class FadingCanvas(FadingDialog): """The black semi transparent canvas that covers the application""" def __init__(self, parent, opacity, duration, easing_curve, color): super(FadingCanvas, self).__init__(parent, opacity, duration, easing_curve) self.parent = parent self.color = color # Canvas color self.color_decoration = # Decoration color self.stroke_decoration = 2 # width in pixels for decoration self.region_mask = None self.region_subtract = None self.region_decoration = None self.widgets = None # The widget to uncover self.decoration = None # The widget to draw decoration self.interaction_on = False self.path_current = None self.path_subtract = None self.path_full = None self.path_decoration = None # widget setup self.setWindowFlags(Qt.Dialog | Qt.FramelessWindowHint) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_TranslucentBackground) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_TransparentForMouseEvents) self.setModal(False) self.setFocusPolicy(Qt.NoFocus) self.set_funcs_before_fade_in([self.update_canvas]) self.set_funcs_after_fade_out([lambda: self.update_widgets(None), lambda: self.update_decoration(None)]) def set_interaction(self, value): """ """ self.interaction_on = value def update_canvas(self): """ """ w, h = self.parent.size().width(), self.parent.size().height() self.path_full = QPainterPath() self.path_subtract = QPainterPath() self.path_decoration = QPainterPath() self.region_mask = QRegion(0, 0, w, h) self.path_full.addRect(0, 0, w, h) # Add the path if self.widgets is not None: for widget in self.widgets: temp_path = QPainterPath() # if widget is not found... find more general way to handle if widget is not None: widget.raise_() geo = widget.frameGeometry() width, height = geo.width(), geo.height() point = widget.mapTo(self.parent, QPoint(0, 0)) x, y = point.x(), point.y() temp_path.addRect(QRectF(x, y, width, height)) temp_region = QRegion(x, y, width, height) if self.interaction_on: self.region_mask = self.region_mask.subtracted(temp_region) self.path_subtract = self.path_subtract.united(temp_path) self.path_current = self.path_full.subtracted(self.path_subtract) else: self.path_current = self.path_full if self.decoration is not None: for widget in self.decoration: temp_path = QPainterPath() widget.raise_() geo = widget.frameGeometry() width, height = geo.width(), geo.height() point = widget.mapTo(self.parent, QPoint(0, 0)) x, y = point.x(), point.y() temp_path.addRect(QRectF(x, y, width, height)) temp_region_1 = QRegion(x-1, y-1, width+2, height+2) temp_region_2 = QRegion(x+1, y+1, width-2, height-2) temp_region = temp_region_1.subtracted(temp_region_2) if self.interaction_on: self.region_mask = self.region_mask.united(temp_region) self.path_decoration = self.path_decoration.united(temp_path) else: self.path_decoration.addRect(0, 0, 0, 0) # Add a decoration stroke around widget self.setMask(self.region_mask) self.update() self.repaint() def update_widgets(self, widgets): """ """ self.widgets = widgets def update_decoration(self, widgets): """ """ self.decoration = widgets def paintEvent(self, event): """Override Qt method""" painter = QPainter(self) painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) # Decoration painter.fillPath(self.path_current, QBrush(self.color)) painter.strokePath(self.path_decoration, QPen(self.color_decoration, self.stroke_decoration)) # decoration_fill = QColor(self.color_decoration) # decoration_fill.setAlphaF(0.25) # painter.fillPath(self.path_decoration, decoration_fill) def reject(self): """Override Qt method""" if not self.is_fade_running(): key = Qt.Key_Escape self.key_pressed = key self.sig_key_pressed.emit() def mousePressEvent(self, event): """Override Qt method""" pass
class FadingCanvas(FadingDialog): """The black semi transparent canvas that covers the application""" def __init__(self, parent, opacity, duration, easing_curve, color): super(FadingCanvas, self).__init__(parent, opacity, duration, easing_curve) self.parent = parent self.color = color # Canvas color self.color_decoration = # Decoration color self.stroke_decoration = 2 # width in pixels for decoration self.region_mask = None self.region_subtract = None self.region_decoration = None self.widgets = None # The widget to uncover self.decoration = None # The widget to draw decoration self.interaction_on = False self.path_current = None self.path_subtract = None self.path_full = None self.path_decoration = None # widget setup self.setWindowFlags(Qt.Dialog | Qt.FramelessWindowHint) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_TranslucentBackground) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_TransparentForMouseEvents) self.setModal(False) self.setFocusPolicy(Qt.NoFocus) self.set_funcs_before_fade_in([self.update_canvas]) self.set_funcs_after_fade_out([ lambda: self.update_widgets(None), lambda: self.update_decoration(None) ]) def set_interaction(self, value): """ """ self.interaction_on = value def update_canvas(self): """ """ w, h = self.parent.size().width(), self.parent.size().height() self.path_full = QPainterPath() self.path_subtract = QPainterPath() self.path_decoration = QPainterPath() self.region_mask = QRegion(0, 0, w, h) self.path_full.addRect(0, 0, w, h) # Add the path if self.widgets is not None: for widget in self.widgets: temp_path = QPainterPath() # if widget is not found... find more general way to handle if widget is not None: widget.raise_() geo = widget.frameGeometry() width, height = geo.width(), geo.height() point = widget.mapTo(self.parent, QPoint(0, 0)) x, y = point.x(), point.y() temp_path.addRect(QRectF(x, y, width, height)) temp_region = QRegion(x, y, width, height) if self.interaction_on: self.region_mask = self.region_mask.subtracted(temp_region) self.path_subtract = self.path_subtract.united(temp_path) self.path_current = self.path_full.subtracted(self.path_subtract) else: self.path_current = self.path_full if self.decoration is not None: for widget in self.decoration: temp_path = QPainterPath() widget.raise_() geo = widget.frameGeometry() width, height = geo.width(), geo.height() point = widget.mapTo(self.parent, QPoint(0, 0)) x, y = point.x(), point.y() temp_path.addRect(QRectF(x, y, width, height)) temp_region_1 = QRegion(x - 1, y - 1, width + 2, height + 2) temp_region_2 = QRegion(x + 1, y + 1, width - 2, height - 2) temp_region = temp_region_1.subtracted(temp_region_2) if self.interaction_on: self.region_mask = self.region_mask.united(temp_region) self.path_decoration = self.path_decoration.united(temp_path) else: self.path_decoration.addRect(0, 0, 0, 0) # Add a decoration stroke around widget self.setMask(self.region_mask) self.update() self.repaint() def update_widgets(self, widgets): """ """ self.widgets = widgets def update_decoration(self, widgets): """ """ self.decoration = widgets def paintEvent(self, event): """Override Qt method""" painter = QPainter(self) painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) # Decoration painter.fillPath(self.path_current, QBrush(self.color)) painter.strokePath(self.path_decoration, QPen(self.color_decoration, self.stroke_decoration)) # decoration_fill = QColor(self.color_decoration) # decoration_fill.setAlphaF(0.25) # painter.fillPath(self.path_decoration, decoration_fill) def reject(self): """Override Qt method""" if not self.is_fade_running(): key = Qt.Key_Escape self.key_pressed = key self.sig_key_pressed.emit() def mousePressEvent(self, event): """Override Qt method""" pass