def main(): configurations.parseArgs(sys.argv) listener = Listener() if configurations.ARGS["quiet"]: print("Running in quiet mode") while True: try: print("What's up?") if not configurations.ARGS["quiet"]: command = Command(listener.listen()) else: command = Command(input()) if command is not None and is not None: print("Command " + if command.command_type == CommandTypes.AUDIO: # Music procssor here audioProcessor = AudioProcessor() audioProcessor.process(command) elif command.command_type == CommandTypes.SYSTEM: #System processor here systemProcessor = SystemProcessor() systemProcessor.process(command) elif command.command_type == CommandTypes.SOCIAL: mediaProcessor = SocialMediaProcessor() mediaProcessor.process(command) elif == "exit": print("Exiting") sys.exit(0) else: print("Command not recognized.") else: print("I'm sorry, I didn't catch that") except CancelCommand: pass
def _play(self, ext): mplayer = Popen(["mplayer", "-slave", "-really-quiet", configurations.BUFFERED_TEMP_LOCATION+"."+ext], stdin=PIPE) listener = Listener() paused = False stdin = mplayer.stdin while mplayer.poll() is None: if not paused: command = listener.get_input("Break/Stop", False, timeout=configurations.COMMAND_TIMEOUT) else: command = listener.get_input("Play/Stop", False, timeout=configurations.COMMAND_TIMEOUT) if command is not None: command = command.lower() if command == "break" and not paused: stdin.write(b"p\n") stdin.flush() paused = True elif command == "play" and paused: stdin.write(b"p\n") stdin.flush() paused = False elif command == "stop": mplayer.terminate() break elif command == "volume up": stdin.write(b"/\n") stdin.flush() elif command == "volume down": stdin.write(b"*\n") stdin.flush()
def process(self, command): listener = Listener() media = listener.get_input("Which Social Media") if media.lower() == SocialMediaTypes.TWITTER: message = listener.get_input("What's your cool new post", timeout=60) while len(message) > 140: print("That's a bit too long (" + str(len(message)) + ")") message = __input("What's your cool new post?")
def _play_note(self): listener = Listener() title = listener.get_input("What the title", timeout=20) client = MongoClient() cursor = client[configurations.DB.NAME][configurations.DB.COLLECTIONS.NOTES] notes = list(cursor.find({"title" : title})) if len(notes) == 0: print("Note not found") else: print(note['title']) print(note['note']) client.close()
def _play_note(self): listener = Listener() title = listener.get_input("What the title", timeout=20) client = MongoClient() cursor = client[configurations.DB.NAME][ configurations.DB.COLLECTIONS.NOTES] notes = list(cursor.find({"title": title})) if len(notes) == 0: print("Note not found") else: print(note['title']) print(note['note']) client.close()
def _get_information(self): client = MongoClient() cursor = client[configurations.DB.NAME][configurations.DB.COLLECTIONS.MUSIC] poss = list(cursor.find({"title" : self.title})) if len(poss) == 0: print("Song not found, need to fetch it, implement eventually") elif len(poss) == 1: self.url = poss[0]['url'] self.artist = poss[0]['artist'].lower() elif len(poss) == 2: listener = Listener() self.artist = listener.get_input("What artist?").lower() client.close()
def _get_information(self): client = MongoClient() cursor = client[configurations.DB.NAME][ configurations.DB.COLLECTIONS.MUSIC] poss = list(cursor.find({"title": self.title})) if len(poss) == 0: print("Song not found, need to fetch it, implement eventually") elif len(poss) == 1: self.url = poss[0]['url'] self.artist = poss[0]['artist'].lower() elif len(poss) == 2: listener = Listener() self.artist = listener.get_input("What artist?").lower() client.close()
