Пример #1
def patch_devices_with_vlan_list(vlan_list_config, tag_prefix):
    if vlan_list_config["type"] == "single":
        tag_name = tag_prefix + "vlanIf"
        vlans = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names(tag_name)
        vlan_list = vlan_list_config["vlan_list"]
        vlan_port_step = vlan_list_config["vlan_port_step"]
        for vlan in vlans:
            vlan.SetCollection("IdList", vlan_list)
            vlan_list = [vlan_id + vlan_port_step for vlan_id in vlan_list]
    elif vlan_list_config["type"] == "qnq":
        outer_tag_name = tag_prefix + "outerVlan"
        outer_vlans = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names(
        inner_tag_name = tag_prefix + "innerVlan"
        inner_vlans = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names(
        outer_vlan_list = vlan_list_config["outer_vlan_list"]
        inner_vlan_list = vlan_list_config["inner_vlan_list"]
        outer_port_step = vlan_list_config["outer_port_step"]
        inner_port_step = vlan_list_config["inner_port_step"]
        for vlan in outer_vlans:
            vlan.SetCollection("IdList", outer_vlan_list)
            outer_vlan_list = [vlan_id + outer_port_step for vlan_id
                               in outer_vlan_list]
        for vlan in inner_vlans:
            vlan.SetCollection("IdList", inner_vlan_list)
            inner_vlan_list = [vlan_id + inner_port_step for vlan_id
                               in inner_vlan_list]
Пример #2
def run(SrcTagName, TargetTagName, RelationName, RemoveRelation):
    plLogger = PLLogger.GetLogger('methodology')
    plLogger.LogDebug("run ConfigRelationCommand")

    # Before walking the tree, make sure the relation is a valid one
    except RuntimeError as e:
        # Invalid name
        if 'does not exist' in str(e):
            err = "Relation name " + RelationName + \
                  " is not a valid relation type"
            raise RuntimeError(err)
            raise e

    src_objs = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names([SrcTagName])
    targ_objs = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names([TargetTagName])
    for src_obj in src_objs:
        for targ_obj in targ_objs:
            if RemoveRelation is False:
                # TODO: Have a try block to handle expected errors, like invlaid relations, or
                # single-target-only relations that have mutliple targets here?
                src_obj.AddObject(targ_obj, RelationType(RelationName))
                src_obj.RemoveObject(targ_obj, RelationType(RelationName))

    return True
def run(TagNameList, ObjectOrder,
        BreakOnFail, MinVal, MaxVal, PrevIterVerdict):
    # plLogger = PLLogger.GetLogger('IterateOverTaggedObjects')
    this_cmd = get_this_cmd()
    key = get_this_obj_key()
    # If a validator fails, then set the results
    if BreakOnFail and PrevIterVerdict is False:
        this_cmd.Set('PassFailState', 'Failed')
        this_cmd.Set('ResetState', True)
        return False
    # Verify that the set up parameters match what's being iterated
    if CObjectRefStore.Exists(key):
        cmd_dict = CObjectRefStore.Get(key)
        # If they don't match, ditch what we have, start over
        if cmd_dict['ObjectOrder'] != ObjectOrder or \
           cmd_dict['TagNameList'] != TagNameList:
    if this_cmd.Get('ResetState') or not CObjectRefStore.Exists(key):
        this_cmd.Set('ResetState', False)
        this_cmd.Set('Iteration', 0)
        this_cmd.Set('CurrVal', '')
        cmd_dict = {'ObjectOrder': ObjectOrder,
                    'TagNameList': TagNameList}
        # Assumption, if not SCALAR, it's TUPLE
        if ObjectOrder == 'SCALAR':
            obj_list = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names(TagNameList)
            hnd_list = [obj.GetObjectHandle() for obj in obj_list]
            # This expression gets too ugly the way it's set up, so will be
            # explicit for this nested list of lists
            hnd_list_list = []
            for tag in TagNameList:
                obj_list = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names(tag)
                hnd_list = [obj.GetObjectHandle() for obj in obj_list]
            if len(hnd_list_list) < 2:
                raise ValueError('Expected multiple lists, but only got one')
            hnd_list = zip(*hnd_list_list)
        cmd_dict['HandleList'] = hnd_list
        CObjectRefStore.Put(key, cmd_dict)
    # At this point, it should exist
    cmd_dict = CObjectRefStore.Get(key)
    iter_num = this_cmd.Get('Iteration')
    # Done if we reach last index
    if iter_num >= len(cmd_dict['HandleList']):
        this_cmd.Set('Iteration', iter_num)
        this_cmd.Set('PassFailState', 'FAILED')
        this_cmd.Set('ResetState', True)
        if CObjectRefStore.Exists(key):
        return False
    if ObjectOrder == 'SCALAR':
        curr_val = str(cmd_dict['HandleList'][iter_num])
        curr_val = ','.join([str(x) for x in cmd_dict['HandleList'][iter_num]])
    this_cmd.Set('CurrVal', curr_val)
    iter_num = iter_num + 1
    this_cmd.Set('Iteration', iter_num)
    return True
Пример #4
def test_exec(stc, stak, cleanup_all, ports):
    data = json.loads(test_config)
    topology_config = data['topology_nodes']
    network_profiles = get_network_profiles(data)
    traffic_profiles = get_traffic_profiles(data)
    endpoint_infos = data['endpoint_infos']
    exec_command('CreateTemplatesCommand', {
        'TopologyConfig': json.dumps(topology_config),
        'NetworkProfileConfig': json.dumps(network_profiles),
        'TrafficProfileConfig': json.dumps(traffic_profiles),
        'EndpointConfig': json.dumps(endpoint_infos)
    exec_command('AdjustMacCommand', stak['params'])
    assert detect_source_mac_called is True
    assert detect_source_mac_called_with == [ports[0].GetObjectHandle()]

    # subnet 1234 (west, unique, virtual, dev count == 1)
    # should not be randomized
    ethii_ifs1 = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names(
    assert len(ethii_ifs1) == 1
    for eif in ethii_ifs1:
        assert eif.GetObject('Rfc4814EthIIIfDecorator') is None

    # subnet 3456 (west, unique, hw) should be randomized
    ethii_ifs2 = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names(
    assert len(ethii_ifs2) == 1
    for eif in ethii_ifs2:
        assert eif.GetObject('Rfc4814EthIIIfDecorator') is not None

    # subnet 2345 (east, unique, virtual, dev count == 2)
    # should be randomized
    ethii_ifs3 = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names(
    assert len(ethii_ifs3) == 1
    for eif in ethii_ifs3:
        assert eif.GetObject('Rfc4814EthIIIfDecorator') is not None

    # subnet 4567 (east, static, hw) should not be randomized
    ethii_ifs4 = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names(
    assert len(ethii_ifs4) == 1
    for eif in ethii_ifs4:
        assert eif.GetObject('Rfc4814EthIIIfDecorator') is None
def test_tag_wizgenerated_as_created(stc):
    stc_sys = CStcSystem.Instance()
    project = stc_sys.GetObject("Project")
    ctor = CScriptableCreator()

    # Create Wizard param objects
    bgpParamObj = ctor.Create("BgpRouteGenParams", project)
    ipv4ParamObj = ctor.Create("Ipv4RouteGenParams", bgpParamObj)

    # Create BLL objects
    devObj = ctor.Create("EmulatedDevice", project)
    rtrObj = ctor.Create("BgpRouterConfig", devObj)
    routeObj = ctor.Create("BgpIpv4RouteConfig", rtrObj)

    # Manually set WizardGeneratedObject relation
    ipv4ParamObj.AddObject(routeObj, RelationType("WizardGeneratedObject"))

