def test_dropped_dimension(): test_size = (5, 15, 20) blocks = Blocks(test_size, shape_block=(3, 7), padding=(1, 2), crop=((1, 1), (0, 0), (0, 0))) np.testing.assert_equal(blocks.drop_dim(1).shape_full, (5, 20))
def dff(dataset: SplitDataset, baseline_stack, output_dir=None, n_jobs=20, **kwargs): """Calculates change over baseline :param dataset: :param baseline_stack: F stack for the (F_i - F) / F calculation :param output_dir: :param n_jobs: :return: """ old_dataset = Blocks(shape_full=dataset.shape, shape_block=dataset.shape_block) new_dataset = EmptySplitDataset( root=output_dir or dataset.root.parent, name="dff", shape_full=dataset.shape, shape_block=dataset.shape_block, ) Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(delayed(_dff)( dataset, old_block, str(new_dataset.root / new_dataset.files[i_block]), baseline_stack, **kwargs, ) for i_block, (_, old_block) in enumerate(old_dataset.slices( as_tuples=True))) return new_dataset.finalize()
def test_cartesian_blocks(): test_size = (20, 20) a = np.ones(test_size) blocks = Blocks(test_size, shape_block=(3, 7), padding=(1, 2)) for idx, block in blocks.slices(): a[block] = 0 np.testing.assert_array_equal(a, np.zeros(test_size))
def downsample( dataset: SplitDataset, downsampling=(1, 1, 2, 2), proc_block_shape=None, crop=None, output_dir=None, n_jobs=20, method=np.sum, ): """Downsamples a dataset :param dataset: :param downsampling: tuple of 4 (original, original, ds_factor, ds_factor) :param crop: :param output_dir: :param n_jobs: :param method: :return: """ crop = crop or tuple((0, 0) for _ in dataset.shape) old_dataset = Blocks( shape_full=dataset.shape, crop=crop, shape_block=proc_block_shape if proc_block_shape else dataset.shape_block, ) shape_downsampled = tuple( sc // ds for sc, ds in zip(old_dataset.shape_cropped, downsampling)) block_size_downsampled = tuple( sb // ds for (sb, ds) in zip(old_dataset.shape_block, downsampling)) new_dataset = EmptySplitDataset( root=output_dir or dataset.root.parent, name="downsampled", shape_full=shape_downsampled, shape_block=block_size_downsampled, ) Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(delayed(_downsample_block)( dataset, old_block, str(new_dataset.root / new_dataset.files[i_block]), downsampling, method, ) for i_block, (_, old_block) in enumerate(old_dataset.slices( as_tuples=True))) return new_dataset.finalize()
def test_merging_rois(): test_0 = np.array([ [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1], [-1, 0, 0, 0, -1], [0, 0, 0, -1, 1], [-1, -1, 2, 2, 2], [-1, -1, 2, -1, -1], ])[None, :, :].astype(np.int32) test_1 = np.array([ [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1], [-1, 0, 0, 0, -1], [0, 0, 0, 1, 1], [-1, -1, 2, 2, 2], [-1, 2, 2, 0, 0], ])[None, :, :].astype(np.int32) bl = Blocks((1, 5, 8), (1, 3, 3), padding=(0, 2, 2)) block_arrays = np.array([[[test_0, test_1]]]) labels = merge_rois(bl, block_arrays) np.testing.assert_array_equal( labels, np.array([[ [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1], [-1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, -1], [0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3], [-1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4], [-1, -1, 1, -1, 4, 4, -1, -1], ]]), )
def _dff( dataset, block, dest_filename, baseline_stack, multiplier=128, output_type=np.int16, subtract=0, ): stack = dataset[Blocks.block_to_slices(block)] baseline_sel = baseline_stack[Blocks.block_to_slices( block)[1:]] # crop the corresponding slice of the baseline dffi = (multiplier * (stack - baseline_sel) / np.maximum(baseline_sel - subtract, 1)).astype(output_type), dict(stack_4D=dffi), compression="blosc") return None
def _corr_map_plane(dataset, block, out_file, time_lims, window_size): if time_lims is None: time_slice = slice(None) else: time_slice = slice(*time_lims) vid = dataset[(time_slice, ) + Blocks.block_to_slices(block)] cmap = ca.correlation_map(vid, window_size), dict(stack_3D=cmap))
def _time_percentile(dataset, block, out_file, method="mean", percentile=50, time_slice=None): if time_slice is None: time_slice = slice(None) else: time_slice = slice(*time_slice) vid = dataset[(time_slice, ) + Blocks.block_to_slices(block)] if method == "percentile":, dict(stack_3D=np.percentile(vid, percentile, 0))) elif method == "mean":, dict(stack_3D=np.mean(vid, 0))) else: raise AssertionError(f"Invalid method {method}")
