Пример #1
    def _handleEntry(self, path, docname, standalone=False):
        handle an asset entry

        When an asset is detected in a document, the information about the asset
        is tracked in this manager. When an asset is detected, there are
        considerations to be made. If an asset path has already been registered
        (e.g. an asset used twice), only a single asset entry will be created.
        If an asset matches the hash of another asset, another entry is *not
        created (i.e. a documentation set has duplicate assets; *with the
        exception of when ``standalone`` is set to ``True``). In all cases where
        an asset is detected, the asset reference is updated to track which
        document the asset belongs to.

            path: the absolute path to the asset
            docname: the document name this asset was found in
            standalone (optional): ignore hash mappings (defaults to False)

        if path not in self.path2asset:
            hash = ConfluenceUtil.hashAsset(path)
            type_ = guess_mimetype(path, default=DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE)
            hash = self.path2asset[path].hash
            type_ = self.path2asset[path].type

        asset = self.path2asset.get(path, None)
        if not asset:
            hash_exists = hash in self.hash2asset
            if not hash_exists or standalone:
                # no asset entry and no hash entry (or standalone); new asset
                key = os.path.basename(path)

                # Confluence does not allow attachments with select characters.
                # Filter out the asset name to a compatible key value.
                for rep in INVALID_CHARS:
                    key = key.replace(rep, '_')

                filename, file_ext = os.path.splitext(key)
                idx = 1
                while key in self.keys:
                    idx += 1
                    key = '{}_{}{}'.format(filename, idx, file_ext)

                asset = ConfluenceAsset(key, path, type_, hash)
                self.path2asset[path] = asset
                if not hash_exists:
                    self.hash2asset[hash] = asset
                # duplicate asset detected; build an asset alias
                asset = self.hash2asset[hash]
                self.path2asset[path] = asset
            assert (self.hash2asset[asset.hash] == asset)

        # track (if not already) that this document uses this asset
Пример #2
 def guess_mimetypes(self, node: nodes.image) -> List[str]:
     if '?' in node['candidates']:
         return []
     elif '*' in node['candidates']:
         return [guess_mimetype(node['uri'])]
         return node['candidates'].keys()
Пример #3
    def handle(self, node: nodes.image) -> None:
            basename = os.path.basename(node['uri'])
            if '?' in basename:
                basename = basename.split('?')[0]
            if basename == '' or len(basename) > MAX_FILENAME_LEN:
                filename, ext = os.path.splitext(node['uri'])
                basename = sha1(filename.encode()).hexdigest() + ext
            basename = re.sub(CRITICAL_PATH_CHAR_RE, "_", basename)

            dirname = node['uri'].replace('://', '/').translate({
                ord("?"): "/",
                ord("&"): "/"
            if len(dirname) > MAX_FILENAME_LEN:
                dirname = sha1(dirname.encode()).hexdigest()
            ensuredir(os.path.join(self.imagedir, dirname))
            path = os.path.join(self.imagedir, dirname, basename)

            headers = {}
            if os.path.exists(path):
                timestamp = ceil(os.stat(path).st_mtime)  # type: float
                headers['If-Modified-Since'] = epoch_to_rfc1123(timestamp)

            r = requests.get(node['uri'], headers=headers)
            if r.status_code >= 400:
                    __('Could not fetch remote image: %s [%d]') %
                    (node['uri'], r.status_code))
                self.app.env.original_image_uri[path] = node['uri']

                if r.status_code == 200:
                    with open(path, 'wb') as f:

                last_modified = r.headers.get('last-modified')
                if last_modified:
                    timestamp = rfc1123_to_epoch(last_modified)
                    os.utime(path, (timestamp, timestamp))

                mimetype = guess_mimetype(path, default='*')
                if mimetype != '*' and os.path.splitext(basename)[1] == '':
                    # append a suffix if URI does not contain suffix
                    ext = get_image_extension(mimetype)
                    newpath = os.path.join(self.imagedir, dirname,
                                           basename + ext)
                    os.replace(path, newpath)
                    self.app.env.original_image_uri[newpath] = node['uri']
                    path = newpath
                node['candidates'][mimetype] = path
                node['uri'] = path
                self.app.env.images.add_file(self.env.docname, path)
        except Exception as exc:
                __('Could not fetch remote image: %s [%s]') %
                (node['uri'], exc))
Пример #4
    def processDocument(self, doctree, docname, standalone=False):
        process a document for assets

