Пример #1
def get_object_members(
        subject: Any,
        objpath: List[str],
        attrgetter: Callable,
        analyzer: ModuleAnalyzer = None) -> Dict[str, Attribute]:
    """Get members and attributes of target object."""
    from sphinx.ext.autodoc import INSTANCEATTR

    # the members directly defined in the class
    obj_dict = attrgetter(subject, '__dict__', {})

    members = {}  # type: Dict[str, Attribute]

    # enum members
    if isenumclass(subject):
        for name, value in subject.__members__.items():
            if name not in members:
                members[name] = Attribute(name, True, value)

        superclass = subject.__mro__[1]
        for name in obj_dict:
            if name not in superclass.__dict__:
                value = safe_getattr(subject, name)
                members[name] = Attribute(name, True, value)

    # members in __slots__
    if isclass(subject) and getattr(subject, '__slots__', None) is not None:
        from sphinx.ext.autodoc import SLOTSATTR

        for name in subject.__slots__:
            members[name] = Attribute(name, True, SLOTSATTR)

    # other members
    for name in dir(subject):
            value = attrgetter(subject, name)
            directly_defined = name in obj_dict
            name = unmangle(subject, name)
            if name and name not in members:
                members[name] = Attribute(name, directly_defined, value)
        except AttributeError:

    # annotation only member (ex. attr: int)
    if hasattr(subject, '__annotations__') and isinstance(
            subject.__annotations__, Mapping):
        for name in subject.__annotations__:
            name = unmangle(subject, name)
            if name and name not in members:
                members[name] = Attribute(name, True, INSTANCEATTR)

    if analyzer:
        # append instance attributes (cf. self.attr1) if analyzer knows
        namespace = '.'.join(objpath)
        for (ns, name) in analyzer.find_attr_docs():
            if namespace == ns and name not in members:
                members[name] = Attribute(name, True, INSTANCEATTR)

    return members