space,chisq_space,teff_min,logg_min,500,1.0)
    #cropped_space = log(cropped_space)
    cropped_space = -1 *(cropped_space - cropped_space.max())

    ### Use scipy to fit a least sq 2D gaussian to the cropped region
    gauss_fit = spectype_functions.fitgaussian(cropped_space)
    gauss_height = gauss_fit[0]
    gauss_width_x = gauss_fit[3]
    gauss_width_y = gauss_fit[4]

    ### Check if the gaussian fit makes sense
    if gauss_height > 100 or gauss_width_x > 20 or gauss_width_y > 20:
        gauss_height = 0.00001
        gauss_width_x = 99999.
        gauss_width_y = 99999.

    # plt.clf()
    # plt.contourf(teff_space,logg_space,chisq_space,20,cmap=plt.get_cmap("jet"))
    # plt.scatter(teff_min,logg_min,s=50,color="r",marker="x")
    # plt.xlabel("T_eff")
    # plt.ylabel("logg")
    # plt.xlim(max(teff_space),min(teff_space))
    # plt.ylim(max(logg_space),min(logg_space))
    # plt.title(object_name +" " + str(start_lambda) + "-" + str(end_lambda) + "A, Teff=" + str(teff_min) + " logg=" + str(logg_min))
    # plt.show()

    return teff_space,logg_space,chisq_space,gauss_height,gauss_width_x,gauss_width_y
Пример #2
    flux_spectrum = transpose(array(flux_spectrum))
    flux_spectrum = spectype_functions.normalise(flux_spectrum,flux_normalise_w1,flux_normalise_w2)

    reddening_chisq_list.append(master_norm_array * calculate_chisq_from_input_regions("flux",flux_spectrum,teff_ini,logg_ini,feh_ini,teff_regions))

### Sum the reddening arrays ###

### Find weights!
height_weights = []
x_weights = []
y_weights = []
for chisq_space in reddening_chisq_list:
    ### Find min
    teff_min,logg_min = spectype_functions.find_2d_min(chisq_space)
    teff_min = teff_space[teff_min]
    logg_min = logg_space[logg_min]

    ### Crop the chisq space immediately surrounding the absolute min
    teff_space_cropped,logg_space_cropped,cropped_space =spectype_functions.chop_array(teff_space,logg_space,chisq_space,teff_min,logg_min,500,1.0)
    #cropped_space = log(cropped_space)
    cropped_space = -1 *(cropped_space - cropped_space.max())

    ### Use scipy to fit a least sq 2D gaussian to the cropped region
    gauss_fit = spectype_functions.fitgaussian(cropped_space)
    gauss_height = gauss_fit[0]
    gauss_width_x = gauss_fit[3]
    gauss_width_y = gauss_fit[4]

    ### Check if the gaussian fit makes sense