        This method will search each the provided document's doctree for
        supported assets which could be published. Asset information is tracked
        in this manager and other helper methods can be used to pull asset
        information when needed.

            doctree: the document's tree
            docname: the document's name
            standalone (optional): ignore hash mappings (defaults to False)
        image_nodes = doctree.traverse(nodes.image)
        for node in image_nodes:
            uri = node['uri']
            if not uri.startswith('data:') and uri.find('://') == -1:
                path = self._interpretAssetPath(node)
                if not path:

                if path not in self.path2asset:
                    hash = ConfluenceUtil.hashAsset(path)
                    type = guess_mimetype(path, default=DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE)
                    hash = self.path2asset[path].hash
                    type = self.path2asset[path].type
                self._handleEntry(path, type, hash, docname, standalone)

        file_nodes = doctree.traverse(addnodes.download_reference)
        for node in file_nodes:
            target = node['reftarget']
            if target.find('://') == -1:
                path = self._interpretAssetPath(node)
                if not path:

                if path not in self.path2asset:
                    hash = ConfluenceUtil.hashAsset(path)
                    type = guess_mimetype(path, default=DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE)
                    hash = self.path2asset[path].hash
                    type = self.path2asset[path].type
                self._handleEntry(path, type, hash, docname, standalone)
Пример #5
 def guess_mimetypes(self, node):
     # type: (nodes.Node) -> List[unicode]
     if '?' in node['candidates']:
         return []
     elif '*' in node['candidates']:
         from sphinx.util.images import guess_mimetype
         return [guess_mimetype(node['uri'])]
         return node['candidates'].keys()
Пример #6
 def guess_mimetypes(self, node):
     # type: (nodes.Node) -> List[unicode]
     if '?' in node['candidates']:
         return []
     elif '*' in node['candidates']:
         from sphinx.util.images import guess_mimetype
         return [guess_mimetype(node['uri'])]
         return node['candidates'].keys()
Пример #7
def test_guess_mimetype():
    # guess by filename
    assert guess_mimetype('img.png') == 'image/png'
    assert guess_mimetype('img.jpg') == 'image/jpeg'
    assert guess_mimetype('img.txt') is None
    assert guess_mimetype('img.txt', default='text/plain') == 'text/plain'
    assert guess_mimetype('no_extension') is None
    assert guess_mimetype('IMG.PNG') == 'image/png'

    # default parameter is used when no extension
    assert guess_mimetype('img.png', 'text/plain') == 'image/png'
    assert guess_mimetype('no_extension', 'text/plain') == 'text/plain'
Пример #8
    def handle(self, node):
        # type: (nodes.Node) -> None
            basename = os.path.basename(node['uri'])
            if '?' in basename:
                basename = basename.split('?')[0]
            if basename == '' or len(basename) > MAX_FILENAME_LEN:
                filename, ext = os.path.splitext(node['uri'])
                basename = sha1(filename.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() + ext

            dirname = node['uri'].replace('://', '/').translate({ord("?"): u"/",
                                                                 ord("&"): u"/"})
            if len(dirname) > MAX_FILENAME_LEN:
                dirname = sha1(dirname.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
            ensuredir(os.path.join(self.imagedir, dirname))
            path = os.path.join(self.imagedir, dirname, basename)

            headers = {}
            if os.path.exists(path):
                timestamp = ceil(os.stat(path).st_mtime)  # type: float
                headers['If-Modified-Since'] = epoch_to_rfc1123(timestamp)

