Пример #1
 def _set_duration(self, cert):
     """Set certificate duration; return certificate object."""
     notBefore = m2.x509_get_not_before(cert.x509)
     notAfter = m2.x509_get_not_after(cert.x509)
     days = self.signca.ca_def_duration
     m2.x509_gmtime_adj(notBefore, 0)
     m2.x509_gmtime_adj(notAfter, 60*60*24*int(days))
     return cert
Пример #2
Файл: ca.py Проект: mattmb/spoke
 def _set_duration(self, cert):
     """Set certificate duration; return certificate object."""
     notBefore = m2.x509_get_not_before(cert.x509)
     notAfter = m2.x509_get_not_after(cert.x509)
     days = self.signca.ca_def_duration
     m2.x509_gmtime_adj(notBefore, 0)
     m2.x509_gmtime_adj(notAfter, 60 * 60 * 24 * int(days))
     return cert
Пример #3
Файл: ip.py Проект: mattmb/spoke
 def _reserve_ip(self, number):
     """Reserve an IP from the pool of free IPs"""
     number = int(number)
     if number > self.KV.scard(self.kv_free):
         msg = 'Fewer than %s free IP addresses in the subnet store %s' % \
         (number, self.kv_free)
         raise error.InsufficientResource(msg)
     offer = []
     for i in range(number):
         ip = self.KV.spop(self.kv_free)
         self.KV.sadd(self.kv_aloc, ip)
     return offer
Пример #4
    def create(self, subnet, mask, start_ip=None, stop_ip=None):
        """Create a DHCP subnet; return DHCP subnet objects."""
        subnet = common.validate_ip_address(subnet)
        filter = 'cn=%s' % subnet
        if not common.is_number(mask):
            msg = 'Subnet mask must be an integer, dotted decimal (or any other\
 notation) is not allowed'
            raise error.InputError(msg)
        mask = str(mask)
        if start_ip and not stop_ip:
            msg = 'A range must include a start and stop IP address'
            raise error.InputError(msg)
        if start_ip is not None:
            start_ip = common.validate_ip_address(start_ip)
            stop_ip = common.validate_ip_address(stop_ip)
            start_ip, stop_ip = self._is_greater_ip_than(start_ip, stop_ip)
        dn = 'cn=%s,%s' % (subnet, self.dhcp_service_dn)
        dn_attr = {'objectClass': ['top', self.dhcp_subnet_class],
                   'cn': [subnet],
                   'dhcpNetMask': [mask]}
        if start_ip is not None:
            dn_attr['dhcpRange'] = start_ip + ' ' + stop_ip
        dn_info = [(k, v) for (k, v) in dn_attr.items()]
        result = self._create_object(dn, dn_info)
        self.log.debug('Result: %s' % result)
        return result
Пример #5
 def modify(self, increment=1, get_mac=False):
     """Increment initial UUID object; return list of UUIDs."""
     if not common.is_number(increment):
         msg = 'increment input must be an Integer'
         raise error.InputError, msg
     dn = self.next_uuid_dn
     filter = '%s=*' % self.next_uuid_attr
     #MMB changed attrs_only to unique
     result = self._get_object(dn, 0, filter, self.retrieve_attr, unique=True)
     if result['data'] == []:
         msg = "Cannot locate a UUID; maybe you need to run create?"
         raise error.NotFound(msg)
     uuid = int(result['data'][0][1][self.next_uuid_attr][0])
     new_uuid = int(uuid) + int(increment)
     old_attrs = result['data'][0][1]
     new_attrs = old_attrs.copy()
     new_attrs[self.next_uuid_attr] = [str(new_uuid)]
     self.log.debug('Modifying %s from %s to %s' % (dn, old_attrs, new_attrs))
         result = self._modify_attributes(dn, new_attrs, old_attrs)
         msg = 'Update of next free UUID to %d failed' % new_uuid
         raise error.IncrementError, msg
     mac = []
     for item in range(uuid, new_uuid):
     if get_mac:
         result['data'] = (range(uuid, (new_uuid)), mac)
         result['data'] = range(uuid, (new_uuid))
     result['msg'] = "Reserved UUIDs: " + str(result['data'])
     self.log.debug('Result: %s' % result)
     return result
Пример #6
 def create(self, uuid_start=None, get_mac=False):
     """Create initial UUID object; return True."""
     if uuid_start:
         self.next_uuid_start = uuid_start
     if not common.is_number(self.next_uuid_start):
         msg = 'next_uuid_start must be an integer'
         raise error.InputError(msg)
     # Now we know it's an integer, make it a string for LDAP's sake
     self.next_uuid_start = str(self.next_uuid_start)
     dn = self.next_uuid_dn
     dn_info = []
     if not self.next_uuid_class in self.next_uuid_classes:
         dn_info.append((0, 'objectClass', self.next_uuid_class))
     if not self.next_uuid_attr in self.next_uuid_attrs:
         dn_info.append((0, self.next_uuid_attr, 
     if dn_info == []:
         msg = 'UUID entry already set on %s.' % dn
         raise error.AlreadyExists(msg)
     self.log.debug('Adding %s to %s ' % (dn_info, dn))     
     result = self._create_object(dn, dn_info)
     uuid = int(result['data'][0][1][self.next_uuid_attr][0])
     mac = common.mac_from_uuid(uuid, 0)
     if get_mac:
         result['data'] = (uuid, mac)
         result['data'] = [uuid]
     result['msg'] = 'Created UUID:'
     self.log.debug('Result: %s' % result)
     return result