    # Run the tag function
    PrefixCmd.tag_wizgenerated_as_created(ipv4ParamObj, "testtag")

    # Check that the correct route object was tagged with the correct tag name
    taggObjs = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names("testtag")
    assert len(taggObjs) == 1
    assert routeObj.GetObjectHandle() == taggObjs[0].GetObjectHandle()
Пример #6
def get_ethii_ifs(subnet):
    tag_prefix = tag_name_util.get_subnet_tag_prefix(subnet)
    tag_name = tag_prefix + tag_name_util.get_ethIIIf_tag(subnet)
    ethii_ifs = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names(
    return ethii_ifs
Пример #7
def get_devices(subnet):
    tag_prefix = tag_name_util.get_subnet_tag_prefix(subnet)
    tag_name = tag_prefix + tag_name_util.get_dev_tag(subnet)
    devices = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names(
    return [device.GetObjectHandle() for device in devices]
def SetRotation(tagname, tagged_object_list, params):
    rots = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names('IterRotate')
    if len(rots) == 0:
        return 'Missing IterRotate tagged object.'
    for rot in rots:
        rot.Set('MaxVal', float(len(tagged_object_list) - 1))
        rot.Set('StepVal', float(params))
        rot.Set('MinVal', float(params))
    return ''
def SetRulesFilename(tagname, tagged_object_list, params):
    cmds = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names('RulesFileName')
    if len(cmds) == 0:
        return 'Missing "RulesFileName" tagged command.'
    for cmd in cmds:
        if cmd.IsTypeOf(TTPKG + '.LoadAclTrafficRulesCommand'):
            cmd.Set('RulesFileName', params)
            return 'Only LoadAclTrafficRulesCommand is supported for RulesFileName.'
    return ''
def process_tagged_commands(cmd_dict):
    cmd_list = \
    for cmd in cmd_list:
        if cmd.IsTypeOf(PKG + '.VerifyDbQueryCommand'):
            create_summary_queries(cmd, cmd_dict)
        elif cmd.IsTypeOf(PKG + '.VerifyMultipleDbQueryCommand'):
            create_kpi_queries(cmd, cmd_dict)
        elif cmd.IsTypeOf(PKG + '.ExportDbChartCommand'):
            create_chart_queries(cmd, cmd_dict)
def process_tagged_commands():
    stc_sys = CStcSystem.Instance()
    cmd_list = \
    for cmd in cmd_list:
        # For now, just pre-set the capture wrapper to set the capture path
        if cmd.IsTypeOf('CaptureDataSaveCommand'):
            path = os.path.normpath(stc_sys.GetApplicationSessionDataPath())
            cmd.Set('FileNamePath', path)
            cmd.Set('FileName', 'microburst_data.pcap')
            cmd.Set('FileNameFormat', 'PCAP')
            cmd.Set('AppendSuffixToFileName', False)
Пример #12
def get_streamblocks(subnet):
    tag_prefix = tag_name_util.get_subnet_tag_prefix(subnet)
    tag_name = tag_prefix + tag_name_util.get_dev_tag(subnet)
    devices = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names(
    streamblock_hnds = []
    for device in devices:
        ip_if = device.GetObject("NetworkInterface", RelationType("TopLevelIf"))
        streamblocks = ip_if.GetObjects("StreamBlock",
        streamblock_hnds += [streamblock.GetObjectHandle() for streamblock
                             in streamblocks]
    return streamblock_hnds
def test_twg_as_created(stc):
    stc_sys = CStcSystem.Instance()
    project = stc_sys.GetObject("Project")
    ctor = CScriptableCreator()
    paramObj = ctor.Create("BgpImportRouteTableParams", project)
    devObj = ctor.Create("EmulatedDevice", project)
    rtrObj = ctor.Create("BgpRouterConfig", devObj)
    routeObj = ctor.Create("BgpIpv4RouteConfig", rtrObj)
    paramObj.AddObject(routeObj, RelationType("WizardGenerated"))

    ImportCmd.tag_wizgenerated_as_created(paramObj, "testtag")

    taggObjs = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names("testtag")
    assert len(taggObjs) == 1
    assert routeObj.GetObjectHandle() == taggObjs[0].GetObjectHandle()
def configure_generator(tag_name, duration=100.0):
        The generators under the tagged ports will be configured as required
        by the tests
    port_list = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names([tag_name])
    gen_list = []
    for port in port_list:
        gen = port.GetObject('Generator')
        assert gen
        gen_cfg = gen.GetObject('GeneratorConfig')
        assert gen_cfg
        gen_cfg.Set('SchedulingMode', 'MANUAL_BASED')
        gen_cfg.Set('DurationMode', 'BURSTS')
        gen_cfg.Set('Duration', duration)
    return gen_list
def run(CommandTagName, IterationDuration, StartBw, CirBw, EirBw, OvershootBw,
        StepCount, ExpPktLossCount, ExpRfc4689AvgJitter, ExpMaxJitter,
        ExpAvgLatency, ExpMaxLatency, ExpMaxOopCount, ExpMaxLatePktCount):
    cmd_dict = {
        'start_bw': StartBw,
        'cir_bw': CirBw,
        'eir_bw': EirBw,
        'ovr_bw': OvershootBw,
        'step_bw': StepCount,
        'exp_pktloss': ExpPktLossCount,
        'exp_avgjitter': ExpRfc4689AvgJitter,
        'exp_maxjitter': ExpMaxJitter,
        'exp_avglatency': ExpAvgLatency,
        'exp_maxlatency': ExpMaxLatency,
        'exp_maxoop': ExpMaxOopCount,
        'exp_maxlatepkt': ExpMaxLatePktCount}
    # Additional work to chain/configure other properties needed
    CObjectRefStore.Put(OBJ_KEY, cmd_dict, True)
    cmd_list = \
    for cmd in cmd_list:
        # Assume only certain commands are tagged
        if cmd.IsTypeOf('WaitCommand'):
            cmd.Set('WaitTime', float(IterationDuration))
        elif cmd.IsTypeOf(PKG + '.ObjectIteratorCommand'):
            bw_list = []
            if StartBw < CirBw:
                stepBw = (CirBw - StartBw) / StepCount
                if stepBw == 0:
                    bw = StartBw
                    while (bw <= CirBw):
                        if CirBw - bw < stepBw:
                            bw = CirBw
                        bw = bw + stepBw
            bw_list.append(CirBw + EirBw)
            bw_list.append(CirBw + EirBw + OvershootBw)
            cmd.SetCollection('ValueList', [str(x) for x in bw_list])
    return True
def get_streamblock_handle_list():
    logger.debug("get_streamblock_handle_list : ")

    sb_handle_list = []
    if not CObjectRefStore.Exists(OBJ_KEY):
        logger.warn("DiffServCfgRampCommand was not called. " + "Using default threshold values.")
        tmp_dict = CObjectRefStore.Get(OBJ_KEY)
        logger.debug("  tmp_dict: " + str(tmp_dict))
        dict_keys = tmp_dict.keys()
        logger.debug("  dict_keys: " + str(dict_keys))

        # convert keys to handles
        sb_list = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names(dict_keys)
        for sb in sb_list:
        logger.debug("  sb_handle_list: " + str(sb_handle_list))

    return sb_handle_list
Пример #17
def Rfc2544ThroughputVerifyResults(tagname, b, params):
    # plLogger = PLLogger.GetLogger('methodology')
    # plLogger.LogDebug("Running Rfc2544ThroughputVerifyResults")

    res_cmd_list = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names(tagname)
    # plLogger.LogDebug("res_cmd_list: " + str(res_cmd_list))

    objectIterIndex = 0
    multiDbQueryIndex = 0
    for idx, cmd in enumerate(res_cmd_list):
        if cmd.IsTypeOf(PKG + '.ObjectIteratorCommand'):
            objectIterIndex = idx
        if cmd.IsTypeOf(PKG + '.VerifyMultipleDbQueryCommand'):
            multiDbQueryIndex = idx

    # Get list of frame sizes from object iterator
    frameList = res_cmd_list[objectIterIndex].GetCollection('ValueList')
    # plLogger.LogDebug("frameList: " + str(frameList))

    q_list = []
    display_name_list = []
    pass_list = []
    fail_list = []
    for frame in frameList:
        # For each frame size determine if there was any streams with dropped frames
        # If so (number of rows found > 0), that is considered a failure
        display_name_list.append('Frame Size ' + str(frame))
        pass_list.append('Found frame rate with no dropped frames for frame size ' + str(frame))
        fail_list.append('Found dropped frames for all frame rates with frame size ' + str(frame))
        q = "SELECT FrameSize AS 'Frame Size (bytes)', Load AS 'Load %', " + \
            "FPS AS 'Frames per Second', DroppedCount AS 'Dropped Frame Count' From " + \
            "MethRfc2544Throughput WHERE FrameSize == " + str(frame) + " AND DroppedCount > 0"

    res_cmd_list[multiDbQueryIndex].SetCollection('DisplayNameList', display_name_list)
    res_cmd_list[multiDbQueryIndex].SetCollection('PassedVerdictExplanationList', pass_list)
    res_cmd_list[multiDbQueryIndex].SetCollection('FailedVerdictExplanationList', fail_list)
    res_cmd_list[multiDbQueryIndex].SetCollection('SqlQueryList', q_list)
    res_cmd_list[multiDbQueryIndex].Set('UseMultipleResultsDatabases', False)
    res_cmd_list[multiDbQueryIndex].Set('UseSummary', True)

    return ""
def test_run(stc):
    stc_sys = CStcSystem.Instance()
    project = stc_sys.GetObject("Project")
    ctor = CScriptableCreator()

    port = ctor.Create("Port", project)
    ethCopper = ctor.Create("EthernetCopper", port)
    port.AddObject(ethCopper, RelationType("ActivePhy"))

    # Create and tag router
    emDevice = ctor.Create("EmulatedDevice", project)
    emDevice.AddObject(port, RelationType("AffiliationPort"))
    ipv4If = ctor.Create("Ipv4If", emDevice)
    ethIf = ctor.Create("EthIIIf", emDevice)
    emDevice.AddObject(ipv4If, RelationType("TopLevelIf"))
    emDevice.AddObject(ipv4If, RelationType("PrimaryIf"))
    ipv4If.AddObject(ethIf, RelationType("StackedOnEndpoint"))
    ctor.Create("BgpRouterConfig", emDevice)
    tag_utils.add_tag_to_object(emDevice, "ttEmulatedDevice")

    # Create and tag wizard object
    bgpParamObj = ctor.Create("BgpRouteGenParams", project)
    tag_utils.add_tag_to_object(bgpParamObj, "ttBgpRouteGenParams")
    ipv4ParamObj = ctor.Create("Ipv4RouteGenParams", bgpParamObj)
    ipv4ParamObj.SetCollection("PrefixLengthDist", [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
                               0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 50.0, 50.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
                               0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    ipv4ParamObj.Set("Count", 2)
    ipv4ParamObj.Set("PrefixLengthDistType", "CUSTOM")
    ctor.Create("BgpRouteGenRouteAttrParams", ipv4ParamObj)