            r = requests.get(node['uri'], headers=headers)
            if r.status_code >= 400:
                logger.warning(__('Could not fetch remote image: %s [%d]') %
                               (node['uri'], r.status_code))
                self.app.env.original_image_uri[path] = node['uri']

                if r.status_code == 200:
                    with open(path, 'wb') as f:

                last_modified = r.headers.get('last-modified')
                if last_modified:
                    timestamp = rfc1123_to_epoch(last_modified)
                    os.utime(path, (timestamp, timestamp))

                mimetype = guess_mimetype(path, default='*')
                if mimetype != '*' and os.path.splitext(basename)[1] == '':
                    # append a suffix if URI does not contain suffix
                    ext = get_image_extension(mimetype)
                    newpath = os.path.join(self.imagedir, dirname, basename + ext)
                    movefile(path, newpath)
                    self.app.env.original_image_uri[newpath] = node['uri']
                    path = newpath
                node['candidates'][mimetype] = path
                node['uri'] = path
                self.app.env.images.add_file(self.env.docname, path)
        except Exception as exc:
            logger.warning(__('Could not fetch remote image: %s [%s]') %
                           (node['uri'], text_type(exc)))
Пример #9
 def collect_candidates(imgpath, candidates):
     globbed = {}
     for filename in glob(imgpath):
         new_imgpath = relative_path(path.join(self.srcdir, 'dummy'),
             mimetype = guess_mimetype(filename)
             if mimetype not in candidates:
                 globbed.setdefault(mimetype, []).append(new_imgpath)
         except (OSError, IOError) as err:
             self.warn_node('image file %s not readable: %s' %
                            (filename, err), node)
     for key, files in iteritems(globbed):
         candidates[key] = sorted(files, key=len)[0]  # select by similarity
Пример #10
 def collect_candidates(imgpath, candidates):
     globbed = {}
     for filename in glob(imgpath):
         new_imgpath = relative_path(path.join(self.srcdir, 'dummy'),
             mimetype = guess_mimetype(filename)
             if mimetype not in candidates:
                 globbed.setdefault(mimetype, []).append(new_imgpath)
         except (OSError, IOError) as err:
             self.warn_node('image file %s not readable: %s' %
                            (filename, err), node)
     for key, files in iteritems(globbed):
         candidates[key] = sorted(files, key=len)[0]  # select by similarity
Пример #11
 def collect_candidates(self, env, imgpath, candidates, node):
     # type: (BuildEnvironment, unicode, Dict[unicode, unicode], nodes.Node) -> None
     globbed = {}  # type: Dict[unicode, List[unicode]]
     for filename in glob(imgpath):
         new_imgpath = relative_path(path.join(env.srcdir, 'dummy'),
             mimetype = guess_mimetype(filename)
             if mimetype not in candidates:
                 globbed.setdefault(mimetype, []).append(new_imgpath)
         except (OSError, IOError) as err:
             logger.warning(__('image file %s not readable: %s') % (filename, err),
                            location=node, type='image', subtype='not_readable')
     for key, files in iteritems(globbed):
         candidates[key] = sorted(files, key=len)[0]  # select by similarity
Пример #12
 def collect_candidates(self, env, imgpath, candidates, node):
     # type: (BuildEnvironment, unicode, Dict[unicode, unicode], nodes.Node) -> None
     globbed = {}  # type: Dict[unicode, List[unicode]]
     for filename in glob(imgpath):
         new_imgpath = relative_path(path.join(env.srcdir, 'dummy'),
             mimetype = guess_mimetype(filename)
             if mimetype not in candidates:
                 globbed.setdefault(mimetype, []).append(new_imgpath)
         except (OSError, IOError) as err:
             logger.warning(__('image file %s not readable: %s') % (filename, err),
                            location=node, type='image', subtype='not_readable')
     for key, files in iteritems(globbed):
         candidates[key] = sorted(files, key=len)[0]  # select by similarity
Пример #13
 def collect_candidates(self, env: BuildEnvironment, imgpath: str,
                        candidates: Dict[str, str], node: Node) -> None:
     globbed: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}
     for filename in glob(imgpath):
         new_imgpath = relative_path(path.join(env.srcdir, 'dummy'),
             mimetype = guess_mimetype(filename)
             if mimetype is None:
                 basename, suffix = path.splitext(filename)
                 mimetype = 'image/x-' + suffix[1:]
             if mimetype not in candidates:
                 globbed.setdefault(mimetype, []).append(new_imgpath)
         except OSError as err:
             logger.warning(__('image file %s not readable: %s') % (filename, err),
                            location=node, type='image', subtype='not_readable')
     for key, files in globbed.items():
         candidates[key] = sorted(files, key=len)[0]  # select by similarity
Пример #14
    def handle(self, node):
        # type: (nodes.Node) -> None
        basename = os.path.basename(node['uri'])
        if '?' in basename:
            basename = basename.split('?')[0]
        dirname = node['uri'].replace('://', '/').translate({
            ord("?"): u"/",
            ord("&"): u"/"
        ensuredir(os.path.join(self.imagedir, dirname))
        path = os.path.join(self.imagedir, dirname, basename)
            headers = {}
            if os.path.exists(path):
                timestamp = ceil(os.stat(path).st_mtime)
                headers['If-Modified-Since'] = epoch_to_rfc1123(timestamp)