def _align_and_shift( dataset, block, ref, out_file, shift_plane, prefilter_sigma, upsample_factor, max_shift, ): stack = dataset[Blocks.block_to_slices(block)] shifted, shifts = align_single_planes_sobel( stack, np.fft.fftn(ref), prefilter_sigma=prefilter_sigma, upsample_factor=upsample_factor, maxshift=max_shift, offset=-shift_plane, ), dict(stack_4D=shifted, shifts=shifts), compression="blosc") print("Saved {}...".format(out_file))
def _apply_shifts(dataset, block, out_file, shifts, shift_times): vid = dataset[Blocks.block_to_slices(block)] aligned = shift_stack(vid, range(block[0][0], block[0][1]), shifts, shift_times) print(out_file), dict(stack_4D=aligned, shifts=shifts))
def _extract_traces_coords(dataset, block, out_file, coords, **kwargs): vid = dataset[Blocks.block_to_slices(block)] traces = extract_traces_around_points(vid, coords, **kwargs), traces)
def _extract_rois_block(dataset, block, out_file, rois): vid = dataset[Blocks.block_to_slices(block)] traces = ca.extract_traces(vid, rois), traces)
def _grow_block_rois(dataset, cmap_dataset, block, out_file, time_lims, **kwargs): vid = dataset[(slice(*time_lims), ) + Blocks.block_to_slices(block)] cmap = cmap_dataset[Blocks.block_to_slices(block)] rois = ca.grow_rois(vid, cmap, **kwargs), dict(stack_3D=rois))
def _downsample_block(dataset, old_block, filename, factor, method): original = dataset[Blocks.block_to_slices(old_block)] downsampled = block_reduce(original, factor, method) ndims = len(downsampled.shape), {f"stack_{ndims}D": downsampled})
def wrap_function(ds, *args, filename, new_block, **kwargs): original = ds[Blocks.block_to_slices(new_block)] processed = function(original, *args, **kwargs), {"stack_{}D".format(processed.ndim): processed})
def run_in_blocks(function, dataset: SplitDataset, *extra_args, per_block_args=None, output_dir=None, output_shape_full=None, output_shape_block=None, process_shape_block=None, n_jobs=20, output_name=None, **kwargs): """ Runs a function over a split dataset in parallel :param function: the function to be applied (e.g. delta f over f or regression) :param dataset: the split dataset :param extra_args: the other positional arguments to the function :param per_block_args: a dictionary or list of extra arguments :param output_dir: (optional) the output directory :param output_shape_full: the output shape, if it will be different\ :param process_shape_block: the size of block to process :param output_shape_block: the output block size, if different :param n_jobs: number of jobs to parallelize to :param output_name: the name of the output dataset, the function name is used if left blank :param kwargs: extra keyword arguments to the function :return: the processed dataset """ # TODO avoid duplication of execution on first block # TODO figure out output_shape_full process_shape_block = process_shape_block or dataset.shape_block # Automatically determine the output shape processing_blocks = Blocks(shape_full=dataset.shape_full, shape_block=process_shape_block) _, new_block = list(processing_blocks.slices(as_tuples=True))[0] if output_shape_block is None: processed = function( dataset[Blocks.block_to_slices(new_block)], *extra_args, *([] if per_block_args is None else per_block_args[0]), **kwargs) output_shape_block = processed.shape new_dataset = EmptySplitDataset( root=output_dir or dataset.root.parent, name=output_name or function.__name__, shape_full=output_shape_full or dataset.shape, shape_block=output_shape_block or process_shape_block, resolution=dataset.resolution, ) def wrap_function(ds, *args, filename, new_block, **kwargs): original = ds[Blocks.block_to_slices(new_block)] processed = function(original, *args, **kwargs), {"stack_{}D".format(processed.ndim): processed}) Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(delayed(wrap_function)( dataset, *extra_args, *([] if per_block_args is None else per_block_args[i_block]), new_block=new_block, filename=str(new_dataset.root / new_dataset.files[i_block]), **kwargs) for i_block, (( _, new_block)) in enumerate(processing_blocks.slices(as_tuples=True))) return new_dataset.finalize()
def _average_block(dataset, block, start, trial_duration, n_trials, out_file): vid = dataset[(slice(start, start + trial_duration * n_trials), ) + Blocks.block_to_slices(block)[1:]] vid_trials = np.reshape(vid, (n_trials, trial_duration) + vid.shape[1:]), dict(stack_4D=np.sum(vid_trials.astype(np.uint32), 0)))