    # Run the command
    PrefixCmd.run(["ttEmulatedDevice"], "ttBgpRouteGenParams", "ttBgpRoutes")

    routeObjs = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names("ttBgpRoutes")
    assert len(routeObjs) == 2

    for routeObj in routeObjs:
        assert routeObj.IsTypeOf("BgpIpv4RouteConfig")

Пример #19
def get_valid_handles(handle_list, tag_name_list):
    hnd_reg = CHandleRegistry.Instance()
    l2_obj_list = []
    l3_obj_list = []
    l2_handle_list = []
    l3_handle_list = []

    # Add object handles from the tag list to the handle list
    if len(tag_name_list) > 0:
        for obj in tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names(tag_name_list):

    # The L2 learning command only allows handles of type Port and StreamBlock
    # The L3 learning command only allows handles of type Port, StreamBlock, Host,
    # Router, and EmulatedDevice
    for hnd in handle_list:
        obj = hnd_reg.Find(hnd)
        if obj.IsTypeOf("Port") or obj.IsTypeOf("StreamBlock") or obj.IsTypeOf("Project"):
        elif obj.IsTypeOf("EmulatedDevice") or obj.IsTypeOf("Host") or obj.IsTypeOf("Router"):
        elif obj.IsTypeOf("StmTemplateMix") or obj.IsTypeOf("StmTemplateConfig"):
                l2_obj_list.extend(dm_utils.get_class_objects([hnd], [],
                l3_obj_list.extend(dm_utils.get_class_objects([hnd], [],

    for obj in dm_utils.sort_obj_list_by_handle(l2_obj_list):
    for obj in dm_utils.sort_obj_list_by_handle(l3_obj_list):
    return l2_handle_list, l3_handle_list
def run(StmTrafficMix, TagName, Load, LoadUnit):
    plLogger = PLLogger.GetLogger("AllocateTrafficMixLoad1Command")
    obj_list = CCommandEx.ProcessInputHandleVec('StmTrafficMix', [StmTrafficMix])
    if TagName:
        obj_list = obj_list + tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names([TagName])
    if len(obj_list) == 0:
        plLogger.LogError("Neither StmTrafficMix nor TagName specified " +
                          "a valid StmTrafficMix Object")
        return False
    obj_dict = {obj.GetObjectHandle(): obj for obj in obj_list}
    for traf_mix in obj_dict.values():
        tmi = traf_mix.Get('MixInfo')
        if tmi == '':
            plLogger.LogError("MixInfo is empty")
            return False
        mix_elem = etree.fromstring(tmi)
        val = mix_elem.get('WeightList')
        weight_list = [float(x) for x in val.split()]
        tmpl_list = traf_mix.GetObjects('StmTemplateConfig')
        if len(weight_list) != len(tmpl_list):
            plLogger.LogError("Size of weight list does not match " +
                              "number of templates")
            return False
        # Fractions are not supported only for these settings
        allow = (LoadUnit not in ['FRAMES_PER_SECOND', 'INTER_BURST_GAP'])
        load_list = weight.allocate_weighted_list(Load, weight_list,
        for load, tmpl in zip(load_list, tmpl_list):
            allocate_weighted_load(load, tmpl, LoadUnit)
            config_generator(tmpl, LoadUnit)
        # After finishing, set the appropriate fields in the mix
        mix_elem.set('Load', str(Load))
        mix_elem.set('LoadUnit', LoadUnit)
        mix_elem.set('LoadDist', ' '.join([str(x) for x in load_list]))
        traf_mix.Set('MixInfo', etree.tostring(mix_elem))
    return True
def run(RouterTagList, SrcObjectTagName, CreatedRoutesTagName):
    plLogger = PLLogger.GetLogger('methodology')
    plLogger.LogInfo(" Run RoutePrefixDistributionCommand")
    ctor = CScriptableCreator()
    this_cmd = get_this_cmd()

    protocolParamObjs = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names([SrcObjectTagName])
    if len(protocolParamObjs) == 0:
        this_cmd.Set('Status', 'No objects with tag matching SrcObjectTagName')
        return False
    routerObjs = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names(RouterTagList)
    if len(routerObjs) == 0:
        this_cmd.Set('Status', 'No routers with tag in RouterTagList')
        return False

    for protocolParamObj in protocolParamObjs:
        for routerObj in routerObjs:
            if not (routerObj.IsTypeOf('EmulatedDevice') or
                this_cmd.Set('Status', routerObj.Get('Name') + "is of type " +
                             routerObj.GetType() +
                             "should be of type EmulatedDevice or RouterConfig")
                return False
            # Get EmulatedDevice if a RouterConfig tag was passed in
            if routerObj.IsTypeOf('RouterConfig'):
                routerObj = routerObj.GetParent()

            # RouteGenApplyCommand will skip any Emulated Devices that don't have
            # and affiliation port
            if not routerObj.GetObject('Port', RelationType('AffiliationPort')):
                this_cmd.Set('Status', 'EmulatedDevice has no AffiliationPort')
                return False

            # Only EmulatedDevices allowed for SelectedRouterRelation
            protocolParamObj.AddObject(routerObj, RelationType('SelectedRouterRelation'))

        if not protocolParamObj.GetObjects('EmulatedDevice',
            this_cmd.Set('Status', 'No routers specified for routes to be attached to')
            return False

        # Create the RouteGenApplyCommand
        cmd = ctor.CreateCommand("RouteGenApplyCommand")
        cmd.Set("GenParams", protocolParamObj.GetObjectHandle())
        cmd.Set("DeleteRoutesOnApply", "NO")

        # If RouteGenApplyCommand fails, fail this command
        cmd_state = cmd.Get('State')
        cmd_status = cmd.Get('Status')
        if cmd_state != 'COMPLETED':
            this_cmd.Set('Status', "RouteGenApplyCommand did not complete: " + cmd_status)
            return False

        # Verify that routes were created
        num_routes = 0
        routeParamObjs = protocolParamObj.GetObjects('RouteGenParams',
        for routeParamObj in routeParamObjs:
            num_routes += len(routeParamObj.GetObjects('Scriptable',
        if num_routes == 0:
            warn_msg = "Failed to generate any route objects using the RouteGenApplyCommand: " + \
            this_cmd.Set('Status', warn_msg)

        routeGenParamObjs = protocolParamObj.GetObjects('RouteGenParams')
        for routeGenParamObj in routeGenParamObjs:
            if CreatedRoutesTagName:
                tag_wizgenerated_as_created(routeGenParamObj, CreatedRoutesTagName)

    return True
def test_run(stc):
    sequencer = CStcSystem.Instance().GetObject('Sequencer')
    project = CStcSystem.Instance().GetObject('Project')
    ctor = CScriptableCreator()
    hnd_reg = CHandleRegistry.Instance()
    cmd = ctor.Create(TPKG + '.CreateTrafficMixCommand', sequencer)

    plLogger = PLLogger.GetLogger('test_CreateTrafficMixCommand.test_run')

    CreateTMix2Cmd.get_this_cmd = MagicMock(return_value=cmd)
    CreateTMix2Cmd.run(mix_info(), 'TheMix', False)

    # Check the created StmTemplateMix
    mix_hnd = cmd.Get('StmTemplateMix')
    mix = hnd_reg.Find(mix_hnd)
    assert mix
    assert mix.Get('MixInfo') == mix_info()

    # Find the tagged commands
    tag_json = cmd.Get('GroupCommandTagInfo')
    assert tag_json != ''
    err_str, tag_dict = json_utils.load_json(tag_json)
    assert err_str == ""

    tagged_obj_list = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names(
    assert len(tagged_obj_list) == 1
    obj_iter = tagged_obj_list[0]
    assert obj_iter.IsTypeOf(PKG + '.ObjectIteratorCommand')
    assert obj_iter.Get('StepVal') == 1.0
    assert obj_iter.Get('MaxVal') == 0.0
    assert obj_iter.Get('MinVal') == 0.0
    assert obj_iter.Get('IterMode') == 'STEP'
    assert obj_iter.Get('ValueType') == 'RANGE'

    tagged_obj_list = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names(
    assert len(tagged_obj_list) == 1
    config_cmd = tagged_obj_list[0]
    assert config_cmd.IsTypeOf(PKG + '.IteratorConfigMixParamsCommand')
    assert mix_hnd == config_cmd.Get('StmTemplateMix')

