Пример #1
    def test_tasks_ordered_having_with(self):
        """Testing with two task only (ordered)."""
        pipeline = FakePipeline()
        tasks = Tasks(pipeline, parallel=False)
        pipeline.model = {'foo': [4, 5, 6]}

        document = [{
            'shell': {
                'script': '''echo test:{{ item }}''',
                'when': '',
                'with': [1, 2, 3]
        }, {
            'shell': {
                'script': '''echo test:{{ item }}''',
                'when': '',
                'with': "{{ model.foo }}"
        result = tasks.process(document)
        output = [line for line in result['output'] if line.find("test:") >= 0]

        assert_that(result['success'], equal_to(True))
        assert_that(len(output), equal_to(6))
        assert_that(output[0], equal_to('test:1'))
        assert_that(output[1], equal_to('test:2'))
        assert_that(output[2], equal_to('test:3'))
        assert_that(output[3], equal_to('test:4'))
        assert_that(output[4], equal_to('test:5'))
        assert_that(output[5], equal_to('test:6'))
Пример #2
    def test_dry_run(self):
        """Testing dry run mode."""
        pipeline = FakePipeline()
        pipeline.options.dry_run = True
        tasks = Tasks(pipeline, parallel=True)

        definition = [{
            'shell': {
                'script': '''echo hello1''',
                'when': ''
        }, {
            'shell': {
                'script': '''echo hello2''',
                'when': ''
        result = tasks.process(definition)
        output = [line for line in result['output'] if len(line.strip()) > 0]

        assert_that(result['success'], equal_to(True))
        assert_that(len(output), equal_to(4))
        assert_that(tasks.parallel, equal_to(False))
        assert_that(output[0], equal_to('''#!/bin/bash'''))
        assert_that(output[1], equal_to('''echo hello1'''))
        assert_that(output[2], equal_to('''#!/bin/bash'''))
        assert_that(output[3], equal_to('''echo hello2'''))
Пример #3
    def test_tasks_ordered(self):
        """Testing with two task only (ordered)."""
        pipeline = FakePipeline()
        tasks = Tasks(pipeline, parallel=False)

        document = [{
            'shell': {
                'script': '''echo hello1''',
                'when': ''
        }, {
            'shell': {
                'script': '''echo hello2''',
                'when': ''
        }, {
            'python': {
                'script': '''print("hello3")''',
                'when': ''
        result = tasks.process(document)
        output = [line for line in result['output'] if line.find("hello") >= 0]

        assert_that(result['success'], equal_to(True))
        assert_that(len(output), equal_to(3))
        assert_that(output[0], equal_to('hello1'))
        assert_that(output[1], equal_to('hello2'))
        assert_that(output[2], equal_to('hello3'))
Пример #4
    def test_env_ordered(self):
        """Testing environment variables (ordered)."""
        pipeline = FakePipeline()
        tasks = Tasks(pipeline, parallel=False)

        definition = [{
            'env': {
                'message': 'hello'
        }, {
            'shell': {
                'script': '''echo "1:{{env.message}}"''',
                'when': ''
        }, {
            'shell': {
                'script': '''echo "2:$message"''',
                'when': ''
        result = tasks.process(definition)
        output = [line for line in result['output'] if line.find("hello") >= 0]

        assert_that(result['success'], equal_to(True))
        assert_that(len(output), equal_to(2))
        assert_that(output[0], equal_to('1:hello'))
        assert_that(output[1], equal_to('2:hello'))
Пример #5
    def test_tags_ordered(self):
        """Testing for filtering of tags."""
        pipeline = FakePipeline()
        tasks = Tasks(pipeline, parallel=False)

        definition = [{
            'shell': {
                'script': '''echo hello1''',
                'when': '',
                'tags': ['first']
        }, {
            'shell': {
                'script': '''echo hello2''',
                'when': '',
                'tags': ['second']

        pipeline.options.tags = ['first']
        result = tasks.process(definition)
        output = [line for line in result['output'] if line.find("hello") >= 0]
        assert_that(len(output), equal_to(1))
        assert_that(output[0], equal_to('hello1'))

        pipeline.options.tags = ['second']
        result = tasks.process(definition)
        output = [line for line in result['output'] if line.find("hello") >= 0]
        assert_that(len(output), equal_to(1))
        assert_that(output[0], equal_to('hello2'))
Пример #6
    def test_failed_two_blocks(self):
        """Testing cleanup when a task has failed (ordered with two blocks)."""
        hooks = Hooks()
        hooks.cleanup = '''echo cleanup hello'''
        pipeline = FakePipeline(hooks=hooks)
        tasks = Tasks(pipeline, parallel=False)

        definition = [{
            'shell': {
                'script': '''exit 123''',
                'when': ''
        }, {
            'shell': {
                'script': '''echo hello1''',
                'when': ''
        }, {
            'env': {
                'block': 'two'
        }, {
            'shell': {
                'script': '''echo hello2''',
                'when': ''
        result = tasks.process(definition)
        output = [line for line in result['output'] if line.find("hello") >= 0]

        assert_that(result['success'], equal_to(False))
        assert_that(len(output), equal_to(1))
        assert_that(output[0], equal_to('cleanup hello'))
Пример #7
    def test_failed_parallel(self):
        """Testing cleanup when a task has failed (parallel)."""
        hooks = Hooks()
        hooks.cleanup = '''echo cleanup 123'''
        pipeline = FakePipeline(hooks=hooks)
        tasks = Tasks(pipeline, parallel=True)

        definition = [{
            'shell': {
                'script': '''exit 123''',
                'when': ''
        }, {
            'shell': {
                'script': '''echo hello''',
                'when': ''
        result = tasks.process(definition)
        output = sorted([
            line for line in result['output']
            if line.find("hello") >= 0 or line.find("cleanup") >= 0

        assert_that(result['success'], equal_to(False))
        assert_that(len(output), equal_to(2))
        assert_that(output[0], equal_to('cleanup 123'))
        assert_that(output[1], equal_to('hello'))
Пример #8
    def test_two_tasks_parallel(self):
        """Testing with two task only (parallel)."""
        pipeline = FakePipeline()
        tasks = Tasks(pipeline, parallel=True)

        definition = [{
            'shell': {
                'script': '''echo hello1''',
                'when': ''
        }, {
            'shell': {
                'script': '''echo hello2''',
                'when': ''
        result = tasks.process(definition)
        output = sorted(
            [line for line in result['output'] if line.find("hello") >= 0])

        assert_that(result['success'], equal_to(True))
        assert_that(len(output), equal_to(2))
        assert_that(output[0], equal_to('hello1'))
        assert_that(output[1], equal_to('hello2'))
Пример #9
    def test_variables(self):
        """Testing variables."""
        pipeline = FakePipeline()
        tasks = Tasks(pipeline, parallel=False)

        document = [{
            'shell': {
                'script': '''echo hello1''',
                'variable': 'hello1',
                'when': ''
        }, {
            'shell': {
                'script': '''echo {{ variables.hello1 }}''',
                'when': ''
        result = tasks.process(document)
        output = [line for line in result['output'] if line.find("hello") >= 0]

        assert_that(result['success'], equal_to(True))
        assert_that(len(output), equal_to(2))
        assert_that(output[0], equal_to('hello1'))
        assert_that(output[1], equal_to('hello1'))