Пример #1
def read(xml, max_time=4, max_words=None):
    Transform XML, an ElementTree.Element representation of Koemei's
    <segmentation> output, into a series of spindle clips and associated
    speaker objects.

    Returns a dict with two values: CLIPS and SPEAKERS
    speakers = dict()
    clips = []
    for segment in xml.findall('segment'):
        start = float(segment.find('start').text.strip()) / 100
        end = float(segment.find('end').text.strip()) / 100
        speaker_name = segment.find('speaker').text.strip()
            speaker = speakers[speaker_name]
        except KeyError:
            speaker = Speaker(name=speaker_name)
            speakers[speaker_name] = speaker

        segment_clips = words_to_clips(segment_to_words(segment),
        clip = segment_clips.next()
        clip.begin_para = True
        for clip in segment_clips:

    return dict(clips=clips, speakers=speakers.values())
Пример #2
def read(xml, max_time=4, max_words=None):
    Transform XML, an ElementTree.Element representation of Koemei's
    <segmentation> output, into a series of spindle clips and associated
    speaker objects.

    Returns a dict with two values: CLIPS and SPEAKERS
    speakers = dict()
    clips = []
    for segment in xml.findall('segment'):
        start        = float(segment.find('start').text.strip()) / 100
        end          = float(segment.find('end').text.strip()) / 100
        speaker_name = segment.find('speaker').text.strip()
            speaker = speakers[speaker_name]
        except KeyError:
            speaker = Speaker(name=speaker_name)
            speakers[speaker_name] = speaker

        segment_clips = words_to_clips(segment_to_words(segment),
        clip = segment_clips.next()
        clip.begin_para = True
        for clip in segment_clips: clips.append(clip)

    return dict(clips=clips, speakers=speakers.values())
Пример #3
def read_clips(input, **kwargs):
    """Read Sphinx4 output and segment into clips.

    `input' should be a file object, or anything that can be iterated
    to produce lines of text.

    Any keyword arguments are passed unchanged to words_to_clips.

    Yields Clip objects segmented in two ways:

    (1) Sphinx segment tokens <s> begin a new clip

    (2) Within Sphinx segments, words are split into clips using
    words_to_clips, so by default each clip is limited to a maximum
    length of 4 seconds."""
    for segment in segments(remove_silences(read_tokens(input))):
        for clip in words_to_clips(segment, **kwargs):
            yield clip
Пример #4
def read_clips(input, **kwargs):
    """Read Sphinx4 output and segment into clips.

    `input' should be a file object, or anything that can be iterated
    to produce lines of text.

    Any keyword arguments are passed unchanged to words_to_clips.

    Yields Clip objects segmented in two ways:

    (1) Sphinx segment tokens <s> begin a new clip

    (2) Within Sphinx segments, words are split into clips using
    words_to_clips, so by default each clip is limited to a maximum
    length of 4 seconds."""
    for segment in segments(remove_silences(read_tokens(input))):
        for clip in words_to_clips(segment, **kwargs):
            yield clip