    # Check the Tag
    tags = project.GetObject('Tags')
    assert tags
    user_tag_list = tags.GetObjects('Tag')
    assert len(user_tag_list)
    exp_tag = None
    for user_tag in user_tag_list:
        if user_tag.Get('Name') == 'TheMix':
            exp_tag = user_tag
    assert exp_tag
    tag_target = exp_tag.GetObject('StmTemplateMix', RelationType('UserTag', 1))
    assert tag_target
    assert tag_target.GetObjectHandle() == mix.GetObjectHandle()

    tagged_obj_list = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names(
    assert len(tagged_obj_list) == 1
    load_cmd = tagged_obj_list[0]
    assert load_cmd.IsTypeOf(PKG + '.CreateTemplateConfigCommand')
    load_input_mix_hnd = load_cmd.Get('StmTemplateMix')
    assert load_input_mix_hnd == mix.GetObjectHandle()
Пример #23
def y1564ResultsReport(tagname, b, params):
    plLogger = PLLogger.GetLogger("Methodology")
    plLogger.LogDebug("Running custom y1564ResultsReport script...")
    if not CObjectRefStore.Exists(OBJ_KEY):
        plLogger.LogWarn('Y1564SvcCfgRampCommand was not called. ' +
                         'Using default threshold values.')
        exp_pktloss = 0
        exp_avgjitter = 0.05
        exp_maxjitter = 0.2
        exp_avglatency = 0.7
        exp_maxlatency = 1.0
        exp_maxoop = 0
        exp_maxlatepkt = 0
        cmd_dict = CObjectRefStore.Get(OBJ_KEY)
        exp_pktloss = cmd_dict['exp_pktloss']
        exp_avgjitter = cmd_dict['exp_avgjitter']
        exp_maxjitter = cmd_dict['exp_maxjitter']
        exp_avglatency = cmd_dict['exp_avglatency']
        exp_maxlatency = cmd_dict['exp_maxlatency']
        exp_maxoop = cmd_dict['exp_maxoop']
        exp_maxlatepkt = cmd_dict['exp_maxlatepkt']

    obj_list = \
    sb_hnd_list = []
    for sb in obj_list:
        sb_hnd = str(sb.GetObjectHandle())
        src_if = sb.GetObject('NetworkEndpoint', RelationType('SrcBinding'))
        src_dev = src_if.GetParent()
        dst_if = sb.GetObject('NetworkEndpoint', RelationType('DstBinding'))
        dst_dev = dst_if.GetParent()

        cvlan = src_dev.Get('Vlan1')
        svlan = src_dev.Get('Vlan2')
        src = src_dev.Get('Ipv4Address')
        if src is None:
            src = src_dev.Get('Ipv6Address')
        dst = dst_dev.Get('Ipv4Address')
        if dst is None:
            dst = dst_dev.Get('Ipv6Address')
        if not sb.IsTypeOf('Streamblock'):
            raise RuntimeError('Tag did not point to a Streamblock')

    res_cmd_list = \
    plLogger.LogDebug("res_cmd_list: " + str(res_cmd_list))

    for cmd in res_cmd_list:
        if cmd.IsTypeOf(PKG + '.VerifyMultipleDbQueryCommand'):
            q_list = []
            display_name_list = []
            pass_list = []
            fail_list = []

            display_name_list.append('Mean Frame Transfer Delay (FTD) Results')
            pass_list.append("Mean FTD is within the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_avglatency) + " ms.")
            fail_list.append("Mean FTD exceeded the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_avglatency) + " ms.")
            q = "SELECT Name AS 'Streamblock', " + \
                "Sb.FixedFrameLength AS 'Frame Size (bytes)', " + \
                "ROUND(AvgLatency*1e-3,3) AS 'Mean FTD (ms)', " + \
                "'" + str(exp_avglatency) + "' AS 'Mean FTD Threshold (ms)' " + \
                "FROM RxEotStreamResults AS RxStr JOIN StreamBlock AS Sb " + \
                "ON RxStr.ParentStreamBlock == Sb.Handle " + \
                "WHERE ROUND(AvgLatency*1e-3,3) > " + str(exp_avglatency)

            display_name_list.append("Max Frame Transfer Delay (FTD) Results")
            pass_list.append("Max FTD is within the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_maxlatency) + " ms.")
            fail_list.append("Max FTD exceeded the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_maxlatency) + " ms.")
            q = "SELECT Name AS 'Streamblock', " + \
                "Sb.FixedFrameLength AS 'Frame Size (bytes)', " + \
                "ROUND(MaxLatency*1e-3,3) AS 'Max FTD (ms)', " + \
                "'" + str(exp_maxlatency) + "' AS 'Max FTD Threshold (ms)' " + \
                "FROM RxEotStreamResults AS RxStr JOIN StreamBlock AS Sb " + \
                "ON RxStr.ParentStreamBlock == Sb.Handle " + \
                "WHERE ROUND(MaxLatency*1e-3,3) > " + str(exp_maxlatency)

            display_name_list.append("RFC4689 Mean Frame Delay Variation (FDV) Results")
            pass_list.append("RFC4689 Mean FDV is within the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_avgjitter) + " ms.")
            fail_list.append("RFC4689 Mean FDV exceeded the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_avgjitter) + " ms.")
            q = "SELECT Name AS 'Streamblock', Sb.FixedFrameLength " + \
                " AS 'Frame Size (bytes)', ROUND(AvgJitter*1e-3,3) " + \
                "AS 'RFC4689 Mean FDV (ms)', '" + str(exp_avgjitter) + "' AS " + \
                "'RFC4689 Mean FDV Threshold (ms)' FROM " + \
                "RxEotStreamResults As RxStr JOIN StreamBlock " + \
                "AS Sb ON RxStr.ParentStreamBlock == Sb.Handle " + \
                "WHERE ROUND(AvgJitter*1e-3,3) > " + str(exp_avgjitter)

            display_name_list.append("Max Frame Delay Variation (FDV) Results")
            pass_list.append("Max FDV is within the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_maxjitter) + " ms.")
            fail_list.append("Max FDV exceeded the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_maxjitter) + " ms.")
            q = "SELECT Name AS 'Streamblock', Sb.FixedFrameLength " + \
                "AS 'Frame Size (bytes)', ROUND(MaxJitter*1e-3,3) " + \
                "AS 'Max FDV (ms)', '" + str(exp_maxjitter) + "' AS " + \
                "'Max FDV Threshold (ms)' FROM RxEotStreamResults " + \
                "As RxStr JOIN StreamBlock AS Sb ON " + \
                "RxStr.ParentStreamBlock == Sb.Handle " + \
                "WHERE ROUND(MaxJitter*1e-3,3) > " + str(exp_maxjitter)

            display_name_list.append("Frame Loss (FL) Results")
            pass_list.append("Frame Loss Count is within the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_pktloss) + ".")
            fail_list.append("Frame Loss Count exceeded the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_pktloss) + ".")
            q = "SELECT StreamBlockName AS 'Streamblock', " + \
                "Sb.FixedFrameLength AS 'Frame Size (bytes)', " + \
                "TxRes.FrameCount - RxRes.FrameCount As 'FL Count', " + \
                "'" + str(exp_pktloss) + "' AS 'FL Count Threshold' " + \
                "From RxEotStreamResults AS RxRes JOIN TxEotStreamResults " + \
                "AS TxRes JOIN Streamblock AS Sb ON RxRes.ParentStreamBlock " + \
                " = TxRes.ParentStreamblock AND TxRes.ParentStreamblock = " + \
                "Sb.Handle WHERE TxRes.FrameCount - RxRes.FrameCount > " + \

            display_name_list.append("Out of Order Frame Results")
            pass_list.append("Out of Order Frame Count is within the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_maxoop) + ".")
            fail_list.append("Out of Order Frame Count exceeded the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_maxoop) + ".")
            q = "SELECT Name AS 'Streamblock', " + \
                "Sb.FixedFrameLength AS 'Frame Size (bytes)', " + \
                "OutSeqFrameCount AS 'Out of Order Frame Count', " + \
                "'" + str(exp_maxoop) + "' AS 'Out of Order Frame Count Threshold' " + \
                "FROM RxEotStreamResults AS RxStr JOIN StreamBlock AS Sb " + \
                "ON RxStr.ParentStreamBlock == Sb.Handle " + \
                "WHERE OutSeqFrameCount > " + str(exp_maxoop)

            display_name_list.append("Late Frame Results")
            pass_list.append("Late Frame Count is within the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_maxlatepkt) + ".")
            fail_list.append("Late Frame Count exceeded the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_maxlatepkt) + ".")
            q = "SELECT Name AS 'Streamblock', " + \
                "Sb.FixedFrameLength AS 'Frame Size (bytes)', " + \
                "LateFrameCount AS 'Late Frame Count', " + \
                "'" + str(exp_maxlatepkt) + "' AS 'Late Frame Count Threshold' " + \
                "FROM RxEotStreamResults AS RxStr JOIN StreamBlock AS Sb " + \
                "ON RxStr.ParentStreamBlock == Sb.Handle  " + \
                "WHERE LateFrameCount > " + str(exp_maxlatepkt)

            cmd.SetCollection('DisplayNameList', display_name_list)
            cmd.SetCollection('PassedVerdictExplanationList', pass_list)
            cmd.SetCollection('FailedVerdictExplanationList', fail_list)
            cmd.SetCollection('SqlQueryList', q_list)
            cmd.Set('UseMultipleResultsDatabases', True)

