def annotate(request, group, post_id): post = Post.objects.get(pk=post_id) thread = post.get_thread() if not thread.allow_annotating(): raise PermissionDenied() annotation = None if post.is_annotated(): try: annotation = post.annotation.get() except PostAnnotation.DoesNotExist: # Ignore for now .. pass if request.method == 'POST': form = AnnotateForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): data = form.cleaned_data if annotation is None: annotation = PostAnnotation(post=post, ) annotation.body = data['body'] annotation.hide_post = data['hide_post'] annotation.markup = data['markup'] messages.success(request, message=ugettext(u'Annotated a users post.')) return HttpResponseRedirect(post.get_absolute_url()) else: form = AnnotateForm() if annotation is not None: form.fields['body'].initial = annotation.body form.fields['hide_post'].initial = annotation.hide_post if 'markup' in form.fields: form.fields['markup'].initial = annotation.markup return render_to_response("sphene/sphboard/annotate.html", { 'thread': thread, 'post': post, 'form': form, }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def annotate(request, group, post_id): post = Post.objects.get( pk = post_id ) thread = post.get_thread() if not thread.allow_moving(): raise PermissionDenied() annotation = None if post.is_annotated(): try: annotation = post.annotation.get() except PostAnnotation.DoesNotExist: # Ignore for now .. pass if request.method == 'POST': form = AnnotateForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): data = form.cleaned_data if annotation is None: annotation = PostAnnotation( post = post, ) annotation.body = data['body'] annotation.hide_post = data['hide_post'] annotation.markup = data['markup'] request.user.message_set.create( message = ugettext(u'Annotated a users post.') ) return HttpResponseRedirect( post.get_absolute_url() ) else: form = AnnotateForm() if annotation is not None: form.fields['body'].initial = annotation.body form.fields['hide_post'].initial = annotation.hide_post if 'markup' in form.fields: form.fields['markup'].initial = annotation.markup return render_to_response( "sphene/sphboard/annotate.html", { 'thread': thread, 'post': post, 'form': form, }, context_instance = RequestContext(request) )
def move(request, group, thread_id): thread = get_object_or_404(Post, pk = thread_id) if not thread.allow_moving(): raise PermissionDenied() annotation = None if thread.is_annotated(): try: annotation = thread.annotation.get() except PostAnnotation.DoesNotExist: # Ignore for now .. pass if request.method == 'POST': form = MoveAndAnnotateForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): data = form.cleaned_data newcategory = data['category'] threadinfo = thread.get_threadinformation() threadinfo.thread_type = THREAD_TYPE_MOVED try: newthreadinfo = ThreadInformation.objects.get( root_post = thread, category = newcategory, thread_type = THREAD_TYPE_MOVED ) except ThreadInformation.DoesNotExist: newthreadinfo = ThreadInformation( root_post = thread, category = newcategory, ) newthreadinfo.thread_type = THREAD_TYPE_DEFAULT newthreadinfo.update_cache() thread.set_annotated(True) if annotation is None: annotation = PostAnnotation( post = thread, ) annotation.body = data['body'] annotation.hide_post = False annotation.markup = data['markup'] thread.category = newcategory request.user.message_set.create( message = ugettext(u'Moved thread into new category.') ) return HttpResponseRedirect( thread.get_absolute_url() ) else: form = MoveAndAnnotateForm() if POST_MARKUP_CHOICES[0][0] == 'bbcode': category_name = '[url=%s]%s[/url].' % (thread.category.get_absolute_url(), else: category_name = form.fields['body'].initial = _(u'This query was moved from the category %(category_name)s') % {'category_name':category_name} return render_to_response( "sphene/sphboard/move.html", { 'thread': thread, 'form': form, }, context_instance = RequestContext(request))