def _take_note(self): listener = Listener() title = listener.get_input("What's the title of this note", timeout=20) note = listener.get_input("What's your note", timeout=120) client = MongoClient() cursor = client[configurations.DB.NAME][configurations.DB.COLLECTIONS.NOTES] note = dict() note['title'] = title note['note'] = note if len(list(cursor.find({"title" : note['title']}))) == 0: cursor.insert(note) else: print("Note with that name already exists") client.close()
def _take_note(self): listener = Listener() title = listener.get_input("What's the title of this note", timeout=20) note = listener.get_input("What's your note", timeout=120) client = MongoClient() cursor = client[configurations.DB.NAME][ configurations.DB.COLLECTIONS.NOTES] note = dict() note['title'] = title note['note'] = note if len(list(cursor.find({"title": note['title']}))) == 0: cursor.insert(note) else: print("Note with that name already exists") client.close()
def _fetch_song(self): listener = Listener() song_name = listener.get_input("What song") artist = listener.get_input("Artist") client = MongoClient() cursor = client[configurations.DB.NAME][configurations.DB.COLLECTIONS.MUSIC] songs = list(cursor.find({"title" : song_name})) if len(songs) == 1: song = Song(songs[0]['title'], songs[0]['url']) return song elif len(songs) == 0: return self._add_song(song_name, artist) else: for song in songs: if song['artist'] == artist: return Song(song['title'], song['url'], songs['artist']) return self._add_song(song_name, artist)
def _fetch_song(self): listener = Listener() song_name = listener.get_input("What song") artist = listener.get_input("Artist") client = MongoClient() cursor = client[configurations.DB.NAME][ configurations.DB.COLLECTIONS.MUSIC] songs = list(cursor.find({"title": song_name})) if len(songs) == 1: song = Song(songs[0]['title'], songs[0]['url']) return song elif len(songs) == 0: return self._add_song(song_name, artist) else: for song in songs: if song['artist'] == artist: return Song(song['title'], song['url'], songs['artist']) return self._add_song(song_name, artist)
def _add_song(self, name=None, artist=None): listener = Listener() if name is None: name = listener.get_input("Song title") if artist is None: artist = listener.get_input("Artist") query_string = urllib.parse.urlencode({"search_query" : artist + " " +name}) html_content = urllib.request.urlopen("" + query_string) search_results = re.findall(r'href=\"\/watch\?v=(.{11})', top_result = "" + search_results[0] song = Song(name, top_result, artist=artist) song.create() print(song.title + " by " + song.artist + " added") return song
def _add_song(self, name=None, artist=None): listener = Listener() if name is None: name = listener.get_input("Song title") if artist is None: artist = listener.get_input("Artist") query_string = urllib.parse.urlencode( {"search_query": artist + " " + name}) html_content = urllib.request.urlopen( "" + query_string) search_results = re.findall(r'href=\"\/watch\?v=(.{11})', top_result = "" + search_results[0] song = Song(name, top_result, artist=artist) song.create() print(song.title + " by " + song.artist + " added") return song
def _play(self, ext): mplayer = Popen([ "mplayer", "-slave", "-really-quiet", configurations.BUFFERED_TEMP_LOCATION + "." + ext ], stdin=PIPE) listener = Listener() paused = False stdin = mplayer.stdin while mplayer.poll() is None: if not paused: command = listener.get_input( "Break/Stop", False, timeout=configurations.COMMAND_TIMEOUT) else: command = listener.get_input( "Play/Stop", False, timeout=configurations.COMMAND_TIMEOUT) if command is not None: command = command.lower() if command == "break" and not paused: stdin.write(b"p\n") stdin.flush() paused = True elif command == "play" and paused: stdin.write(b"p\n") stdin.flush() paused = False elif command == "stop": mplayer.terminate() break elif command == "volume up": stdin.write(b"/\n") stdin.flush() elif command == "volume down": stdin.write(b"*\n") stdin.flush()
def _remove_song(self): listener = Listener() name = listener.get_input("Song title") song = Song(name) song.delete() print(name + " deleted")