        elif cmd.IsTypeOf(PKG + '.VerifyDbQueryCommand'):
            query = "SELECT StreamBlockName AS Service, " + \
                "'" + src + "' AS Source, " + \
                "'" + dst + "' AS Destination, " + \
                str(svlan) + " AS 'S-Vlan', " + \
                str(cvlan) + " AS 'C-Vlan', " + \
                "Sb.FixedFrameLength  AS 'Frame Size (bytes)', " + \
                "Lp.Load || CASE Lp.LoadUnit " + \
                "WHEN 'PERCENT_LINE_RATE' THEN '%' " + \
                "WHEN 'BITS_PER_SECOND' THEN 'bps' " + \
                "WHEN 'KILOBITS_PER_SECOND' THEN 'Kbps' " + \
                "WHEN 'MEGABITS_PER_SECOND' THEN 'Mbps' " + \
                "WHEN 'FRAMES_PER_SECOND' THEN 'Fps' " + \
                "ELSE '' END " + \
                "AS 'CIR', " + \
                "TxRes.FrameCount-RxRes.FrameCount AS 'FL Count', " + \
                "ROUND(CAST(TxRes.FrameCount-RxRes.FrameCount AS FLOAT)/TxRes.FrameCount,3) AS 'FLR', " + \
                "ROUND(MinLatency*1e-3,3) AS 'Min FTD (ms)', " +\
                "ROUND(AvgLatency*1e-3,3) AS 'Mean FTD (ms)', " + \
                "ROUND(MaxLatency*1e-3,3) AS 'Max FTD (ms)', " + \
                "ROUND(MinJitter*1e-3,3) AS 'Min FDV (ms)', " + \
                "ROUND(AvgJitter*1e-3,3) AS 'Mean FDV (ms)', " + \
                "ROUND(MaxJitter*1e-3,3) AS 'Max FDV (ms)', " + \
                "OutSeqFrameCount AS 'Out of Sequence Frame Count', " + \
                "LateFrameCount AS 'Late Frame Count' " + \
                "FROM TxEotStreamResults AS TxRes INNER JOIN " + \
                "RxEotStreamResults AS RxRes ON " + \
                "TxRes.ParentStreamBlock == RxRes.ParentStreamBlock " + \
                "INNER JOIN StreamBlock AS Sb ON " + \
                "TxRes.ParentStreamBlock IN (" + ','.join(map(str, sb_hnd_list)) + ")" + \
                "INNER JOIN StreamBlockLoadProfile As Lp ON " + \
                "Sb.Handle||','||Lp.Handle = " + \
                "(SELECT SourceHnd||','||TargetHnd " + \
                "FROM RelationTable WHERE " + \
                "Type='AffiliationStreamBlockLoadProfile') " + \
                "WHERE Sb.Handle IN (" + ','.join(map(str, sb_hnd_list)) + ")"

            cmd.Set('SqlQuery', query)
            cmd.Set('DisplayName', 'Y.1564 ' + params + ' Summary Results')
            cmd.Set('PassedVerdictExplanation', 'Y.1564 ' +
                    params + ' Summary Results')
            cmd.Set('FailedVerdictExplanation', 'ERROR found in Y.1564 ' +
                    params + ' KPI Results.')
            cmd.Set('UseMultipleResultsDatabases', True)
            cmd.Set('ApplyVerdictToSummary', False)
            cmd.Set('OperationType', 'GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL')
            cmd.Set('RowCount', 0L)
    return ""
Пример #24
def run(TargetObjectList, TargetObjectTagList, MixInfo, MixTagName, AutoExpandTemplateMix):
    # TODO: Add sample JSON

    plLogger = PLLogger.GetLogger("methodology")
    stc_sys = CStcSystem.Instance()
    project = stc_sys.GetObject("Project")
    this_cmd = get_this_cmd()
    ctor = CScriptableCreator()

    # Validate the input MixInfo against its schema
    res = json_utils.validate_json(MixInfo, this_cmd.Get('MixInfoJsonSchema'))
    if res != '':
        this_cmd.Set("Status", res)
        return False

    # Validate the hierarchy against our current command list...
    msg = mix_utils.run_validate_hierarchy(this_cmd, [hierarchy()])
    if msg != '':
        err_str = 'Invalid Sequence: ' + msg
        this_cmd.Set("Status", err_str)
        return False
    # Tag the commands in our command list according to our hierarchy information...
    tag_dict = mix_utils.run_tag_hierarchy(this_cmd, [hierarchy()])

    # Setup for property chaining / outputting the tag dictionary...
    this_cmd.Set('GroupCommandTagInfo', json.dumps(tag_dict))
    plLogger.LogInfo('GroupCommandTagInfo: ' + this_cmd.Get('GroupCommandTagInfo'))

    # Create the StmTemplateMix object...
    plLogger.LogInfo('Creating the route mix object...')
    mix = ctor.Create('StmTemplateMix', project)
    this_cmd.Set('StmTemplateMix', mix.GetObjectHandle())
    # If a MixTagName was specified, then tag the mix with it...
    if MixTagName:
        tag_utils.add_tag_to_object(mix, MixTagName)
    # Copy the entire MixInfo into StmTemplateMix object...
    mix.Set('MixInfo', MixInfo)

    # Load the MixInfo...
    err_str, mix_info = json_utils.load_json(MixInfo)
    if err_str != "":
        this_cmd.Set("Status", err_str)
        return False

    # Directly configure all tagged commands in our hierarchy...
    plLogger.LogDebug('setting up commands in the group based on ' + str(tag_dict))

    plLogger.LogDebug('loading json from MixInfo: ' + str(MixInfo))
    num_rows = len(mix_info.get('components', []))
    plLogger.LogDebug('Number of Rows: ' + str(num_rows))

    # Pass table to configurator - this guy will configure other commands per iteration...
    conf_cmd = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names([tag_dict['rowConfigurator']])[0]
    conf_cmd.Set('StmTemplateMix', mix.GetObjectHandle())
    conf_cmd.Set('TagData', this_cmd.Get('GroupCommandTagInfo'))

    # Pass the StmTemplateMix to the CreateTemplateConfigCommand...
    ctc_cmd = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names([tag_dict['templateConfigurator']])[0]
    ctc_cmd.Set('StmTemplateMix', mix.GetObjectHandle())
    ctc_cmd.Set('AutoExpandTemplate', False)

    # Setup Row Iterator (pass in number of rows) - the While command's expression command...
    iter_cmd = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names([tag_dict['rowIterator']])[0]
    iter_cmd.Set('IterMode', 'STEP')
    iter_cmd.Set('StepVal', '1')
    iter_cmd.Set('ValueType', 'RANGE')
    iter_cmd.Set('MinVal', 0.0)
    iter_cmd.Set('MaxVal', (float(num_rows) - 1.0))

    return True
def test_run(stc):
    stc_sys = CStcSystem.Instance()
    proj = stc_sys.GetObject('Project')
    sequencer = stc_sys.GetObject('Sequencer')
    ctor = CScriptableCreator()
    command1 = ctor.Create(TTPKG + '.LoadAclTrafficRulesCommand', sequencer)
    command2 = ctor.Create(TPKG + '.LoadTrafficTemplateCommand', sequencer)
    command3 = ctor.Create(PKG + '.ModifyTemplatePropertyCommand', sequencer)
    command4 = ctor.Create(TPKG + '.ExpandTrafficMix1Command', sequencer)
    Cmd1.get_this_cmd = MagicMock(return_value=command1)
    Cmd2.get_this_cmd = MagicMock(return_value=command2)
    Cmd3.get_this_cmd = MagicMock(return_value=command3)
    Cmd4.get_this_cmd = MagicMock(return_value=command4)

    traf_mix = ctor.Create('StmTrafficMix', proj)
    assert traf_mix is not None
    mix_info = {'Load': str(100.0), 'LoadUnit': 'PERCENT_LINE_RATE', 'WeightList': ''}
    mix_elem = etree.Element('MixInfo', mix_info)
    assert mix_elem is not None
    xml = etree.tostring(mix_elem)
    traf_mix.Set('MixInfo', xml)
    assert xml == traf_mix.Get('MixInfo')
    mix = traf_mix.GetObjectHandle()
    assert mix is not None

    rules = 'test_CsvTraffic.rules'
        with open(rules, "w") as f:

        msg = Cmd1.validate(1, [], template1(), '', '', False, False, mix, 0.0, rules, 1, True)
        assert msg == ''
        assert Cmd1.run(1, [], template1(), '', 'bad', False, False, mix, 40.0, rules, 2, True)


        e = etree.fromstring(traf_mix.Get('MixInfo'))
        assert e is not None
        for w in e.get('WeightList').split(' '):
            assert float(w) == 4.0

        sb_list = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names(['badttStreamBlock'])
        assert len(sb_list) == 10
        for sb in sb_list:
            load_prof = sb.GetObject('StreamBlockLoadProfile',
            assert load_prof.Get('Load') == 4.0
        rm_list = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names(['badttDstMac'])
        assert len(rm_list) == 10
        for rm, v in zip(rm_list, ['00:01:02:03:04:05',
            assert rm.Get('Data') == v
        rm_list = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names(['badttSrcMac'])
        assert len(rm_list) == 10
        for rm, v in zip(rm_list, ['00:01:02:03:33:FF',
            assert rm.Get('Data') == v
        rm_list = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names(['badttDstIpAddr'])
        assert len(rm_list) == 10
        for rm, v in zip(rm_list, ['',
            assert rm.Get('Data') == v
        rm_list = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names(['badttSrcIpAddr'])
        assert len(rm_list) == 10
        for rm, v in zip(rm_list, ['',
            assert rm.Get('Data') == v
def validate(TagNameList, RxLoadPercent):
    plLogger = PLLogger.GetLogger('methodology')

    if len(TagNameList) < 1:
        return "Error: Empty TagList"

    if (RxLoadPercent < 0) or (RxLoadPercent > 100):
        return "Error: RxLoadPercent value out of range"

    # Find the StreamBlock objects that have been tagged
    sb_obj_list = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names(

    if not sb_obj_list:
        return "Error: No tagged stream block found"