def move_post_3(request, group, post_id, category_id, thread_id=None): """ @post_id - moved post id @category_id - target category id @thread_id - target thread id (if exists) Post might be moved direclty into category - in this case post becomes thread or post might be inserted into another thread. """ post = Post.objects.get(pk=post_id) # determine if moved post is root post of thread thread = post.get_thread() is_root_post = == target_thread = None if thread_id: target_thread = get_object_or_404(Post, pk=thread_id) if not post.allow_moving_post() or thread == target_thread: raise PermissionDenied() target_category = Category.objects.get(pk=category_id) # moved post will be annotated annotation = None if post.is_annotated(): try: annotation = post.annotation.get() except PostAnnotation.DoesNotExist: pass if request.method == 'POST': form = MovePostForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): data = form.cleaned_data body = data['body'] # information about thread from which moved post is taken threadinfo = post.get_threadinformation() # if moved post is root post of the thread then detach rest of # the posts if is_root_post: posts = Post.objects.filter(thread=post).order_by('postdate') # if there are subsequent posts if posts.count()>0: # prepare new root_post new_root = posts[0] new_root.thread = None posts.exclude( # new threadinfo is automatically created by signal while saving Post if target_thread: # if root post is moved into another thread then # remove threadinfo threadinfo.delete() else: # if post is moved to new category # just update threadinfo threadinfo.category=target_category #threadinfo.update_cache() post.category = target_category post.thread = target_thread # this might be None if post was moved into category if target_thread: # update postdate if necessary to achieve proper ordering (post is always added at the end) if target_thread.get_latest_post().postdate>post.postdate: post.postdate = if body: post.set_annotated(True) if annotation is None: annotation = PostAnnotation(post=post) annotation.body = body annotation.hide_post = False annotation.markup = data['markup'] # update information about thread from which post was moved threadinfo.update_cache() if target_thread: request.user.message_set.create(message=ugettext(u'Post has been appended to thread.')) else: request.user.message_set.create(message=ugettext(u'Post has been moved into category.')) return HttpResponseRedirect(post.get_absolute_url()) else: form = MovePostForm() if POST_MARKUP_CHOICES[0][0] == 'bbcode': category_name = '[url=%s]%s[/url].' % (post.category.get_absolute_url(), thread_name = '[url=%s]%s[/url].' % (thread.get_absolute_url(), thread.subject) else: category_name = thread_name = thread.subject if not is_root_post: form.fields['body'].initial = _(u'This post was moved from the thread %(thread_name)s') % {'thread_name':thread_name} else: form.fields['body'].initial = _(u'This post was moved from the category %(category_name)s') % {'category_name':category_name} return render_to_response( "sphene/sphboard/move_post_3.html", { 'thread': thread, 'form': form, 'post':post, 'target_thread':target_thread, 'is_root_post':is_root_post, 'category':target_category }, context_instance = RequestContext(request))
def move(request, group, thread_id): thread = get_object_or_404(Post, pk=thread_id) if not thread.allow_moving(): raise PermissionDenied() annotation = None if thread.is_annotated(): try: annotation = thread.annotation.get() except PostAnnotation.DoesNotExist: # Ignore for now .. pass if request.method == 'POST': form = MoveAndAnnotateForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): data = form.cleaned_data newcategory = data['category'] info_link = data['info_link'] threadinfo = thread.get_threadinformation() if info_link: threadinfo.thread_type = THREAD_TYPE_MOVED else: threadinfo.delete() try: newthreadinfo = ThreadInformation.objects.get( root_post=thread, category=newcategory, thread_type=THREAD_TYPE_MOVED) except ThreadInformation.DoesNotExist: newthreadinfo = ThreadInformation( root_post=thread, category=newcategory, ) newthreadinfo.thread_type = THREAD_TYPE_DEFAULT newthreadinfo.update_cache() thread.set_annotated(True) if annotation is None: annotation = PostAnnotation(post=thread, ) annotation.body = data['body'] annotation.hide_post = False annotation.markup = data['markup'] thread.category = newcategory # update category of thread's posts thread.replies().update(category=newcategory) messages.success( request, message=ugettext(u'Moved thread into new category.')) return HttpResponseRedirect(thread.get_absolute_url()) else: form = MoveAndAnnotateForm() if POST_MARKUP_CHOICES[0][0] == 'bbcode': category_name = '[url=%s]%s[/url].' % ( thread.category.get_absolute_url(), else: category_name = form.fields['body'].initial = _( u'This thread was moved from the category %(category_name)s') % { 'category_name': category_name } return render_to_response("sphene/sphboard/move.html", { 'thread': thread, 'form': form, }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def move_post_3(request, group, post_id, category_id, thread_id=None): """ @post_id - moved post id @category_id - target category id @thread_id - target thread id (if exists) Post might be moved direclty into category - in this case post becomes thread or post might be inserted into another thread. """ post = Post.objects.get(pk=post_id) # determine if moved post is root post of thread thread = post.get_thread() is_root_post = == target_thread = None if thread_id: target_thread = get_object_or_404(Post, pk=thread_id) if not post.allow_moving_post() or thread == target_thread: raise PermissionDenied() target_category = Category.objects.get(pk=category_id) # moved post will be annotated annotation = None if post.is_annotated(): try: annotation = post.annotation.get() except PostAnnotation.DoesNotExist: pass if request.method == 'POST': form = MovePostForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): data = form.cleaned_data body = data['body'] move_all_posts = data['move_all_posts'] # information about thread from which moved post is taken threadinfo = post.get_threadinformation() next_posts = None if move_all_posts: next_posts = Post.objects.filter( thread=post.get_thread(), postdate__gt=post.postdate).order_by('postdate') # if moved post is root post of the thread then detach rest of # the posts if is_root_post: posts = Post.objects.filter(thread=post).order_by('postdate') # if there are subsequent posts if posts.count() > 0 and not move_all_posts: # prepare new root_post new_root = posts[0] new_root.thread = None posts.exclude( # new threadinfo is automatically created by signal while saving Post if target_thread: # if root post is moved into another thread then # remove threadinfo threadinfo.delete() threadinfo = None else: # if post is moved to new category # just update threadinfo threadinfo.category = target_category #threadinfo.update_cache() post.category = target_category post.thread = target_thread # this might be None if post was moved into category if target_thread: # update postdate if necessary to achieve proper ordering (post is always added at the end) if target_thread.get_latest_post().postdate > post.postdate: post.postdate = if body: post.set_annotated(True) if annotation is None: annotation = PostAnnotation(post=post) annotation.body = body annotation.hide_post = False annotation.markup = data['markup'] if not next_posts is None: # if posts were moved to new thread update postdate to place them at the end if target_thread: cnt = 1 for p in next_posts: p.thread = post.get_thread() if post.postdate > p.postdate: p.postdate = + timedelta( microseconds=cnt) cnt += 1 elif not is_root_post: # posts moved to category next_posts.update(thread=post.get_thread()) # clear caches for p in next_posts: cache.delete(p._cache_key_absolute_url()) # update information about thread from which post was moved if threadinfo: threadinfo.update_cache() if target_thread: messages.success( request, message=ugettext(u'Post has been appended to thread.')) else: messages.success( request, message=ugettext(u'Post has been moved into category.')) return HttpResponseRedirect(post.get_absolute_url()) else: form = MovePostForm() if POST_MARKUP_CHOICES[0][0] == 'bbcode': category_name = '[url=%s]%s[/url].' % ( post.category.get_absolute_url(), thread_name = '[url=%s]%s[/url].' % (thread.get_absolute_url(), thread.subject) else: category_name = thread_name = thread.subject if not is_root_post: form.fields['body'].initial = _( u'This post was moved from the thread %(thread_name)s') % { 'thread_name': thread_name } else: form.fields['body'].initial = _( u'This post was moved from the category %(category_name)s') % { 'category_name': category_name } return render_to_response("sphene/sphboard/move_post_3.html", { 'thread': thread, 'form': form, 'post': post, 'target_thread': target_thread, 'is_root_post': is_root_post, 'category': target_category }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))