Пример #1
def add_friend():  #  function to add friend
    #  taking friend detail as input
    frnd = Spy("","",0,0.0)  #  class for details of friend
    frnd.name = raw_input("What is your friend's name :")
    frnd.sal = raw_input("What is your friends salutation")
    frnd.age = input("What is the age :")
    frnd.rating = input("What are the rating :")
    frnd.is_online = True
    if len(frnd.name)>0 and 12<frnd.age<50 and frnd.rating > spy.rating:
        #  adding the details in the respective lists
        with open('friend.csv','ab')as friend_data:
        writer = csv.writer(friend_data)
        print "Your frnd is added"
        friends.append(frnd)  #  appending friend details in friend list
        print "The friend cannot be added "
    return len(friends)  #  retuning length of list friend_name
Пример #2
def add_friend():  #ADD FRIEND
    frnd = Spy(" ", " ", 0, 0.0)

    frnd.Name = raw_input("What is your name ? ")
    frnd.sal = raw_input("What should we call u ? ")
    frnd.Age = input("What is your age? ")
    frnd.Rating = input("What is your rating? ")
    frnd.is_online = True

    if len(frnd.Name) > 2 and 12 < (frnd.Age) < 50 and (frnd.Rating):

        with open('friends.csv', 'a') as friends_data:
            writer = csv.writer(friends_data)
                [spy.name, spy.saluation, spy.rating, spy.age, spy.is_online])

        print "Friend cannot be added"
        return len(friends)