    Check ports
    - All stream blocks must have endpoints
    - All TX ports must be the same speed
    - All RX ports must be the same speed
    tx_port_speeds = []
    rx_port_speeds = []
    for sb_obj in sb_obj_list:
        # Check that ports exist
        tx_port = sb_obj.GetParent()
        if not tx_port:
            return "Error: Stream block missing TX port"
        rx_port = sb_obj.GetObject('Port',
        if not rx_port:
            return "Error: Stream block missing RX port"
        # Check that we have active phys and add their speeds to list
        active_tx_phy = tx_port.GetObject('EthernetPhy',
        if not active_tx_phy:
            return "Error: No active TX phy found"
        tx_line_speed = active_tx_phy.Get('LineSpeed')
        if tx_line_speed not in ETH_RATE_TABLE:
            return "Error: Unknown TX port speed detected"
        active_rx_phy = rx_port.GetObject('EthernetPhy',
        if not active_rx_phy:
            return "Error: No active RX phy found"
        rx_line_speed = active_rx_phy.Get('LineSpeed')
        if rx_line_speed not in ETH_RATE_TABLE:
            return "Error: Unknown RX port speed detected"

    # Check that all TX speeds are the same
    if tx_port_speeds.count(tx_port_speeds[0]) != len(tx_port_speeds):
        return 'Error: All TX ports must be the same speed'
    # Check that all RX speeds are the same
    if rx_port_speeds.count(rx_port_speeds[0]) != len(rx_port_speeds):
        return 'Error: All RX ports must be the same speed'
    Verify that the calculation yields a valid TX load

    Desired TX load = (RXLoad * RXLineSpeed)/(NumTXPorts * TXLineSpeed)

    tx_load = (RxLoadPercent * rx_port_speeds[0]) / ((len(tx_port_speeds) * tx_port_speeds[0]))
    if (tx_load < 0) or (tx_load > 100):
        return "Error: TX Load calculation yields an invalid result. " + \
            "Combination of ports and speeds must be changed."
    return ""
def run(TagNameList, RxLoadPercent):
    Given a list of tag names, find all the StreamBlocks with tags on the
    list and set their loads such that the aggregate load on each RX
    port is RxLoadPercent percent.
    - TagNameList is a list of strings
    - RxLoadPercent is a number between 0 and 100, inclusive
    plLogger = PLLogger.GetLogger('methodology')

    plLogger.LogDebug("TagNameList: " + str(TagNameList))

    # Find the StreamBlock objects that have been tagged
    sb_obj_list = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names(

    if not sb_obj_list:
        plLogger.LogError("Error: No tagged stream block found")
        return False

    Check ports
    - All stream blocks must have endpoints
    - All TX ports must be the same speed
    - All RX ports must be the same speed

    # Create lists of ports
    tx_ports = []
    tx_port_handles = []
    rx_ports = []
    rx_port_handles = []
    for sb_obj in sb_obj_list:
        # Check that ports exist
        tx_port = sb_obj.GetParent()
        if not tx_port:
            plLogger.LogError("Error: Stream block missing TX port")
            return False
        # use handles to get rid of any duplicate ports.
        tx_port_handle = tx_port.GetObjectHandle()
        if tx_port_handle not in tx_port_handles:
            # add this port to the list
        # Repeat for RX port
        rx_port = sb_obj.GetObject('Port',
        if not rx_port:
            plLogger.LogError("Error: Stream block missing RX port")
            return False
        # use handles to get rid of any duplicate ports.
        rx_port_handle = rx_port.GetObjectHandle()
        if rx_port_handle not in rx_port_handles:
            # add this port to the list

    plLogger.LogDebug("tx_ports: " + str(tx_ports))
    plLogger.LogDebug("tx_ports len: " + str(len(tx_ports)))
    plLogger.LogDebug("tx_port_handles: " + str(tx_port_handles))
    plLogger.LogDebug("tx_port_handles len: " + str(len(tx_port_handles)))
    plLogger.LogDebug("rx_ports: " + str(rx_ports))
    plLogger.LogDebug("rx_ports len: " + str(len(rx_ports)))

    # Now process each port
    tx_port_speeds = []
    rx_port_speeds = []
    for tx_port in tx_ports:
        # Check that we have active phys and add their speeds to list
        active_tx_phy = tx_port.GetObject('EthernetPhy',
        if not active_tx_phy:
            plLogger.LogError("Error: No active TX phy found")
            return False
        tx_line_speed = active_tx_phy.Get('LineSpeed')
        if tx_line_speed not in ETH_RATE_TABLE:
            plLogger.LogError("Error: Unknown TX port speed detected")
            return False
    for rx_port in rx_ports:
        active_rx_phy = rx_port.GetObject('EthernetPhy',
        if not active_rx_phy:
            plLogger.LogError("Error: No active RX phy found")
            return False
        rx_line_speed = active_rx_phy.Get('LineSpeed')
        if rx_line_speed not in ETH_RATE_TABLE:
            plLogger.LogError("Error: Unknown RX port speed detected")
            return False

    # Check that all TX speeds are the same
    if tx_port_speeds.count(tx_port_speeds[0]) != len(tx_port_speeds):
        plLogger.LogError("Error: All TX ports must be the same speed")
        return False
    # Check that all RX speeds are the same
    if rx_port_speeds.count(rx_port_speeds[0]) != len(rx_port_speeds):
        plLogger.LogError("Error: All RX ports must be the same speed")
        return False
    Verify that the calculation yields a valid TX load

    Desired TX load = (RXLoad * RXLineSpeed)/(NumStreamBlocks * TXLineSpeed)

    tx_load = (RxLoadPercent * rx_port_speeds[0]) / ((len(sb_obj_list) * tx_port_speeds[0]))
    if (tx_load < 0) or (tx_load > 100):
        err_txt = "Error: TX Load calculation yields an invalid result. " + \
            "Combination of ports and speeds must be changed."
        return False

    # Get the load profile objects and set their loads
    for sb_obj in sb_obj_list:
        plLogger.LogDebug("Found sb: " + str(sb_obj))
        loadprofile = sb_obj.GetObject('StreamBlockLoadProfile',
        if not loadprofile:
            plLogger.LogError("Could not find Stream Block load profile.")
            return False
        loadprofile.Set("Load", str(tx_load))

    return True
Пример #28
def y1564ResultsReport(tagname, b, params):
    plLogger = PLLogger.GetLogger("Methodology")
    plLogger.LogDebug("Running custom y1564ResultsReport script...")
    if not CObjectRefStore.Exists(OBJ_KEY):
        plLogger.LogWarn('Y1564SvcCfgRampCommand was not called. ' +
                         'Using default threshold values.')
        exp_pktloss = 0
        exp_avgjitter = 0.05
        exp_maxjitter = 0.2
        exp_avglatency = 0.7
        exp_maxlatency = 1.0
        exp_maxoop = 0
        exp_maxlatepkt = 0
        cmd_dict = CObjectRefStore.Get(OBJ_KEY)
        exp_pktloss = cmd_dict['exp_pktloss']
        exp_avgjitter = cmd_dict['exp_avgjitter']
        exp_maxjitter = cmd_dict['exp_maxjitter']
        exp_avglatency = cmd_dict['exp_avglatency']
        exp_maxlatency = cmd_dict['exp_maxlatency']
        exp_maxoop = cmd_dict['exp_maxoop']
        exp_maxlatepkt = cmd_dict['exp_maxlatepkt']

    res_cmd_list = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names(tagname)
    plLogger.LogDebug("res_cmd_list: " + str(res_cmd_list))

    # String input used for queries
    q_devSelect = "DevInfo.SRC AS 'SRC', DevInfo.DST AS 'DST', " + \
        "DevInfo.SVLAN AS 'S-Vlan', DevInfo.CVLAN AS 'C-Vlan'"
    q_devInfo = "(SELECT Vlan.ParentHnd AS ParentHnd, SRC, DST, SVLAN, CVLAN, SbHnd " + \
        "FROM (SELECT VOne.ParentHnd, VOne.Name, VOne.VlanId AS CVLAN, " + \
        "VTwo.ParentHnd, VTwo.Name, VTwo.VlanId AS SVLAN FROM VlanIf as VOne " + \
        "JOIN VlanIf as VTwo ON VOne.ParentHnd = VTwo.ParentHnd WHERE " + \
        "VOne.Handle != VTwo.Handle GROUP BY VOne.ParentHnd) AS Vlan " + \
        "JOIN (SELECT DstInfo.Address AS DST, SrcInfo.Address AS SRC, " + \
        "SrcInfo.SourceHnd AS SbHnd, SrcInfo.ParentHnd AS ParentHnd FROM " + \
        "(SELECT * FROM IPv4If AS Ip JOIN (SELECT * FROM RelationTable " + \
        "WHERE Type = 'DstBinding') As Dst ON Ip.Handle = Dst.TargetHnd) AS DstInfo " + \
        "JOIN (SELECT * FROM Ipv4If AS Ip JOIN (SELECT * FROM RelationTable " + \
        "WHERE Type = 'SrcBinding') As Src ON Ip.Handle = Src.TargetHnd) " + \
        "AS SrcInfo ON SrcInfo.SourceHnd = DstInfo.SourceHnd) AS Ip ON " + \
        "Ip.ParentHnd = Vlan.ParentHnd GROUP BY SbHnd) As DevInfo"

    for cmd in res_cmd_list:
        if cmd.IsTypeOf(PKG + '.VerifyMultipleDbQueryCommand'):
            q_list = []
            display_name_list = []
            pass_list = []
            fail_list = []