            r = requests.get(node['uri'], headers=headers)
            if r.status_code >= 400:
                logger.warning('Could not fetch remote image: %s [%d]' %
                               (node['uri'], r.status_code))
                self.app.env.original_image_uri[path] = node['uri']

                if r.status_code == 200:
                    with open(path, 'wb') as f:

                last_modified = r.headers.get('last-modified')
                if last_modified:
                    timestamp = rfc1123_to_epoch(last_modified)
                    os.utime(path, (timestamp, timestamp))

                mimetype = guess_mimetype(path, default='*')
                node['candidates'][mimetype] = path
                node['uri'] = path
                self.app.env.images.add_file(self.env.docname, path)
        except Exception as exc:
            logger.warning('Could not fetch remote image: %s [%s]' %
                           (node['uri'], text_type(exc)))
Пример #15
    def handle(self, node):
        # type: (nodes.Node) -> None
        basename = os.path.basename(node['uri'])
        if '?' in basename:
            basename = basename.split('?')[0]
        dirname = node['uri'].replace('://', '/').translate({ord("?"): u"/",
                                                             ord("&"): u"/"})
        ensuredir(os.path.join(self.imagedir, dirname))
        path = os.path.join(self.imagedir, dirname, basename)
            headers = {}
            if os.path.exists(path):
                timestamp = ceil(os.stat(path).st_mtime)
                headers['If-Modified-Since'] = epoch_to_rfc1123(timestamp)

            r = requests.get(node['uri'], headers=headers)
            if r.status_code >= 400:
                logger.warning('Could not fetch remote image: %s [%d]' %
                               (node['uri'], r.status_code))
                self.app.env.original_image_uri[path] = node['uri']

                if r.status_code == 200:
                    with open(path, 'wb') as f:

                last_modified = r.headers.get('last-modified')
                if last_modified:
                    timestamp = rfc1123_to_epoch(last_modified)
                    os.utime(path, (timestamp, timestamp))

                mimetype = guess_mimetype(path, default='*')
                node['candidates'][mimetype] = path
                node['uri'] = path
                self.app.env.images.add_file(self.env.docname, path)
        except Exception as exc:
            logger.warning('Could not fetch remote image: %s [%s]' %
                           (node['uri'], text_type(exc)))
Пример #16
    def visit_image(self, node):
        if 'uri' not in node or not node['uri']:
            self.verbose('skipping image with no uri')
            raise nodes.SkipNode

        uri = node['uri']
        uri = self.encode(uri)

        dochost = None
        img_key = None
        img_sz = None
        internal_img = uri.find('://') == -1 and not uri.startswith('data:')
        is_svg = uri.startswith('data:image/svg+xml') or \
            guess_mimetype(uri) == 'image/svg+xml'

        if internal_img:
            asset_docname = None
            if 'single' in self.builder.name:
                asset_docname = self.docname

            img_key, dochost, img_path = \
                self.assets.fetch(node, docname=asset_docname)

