Пример #1
    def get_config(self):
        conf = AttrDict()

        # paths
        conf.exp_dir = self.get_exp_dir()
        conf.conf_path = get_config_path(self.args.path)

        # general and model configs
        print('loading from the config file {}'.format(conf.conf_path))
        conf_module = imp.load_source('conf', conf.conf_path)
        conf.general = conf_module.configuration
        conf.model = conf_module.model_config

        # data config
            data_conf = conf_module.data_config
        except AttributeError:
            data_conf_file = imp.load_source(
                os.path.join(AttrDict(conf).data_dir, 'dataset_spec.py'))
            data_conf = AttrDict()
            data_conf.dataset_spec = AttrDict(data_conf_file.dataset_spec)
            data_conf.dataset_spec.split = AttrDict(
        conf.data = data_conf

        # model loading config
        conf.ckpt_path = conf.model.checkpt_path if 'checkpt_path' in conf.model else None

        return conf
Пример #2
    def get_config(self):
        conf = AttrDict()

        # paths
        conf.exp_dir = get_exp_dir()
        conf.conf_path = get_config_path(self.args.path)

        # general and agent configs
        print('loading from the config file {}'.format(conf.conf_path))
        conf_module = imp.load_source('conf', conf.conf_path)
        conf.general = conf_module.configuration
        conf.agent = conf_module.agent_config
        conf.agent.device = self.device

        # data config
        conf.data = conf_module.data_config

        # environment config
        conf.env = conf_module.env_config
        conf.env.device = self.device  # add device to env config as it directly returns tensors

        # sampler config
        conf.sampler = conf_module.sampler_config if hasattr(
            conf_module, 'sampler_config') else AttrDict({})

        # model loading config
        conf.ckpt_path = conf.agent.checkpt_path if 'checkpt_path' in conf.agent else None

        # load notes if there are any
        if self.args.notes != '':
            conf.notes = self.args.notes
                conf.notes = conf_module.notes
                conf.notes = ''

        # load config overwrites
        if self.args.config_override != '':
            for override in self.args.config_override.split(','):
                key_str, value_str = override.split('=')
                keys = key_str.split('.')
                curr = conf
                for key in keys[:-1]:
                    curr = curr[key]
                curr[keys[-1]] = type(curr[keys[-1]])(value_str)

        return conf