            display_name_list.append("Mean Frame Transfer Delay (FTD) Results")
            pass_list.append("Mean FTD is within the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_avglatency) + " ms.")
            fail_list.append("Mean FTD exceeded the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_avglatency) + " ms.")
            q = "SELECT Sb.Name AS 'Streamblock', " + str(q_devSelect) + \
                ", Sb.FixedFrameLength AS 'Frame Size (bytes)', " + \
                "ROUND(AvgLatency*1e-3,3) AS 'Mean FTD (ms)', " + \
                str(exp_avglatency) + " AS 'Mean FTD Threshold (ms)' " + \
                "FROM " + str(q_devInfo) + " JOIN RxEotStreamResults As RxStr " + \
                "JOIN StreamBlock AS Sb ON RxStr.ParentStreamBlock == Sb.Handle " + \
                "WHERE DevInfo.SbHnd = Sb.Handle AND " + \
                "ROUND(AvgLatency*1e-3,3) > " + str(exp_avglatency)

            display_name_list.append("Max Frame Transfer Delay (FTD) Results")
            pass_list.append("Max FTD is within the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_maxlatency) + " ms.")
            fail_list.append("Max FTD exceeded the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_maxlatency) + " ms.")
            q = "SELECT Sb.Name AS 'Streamblock', " + str(q_devSelect) + \
                ", Sb.FixedFrameLength AS 'Frame Size (bytes)', " + \
                "ROUND(MaxLatency*1e-3,3) AS 'Max FTD (ms)', " + \
                str(exp_maxlatency) + " AS 'Max FTD Threshold (ms)' " + \
                "FROM " + str(q_devInfo) + " JOIN RxEotStreamResults As RxStr " + \
                "JOIN StreamBlock AS Sb ON RxStr.ParentStreamBlock == Sb.Handle " + \
                "WHERE DevInfo.SbHnd = Sb.Handle AND " + \
                "ROUND(MaxLatency*1e-3,3) > " + str(exp_maxlatency)

            display_name_list.append("RFC4689 Mean Frame Delay Variation (FDV) Results")
            pass_list.append("RFC4689 Mean FDV is within the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_avgjitter) + " ms.")
            fail_list.append("RFC4689 Mean FDV exceeded the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_avgjitter) + " ms.")
            q = "SELECT Sb.Name AS 'Streamblock', " + str(q_devSelect) + \
                ", Sb.FixedFrameLength AS 'Frame Size (bytes)', " + \
                "ROUND(AvgJitter*1e-3,3) AS 'RFC4689 Mean FDV (ms)', " + \
                str(exp_avgjitter) + " AS 'RFC4689 Mean FDV Threshold (ms)' " + \
                "FROM " + str(q_devInfo) + " JOIN RxEotStreamResults As RxStr " + \
                "JOIN StreamBlock AS Sb ON RxStr.ParentStreamBlock == Sb.Handle " + \
                "WHERE DevInfo.SbHnd = Sb.Handle AND " + \
                "ROUND(AvgJitter*1e-3,3) > " + str(exp_avgjitter)

            display_name_list.append("Max Frame Delay Variation (FDV) Results")
            pass_list.append("Max FDV is within the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_maxjitter) + " ms.")
            fail_list.append("Max FDV exceeded the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_maxjitter) + " ms.")
            q = "SELECT Sb.Name AS 'Streamblock', " + str(q_devSelect) + \
                ", Sb.FixedFrameLength AS 'Frame Size (bytes)', " + \
                "ROUND(MaxJitter*1e-3,3) AS 'Max FDV (ms)', " + \
                str(exp_maxjitter) + " AS 'Max FDV Threshold (ms)' " + \
                "FROM " + str(q_devInfo) + " JOIN RxEotStreamResults As RxStr " + \
                "JOIN StreamBlock AS Sb ON RxStr.ParentStreamBlock == Sb.Handle " + \
                "WHERE DevInfo.SbHnd = Sb.Handle AND " + \
                "ROUND(MaxJitter*1e-3,3) > " + str(exp_maxjitter)

            display_name_list.append("Frame Loss (FL) Results")
            pass_list.append("Frame Loss Count is within the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_pktloss) + ".")
            fail_list.append("Frame Loss Count exceeded the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_pktloss) + ".")
            q = "SELECT Sb.Name AS 'Streamblock', " + str(q_devSelect) + \
                ", Sb.FixedFrameLength AS 'Frame Size (bytes)', " + \
                "TxRes.FrameCount - RxRes.FrameCount As 'FL Count', " + \
                str(exp_pktloss) + " AS 'FL Count Threshold' " + \
                "FROM " + str(q_devInfo) + " JOIN RxEotStreamResults AS RxRes " + \
                "JOIN TxEotStreamResults AS TxRes JOIN Streamblock AS Sb " + \
                "ON RxRes.ParentStreamBlock = TxRes.ParentStreamblock AND " + \
                "TxRes.ParentStreamblock = Sb.Handle " + \
                "WHERE DevInfo.SbHnd = Sb.Handle AND " + \
                "TxRes.FrameCount - RxRes.FrameCount > " + str(exp_pktloss)

            display_name_list.append("Out of Order Frame Results")
            pass_list.append("Out of Order Frame Count is within the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_maxoop) + ".")
            fail_list.append("Out of Order Frame Count exceeded the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_maxoop) + ".")
            q = "SELECT Sb.Name AS 'Streamblock', " + str(q_devSelect) + \
                ", Sb.FixedFrameLength AS 'Frame Size (bytes)', " + \
                "OutSeqFrameCount AS 'Out of Order Frame Count', " + \
                str(exp_maxoop) + " AS 'Out of Order Frame Count Threshold' " + \
                "FROM " + str(q_devInfo) + " JOIN RxEotStreamResults As RxStr " + \
                "JOIN StreamBlock AS Sb ON RxStr.ParentStreamBlock == Sb.Handle " + \
                "WHERE DevInfo.SbHnd = Sb.Handle AND " + \
                "OutSeqFrameCount > " + str(exp_maxoop)

            display_name_list.append("Late Frame Results")
            pass_list.append("Late Frame Count is within the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_maxlatepkt) + ".")
            fail_list.append("Late Frame Count exceeded the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_maxlatepkt) + ".")
            q = "SELECT Sb.Name AS 'Streamblock', " + str(q_devSelect) + \
                ", Sb.FixedFrameLength AS 'Frame Size (bytes)', " + \
                "LateFrameCount AS 'Late Frame Count', " + \
                str(exp_maxlatepkt) + " AS 'Late Frame Count Threshold' " + \
                "FROM " + str(q_devInfo) + " JOIN RxEotStreamResults As RxStr " + \
                "JOIN StreamBlock AS Sb ON RxStr.ParentStreamBlock == Sb.Handle " + \
                "WHERE DevInfo.SbHnd = Sb.Handle AND " + \
                "LateFrameCount > " + str(exp_maxlatepkt)

            cmd.SetCollection('DisplayNameList', display_name_list)
            cmd.SetCollection('PassedVerdictExplanationList', pass_list)
            cmd.SetCollection('FailedVerdictExplanationList', fail_list)
            cmd.SetCollection('SqlQueryList', q_list)
            cmd.Set('UseMultipleResultsDatabases', True)

        elif cmd.IsTypeOf(PKG + '.VerifyDbQueryCommand'):
            query = "SELECT Sb.Name AS 'Streamblock', " + str(q_devSelect) + \
                ", Sb.FixedFrameLength AS 'Frame Size (bytes)', " + \
                "Lp.Load || CASE Lp.LoadUnit " + \
                "WHEN 'PERCENT_LINE_RATE' THEN '%' " + \
                "WHEN 'BITS_PER_SECOND' THEN 'bps' " + \
                "WHEN 'KILOBITS_PER_SECOND' THEN 'Kbps' " + \
                "WHEN 'MEGABITS_PER_SECOND' THEN 'Mbps' " + \
                "WHEN 'FRAMES_PER_SECOND' THEN 'Fps' " + \
                "ELSE '' END AS 'CIR', " + \
                "TxRes.FrameCount-RxRes.FrameCount AS 'FL Count', " + \
                "ROUND(CAST(TxRes.FrameCount-RxRes.FrameCount AS " + \
                "FLOAT)/TxRes.FrameCount,3) AS 'FL Ratio', " + \
                "ROUND(MinLatency*1e-3,3) AS 'Min FTD (ms)', " + \
                "ROUND(AvgLatency*1e-3,3) AS 'Mean FTD (ms)', " + \
                "ROUND(MaxLatency*1e-3,3) AS 'Max FTD (ms)', " + \
                "ROUND(MinJitter*1e-3,3) AS 'Min FDV (ms)', " + \
                "ROUND(AvgJitter*1e-3,3) AS 'Mean FDV (ms)', " + \
                "ROUND(MaxJitter*1e-3,3) AS 'Max FDV (ms)', " + \
                "OutSeqFrameCount AS 'Out of Order Frame Count', " + \
                "LateFrameCount AS 'Late Frame Count' " + \
                "FROM " + str(q_devInfo) + \
                " JOIN RxEotStreamResults as RxRes JOIN TxEotStreamResults as TxRes ON " + \
                "TxRes.ParentStreamBlock = RxRes.ParentStreamBlock JOIN Streamblock AS Sb " + \
                "ON TxRes.ParentStreamBlock = Sb.Handle JOIN RelationTable as Rt ON " + \
                "Rt.type = 'AffiliationStreamBlockLoadProfile' AND Sb.Handle = Rt.SourceHnd " + \
                "JOIN StreamBlockLoadProfile as Lp ON Lp.Handle = Rt.TargetHnd " + \
                "WHERE DevInfo.SbHnd = Sb.Handle"

            cmd.Set('SqlQuery', query)
            cmd.Set('DisplayName', 'Y.1564 Summary Results')
            cmd.Set('PassedVerdictExplanation', 'Y.1564 Summary Results')
            cmd.Set('FailedVerdictExplanation', 'ERROR found in Y.1564 KPI Results.')
            cmd.Set('UseMultipleResultsDatabases', True)
            cmd.Set('ApplyVerdictToSummary', False)
            cmd.Set('OperationType', 'GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL')
            cmd.Set('RowCount', 0L)
    return ""
def test_run(stc):
    sequencer = CStcSystem.Instance().GetObject("Sequencer")
    project = CStcSystem.Instance().GetObject("Project")
    ctor = CScriptableCreator()
    hnd_reg = CHandleRegistry.Instance()
    cmd = ctor.Create(PKG + ".CreateProtocolMixCommand", sequencer)

    plLogger = PLLogger.GetLogger("test_CreateProtocolMixCommand.test_run")