            # if this image has not already be processed (injected at a later
            # stage in the sphinx process); try processing it now
            if not img_key:
                # if this is an svg image, additional processing may also needed
                if is_svg:
                    confluence_supported_svg(self.builder, node)

                if not asset_docname:
                    asset_docname = self.docname

                img_key, dochost, img_path = \
                        node, asset_docname, standalone=True)

            if not img_key:
                self.warn('unable to find image: ' + uri)
                raise nodes.SkipNode

        # extract height, width and scale values on this image
        height, hu = extract_length(node.get('height'))
        scale = node.get('scale')
        width, wu = extract_length(node.get('width'))

        # if a scale value is provided and a height/width is not set, attempt to
        # determine the size of the image so that we can apply a scale value on
        # the detected size values
        if scale and not height and not width:
            if internal_img:
                img_sz = get_image_size(img_path)
                if img_sz is None:
                    self.warn('could not obtain image size; :scale: option is '
                        'ignored for ' + img_path)
                    width = img_sz[0]
                    wu = 'px'
                self.warn('cannot not obtain image size for external image; '
                    ':scale: option is ignored for ' + node['uri'])

        # apply scale factor to height/width fields
        if scale:
            if height:
                height = int(round(float(height) * scale / 100))
            if width:
                width = int(round(float(width) * scale / 100))

        # confluence only supports pixel sizes and percentage sizes in select
        # cases (e.g. applying a percentage width for an attached image can
        # result in an macro render error) -- adjust any other unit type (if
        # possible) to an acceptable pixel/percentage length
        if height:
            height = convert_length(height, hu)
            if height is None:
                self.warn('unsupported unit type for confluence: ' + hu)
        if width:
            width = convert_length(width, wu)
            if width is None:
                self.warn('unsupported unit type for confluence: ' + wu)

        # disable height/width entries for attached svgs as using these
        # attributes can result in a "broken image" rendering; instead, we will
        # track any desired height/width entry and inject them when publishing
        if internal_img and is_svg and (height or width):
            height = None
            hu = None
            width = None
            wu = None

        # [sphinx-gallery] create "thumbnail" images for sphinx-gallery
        # If a sphinx-gallery-specific class type is detected for an image,
        # assume there is a desire for thumbnail-like images. Images are then
        # restricted with a specific height (a pattern observed when restricting
        # images to a smaller size with a Confluence editor). Although, if the
        # detected image size is smaller than our target, ignore any forced size
        # changes.
        if height is None and width is None and internal_img and not is_svg:
            if 'sphx-glr-multi-img' in node.get('class', []):
                if not img_sz:
                    img_sz = get_image_size(img_path)

                if not img_sz or img_sz[1] > 250:
                    height = '250'
                    hu = 'px'

        # forward image options
        opts = {}
        opts['dochost'] = dochost
        opts['height'] = height
        opts['hu'] = hu
        opts['key'] = img_key
        opts['width'] = width
        opts['wu'] = wu

        self._visit_image(node, opts)
Пример #17
def _convert_to_data_uri(filename):
    # type: (str) -> str
    encoded = base64.b64encode(open(filename, "rb").read())
    mimetype = guess_mimetype(filename, default='*')
    data_uri = 'data:{};base64,{}'.format(mimetype, encoded)
    return data_uri
Пример #18
def confluence_supported_svg(builder, node):
    process an image node and ensure confluence-supported svg  (if applicable)

    SVGs have some limitations when being presented on a Confluence instance.
    The following have been observed issues:

    1) If an SVG file does not have an XML declaration, Confluence will fail to
       render an image.
    2) If an `ac:image` macro is applied custom width/height values on an SVG,
       Confluence Confluence will fail to render the image.