    CreateProtoMixCmd.get_this_cmd = MagicMock(return_value=cmd)
    ret_val = CreateProtoMixCmd.run(get_example_mix_info(), "UnitTestProtoMix", "", False)
    assert cmd.Get("Status") == ""
    assert ret_val

    # Check the created StmTemplateMix
    mix_hnd = cmd.Get("StmTemplateMix")
    mix = hnd_reg.Find(mix_hnd)
    assert mix
    assert mix.Get("MixInfo") == get_example_mix_info()

    # Find the tagged commands
    tag_json = cmd.Get("GroupCommandTagInfo")
    assert tag_json != ""
    err_str, tag_dict = json_utils.load_json(tag_json)
    assert err_str == ""

    tagged_obj_list = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names([tag_dict["rowIterator"]])
    assert len(tagged_obj_list) == 1
    obj_iter = tagged_obj_list[0]
    assert obj_iter.IsTypeOf(PKG + ".ObjectIteratorCommand")
    assert obj_iter.Get("StepVal") == 1
    assert obj_iter.Get("MaxVal") == 0.0
    assert obj_iter.Get("MinVal") == 0.0
    assert obj_iter.Get("IterMode") == "STEP"
    assert obj_iter.Get("ValueType") == "RANGE"

    tagged_obj_list = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names([tag_dict["rowConfigurator"]])
    assert len(tagged_obj_list) == 1
    config_cmd = tagged_obj_list[0]
    assert config_cmd.IsTypeOf(PKG + ".IteratorConfigMixParamsCommand")
    assert mix_hnd == config_cmd.Get("StmTemplateMix")

    # Check the created StmProtocolMix
    proto_mix_hnd = cmd.Get("StmTemplateMix")
    proto_mix = hnd_reg.Find(proto_mix_hnd)
    assert proto_mix

    # Check the Tag
    tags = project.GetObject("Tags")
    assert tags
    user_tag_list = tags.GetObjects("Tag")
    assert len(user_tag_list)
    exp_tag = None
    for user_tag in user_tag_list:
        if user_tag.Get("Name") == "UnitTestProtoMix":
            exp_tag = user_tag
    assert exp_tag
    tag_target = exp_tag.GetObject("StmTemplateMix", RelationType("UserTag", 1))
    assert tag_target
    assert tag_target.GetObjectHandle() == proto_mix.GetObjectHandle()

    tagged_obj_list = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names([tag_dict["templateConfigurator"]])
    assert len(tagged_obj_list) == 1
    ctc_cmd = tagged_obj_list[0]
    assert ctc_cmd.IsTypeOf(PKG + ".CreateTemplateConfigCommand")
    ctc_input_mix_hnd = ctc_cmd.Get("StmTemplateMix")
    assert ctc_input_mix_hnd == proto_mix.GetObjectHandle()
def run(RouteMixList, RouteMixTagList, RouteCount):
    plLogger = PLLogger.GetLogger("methodology")
    obj_list = []
    this_cmd = get_this_cmd()
    if RouteMixList:
        obj_list = CCommandEx.ProcessInputHandleVec("StmTemplateMix",
    if RouteMixTagList:
        obj_list = obj_list + \
    if len(obj_list) == 0:
        err_str = "Neither RouteMixList nor RouteMixTagList specified a " + \
            "valid StmTemplateMix object."
        this_cmd.Set("Status", err_str)
        return False

    if RouteCount < 1:
        err_str = "RouteCount must be at least 1."
        this_cmd.Set("Status", err_str)
        return False

    obj_dict = {obj.GetObjectHandle(): obj for obj in obj_list}
    for mix in obj_dict.values():
        # Get all of the StmTemplateConfig objects for this mix...
        templates = mix.GetObjects("StmTemplateConfig")

        # Get the MixInfo
        str_mix_info = mix.Get("MixInfo")

        # Validate the input MixInfo against its schema
        # res = json_utils.validate_json(str_mix_info,
        #                                get_this_cmd().Get("MixInfoJsonSchema"))
        # if res != "":
        #     this_cmd.Set("Status", res)
        #     plLogger.LogError(res)
        #     return False

        plLogger.LogInfo("string mix_info: " + str(str_mix_info))
        err_str, mix_info = json_utils.load_json(str_mix_info)
        if err_str != "":
            this_cmd.Set("Status", err_str)
            return False

        plLogger.LogInfo("mix_info: " + str(mix_info))
        component_list = mix_info["components"]
        plLogger.LogInfo("number of components: " + str(len(component_list)))

        # Check the MixInfo component_list length against the
        # number of templates
        if len(templates) != len(component_list):
            err_str = "There are " + str(len(templates)) + " under the " + \
                "StmTemplateMix " + mix.Get("Name") + " (" + \
                str(mix.GetObjectHandle()) + ") but " + \
                str(len(component_list)) + \
                " components in the MixInfo.  " + \
                "These MUST match."
            this_cmd.Set("Status", err_str)
            return False

        # Record what we will use over the whole mix
        mix_info["routeCount"] = RouteCount

        # Process the weight parameter
        static_list = []
        percent_list = []
        use_percent_list = []

        for component in component_list:
            weight = component["weight"]
            is_percent, act_val, err_str = weight_ops.parse_weight_string(
            if err_str != "":
                this_cmd.Set("Status", err_str)
                return False

            if is_percent:

        total_static_count = sum(static_list)
        total_percent = sum(percent_list)

        plLogger.LogDebug("total_static_count: " + str(total_static_count))
        plLogger.LogDebug("total_percent: " + str(total_percent))

        # Don't allow the aggregate of static counts to exceed the
        # configured total route count...
        if total_static_count > RouteCount:
            err_str = "Sum total of the static counts (" + \
                str(int(total_static_count)) + ") exceeds the total " + \
                "configured RouteCount (" + str(RouteCount) + ")."
            this_cmd.Set("Status", err_str)
            return False

        # Don't allow the total percent to exceed 100%
        if total_percent > 100:
            err_str = "Sum total of the weights defined as percentages (" + \
                str(total_percent) + "%) exceeds 100%."
            this_cmd.Set("Status", err_str)
            return False

        # Error if there is no RouteCount left to divide amongst
        # the weighted components (NetworkCount == 0 probably not allowed)
        if total_percent > 0 and total_static_count == RouteCount:
            err_str = "Not enough total RouteCount to distribute routes " + \
                "to all components of the mix.  The required total static " + \
                "route count will use up all of the RouteCount leaving " + \
                "nothing to distribute on the percent-based weighted " + \
            this_cmd.Set("Status", err_str)
            return False

        # Calculate how much of the RouteCount is left for the
        # weighted components...
        total_percent_count = RouteCount - total_static_count

        # Check that each percent-based weighted component can get
        # at least 1 route
        if total_percent_count < sum(use_percent_list):
            err_str = "Not enough total RouteCount to distribute routes " + \
                "to all components of the mix.  Once the static counts " + \
                "are handled (if any), there aren't enough routes left (" + \
                str(total_percent_count) + ") such that each " + \
                "percent-based mix component will get at least one route."
            this_cmd.Set("Status", err_str)
            return False

        # Calculate the percent weighted counts from the percents...
        weighted_counts = weight_ops.allocate_weighted_list(
            total_percent_count, percent_list, allow_fraction=False)

        # Apply the counts across each component
        # Assume apply in creation order to map components to templates
        i = 0
        plLogger.LogInfo("weighted_counts: " + str(weighted_counts))
        plLogger.LogInfo("static_list: " + str(static_list))
        for component, template in zip(component_list, templates):
            act_value = 0.0
            if use_percent_list[i]:
                act_value = weighted_counts[i]
                act_value = static_list[i]

            # Note what we chose to apply and then apply it...
            component["appliedValue"] = act_value

            # Update the NetworkBlocks
            err_str = update_generated_objects(template, act_value)
            if err_str != "":
                this_cmd.Set("Status", err_str)
                return False
            i = i + 1

        # Update the mix with our changes...
        mix.Set("MixInfo", json.dumps(mix_info))
    return True