    This call will process a provided image node and ensure an SVG is in a ready
    state for publishing. If a node is not an SVG, this method will do nothing.

    To support custom width/height fields for an SVG image, the image file
    itself will be modified to an expected lengths. Any hints in the
    documentation using width/height or scale, the desired width and height
    fields of an image will calculated and replaced/injected into the SVG image.

    Any SVG files which do not have an XML declaration will have on injected.

        builder: the builder
        node: the image node to check

    uri = node['uri']

    # ignore external/embedded images
    if uri.find('://') != -1 or uri.startswith('data:'):

    # invalid uri/path
    uri_abspath = find_env_abspath(builder.env, builder.outdir, uri)
    if not uri_abspath:

    # ignore non-svgs
    mimetype = guess_mimetype(uri_abspath)
    if mimetype != 'image/svg+xml':

        with open(uri_abspath, 'rb') as f:
            svg_data = f.read()
    except (IOError, OSError) as err:
        builder.warn('error reading svg: %s' % err)

    modified = False
    svg_root = xml_et.fromstring(svg_data)

    # determine (if possible) the svgs desired width/height
    svg_height = None
    if 'height' in svg_root.attrib:
        svg_height = svg_root.attrib['height']

    svg_width = None
    if 'width' in svg_root.attrib:
        svg_width = svg_root.attrib['width']

    # try to fallback on the viewbox attribute
    viewbox = False
    if svg_height is None or svg_width is None:
        if 'viewBox' in svg_root.attrib:
                _, _, svg_width, svg_height = \
                    svg_root.attrib['viewBox'].split(' ')
                viewbox = True
            except ValueError:

    # if tracking an svg width/height, ensure the sizes are in pixels
    if svg_height:
        svg_height, svg_height_units = extract_length(svg_height)
        svg_height = convert_length(svg_height, svg_height_units, pct=False)
    if svg_width:
        svg_width, svg_width_units = extract_length(svg_width)
        svg_width = convert_length(svg_width, svg_width_units, pct=False)

    # extract length/scale properties from the node
    height, hu = extract_length(node.get('height'))
    scale = node.get('scale')
    width, wu = extract_length(node.get('width'))

    # if a percentage is detected, ignore these lengths when attempting to
    # perform any adjustments; percentage hints for internal images will be
    # managed with container tags in the translator
    if hu == '%':
        height = None
        hu = None

    if wu == '%':
        width = None
        wu = None

    # confluence can have difficulty rendering svgs with only a viewbox entry;
    # if a viewbox is used, use it for the height/width if these options have
    # not been explicitly configured on the directive
    if viewbox and not height and not width:
        height = svg_height
        width = svg_width

    # if only one size is set, fetch (and scale) the other
    if width and not height:
        if svg_height and svg_width:
            height = float(width) / svg_width * svg_height
            height = width
        hu = wu

    if height and not width:
        if svg_height and svg_width:
            width = float(height) / svg_height * svg_width
            width = height
        wu = hu

    # if a scale value is provided and a height/width is not set, attempt to
    # determine the size of the image so that we can apply a scale value on
    # the detected size values
    if scale:
        if not height and svg_height:
            height = svg_height
            hu = 'px'

        if not width and svg_width:
            width = svg_width
            wu = 'px'

    # apply scale factor to height/width fields
    if scale:
        if height:
            height = int(round(float(height) * scale / 100))
        if width:
            width = int(round(float(width) * scale / 100))

    # confluence only supports pixel sizes -- adjust any other unit type
    # (if possible) to a pixel length
    if height:
        height = convert_length(height, hu, pct=False)
        if height is None:
            builder.warn('unsupported svg unit type for confluence: ' + hu)
    if width:
        width = convert_length(width, wu, pct=False)
        if width is None:
            builder.warn('unsupported svg unit type for confluence: ' + wu)

    # if we have a height/width to apply, adjust the svg
    if height and width:
        svg_root.attrib['height'] = str(height)
        svg_root.attrib['width'] = str(width)
        svg_data = xml_et.tostring(svg_root)
        modified = True

    # ensure xml declaration exists
    if not svg_data.lstrip().startswith(b'<?xml'):
        svg_data = XML_DEC + b'\n' + svg_data
        modified = True

    # ignore svg file if not modifications are needed
    if not modified:

    fname = sha256(svg_data).hexdigest() + '.svg'
    outfn = os.path.join(builder.outdir, builder.imagedir, 'svgs', fname)

    # write the new svg file (if needed)
    if not os.path.isfile(outfn):
        logger.verbose('generating compatible svg of: %s' % uri)
        logger.verbose('generating compatible svg to: %s' % outfn)

            with open(outfn, 'wb') as f:
        except (IOError, OSError) as err:
            builder.warn('error writing svg: %s' % err)

    # replace the required node attributes
    node['uri'] = outfn

    if 'height' in node:
        del node['height']
    if 'scale' in node:
        del node['scale']
    if 'width' in node:
        del node['width']
Пример #19
def test_guess_mimetype(testroot):
    # guess by filename
    assert guess_mimetype('img.png') == 'image/png'
    assert guess_mimetype('img.jpg') == 'image/jpeg'
    assert guess_mimetype('img.txt') is None
    assert guess_mimetype('img.txt', default='text/plain') == 'text/plain'
    assert guess_mimetype('no_extension') is None
    assert guess_mimetype('IMG.PNG') == 'image/png'

    # guess by content
    assert guess_mimetype(content=(testroot / GIF_FILENAME).bytes()) == 'image/gif'
    assert guess_mimetype(content=(testroot / PNG_FILENAME).bytes()) == 'image/png'
    assert guess_mimetype(content=(testroot / PDF_FILENAME).bytes()) is None
    assert guess_mimetype(content=(testroot / TXT_FILENAME).bytes()) is None
    assert guess_mimetype(content=(testroot / TXT_FILENAME).bytes(),
                          default='text/plain') == 'text/plain'

    # the priority of params: filename > content > default
    assert guess_mimetype('img.png',
                          content=(testroot / GIF_FILENAME).bytes(),
                          default='text/plain') == 'image/png'
    assert guess_mimetype('no_extension',
                          content=(testroot / GIF_FILENAME).bytes(),
                          default='text/plain') == 'image/gif'
    assert guess_mimetype('no_extension',
                          content=(testroot / TXT_FILENAME).bytes(),
                          default='text/plain') == 'text/plain'
Пример #20
def test_guess_mimetype(testroot):
    # guess by filename
    assert guess_mimetype('img.png') == 'image/png'
    assert guess_mimetype('img.jpg') == 'image/jpeg'
    assert guess_mimetype('img.txt') is None
    assert guess_mimetype('img.txt', default='text/plain') == 'text/plain'
    assert guess_mimetype('no_extension') is None
    assert guess_mimetype('IMG.PNG') == 'image/png'

    # guess by content
    assert guess_mimetype(content=(testroot / GIF_FILENAME).bytes()) == 'image/gif'
    assert guess_mimetype(content=(testroot / PNG_FILENAME).bytes()) == 'image/png'
    assert guess_mimetype(content=(testroot / PDF_FILENAME).bytes()) is None
    assert guess_mimetype(content=(testroot / TXT_FILENAME).bytes()) is None
    assert guess_mimetype(content=(testroot / TXT_FILENAME).bytes(),
                          default='text/plain') == 'text/plain'

    # the priority of params: filename > content > default
    assert guess_mimetype('img.png',
                          content=(testroot / GIF_FILENAME).bytes(),
                          default='text/plain') == 'image/png'
    assert guess_mimetype('no_extension',
                          content=(testroot / GIF_FILENAME).bytes(),
                          default='text/plain') == 'image/gif'
    assert guess_mimetype('no_extension',
                          content=(testroot / TXT_FILENAME).bytes(),
                          default='text/plain') == 'text/plain'